Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

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Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

Post by Chloe_88 »

Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

I'm a bit sad today as I found out that our super veterinarian, who has helped us bring beat up shelter dogs back to life, now has to take on the battle of cancer himself.

Turns out he has an agressive form of cancer in one side of his chest which has spread..

I thought he was a bit "off" a few weeks ago.. apparently during that time he was still undergoing all the tests.

I wouldn't wish cancer on anybody, but doesn't it always seem to happen to the good ones.. ? I'm fearing the worst, but hoping for the best.. What s.hit news.. And how s.hit for him and his family.. I think he must only be about 45 years old..

Sorry for all the swearing.. but it is just s.hit, isn't it?!
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Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

Post by AnneBoleyn »

Is it small cell lung cancer? I'm very sorry to hear this Chloe, and my sympathies go out to your vet.
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Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

Post by Chloe_88 »

AnneBoleyn;1450600 wrote: Is it small cell lung cancer? I'm very sorry to hear this Chloe, and my sympathies go out to your vet.

I have no idea Anne.. My mum was down there with Benny (her beagle) today, and asked the other vet upstraight. All he could (wanted) to say, is that is was a very agressive form of cancer, which has spread..

I feel a bit like i've stabbed my vet in the back.. because I now have changed vets, at least for the time being.. Obviously he's not going to be back, or not back soon anyway, and I don't get along with the other guy. The other guy misdiagnosed my cats twice, and wanted to pull out all my cat's teeth! The new vet said that was so silly!

So, I've changed vets for now, they work in the same building as my OH. (vets and petshop in one). Again I feel bad for turning my back on my old vet at this time, but I also need to think of the best for my pets..
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Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

Post by Chloe_88 »

AnneBoleyn;1450600 wrote: Is it small cell lung cancer? I'm very sorry to hear this Chloe, and my sympathies go out to your vet.

Oh and I forgot to ask, why did you ask if it was small cell lung cancer??? What is small cell lung cancer??
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Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

Post by AnneBoleyn »

Well, there are many types of cancer, lung cancer being among the most vicious. Within each organ, many different types can strike. There are hundreds of types of cancer. You did say "one side of his chest which has spread", leading me to think of the lung. For the small cell (one, I know is called 'oat cell') the victim is dead within weeks. The next small cell, whose name I don't know but my dad had, took him six months. It's metastases (growth) is so fast no treatment can take hold. I wish my dad had had the oat cell, but alas! his mental & physical suffering lasted too long. When there is no hope the best hope is a speedy death. It's heartbreaking, my heart goes out to his family as well as him.
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Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

Post by AnneBoleyn »

Chloe_88;1450601 wrote: I have no idea Anne.. My mum was down there with Benny (her beagle) today, and asked the other vet upstraight. All he could (wanted) to say, is that is was a very agressive form of cancer, which has spread..

I feel a bit like i've stabbed my vet in the back.. because I now have changed vets, at least for the time being.. Obviously he's not going to be back, or not back soon anyway, and I don't get along with the other guy. The other guy misdiagnosed my cats twice, and wanted to pull out all my cat's teeth! The new vet said that was so silly!

So, I've changed vets for now, they work in the same building as my OH. (vets and petshop in one). Again I feel bad for turning my back on my old vet at this time, but I also need to think of the best for my pets..

Chloe, please do not feel guilty. Your vet knows you have the welfare of your loved ones in mind, & I'm sure he did not take it personally. Change the guilt for sympathy for this human that you respected.
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Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

Post by Bruv »

Cancer has so many variations.

Many are treatable these days. then there are the really aggressive types that overwhelm in a short time.

My former boss has been fighting cancer for over two years, working every day, against the odds, don't know what sort.

One of his employees over the same period was taken ill while working and died within weeks.
I thought I knew more than this until I opened my mouth
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Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

Post by Chloe_88 »

Well.. he doesn't now yet, about me leaving.. I've just written a letter, that I will post tomorrow. Obviously i still feel a bit guilty leaving the practice, but it's in my cats best interest, now my vet isn't able to be there.

About the cancer, all the other vet (the one I don't like) could say was: in one side of the chest, it's spread, very aggressive, extreem pain and lots of medication.

So my first thought was the lungs aswell.. And as my mum told me, all I could think was: this is a matter of weeks maybe months.

I've know him for 13 years, he brought our starved, beat up, almost dead shelter dog back to life. (Oscar) Oscar - YouTube

All I can say is, life is a real bitch sometimes.
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Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

Post by AnneBoleyn »

"All I can say is, life is a real bitch sometimes."

Yes, Chloe, Yes it can be. We all suffer sooner or later, some more, some less. A caring, sensitive woman as yourself can feel a lot of pain through your empathy & compassion. It's brave to care. So many take the easy road by not caring at all. (((Chloe)))
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Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

Post by Chloe_88 »

AnneBoleyn;1450616 wrote: "All I can say is, life is a real bitch sometimes."

Yes, Chloe, Yes it can be. We all suffer sooner or later, some more, some less. A caring, sensitive woman as yourself can feel a lot of pain through your empathy & compassion. It's brave to care. So many take the easy road by not caring at all. (((Chloe)))

Maybe a bit too much sometimes.. I'm being silly, but i'm like sobbing quite a bit right now.. I just feel so sad for him and his family right now, such a wonderful caring man, such terrible terrible news..
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Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

Post by AnneBoleyn »

I don't think that's silly at all! What does your mum think about her daughter's compassion?
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Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

Post by Chloe_88 »

AnneBoleyn;1450619 wrote: I don't think that's silly at all! What does your mum think about her daughter's compassion?

Well.. I think my mum is feeling about the same right now. None of us in the family trust people very easily. But when we do, we really do and we hold them close to our hearts sort of speak.
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Doesn't it just always happen to all the good ones.. ?

Post by Chloe_88 »

Okay, i've calmed down now and off to bed. But what a reality check huh?
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