Start Packing Sarah

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Start Packing Sarah

Post by DrJ »

What has happened to Christian voting blocks?

What has happened to the Christian religion?

Why Sarah Palin?

My problem with right wing Christians is not with who they choose to vote for,, but the way they go about trying to convince others to dive into the same delusion, as if all other choices are somehow un-American,, communist, socialistic and aren't good enough to be called American.. Jesus who?:thinking:

I mean if there was any better reason to re-vamp the entire American educational system,, I can't think of it..:-5

I believe this new Christianity borderline cult has negated any form of American education taught them..:-5

People! My God, we can do so much better!

Jesus wasn't a politician,, the idea wasn't that the son of God chose you,, it was that you choose him with free will.

Free will,, is the idea, a choice between you and God only, a personal choice, "free will" the supreme court is beneath it,,,, or it supposed to be if you believe.

The church stains this relationship by involving itself in elections, by attempting to manipulate the vote. My opinion:-6

McCain/Palin?,, and for that matter,, Bush/Cheney?

I believe McCain is as much a victim of the republican base, as America was a victim of the failed Bush/Cheney administration,, who stopped caring about the republican base on election day 04... maybe McCain should have thought about that as well, only before picking Sarah "the whack job" Palin...

This isn't the America I learned about growing up, where we were taught when we were kids, how tolerance for other beliefs was a virtue, and I'm wondering when did this all change.. Or if it changed at all, that maybe when I was young, and never knew to understand we had to pay that close attention, could it have been the same as I view it now,, and I was merely unaware,, and Americans have truly always been taken advantage of by corporate bought politicians, who the most naive voting blocks in America chose in elections,, to send to Washington...

This brings up so many questions in my mind about this country, where one religious belief dominates how or why we vote for whom-ever, or why this one belief feels the need to manipulate the voters in a country claiming freedom to worship any GOD you claim as your own.

Politics + religion= No Freedom

Why do they go to such extremes to campaign negatively towards candidates they judge inappropiate?

It's as if these religious entities have corporate agendas of their own,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, does it not?

The senator from Alaska, is the one republican example that makes me wonder if abortion is truly the only reason the Christian right insists on Republican conservatives,, whether they are experienced or not,,, criminal or not..

I don't think we can demonize the entire republican party because of a few criminals within, but how do we justify demonizing an entire religion for 9/11...?

So if corporations could lobby the American Government,, couldn't they lobby Christian evangelist, the same way, big donations, big houses, nice cars, $5000 grills?

Manipulation can happen anywhere, whether in politics or even in religions, by making offers to mega churches to encourage the congregation to vote a certain way.. Hate a certain way,,,,Could it be?

The rich have always manipulated the poor...:sneaky:

I mean whose idea was it to take advantage of the fear in the hearts of good, but very naive Americans, with strategies that demonize a belief system of billions of innocent people through the actions of a few?

the religion of Islam has taken quite a bump,, in the minds of Americans, in this so called "war on terror" don't you think?

I believe Hitler and the Nazis were Christians,,

Christianity didn't take it on the chin for that did they?

How much lobbying do you think it takes for religious leaders to be convinced to manipulate the people who are looking to them for wisdom?

How hard would it be for a scholar to accept thousands to interpret scripture,,

this way, or that way?

I can only hope more Americans are taking a good look at how this 'war on terror' has been framed for the public eye, and how we have been talked into fearing a religion instead of just a group of criminals, and are we 100% sure these criminals weren't employed on 9/11 by these same corporations that have bought our politicians...

This election has taught me, that there will always be those included in an electorate, that will not seem to be making rational decisions in an election, nor will I understand the reasons they choose a candidate, because of the extreme positions a candidate has to take to get their votes isn't rational to me at all,, and this is where I find myself seeing the republican party,, who have been transformed by a base whom they reflect, as their supporters, who mostly are of a religious far right nature, in a far out universe all their own.

Sarah "the Diva" Palin was inflicted on John McCain by these religious zealots,,, and I believe if McCain had it to do over again, he would tell the Christian right of the republican party,,

to go get F@@ked!

I might not of voted for him anyway, but I would have at least respected him more,, because he sold his soul and lost the respect of many who admired the ole maverick.

