9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I guess I'm just sick of it all . You see I'm told I have to take sides....Who's side should I take when I can see it from both sides.

I'm told to watch this over and over again year after year.

9/11 attack intense footage - YouTube

America and it's allies by default after this incident go to war. Who exactly are we fighting? A man made army ? Islamists? A bunch of radicals hanging out in every country on earth? The right wing christian fundies back up this proposition of war. Then some how we're amazed that radical islamists would back up another group.

Have we decided yet which country we attack next? Why havent we attacked Indonesia? It's full of radical islamists. why Iraq? Why not Iran? Why afghanistan and not Chechnya? why not tell Israel to pull their heads in ...why is palistine the bad guys?

Then this was put up

Radical Muslims Chant “US Is a Terrorist State” & Burn US Flag at London 9-11 Rally (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Angry islamists yes arent they bad ......Well you won't do anything about it so why is there shock and dismay? Inciting hate crimes ..... pretty much in the court bucket really. done case.

then I see this ...............

Behind the American 'Kill Team' in Afghanistan - World news - South and Central Asia - Afghanistan - msnbc.com

I'd be just as angry and would happily plant a bomb in some state of America if this was my child being shot and mutilated. I'd be fair though I would choose the state that these soldiers came from . Not everyone should pay for a national army out of control . This isn't a rogue unit because we are hearing more and more about the atrocities a nation is getting away with.

So i have to choose a side do I? It's becoming harder and harder to do that.

In my opinion you're all ****ing crazy. And I've had enough of ya's
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by Snooz »

History according to Snooze: Back in 1990, we, with the UN, went to "war" against Iraq for their invasion of Kuwait. Oil. Hussein. Oil. George Bush the father. Oil. Speed ahead several years with George Dubya in office and we have 9/11. For some reason, the Bush dynasty still has a chubby for Hussein and Iraq is declared to be the center of terrorist activities with huge stores of 'weapons of mass destruction" and our beloved president sends our troops to the Persian Gulf once more. Complete distraction from the "real" problem of worldwide terrorist cells that obviously can't be fought by conventional warfare but it was the perfect opportunity to invade a country whose leader annoyed Daddy Bush and Junior was eager to make dad proud. Oil.

So what do you do when you've got a leader of a powerful country that (IMHO) abused the power of his office and put his country firmly into a no-win situation that's drained the treasury? We're ****ed anyway you look at it.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by Clodhopper »

While not entirely disagreeing about the oil, there is the fact that Al Qaeda wish all women in the world in the birka and publically stoned to death for adultery or walking on the cracks in the pavement and all men bowing to Mecca thrice daily and are prepared to kill any number to achieve that aim. Since they are religious maniacs as convinced of their pure and holy virtue as any Christian Fundamentalist (both KNOW that God wants them to do whatever they want to do) you can no more dissuade them by argument than any other fundie.

If oil was the sole issue, Bush Snr would not have stopped with the liberation of Kuwait, he'd have pushed in to Iraq then. (And I'm no fan of the Bushes or the American political right)

The USA may be ****ed, but it's more to do with the Bushes pandering to the wealthy and ignoring the vast bulk of Americans over 20+ years than foreign adventures. Katrina and New Orleans indicates Republican priorities to me.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by Scrat »

I'm tired of all the 9/11 crap too. The terrorists won, just don't spend too much time in the airplanes bathroom.

F-16's Escort Two U.S. Flights on 9/11 - YouTube
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Scrat;1369351 wrote: I'm tired of all the 9/11 crap too. The terrorists won, just don't spend too much time in the airplanes bathroom.

F-16's Escort Two U.S. Flights on 9/11 - YouTube

The terrorists won the moment George Bush invaded Afghanistan - OBL must have laughed all the way to hell :-(
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

HUh I heard about that ...mile high club strikes again and brings down a plane lol lol lol lol .

Our emergency commissioner was on the radio yesterday and he was sickened by the 911 footage bile. In his view showing the footage again and again is pandering to the terrorists. You are actually rewarding them terrorists are all about instilling fear, the media has become the terrorists dogs body by pushing the idea of fear onto people. In essence "you are giving the terrorists a return on their investment". I agree with him about only showing a dignified memorial service .

And I do have to hand it to the Yanks they sure know how to make a gorgeous memorial. The waterfall idea is simply beautiful. Well done.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by koan »

The insistence is so pervasive I still get sympathy for being born the day after that happened. I wasn't born the day after 9/11. I was born on a day unrelated to 9/11. In a different decade.

