NFL QB sits during National Anthem.

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NFL QB sits during National Anthem.

Post by flopstock »

YZGI;1500514 wrote: I don't think anyone ever said it was required to stand. Do you stand? Do you think it was disrespectful to sit?

I think there are better more respectful ways to wage a protest or raise awareness for any cause than to draw attention to himself by not standing. Are people talking about his cause or about him not standing?

I'm pretty sure this started with him just quietly sitting on the bench during the anthem. He didn't raise a stink or attempt to make a big issue of it. When he was asked about it, he answered honestly and that's when the sh*t hit the fan.

Living in small town America I went to two parades this weekend. When the honor guard came up the street as the lead in the parades, everyone stood and removed their hats until they had passed. Silly as it sounds, it makes you proud - this respect they are shown.

But I think that the last thing that should happen in America is that anyone be forced to stand.

This right to not stand is what makes us America, IMO
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NFL QB sits during National Anthem.

Post by FourPart »

flopstock;1500819 wrote: I'm pretty sure this started with him just quietly sitting on the bench during the anthem. He didn't raise a stink or attempt to make a big issue of it. When he was asked about it, he answered honestly and that's when the sh*t hit the fan.

Living in small town America I went to two parades this weekend. When the honor guard came up the street as the lead in the parades, everyone stood and removed their hats until they had passed. Silly as it sounds, it makes you proud - this respect they are shown.

But I think that the last thing that should happen in America is that anyone be forced to stand.

This right to not stand is what makes us America, IMO

I absolutely agree. Echoes of "Do up your tie, wear a suit & sing the National Anthem".
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