America's Ten Best Paying Professions

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America's Ten Best Paying Professions

Post by Lon »

Does this surprise anyone?

America's 10 Best-Paying Professions: Bureau Of Labor Statistics
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America's Ten Best Paying Professions

Post by Accountable »

There's the result of your beloved insurance industry "keeping prices low."
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America's Ten Best Paying Professions

Post by spot »

It's a trick, making up figures like that. Here's how to do it.

You take one area of employment. The link article takes health care.

You label every category of employee by giving it a title. Then you order the titles by average pay and throw out 90% of the employees, skimming the top 10% with a dozen titles between them. Then you say hey guys, I've found a dozen high paid job categories.

We could do exactly the same trick with breaking down the legal profession, or banking or manufacturing or computer parts and get just the same skim off the top if we invent enough titles to focus in on just the high-paid and eliminate the lower paid.

It says very little about health care, it says a lot about statistical manipulation.
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America's Ten Best Paying Professions

Post by Scrat »

I tend to agree with Spot but there is something to be said for what some of those professions make. Awhile back I found out I have a dentist living not too far from me, he drives a newer Mercedes and his wife uses a Lexus. No Toyotas or Suzukis for this family. I don't know what he does but it must pay well but even then I'm not inclined to blame him very much (he does seem to work long hours) and his wife works also.

I think there is something else wrong with the system, unnecessary procedures given on demand to patients. Why do you need a CAT scan of the whole body for a knee injury? Why not just scan the knee? I think the middle men in the supply chain for medical supplies are out of control. I think the entire system is broken. I have heard of a dentist in New York who does cheap dental work charging little to patient while billing the insurance company for the full price.

He has people with dental insurance. For a fee they allow him to to use their dental insurance plans to pay for the treatment of those who don't have insurance. What you have is more than one person using the same plan. They cook the books in various ways I guess and everybody is happy. This is all possible because there is not a photo requirement attached to the policies.

I recently dealt with a black market dentist, he operates out of his apartment and gets his supplies from a friend in Europe. He does everything a regular dentist does at up to 70% off. If you need X-rays you have to go to a woman who has a machine in her garage where she takes the X-rays. She works at a local hospital. They do not deal with insurance, cash only. His only reason for not having a practice here is he is from Russia and despite his 20 plus years of experience the bureaucrats won't give him a license. He will have to start all over for that. The guy makes a killing, he is never without work.

Our system is so screwed up it needs to be torn down and completely rebuilt. Get rid of the lawyers and insurance companies to start with. This whole mess is so confusing.
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America's Ten Best Paying Professions

Post by chonsigirl »

Hey AC, we knew teachers wouldn't be on that list.............................
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America's Ten Best Paying Professions

Post by Lon »

spot;1359965 wrote: It's a trick, making up figures like that. Here's how to do it.

You take one area of employment. The link article takes health care.

You label every category of employee by giving it a title. Then you order the titles by average pay and throw out 90% of the employees, skimming the top 10% with a dozen titles between them. Then you say hey guys, I've found a dozen high paid job categories.

We could do exactly the same trick with breaking down the legal profession, or banking or manufacturing or computer parts and get just the same skim off the top if we invent enough titles to focus in on just the high-paid and eliminate the lower paid.

It says very little about health care, it says a lot about statistical manipulation.

Statistical manipulation or not, I think it's generally recognized that the medical professionals are among some of the highest paid people, and rightly so in my opinion. There are many, many lawyers that don't make more than tradesmen, not so with medicos.
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America's Ten Best Paying Professions

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Is it a co-incidence that none of the jobs in the high paid list also appear in the low stress list?
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America's Ten Best Paying Professions

Post by Accountable »

chonsigirl;1360031 wrote: Hey AC, we knew teachers wouldn't be on that list.............................

Are you kidding?? We are the best paid! .... just not in dollars. :D
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America's Ten Best Paying Professions

Post by Accountable »

scrat;1360013 wrote: our system is so screwed up it needs to be torn down and completely rebuilt. Get rid of the lawyers and insurance companies to start with. This whole mess is so confusing.
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America's Ten Best Paying Professions

Post by Nomad »

Specialized health care, surprises there.
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