I agree. The whole thing should be laid to rest. The world carries on.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by OpenMind »

There's no answer to this is there? If I was one of the pilots of one of those planes, being told to crash into the side of one of those buildings, I'd have said, "**** you!". The whole picture is wrong. Whichever way you look at it, there are no clear answers. If I was going to die anyway, I would not have taken my fellow man with me. And by the time some bastard had wrestled the plane controls out of my hands, my plane would have been off course.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by koan »

I'm against the seeming push to make this single event seem like the Holocaust. The Holocaust was much bigger and a lot of people are getting sick of hearing about it too. Way more Russians died in WW2. **** happens. I'm not against Remembrance Days honouring those who died for a cause, I'm just against clinging to singular events as something to hold against all of humanity for the rest of recorded history.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by OpenMind »

I think that the more we keep remembering this day, 9/11, the more we further the concept of a cause, valid or not, and that worries me more than anything else. By itself, the remembrance furthers any cause for terrorism.

From the pilots' point of view, well, these are highly trained people. Given the option of dying by crashing into a tower or by crashing in a safer place, they are trained to take the safest option. Pilots are not dumb.

4 planes, 4 pilots. It beggars belief. The destruction of the towers furthered the cause to fight an otherwise invisible terrorist enemy.

After the 9/11 atrocity, the terrorists were still only capable of individual localised attacks. The subsequent 7/7 bombings in London were nothing compared to the destuction of the twin towers.

There has been a lot of documentaries since the 9/11 attack trying to prove that it couldn't have been a controlled demolition. But, at the end of the day, a plane crashing into the upper half of a tall building would not have brought down the building after the manner of a controlled explosion. Why the hell would the foundations of the building be affected by what happened at the top of the building?
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by OpenMind »

I remember the gulf war. I'd not long moved into my place in Bedford, a village just north of it and the Americans were still using a base behind my place (where Glenn Miller was last seen before he disappeared into the skies (there's a museum dedicated to him there)). I'm still surprised my place withstood the number of Chinooks that flew over me then. Thud, thud thud. Fortunately, the place was no longer used after that and I no longer had the heartstopping terror of a pair of jet planes flying over at low level without warning.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by koan »

Whether one person died or three thousand, it's a loss. There's no need to spectacularize a single event outside of trying to capitalize on world guilt or world hate.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by OpenMind »

Yet we are still left with one single simple question, "Why?". When our generation dies, that question will still hang there because of the shear atrocity of the event, along with many others, whatever their cause.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by koan »

Really? I could think of many reasons why. My question is "what's next?"
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by OpenMind »

What's next. Let's see, there's a lot of fuss over Gadaffi at the moment. That's only going to open a can of worms. Nothing major there.

Nope. The next port of call has got to be China. But maybe not in our lifetime. There lies a big can of worms to be opened.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by koan »

Why is easily answered by Why Not. What's next is entirely open to influence.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by OpenMind »

I personally cannot say what can be done but there is already a focus on China's oppressed. But China is an ancient established empire. Already versed in warfare before the "West" was anything at all.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by gmc »

You might find this interesting. Labours the point a bit.

Fahrenheit 9/11-The Full Length Movie-Bush cheats in the 2000 election! Not Seen this on tv?! - YouTube

According to Tony Blair Iran should be next. Funny how two men who are proud of their their deep religious faith are so willing to go to war to defeat other men who they say are deeply religious and do god's will. But you're not supposed to say that and criticise religion are you. It would be more honest if they just said we want the oil. What's depressing is we let them away with it.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by Scrat »

Maybe it will be Iran, they started generating power in their nuclear plant a few days ago. We can't have them moving forward like that.

Whether one person died or three thousand, it's a loss. There's no need to spectacularize a single event outside of trying to capitalize on world guilt or world hate.

These celebrations keep the fear fresh in the minds of the herd. Fear is how you control people.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by YZGI »

OpenMind;1369407 wrote: I think that the more we keep remembering this day, 9/11, the more we further the concept of a cause, valid or not, and that worries me more than anything else. By itself, the remembrance furthers any cause for terrorism.

From the pilots' point of view, well, these are highly trained people. Given the option of dying by crashing into a tower or by crashing in a safer place, they are trained to take the safest option. Pilots are not dumb.

4 planes, 4 pilots. It beggars belief. The destruction of the towers furthered the cause to fight an otherwise invisible terrorist enemy.

After the 9/11 atrocity, the terrorists were still only capable of individual localised attacks. The subsequent 7/7 bombings in London were nothing compared to the destuction of the twin towers.

There has been a lot of documentaries since the 9/11 attack trying to prove that it couldn't have been a controlled demolition. But, at the end of the day, a plane crashing into the upper half of a tall building would not have brought down the building after the manner of a controlled explosion. Why the hell would the foundations of the building be affected by what happened at the top of the building?

