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Post by koan »

Here's your chance to have your say with no reprisal (... unless you're posting from work and they track your activity)

Here's my assessment. I really like the owner of the company I work for and think it's a damn shame he's not there to see how his managers are running it on a day to day basis. Of the four managers, three of them make me want to quit on a regular basis. I mean, they make me want to walk out the door with no notice.

I have no idea how I've stayed there so long except that I'm learning a lot of valuable information from my co-workers and I have valued the knowledge enough to stay for the time I've been there. Some of my co-workers, who have been there significantly longer, actively encourage me to leave because they like me.

The managers are complete control freaks. Initiative is discouraged and punished when it occurs.

These managers have been running the place for 20 years and they don't want anything to change. The best change I can think of for the place is to scrap the whole management team. I caught software errors that were costing the company thousands of dollars and they've made my life hell ever since.
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Post by Odie »

koan;993499 wrote: Here's your chance to have your say with no reprisal (... unless you're posting from work and they track your activity)

Here's my assessment. I really like the owner of the company I work for and think it's a damn shame he's not there to see how his managers are running it on a day to day basis. Of the four managers, three of them make me want to quit on a regular basis. I mean, they make me want to walk out the door with no notice.

I have no idea how I've stayed there so long except that I'm learning a lot of valuable information from my co-workers and I have valued the knowledge enough to stay for the time I've been there. Some of my co-workers, who have been there significantly longer, actively encourage me to leave because they like me.

The managers are complete control freaks. Initiative is discouraged and punished when it occurs.

These managers have been running the place for 20 years and they don't want anything to change. The best change I can think of for the place is to scrap the whole management team. I caught software errors that were costing the company thousands of dollars and they've made my life hell ever since.

Your co-workers actively encourage you to leave because they like you?
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Post by Odie »

I have found that most bosses are real back-stabbers or they just do not care about there employees to listen to anything.
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Post by koan »

Odie;993500 wrote: Your co-workers actively encourage you to leave because they like you?

Yep. As close as I can remember, the last convo about it consisted of a woman offering suggestions as to what else I could do. When I asked why she didn't think I was happy now she implored me to look at what her life was like and consider whether I wanted to end up like her. :wah:

I actually think she's a lovely woman.
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Post by Peg »

Since I work for a VFW, my boss can change yearly. My first boss, I cannot say enough nice about the man. He was an absolutely wonderful boss, and friend. He passed away and is truly missed. My second boss, I like as a person, but as a boss he sucked. Show him your boobs, and you didn't have to do anything. I don't play those games so we butted heads more than a few times. In fact, I even suggested to him that he think with the head on his shoulders and not the one in his pants. :wah: My third boss, in the five years I've been there, is my husband. Thank God I'm there to keep him straight. :thinking: :wah:
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Post by Odie »

koan;993503 wrote: Yep. As close as I can remember, the last convo about it consisted of a woman offering suggestions as to what else I could do. When I asked why she didn't think I was happy now she implored me to look at what her life was like and consider whether I wanted to end up like her. :wah:

I actually think she's a lovely woman.

Sounds to me that she just wants you have a have a better life than hers there!

she does sound lovely and caring!

Can you handle the other management, or do you want a change?
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Post by Odie »

Peg;993507 wrote: Since I work for a VFW, my boss can change yearly. My first boss, I cannot say enough nice about the man. He was an absolutely wonderful boss, and friend. He passed away and is truly missed. My second boss, I like as a person, but as a boss he sucked. Show him your boobs, and you didn't have to do anything. I don't play those games so we butted heads more than a few times. In fact, I even suggested to him that he think with the head on his shoulders and not the one in his pants. :wah: My third boss, in the five years I've been there, is my husband. Thank God I'm there to keep him straight. :thinking: :wah:

ahhhh cute story Peg!
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Post by koan »

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, Peg. :D

I know what you mean about the second boss. The film industry was fraught with that crap.

the other side of this thread is for members of FG who are the boss. Do they think their employees like them? do they care?
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Post by Odie »

When I was a manager of Mc'Donalds for 7 years, I really went out of my way to make the employees happy, nice sayings, nice greetings everyday, and I would make a point of always said, great job, well done....................I always emphasize on showing everyone recongition, this you do not see now a days.