Poor guy, done in by the republican base,,,,,,Christians:-5:yh_rotfl

She aint packed yet?



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Start Packing Sarah

Post by DrJ »

Accountable;1036145 wrote: :wah: At least you dropped this in the right thread.

Here' another one,,

fyi wrote: from an American "Super Hero"

I have frequently insisted I would never turn the platform of the Special Comment into a regular feature. But as these last two weeks of this extraordinary, and extraordinarily disturbing, presidential campaign project out in front of us, I fear I may have to temporarily amend that presumption.

I hope it will be otherwise, but I suspect this will be the first of nightly pieces, most shorter than this until further notice. And thus a Special Comment tonight about the last five days of the divisive, ugly, paranoid bleatings of this Presidential race, culminating in the sliming of Colin Powell for his endorsement of Sen. Obama.

There was once a very prominent sportswriter named Dick Young whose work, with ever-increasing frequency, became peppered with references to "my America."

"I can't believe this is happening in My America;" "We do not tolerate these people in My America;" "This man does not belong in my America." His America gradually revealed itself.

Insular. Isolationist. Backwards-looking. Mindlessly flag-waving. Racist. No second chances. A million rules, but only for the other guy. Dick Young died in 1987, but he has been re-born in the presidential campaign as it has unfolded since last Thursday night.

In that time, Gov. Sarah Palin, Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, McCain spokesperson Nancy Pfotenhauer, and Rush Limbaugh, have revealed that there is a measurable portion of this country that is not interested in that which the vast majority view as democracy or equality or opportunity. They want only control and they want the rest of us, symbolically, perhaps physically out.

Gov. Palin:

"We believe that the best of America is not all in Washington D.C.," you told a fund-raiser in North Carolina last Thursday, to kick off this orgy of condescending elitism.

"We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard working very patriotic, very pro-America areas of this great nation."

Governor, your prejudice is overwhelming. It is not just "pockets" of this country that are "pro-America" Governor. America is "pro-America. "And the "Real America" of yours, Governor, is where people at your rallies shout threats of violence, against other Americans, and you say nothing about them or to them.

What you are seeing is not patriotism, Governor. What has surrounded you since your nomination, has been the echoing shout of mob rule. Indeed, that shout has echoed to Minnesota, where the next day an unstable Congresswoman named Michele Bachmann added to the ugly cry.

"I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out, are they pro-America, or anti-America. I think people would love to see an expose' like that."

For nearly two years, Ms. Bachmann, who made her first political bones by keeping the movie "Aladdin" from being shown at a Minnesota Charter School because she thought it promoted paganism and witchcraft, has had a seat in the government of this nation, a seat from which she has spewed the most implausible, hateful, narrow-minded garbage imaginable.

Well, Congresswoman, you have gotten that "expose'" you wanted, have you not? Though not perhaps in the way you imagined.

Since giving voice to your remarkable delusion that there are members of Congress who are "anti-America," and the extraordinary tap-dance of sleaze and innuendo about Sen. Obama which followed, the challenger for your house Seat, Elwyn Tinklenberg, has been inundated by donations - $700,000 in the three days after you spoke.

Because the America you perceive, Congresswoman with its goblins and ghosts and vast unseen hordes of traitors and fellow travelers and Senators who won't ban "Aladdin" exists only in your head, and in the heads of the others who must rationalize the failures in their own lives and of their own policies as somebody else's fault as a conspiracy to deny them an America of exclusionism and religious orthodoxy and prejudice, about which they must accuse, and murmur, and shout threats, and cleave the nation into pro-America and anti-America."

And back it comes to the McCain campaign.

And Sen. McCain's talking head, Ms. Pfotenhauer, who on this very network Saturday, and seemingly without the slightest idea that dismissive prejudice dripped from every word, analyzed the race in Virginia.

"I can tell you that the Democrats have just come in from the District of Columbia and moved into northern Virginia," she said. "But the rest of the state, 'real Virginia,' if you will, I think will be very responsive to Sen. McCain's message."

Again, a toxic message. The parts of the country that agree with Nancy Pfotenhauer are real; the others, not. Ms. Pfotenhauer, why not go the distance on this one? It was Sen. McCain's own brother who called that part of Virginia nearest Washington "communist country."

