It's the last day of term!

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It's the last day of term!

Post by Rapunzel »

Well today was the last day of term! Wayhay! 7 of us left today. 4 retired and 3 are moving on to new jobs. We were all given a beautiful huge bouquet of flowers each ... and every bouquet was different. Mine was full of beautiful lilac and purple flowers and bright pink and pale pink flowers. They are gorgeous! I had some lovely presents and cards from the children and beautiful cards and presents for the staff.

One member of staff is moving from the room for autistic children down to a Reception/ Year 1 class. One of her colleagues from the autistic room heard that I write poetry and asked me to write a poem for her. For a laugh I wrote her a funny song ... and all the people from the autistic room stood up and sang it after lunch. (We had an 'American lunch' where everyone brings a plate of food and we all sit and eat a buffet lunch together). Everyone thought it was really funny and were amazed to find I'd written it! (Not sure if that's a compliment or not! :wah: ) One friend said I should write the comments inside Hallmark cards. She said thoughtfully "You could write 'sorry to hear you're leaving...' and I replied "now bugger off and don't come back!" :wah::wah:

It was a brilliant afternoon. I should be feeling sad that I'm leaving but I'm not really, but I think that's because my friends and I are all getting together during the summer holidays, we've got several things planned. So I'll still be seeing them, which will be lovely! Also, I found out today that one little girl I know is moving house over the holidays and will be starting at my new school in September! So there will be one friendly face that I know! :-4

I'm kind of excited about my new job, but kinda nervous too! I hope I don't bugger it up! Although thats kind of a big hope as I usually either put my foot in it or get klutzy and drop things...or both! :wah:

I'm looking forward to the summer holidays and to relaxing. It's been manic lately. My house is a tip and the laundry and dishes are starting to pile up! :eek: I've shown the kids how to work the dishwasher .....but! :-5 :rolleyes:

Hope you all have a great holiday too! :-6 6 weeks hols - here I come! :D
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Betty Boop
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It's the last day of term!

Post by Betty Boop »

We broke up today too, my son's last day at his primary so very mixed bitter sweet feelings after the year I've had with him there!

The year six children all came out in floods of tears and the parents weren't much better :wah:

Good luck with your new job Rap, you'll be fine :-6
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It's the last day of term!

Post by pinkchick »

Rapunzel;1219727 wrote: Well today was the last day of term! Wayhay! 7 of us left today. 4 retired and 3 are moving on to new jobs. We were all given a beautiful huge bouquet of flowers each ... and every bouquet was different. Mine was full of beautiful lilac and purple flowers and bright pink and pale pink flowers. They are gorgeous! I had some lovely presents and cards from the children and beautiful cards and presents for the staff.

One member of staff is moving from the room for autistic children down to a Reception/ Year 1 class. One of her colleagues from the autistic room heard that I write poetry and asked me to write a poem for her. For a laugh I wrote her a funny song ... and all the people from the autistic room stood up and sang it after lunch. (We had an 'American lunch' where everyone brings a plate of food and we all sit and eat a buffet lunch together). Everyone thought it was really funny and were amazed to find I'd written it! (Not sure if that's a compliment or not! :wah: ) One friend said I should write the comments inside Hallmark cards. She said thoughtfully "You could write 'sorry to hear you're leaving...' and I replied "now bugger off and don't come back!" :wah::wah:

It was a brilliant afternoon. I should be feeling sad that I'm leaving but I'm not really, but I think that's because my friends and I are all getting together during the summer holidays, we've got several things planned. So I'll still be seeing them, which will be lovely! Also, I found out today that one little girl I know is moving house over the holidays and will be starting at my new school in September! So there will be one friendly face that I know! :-4

I'm kind of excited about my new job, but kinda nervous too! I hope I don't bugger it up! Although thats kind of a big hope as I usually either put my foot in it or get klutzy and drop things...or both! :wah:

I'm looking forward to the summer holidays and to relaxing. It's been manic lately. My house is a tip and the laundry and dishes are starting to pile up! :eek: I've shown the kids how to work the dishwasher .....but! :-5 :rolleyes:

Hope you all have a great holiday too! :-6 6 weeks hols - here I come! :D

Oh it sounds like you've had a lovely day sweetie. Have a fantastic summer break and look forward to a new beginning in September :-6:-4:-4
Very nearly perfect ... :D
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It's the last day of term!

Post by Rapunzel »

Betty Boop;1219732 wrote: We broke up today too, my son's last day at his primary so very mixed bitter sweet feelings after the year I've had with him there!