I would take time out of my day to say, go have a cold drink, you have worked hard.

I would take over their till for them.

- just little things everyone needs after a madness of a rush there!..........and you were so hot!

I also pitched in and helped on the busy times.

I believe as a manager, everything is team work, not just the employees doing the crap stuff, even went out and did lot checks, and emptying gargage bins...........washing floors, changing garbages in the lobby and clearing tables.

I also brought treats in on every occasion, easter, etc.

I cared and respected them all, they worked hard and for that, I helped them!

and if there needed anything to be brought up about their behavior.............it was done nicely and with the utmost respect.

to bad employers now feel if its your job...........'I am not doing it, its beneath me!

You as an employer have to pay respect, its a two-way street.

This is where I learned about team work and how important it is, employers especially!
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Post by koan »

The managers where I work don't have the "beneath me" attitude they have the "cover thy ass" attitude. Every day is all about making sure they can blame someone else if there is an error. They point out every little mistake, including not catching their mistakes... which, until recently, I wasn't aware was part of my job.

They are also all about making sure that they are the star of the show. Anything that takes away from their spotlight is sinful and will be punished immediately and for at least a week. Any talking to other employees will be seen as conspiratory.

... want to make sure that I get a bunch of bitching out of the way all at once here.

We had one employee who's partner died and when she asked for the day off to go to his funeral they said "we'll see."
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Post by Peg »

koan;993538 wrote:

We had one employee who's partner died and when she asked for the day off to go to his funeral they said "we'll see."

"We'll see"? :confused:

I worked with a lady in a pizza shop one time. Her daughter wrecked her bicycle and knocked out her front tooth. They didn't know if she had any other injuries. They wouldn't let her go to the emergency room with her daughter. I told them that if anything ever happened to one of my children, not to make the mistake of thinking I'd stay. I said, "I'd be going to the hospital tonight, and job hunting tomorrow. My family comes first and if that's a problem, let me know right now." It wasn't a problem. :wah:
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Post by weeder »

These are some of the reasons ( written by all of you, above) that nearly 16 years ago... I walked off my last job, and swore Id never work for anyone again. Even if I had to face poverty. 1992 found me totally committed to managing a big flower operation, for a total psycho. 6, 7 days a week. 14 hours a day. Great money. When my sister died, I took half a day off to sit in the funeral home with my family. She was being cremated. I walked away, and left my family standing in the parking lot, to go back to the job. Never again. That was when my motto became. I work to live, not live to work.

Ive experienced employers that are so awful to their help, that it is a wonder they can keep anyone working at all. Being an employer, or owner is such a wonderful opportunity to create a pleasant respectful work enviornment. But many turn it into a nightmare. Power plays, degregation, humiliation, and hostility are tactics that make me physically ill, in a very short amount of time. Even when I am not the target. I cant stand to watch co workers be treated this way. And so, I stay away.
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Post by koan »

I'm like that too, weeder.

I get into a lot of trouble standing up for other people.

I couldn't figure out why the woman asked to have the day off for the funeral instead of just telling them that she was taking the day off. Then I realised that it's part of what goes on there. The develop that control over the employees, who do resent them for it. I've not been there long enough, nor am I committed enough to feel like I need their approval to deal with emergencies. Like Peg, I'd just look for another job the next day.

I've been self employed for most of my working life. This is a foray I took into the normal life of an employee with the idea that I could take a break from having to secure contract after contract. I'm not finding it to be an enjoyable break.