Cut to the chase, Madam. No matter the intended comic hyperbole of Joe McCain. This is the point-isn't it? Leave out the real meaning of "Communism," Madam, Joe McCain reduced it to a buzz-word; it has no more true definition right now than does "Socialism," or the phrase "a man who sees America like you and I see America."

It's about us and them. The pro and the anti. Never mind, Madam, that the bi-secting of this country you would happily inspire, means taking a tiny crack in a dam and not repairing it but burrowing into it.

It is not enough that Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama might differ. One must be real and the other false. One must be pro-America and the other anti. Go back and, as your boss Rick Davis said today, "re-think," Mr. McCain's insistence not to drag the sorry bones of Jeremiah Wright into this campaign. And whatever you do, Ms. Pfotenhauer, allow no one enough time to think about the widening crack in the dam.

And now all of this comes together to attack Colin Powell. "Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race," writes Rush Limbaugh, the grand wizard of this school of reactionary non-thought.

"OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with." It is not conceivable that Powell might reject McCain for the politics of hate and character assassination, or just for policy.

In the closed, sweaty world of the blind allegiances of Limbaugh, one of "us" who endorses one of "them," must be doing so for some other blind allegiance, like the color of skin.

The answer to this primordial muck, must be addressed to one man only. Sen. McCain, where are you? I disagree with you on virtually every major point of policy and practice. And yet I do not think you "anti-America." I would not hesitate to join you in time of crisis in defense of this country. Fortunately you did not echo this chorus of base hatred. But neither have you repudiated it.

What is "pro-America", Senator? Is it pro-America to call a man a racist because he endorses a different candidate? Senator, you have based your campaign on many premises, but the foremost (and the most nearly admirable) of all of them, have been the pitches about "reaching across the aisle," and putting, as your ubiquitous banners reed, "country first."

So when Colin Powell endorses your opponent, you say nothing as your supporters and proxies paint him in this "Anti-America" frame and place him in Gov. Palin's un-real America. Sen. McCain, did not Gen. Powell just "reach across the aisle?" Did he not, in his own mind at least, "put country first?" Is it not your responsibility, Senator, to, if not applaud, then at least quiet those in your half of our fractured political equation?

Is it not your responsibility, Senator, to say "enough" to Republican smears without end? Is it not your responsibility, Senator, to insist that, win or lose, you will not be party to a campaign that devolves into hatred and prejudice and divisiveness? And Sen. McCain, if it is not your responsibility, whose is it?

The anti American rhetoric comes from the right only,, thats why they must be the first run out of government..........:guitarist:sneaky:
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Post by BTS »

DrJ;1038953 wrote: Here' another one,,

The anti American rhetoric comes from the right only,, thats why they must be the first run out of government..........:guitarist:sneaky:

Sad that you were too chicken little to admit who wrote the hit piece......

One of the most Anti Americans on the airwaves today.

Shame on you.

Olbermann: Divisive politics is anti-American - Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Both sides are guilty but I do believe the Left wingers have the Anti American rhetoric sewn up in the bag...Hans down!!
"If America Was A Tree, The Left Would Root For The Termites...Greg Gutfeld."
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Post by DrJ »

BTS;1042436 wrote: Sad that you were too chicken little to admit who wrote the hit piece......

One of the most Anti Americans on the airwaves today.

Shame on you.

Olbermann: Divisive politics is anti-American - Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Both sides are guilty but I do believe the Left wingers have the Anti American rhetoric sewn up in the bag...Hans down!!

and by Hoss,,

I watched Olberman and then Maddow on MSNBC. What hateful spite they spew, they can't even be neutral. Not even close. Both were hateful of anything American except their own freedom of speech, but want to shut the mouths of everyone who disagrees with them.

the right have been playing this game for a long long time,, the fact conservatives

are crying about this type rhetoric shows how new this concept is of the rest of Americans speaking up and fighting back,, I'm sure a lot of people in this world are feeling better about America that the right are no longer dominating the airwaves with negative attacks from conservative American ideas,, its really a relief to finally have a media outlet that doesn't mind showing the comedic and delusional side of America's conservative argument... that the american people have more to offer the world than the narrow minded incomplete right wing version..