You do realize that the hi-jackers took over the cockpits. The hi-jackers were flying the planes when they hit the targets. At least thats the official story as far as I have heard.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by flopstock »

YZGI;1369457 wrote: You do realize that the hi-jackers took over the cockpits. The hi-jackers were flying the planes when they hit the targets. At least thats the official story as far as I have heard.

I can't believe you've bothered.:wah:
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by LarsMac »

OpenMind;1369407 wrote: ...

There has been a lot of documentaries since the 9/11 attack trying to prove that it couldn't have been a controlled demolition. But, at the end of the day, a plane crashing into the upper half of a tall building would not have brought down the building after the manner of a controlled explosion. Why the hell would the foundations of the building be affected by what happened at the top of the building?

Those buildings were unique in their design. most buildings are built with a central Core Structure that hold all the support.

These towers were built in a manner that the outer walls were the support. The floors basically hung from the side walls.

The heat from the fires weakened the floor supports. When the upper section began to collapse, all the floors fell onto the floors below, and the combined weight caused the internal structure to lose integrity. And the outer walls were not designed to hold lateral forces.

The outward appearance was similar to a "controlled collapse"
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by theia »

fuzzywuzzy;1369289 wrote: I guess I'm just sick of it all . You see I'm told I have to take sides....Who's side should I take when I can see it from both sides.

Why should you take anyone's side? Just go with what feels right to you..."both sides" sounds good.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by LarsMac »

theia;1369473 wrote: Why should you take anyone's side? Just go with what feels right to you..."both sides" sounds good.

Or neither.

All sides are wrong, to my way of thinking.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by theia »

LarsMac;1369493 wrote: Or neither.

All sides are wrong, to my way of thinking.

Or right, maybe?

You've given me much food for thought...if you took all sides, would that make you neutral? If not, what would be your position? I just don't know.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by LarsMac »

theia;1369494 wrote: Or right, maybe?

You've given me much food for thought...if you took all sides, would that make you neutral? If not, what would be your position? I just don't know.

Yeah, my brain is churning, as well.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

YZGY I have a theory on that . I believe for every tall building, there are devices built into them that automatically go off (so no one has to make the ultimate decision) to bring down buildings that would cause a threat to an entire city if morbidly damaged.....it's just a theory mind, but I think very likely. Lets face it, they were morbidly damaged. Those fires werent going to distinguish themselves, and it gets a great tragedy over and done with quickly rather than months and months..

Anyone remember the film 'Towering Inferno' ?.......maybe they didn't exactly take Steve Mcqueens advice, but played around with it a little.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

theia;1369473 wrote: Why should you take anyone's side? Just go with what feels right to you..."both sides" sounds good.

It's beginning to Theia ...it's beginning to . I'm not usually a fence sitter. And I don't believe I am with this. But I keep wanting to tell each side ...GO TO YOUR ROOMS!!! YOUV"E RUINED DINNER AND NOW EVERYONE IS UPSET!!!......shrugs.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I have one more thought ......Are there people in your country (and abroad) that are sooo greedy , sooo evil , that they knew your US economy was going to take a dive to the depths that it has and it's going jto get worse, and needed to cover their arses? We know experts had been warning your presidents for years not to continue on their paths in relation to the US economy .

ZERO An Investigation Into 9/11 (FULL documentary) - YouTube .....you don't need to watch the whole film just the first 15 minutes or so. And why I think all highrise buildings have detonators in them .

Oh and by the way I came up with the detonator theory before I saw this doco. But then I hear how the majority of firefighters and police at the scene are acquiring cancers? how come? why not other citizens too who happened to be there ?

and before any Yank here decides to accuse me of a conpiricy theory .....i can garrantee that if your government has lied to you I would be on the next flight out to stand beside you when you tell them all to go to hell. Otherwise it's a war youv'e been fighting for decades and you got hit ......but something deep down inside tells me youv'e been duped in the most evil, unbearable of ways. And I can't stand that type of **** on any country or it's citizens.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

LarsMac;1369471 wrote: Those buildings were unique in their design. most buildings are built with a central Core Structure that hold all the support.

These towers were built in a manner that the outer walls were the support. The floors basically hung from the side walls.

The heat from the fires weakened the floor supports. When the upper section began to collapse, all the floors fell onto the floors below, and the combined weight caused the internal structure to lose integrity. And the outer walls were not designed to hold lateral forces.