The year six children all came out in floods of tears and the parents weren't much better :wah:

Good luck with your new job Rap, you'll be fine :-6

I know! The last day is always SO hard - especially on the Year 6 leavers! We had a beautiful assembly in our local church this morning. The headmistress expected a few Year 6 parents to turn up but LOADS of parents turned up! The place was packed to the rafters! Each year group took turns demonstrating things they had learned this year. Our Year 2's had got some caterpillars which we had watched grow and turn into chrysalises (chrysali?) and then released as butterflies. Then we took them on a mini-beast hunt looking for spiders and bugs, caterpillars and crawlies, ants and tadpoles, moths and butterflies, bees and beetles, centipedes and millipedes, slugs and snails and earwigs, etc.

So we taught them a song about minibeasts, which they sang beautifully.

If I were a minibeast, I wonder what I’d choose to be?

A spider in a web? Or a cricket in a hedge?

Maybe……let me see

if I were a minibeast, I wonder what I’d choose to be?

A ladybird with spots? Or a centipede with lots of legs?


Would I like to jump? Would I like to swim?

Would I rather crawl, or fly with wings?

These are just a few of the many things to choose between

Would I like to live under rocks or stones?

In the sky above or the earth below?

Would it suit me best to live underneath the ground?

The Year 5's had studied African music and they played the most amazing drumming music which really swirled up the hot dusty arid African plains in your imagination as they played! They started off slowly with a single beat on a drum and gradually more and more different types of drum picked up the basic melody and rose to a loud crescendo, then ended in one huge loud crashing drumbeat, which was followed by a crashing silence! It was stunning!

But the best bit imo was when one little deaf girl sang Amazing Grace, all alone, all by herself, unaccompanied, in front of the whole church. Her voice rang out angelically and just soared through the church. Charlotte is the sweetest child. She isn't profoundly deaf but she does have hearing aids in both ears. So for her to be able to carry a song, in perfect pitch (and with warbles in all the right places) was just incredible! She put so much feeling and emotion into her song, it was truly moving. :-4

Then later, back at school, all the Year 6's were going around the whole school getting everyone to sign their shirts! It's been a mad day today! :) Some were upset but most were happy. Most are moving onto the same secondary school and so will meet up then and probably meet up in the holidays as well. I think it's worrying for them as well because for many it's the first major change in their lives. Although starting school was a big change they were really to young to remember it, but now they have a new school, new teachers...and they go from being the biggest fish in a small pond to being the smallest fish in a big lake because secondary schools are usually waaay bigger than primary schools. Also, they do lose some friends who move onto different schools. One of our boys will be going to a new Secondary Australia!

They probably have the same feelings I have - excited but nervous to be starting somewhere new and not knowing quite what to expect. However, once we've all been at our new schools for a week we'll probably all have settled in and will feel like we've been there for ever!
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It's the last day of term!

Post by Rapunzel »

Thankyou for your kind wishes Betty and Rosie. :-4 :-4

I think all the long hours I've put in recently are starting to catch up with me now. I need to sleeeeeeep.....zzzzz
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It's the last day of term!

Post by Odie »

Rapunzel;1219727 wrote: Well today was the last day of term! Wayhay! 7 of us left today. 4 retired and 3 are moving on to new jobs. We were all given a beautiful huge bouquet of flowers each ... and every bouquet was different. Mine was full of beautiful lilac and purple flowers and bright pink and pale pink flowers. They are gorgeous! I had some lovely presents and cards from the children and beautiful cards and presents for the staff.

One member of staff is moving from the room for autistic children down to a Reception/ Year 1 class. One of her colleagues from the autistic room heard that I write poetry and asked me to write a poem for her. For a laugh I wrote her a funny song ... and all the people from the autistic room stood up and sang it after lunch. (We had an 'American lunch' where everyone brings a plate of food and we all sit and eat a buffet lunch together). Everyone thought it was really funny and were amazed to find I'd written it! (Not sure if that's a compliment or not! :wah: ) One friend said I should write the comments inside Hallmark cards. She said thoughtfully "You could write 'sorry to hear you're leaving...' and I replied "now bugger off and don't come back!" :wah::wah:

It was a brilliant afternoon. I should be feeling sad that I'm leaving but I'm not really, but I think that's because my friends and I are all getting together during the summer holidays, we've got several things planned. So I'll still be seeing them, which will be lovely! Also, I found out today that one little girl I know is moving house over the holidays and will be starting at my new school in September! So there will be one friendly face that I know! :-4

I'm kind of excited about my new job, but kinda nervous too! I hope I don't bugger it up! Although thats kind of a big hope as I usually either put my foot in it or get klutzy and drop things...or both! :wah:

I'm looking forward to the summer holidays and to relaxing. It's been manic lately. My house is a tip and the laundry and dishes are starting to pile up! :eek: I've shown the kids how to work the dishwasher .....but! :-5 :rolleyes:

Hope you all have a great holiday too! :-6 6 weeks hols - here I come! :D

beautiful flowers are always a good ending.

enjoy your summer!

........and stop worrying about your new'll be great.:-4
Life is just to short for drama.
Patsy Warnick
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It's the last day of term!

Post by Patsy Warnick »

OOOH, what a great day

Great memories

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