Keith Olberman is a "media super hero" to a lot of Americans, and the ratings are showing it,,,, to OOOOOOOOOreally's shagrin...:thinking:

What the results will be of it all, is we will finally rid American politics of the conservative divisive rhetoric that brought us idiots like Bush/rove/Cheney which paved the way for the popularity for an Obama idea of,, "tax breaks" for the poor and middle class which will make a majority of Americans happier and therefore more united... Why would American not want all Americans a better share of the massive wealth in this country? its 80/20 now,, how bout 70/30,, huh?

Look,, I like this forum and all who challenge my view so try not to take this personal,, but my family is of the 527's and their religious views have warped their thinking, so here's an example some divisive back and forth emailin coming to me, and why the hopeless reason negative responses are all any can give back to such ignorance..,,

they are in the sad Marxist phase of attack now,,

there new argument to not vote for tax breaks for the poor and middle class...

Note; this republican sent the message thru one of my relatives on my email list.

these kind of people are the cowardice type that can't face an opposing view,,,

neo con wrote:

send this to drj,,, Obama is an un american who like Rev Wright finds fault with the American way,,,and is associated with Acorn who registers too many poor people..

The American neo con Nazi republican party takes its true negatives and attaches them to the left,, and pray that the politically narrow minded right wing voter is too lazy to investigate such a statement,,

neo con wrote:

Karl Marx was a German philosopher of the middle 1800s who believed that

property should be communal, that the money and labor of everyone should be

thrown into one government-controlled pot and then passed back out to people

based on their need.
Sarah Palin is a religious,, wait a sec,,, pretend to be religious right wing karl marx,,, she believes that property(oil) should be communal, that money and labor of everyone should be thrown into one government controlled pot,,, and passed back to Alaskians,, each according to his/her needs...

Now ,, pass this back to the coward republican that sent it to you and tell him/her to explain it in neo con Nazi terms....To you and all the other blind,, head up a$$, type conservative voters...

And while you at it ask Him/her,,

Why giving the tax breaks to the very rich at the cost of the very poor is considered-~~~~the American Way,

And giving the tax breaks to the poor and middle class at the cost of the very selfish and Godless greedy rich is being considered in the neo con nazi voters mind;



Now you tell me,, which side do you believe here?

America needs to include more people in the economy that has been geared for the very well off for to long,, and the thing i dont understand is why would anyone with any kind of patriotic view of this country would think fighting this idea is a pro American way of thinking?

We are all Americans,, Rich, poor, and middle class...

The trickle down has gotten us here,, its time to try something different,, if it don't work we'll chang e again,, as Americans,, not left/right,, not repub/dems,,


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Post by DrJ »

A message from President Barrack Obama,:-6

We are going to fix this country, and all who contribute to bringing people together will share in the world economy, wages and benefits shall be lifted out of poverty levels,, everyone who will help build a more united America, where we stand as one against all foes, foreign and domestic,, who dare try and take your right to the American dream,,,,

Come join with me as we knock all hurdles between you and the road out of poverty,, I am asking for America's help in lifting the less fortunate out of an unfair top/down economy that is geared for the greedy, who by the way approve of this message.. :-3:-2

They have chosen to stay and help Americans climb out of the depths of an unfair economy by giving out good paying jobs with top shelf benefits,, and the people of America owe them a great deal of gratitude...:-4

We will work hard to make the companies who wish to assist in a united America where all will make enough to take care of their families and profit margins will be adjusted to accommodate a more just wage that reflects the commitment a person devotes to a business and everyone enjoys the entitlement of a complete annual physical and affordable healthcare who pay according to their ability, and price gouging by doctors comes to a complete and utter halt..:-5

As for those that choose to leave America,,, a freeze on all properties and assets will be invoked until we can escort them to the Mexican border,,, and putting the new American made boot to them,, with a notice,,that expresses our deepest regret,,,




Oh my God,,, I gotta dream!

so sorry!:-2
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Post by Galbally »

yaaarrrgg;967449 wrote: McCain might have done just as well to have picked a guy named "Hillary." I think this was an incredibly dumb move. If anything, it's insulting to the Hillary supporters that McCain is hoping to woo. Palin is just being used in the same manner that Dan Quayle was used ... she was picked just to sweeten the ticket for the election, not for running the country.

ETA: what's disturbing to wonder, is how many more people like Palin is McCain going to hire? He only met her once! I can't imagine a more reckless gamble.