The outward appearance was similar to a "controlled collapse"

I don't htink so
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by Snooz »

fuzzywuzzy;1369541 wrote: I have one more thought ......Are there people in your country (and abroad) that are sooo greedy , sooo evil , that they knew your US economy was going to take a dive to the depths that it has and it's going jto get worse, and needed to cover their arses? We know experts had been warning your presidents for years not to continue on their paths in relation to the US economy .

ZERO An Investigation Into 9/11 (FULL documentary) - YouTube .....you don't need to watch the whole film just the first 15 minutes or so. And why I think all highrise buildings have detonators in them .

Oh and by the way I came up with the detonator theory before I saw this doco. But then I hear how the majority of firefighters and police at the scene are acquiring cancers? how come? why not other citizens too who happened to be there ?

and before any Yank here decides to accuse me of a conpiricy theory .....i can garrantee that if your government has lied to you I would be on the next flight out to stand beside you when you tell them all to go to hell. Otherwise it's a war youv'e been fighting for decades and you got hit ......but something deep down inside tells me youv'e been duped in the most evil, unbearable of ways. And I can't stand that type of **** on any country or it's citizens.

I don't know about the rest of your post but our treasury was full and our economy was relatively healthy if I remember correctly when George Dubya took office. While our coffers have been drained, private companies and individuals have made huge fortunes from their private contracts in 'aiding the war effort'. So I don't think "they" knew the economy was going to plunge, I think they caused it.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by Clodhopper »

I think terrorists took over the cockpits and flew the planes into the towers causing them to collapse. I don't accept all this certainty that the towers could not have fallen as a result of planes full of aviation fuel smashing into them and see nothing that could not be accounted for without any need for elaborate conspiracies. I am very suspicious of the mindset which says, "I cannot account for this, therefore it must be a conspiracy."

There are still people out there who think the moon landings never happened. Despite the fact that NASA has been measuring the distance from the Earth to the Moon ever since by bouncing a laser off a mirror some Apollo crew left there for that purpose.
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Hmmm but Clod there are people out there experts in their fields who are determined to make it clear to everyone that the towers simply couldn't have come down simply because of the planes. It's physically impossible
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

LarsMac;1369471 wrote: Those buildings were unique in their design. most buildings are built with a central Core Structure that hold all the support.

These towers were built in a manner that the outer walls were the support. The floors basically hung from the side walls.

The heat from the fires weakened the floor supports. When the upper section began to collapse, all the floors fell onto the floors below, and the combined weight caused the internal structure to lose integrity. And the outer walls were not designed to hold lateral forces.

The outward appearance was similar to a "controlled collapse"

yes that is the party line on what happened . You do realise though that it changed three weeks later.and if that fire was so hot (which it wasn't because it would be burning white and you wouldn't have black smoke) as to melt metal then why was a woman seen standing at one of the impact holes? Again totally impossible if the fires were that hot . And any demolition expert will tell you that buildings need to have detonators on each floor because the floors sandwhiching on each other is actually a slow process and eventually stops whether they have a support or not . And those buildings were designed to specifically take an impact from a large aircraft. That's what the design of the building was all about. and if what you're saying is the case...what about building 7? The US government will not and refuse to release their investigation notes and computer analysis.

and why is it that two of the highjackers who were supposedly flying the plane and supposed to be dead turn up alive and well ....one a student another a doctor? They are still on the FBI data base for being dead. And why aren't the supposed doctored tapes of bin laden taking responsibility for the attacks not released for analysis?

I'm not trying to be a conspirisist ....and it's not about accounting for any particular thing but there are things that your government has told you that simply cannot be true....
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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by Oscar Namechange »

I watched a Doco last week about this subject and the conspiricy bit looked pretty convincing.

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9/11 Islam and Afghanistan...and all the bloody rest of it

Post by gmc »

It's lucky terrorists like really elaborate plots, imagine if they just took to planting car bombs on american streets or blowing up hijacked petrol tankers, easy to do and that would take out a rather large area apart from the paralysing effect it would have on everybody. McVaigh (I think it was) showed just how easy it actually is.

They don't actually need to do much, give a warning, set off one in the underground and then after that all it would take is a phone call to cause chaos. How about putting something in the reservoirs they don't need to do it just say that they have. taking a machine gun in to a football match, it would be suicide but the effect would be out of all proportion to those actually killed, everyone remotely Muslim looking would be a suspect. Buy a nuclear missile off Pakistan and use a container ship to get it in to a busy port. The IRA didn't want to do such things because they would lose their funding if they went in for indiscriminate killing al queada has no such problem or concern for the lives of non muslims. The PLO started the trend for plane hi-jacking and from their perspective it had the desired effect of getting publicity for their cause but it's hard work I don;t understand why they don't go for easier options..
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