This place never takes their advertisement out of the employment pages. The record so far is one guy who worked 2.25 hours then said he was off to the bathroom, grabbed his backpack and left the job instead.
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Post by along-for-the-ride »

I've had the same boss since I have been in the Personnel Office. I have noticed that he is fair and tactful, but doesn't like an employee to "rock the boat". And as far as the behavior of the "diva" who used to work in the office, he was blind to her faults and flattered by her attention. I see him as a human being with faults. But.............he is my boss and seems to appreciate my job performance.
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Post by weeder »

Ive tried to take or look for " Regular Jobs " to escape living on The Edge. Always praying that the next big job will magically appear. And wanting my family to think that I am responsible, and normal. But I have pretty much come to the conclusion that I am virtually unemployable. Once youve tasted the freedom that living on the edge of total ruin provides, and the thrill... its impossible to go back. Ive lost many a job rallying the employees to have some self respect, and trying them to conquer fear. Word quickly gets around that I am an agitator. Morale always improves, but the employers quickly hate me. Hahahahaha Koan, you wont be in the harness for long. Once your mind is set free, its absolutely unnatural to try to live any other way.
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Post by koan »


I had a pretty good day at work today and even started thinking I could put up with the pettiness if I control my responses and just ignore stuff. Then... the last 10 minutes of the day, one of the managers picked a fight with me over the stupidest little thing, for entirely personal reasons, nothing to do with the actual job or workplace... just to be a bitch. Hope it was worth it. I'm looking for a new job tomorrow.

They just can't keep employees and no one seems to care why.
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Post by Odie »

koan;994849 wrote: OK.

I had a pretty good day at work today and even started thinking I could put up with the pettiness if I control my responses and just ignore stuff. Then... the last 10 minutes of the day, one of the managers picked a fight with me over the stupidest little thing, for entirely personal reasons, nothing to do with the actual job or workplace... just to be a bitch. Hope it was worth it. I'm looking for a new job tomorrow.

They just can't keep employees and no one seems to care why.

I don't blame you, I left two jobs because of being picked on, blaming me for things.....I hadn't done......just not worth the stress.

Actually one day, I had packed up my stuff, and walked right out, left a voicemail for el presidenta!

oh and mom's the word at work, when employers find out your looking..........they fire you!
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Post by koan »

I've been 'sort of' looking for other work for about a month now but it's hard to take it seriously when still employed. There's no rush, no hunger. I'm hoping that writing it here will push me to just do it and get the hell out of that hole.

I could find a job in a day if I just wanted anything. I was trying to take my time and make sure I got a great job not just anything. At this point I want out of that pit more than I care what I do next. I don't take well to coming home mad about my job unless they pay me enough to spend my spare time thinking about them.
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Post by Odie »

koan;994855 wrote: I've been 'sort of' looking for other work for about a month now but it's hard to take it seriously when still employed. There's no rush, no hunger. I'm hoping that writing it here will push me to just do it and get the hell out of that hole.

I could find a job in a day if I just wanted anything. I was trying to take my time and make sure I got a great job not just anything. At this point I want out of that pit more than I care what I do next. I don't take well to coming home mad about my job unless they pay me enough to spend my spare time thinking about them.

take your time hun................it will come for you, like your lady friend said, she wants you to have a better life than she had there.

Not saying the grass is always greener on the other side, and they treat new employees really nice..............

It is very hard to look while at work, need some good sites?

try craiglists...........its awesome!
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Post by minks »

My boss is a wimp.

Gives into bully's and excessivly aggressive staff.

Doesn't like change, or confrontation or taking charge.

As a person my boss is very nice, kind, easy going, soft spoken and fair.

Real conflict eh.
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Post by Nomad »

Odie;993500 wrote: Your co-workers actively encourage you to leave because they like you?

You should be a reporter. Youre always asking the tough questions. :wah:
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Post by Odie »

Nomad;995011 wrote: You should be a reporter. Youre always asking the tough questions. :wah:

FBI Agent Odie!:wah:
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Post by Odie »

Hoss;998180 wrote: LOL. My 'boss' is my dad!:wah:

I have to give this some thought.

taking way to long here!:wah:
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Post by Odie »

Hoss;999096 wrote: :wah:

Ok I would give my boss a 10/10. How many bosses leave the country and let their 18 year old son run the company? Not many. Maybe not many in their right mind! LOL.

Maybe I'll knock off 1/2 point for being way to perfectly organized, that’s hard to follow up after. So he gets a 9 1/2 out of 10.

all for the love of his dad!

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Post by Odie »

Hoss;999105 wrote: If you're not counting customers then my dad has been my only 'boss'. I don't have a lot to compare to.

wait until your your own boss, sweet!:guitarist
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