You met Sarah Palin? What she like then? She kinda frightens the bejaysus out of me, well the idea that she might end up as the second citizen of the American Republic does anyway.

Some kinda slightly nutty political commentator guy from America was on the radio in Ireland saying (well shouting) down the phone that she would make a great leader as she is able to "field dress" a Moose. The Irish presenter asked what that meant as we don't have Moose (or Amero-cows as we call them), and when told, he asked what being able to gut and skin an animal had to do with being one of the leaders of the country?, (or any other country). The American commentator guy told him to shut up because he didn't understand "what real leadership is all about...godammit".

Erm? :thinking:
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Start Packing Sarah

Post by DrJ »

Galbally;1045568 wrote: You met Sarah Palin? What she like then? She kinda frightens the bejaysus out of me, well the idea that she might end up as the second citizen of the American Republic does anyway.

Some kinda slightly nutty political commentator guy from America was on the radio in Ireland saying (well shouting) down the phone that she would make a great leader as she is able to "field dress" a Moose. The Irish presenter asked what that meant as we don't have Moose (or Amero-cows as we call them), and when told, he asked what being able to gut and skin an animal had to do with being one of the leaders of the country?, (or any other country). The American commentator guy told him to shut up because he didn't understand "what real leadership is all about...godammit".

Erm? :thinking:

I think that's the reality that drove me crazy,, that her choice made since to a good amount of people,,, now that it's all over I am relieved but regretful in the way I believed,, the only way to defeat negativity was to answer it...

Do You believe?

I have to admit to everyone,,, the most glaring feelings in my mind after the reality set in was of regret, that the polarizing politics of the right pulled me into a "dumb down" type frame of mind that would think the ignorance of the American political scene wasn't as much in my corner as it was in theirs, that maybe I was no different than Bush/Rove type voters/politicians that realized success for Republicans was hinged on the level of divisions in America....

I am more thankful for America's experience with the "red/blue" Bush/Cheney era, hopefully it is the lesson needed for those whose feet remain cemented into any one ideology, or philosophy, in a very diverse nation America has obviously become....

Obama Nation, right or wrong, was inevitable and every far right American voter can claim just as much credit for it as anybody in this country....

I am sorry I am just now seeing this obvious truth, although I am not sorry about the way it was revealed to me...

God works in mysterious ways,,, I'm very thankful...

I have learned amazingly enough that the reality of a President Barrack [whose sane] Obama was the most sane choice America could make because he was right, right not to be pulled in,,, by the baseless attacks from the right, and that the fear tactics could be out maneuvered instead of answered...

I am thankful finally to have a leader that has risen above the stupidity of division..

I am thankful finally in America to think maybe I/we have a leader a bit more intelligent than the intollerent childish bully dictator that demands loyalty more so than honest common sense ideas that include everyone..

Finally I can believe right/wrong,,

America has a leader smarter than me....

I regret my negative thoughts aimed at all conservatives, but I don't think McCain would have been the fine tuning needed as most conservatives seemed to believe,, just because of the way McCain let the base shape him, instead of an Obama way of thinking,, that maybe the idea and apparent reason for his success, of shaping the base.

The question now is can we face the mistakes of the past, and create a better future at the same time,,

I'm only catchin' one melody on it,, and it has been like the truth always is,,,always there,,,,waiting for us all...

Yes we can!!!

Yes we can!!!

Yes we can!!!

Yes we can!!!

Yes we can!!!

We'll see!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, said the Old Zen Buddist


This election has been the experience of a lifetime,,,

Thank you Mr President...
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Post by spot »

I found this clip of Ms Palin failing somehow to grasp the essential heart of the Pardon concept, I wasn't sure where to post it.

My goodness she does go on...

It was under "Top 10 Awkward Moments of 2008", next to "Plaxico's off-the-field injury" and "Aerial duo parachute into wrong stadium".
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1095140 wrote: I found this clip of Ms Palin failing somehow to grasp the essential heart of the Pardon concept, I wasn't sure where to post it.

YouTube - Watch The Unblurred Palin Turkey 'Pardon' With Keith O.

My goodness she does go on...

YouTube - Sarah Palin Turkey Pardoning Gaffe Top 10 Excuses - Letterman - 11-24-2008

It was under "Top 10 Awkward Moments of 2008", next to "Plaxico's off-the-field injury" and "Aerial duo parachute into wrong stadium".

I watched the first half of a prog last night about a poll of the most annoying people of the year.

At the end they showed the candidates for the last 20 to be shown this week.

Sarah Palin

Barack Obama

John McCain

etc etc Biden wasn't there

but they did pay rayher a lot of attention to George Dubya Bush. My money is on him getting the crown.
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Post by DrJ »

spot;1095140 wrote: I found this clip of Ms Palin failing somehow to grasp the essential heart of the Pardon concept, I wasn't sure where to post it.

YouTube - Watch The Unblurred Palin Turkey 'Pardon' With Keith O.

My goodness she does go on...

YouTube - Sarah Palin Turkey Pardoning Gaffe Top 10 Excuses - Letterman - 11-24-2008

It was under "Top 10 Awkward Moments of 2008", next to "Plaxico's off-the-field injury" and "Aerial duo parachute into wrong stadium".

Elections over,,,honesty,,,,,,,I don't know Obama,,,,,personally,, he represented honesty to me..

Clinton represented what I thought was a right wing pro choice,, candidate,, a republicrat...........

I respected republicans,, who stuck with the weakened right, even when it wasn't cool.

Conservative Republican~intelligent version-economically driven, as opposed to religiously moved, I'm not sure where to put Sarah in on that one.

Basically the democrats worst nightmare,, whose only weakness was the fear card. In my view.. as it was an obviously used up strategy.

I have to admit moments during the campaign,, being from the south myself,, I had my doubts. I knew if mccain won, or thought I knew,, America was going to darken on my side of the earth,, being a union man from main st.

My mistake was being motivated by what I perceived as a lack of honesty by the Administration and, a lack of integrity of the Republican party's strategy to win elections.. I actually felt like the republican Party was knowingly exploiting the peoples limited political understanding..

Robbing the American people blind,, and wasn't about to stop while everyone was just going on their merry way. I really felt like I bought into the negativity of the republican stategy and merely voiced it from a democratric perspective, I basicallay felt right but could have went about it better.

I feel for George Bush, seems to me he's bought a bunch of stock, and now is finding them worthless,,and impossible to sell.. Really ironic when you think about all them worthless mortgages that were given false ratings and sold to investors who didn't do they're homework and bought blindly,, about like Bush buying everything Cheney wanted..

Obama's intelligence,, I felt was head and shoulders above every other candidate,, which is the only thing that gives me pause,, because I'm suspicious of anything that smooth..

It all seemed to fall right together till the left over reacted to Sarah.........

All I can say about Obama,, is there were ingredients in his persona that were missing the last eight years.

The people naturally gravitated to them. I believe if he'd a been republican, he'd would of still won.

Now that does scare me to death. Here comes Jeb! God help us!


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Post by mikeinie »



That is very funny, even Saturday Night Live couldn’t top that one.

One thing I will say about her, she never asked for any of this. It was not like she was an ambitious politician fighting her way into the Whitehouse. She was a small time politician brought into the limelight by the by the political machine who thought that with the defeat of Hillary they could fill the gap and win, and it almost worked.

This was just a woman with relatively little political experience thrown in way over her head.

But God is she ever entertaining.
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Post by spot »

Me, I like women who are at least capable of shutting up on occasion.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Oscar Namechange
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

mikeinie;1095275 wrote: :yh_rotfl


That is very funny, even Saturday Night Live couldn’t top that one.

One thing I will say about her, she never asked for any of this. It was not like she was an ambitious politician fighting her way into the Whitehouse. She was a small time politician brought into the limelight by the by the political machine who thought that with the defeat of Hillary they could fill the gap and win, and it almost worked.

This was just a woman with relatively little political experience thrown in way over her head.

But God is she ever entertaining.

I agree with you and i must say that toward the end, i felt a little sorry for her. She wasn't exactly very bright and the worlds press hacked her to piece's. However the thought of a successful McCain dying in office and Palin taking over was just too horrific to even think of.

God, i thought i could talk for England.
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Post by qsducks »

Accountable;1036145 wrote: :wah: At least you dropped this in the right thread.

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