Website /blog help please? Urgent

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Website /blog help please? Urgent

Post by magentaflame »

and how to transfer a manuscript onto a pc so I can print it off.

yes I've been doing things the old fashioned way...I freehand my writing...but now I have to begin putting it on a website or something or other to allow others to view it for criticism etc.

does anyone have any suggestions. The publishers want to be able to see it apparently and have suggested a website for promotion and a blog style thingy that I can press print and the story comes out all formatted properly.

I have built a website before but that's going back a decade and a half ago......things have changed a bit since then and I can't make head nor tale out of what the templates are all about now.

thanks in advance

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Website /blog help please? Urgent

Post by LarsMac »

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Website /blog help please? Urgent

Post by spot »

magentaflame;1523737 wrote: I have built a website before but that's going back a decade and a half ago......things have changed a bit since then and I can't make head nor tale out of what the templates are all about now.

thanks in advance


Everything that used to work still works perfectly well. A web page written in 1995 still displays in today's browser. Nothing you learned is untrue. The more recent add-ons like templates are all just extra layers.

So you have several options and you need to choose them in the right order or you'll be down a rabbit hole like Alice before you know it.

At the moment you have no backup, you just have paper with handwriting. Is it on A4 separate sheets, or is it in bound like a student study book, or is it far worse than that? Whichever it is I think you should visit a copy shop. Hand it to them and say you want a complete scan of the manuscript as a PDF. Then email the scan to yourself so it's retrievable.

Alternatively, if your backup needs to be cost-free and you have a smartphone, photograph all the pages and email them where they'll stay retrievable afterwards.

After that, one unavoidable step is to transcribe the handwritten sheets into a word processed document. Do you want to do that yourself or would it be more convenient farming it out? If you're happy to farm it out, get someone else to transcribe it for you. Having it as a PDF or even as phone photos means you can get it typed up anywhere in the world. These days if I have a lot of words to type up I dictate them into my phone and it comes out as typing, the phone doesn't even get hot.

Putting the typed copy onto Lars' blogger site is a perfect first step - I just went and tried the setup to see. You can show it to selected people or make it public, you can add chapters as blog posts, you can edit what you've added, it will print. If you just take the defaults, the setup is three short screens with no personal information requested (creating an account through gmail authentication, anyway - other ways might be different).
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Website /blog help please? Urgent

Post by magentaflame »

Hmmmmm....Spot, your statement " or is it far worse than that?" has probably hit the nail right on the head ...I write wherever I am, when i have a thought ....exercise books, binders, to scrap paper and ....sadly..... serviettes....

I received a new laptop a few months ago and having a jolly hard time touch typing on it so I just stuck with the writing pad. But inevitably I have to transfer it to type ....that's actually a painful thought for me but I want to keep it close to my chest. I'm afraid of it being stolen. It's already happened once. So I'm very careful now. I don't have a love of technology...I have to learn a new system for work, which is bad enough so I don't want to have to cringe when I look at my own computer trying to figure it all out. I just want a blank page and away I go . Blogspot/blogger thing seems to be okay but I can't figure out how to scroll down even. aagghhhh!!!

here's a snippet anyway . I never introduce the background, just the text, as to see if there is interest in the actual writing itself.

first draft and hence why it has to be cleaned up . As yet, accent and vocab has to be inserted.

[Hannah bolted upright as she heard the screams and muffled cries for help.

"It's Lizzy! Oh god, they've got her."

Others had heard the screaming but it was Hannah who lifted her skirts and ran toward the trees and into the clearing beyond.

A rage grew inside of her as she came upon the shipman bending over Lizzy, tearing at her clothes and striking at her.

"Get off her ! Get off her!

Hannah brought her fists down hard upon the mans back, then tried to pull him backward by his collar, hoping to choke him. A fist, suddenly in her line of sight thudded against her temple. Hannah was dazed and fell backward. The bright sunlight that had momentarily blinded her dimmed as the mans shadow loomed over her.

She tried to exhale against his weight but she was already out of breath and weak from the encounter. He fumbled crudely with her shirt and found her breast. With a gluttoness lust he bit down hard.

Hannah screamed in agony through the stinking fingers covering her mouth.

"Like that, do ya girly"? His fat, pocked marked face crimson, his tongue exposed between his rotting teeth, his sweat dripped off him onto her neck and chest. Hannah gagged as she caught a glimpse of Elizabeth.

Stumbling toward them and concentrating on the back of the shipmans skull the young girl held a large rock above her head.

Just as Hannah felt a searing pain between her thighs, a voice cried out.

"What the devil?...seemingly ignoring the scene before him the officer shouted, What are these women doing away from the group?

Elizabeth dropped the rock, suddenly conscious of her surrounds and the realisation that she narrowly escaped the noose, She fell to her knees sobbing, then collapsed to the ground unconscious.]
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Website /blog help please? Urgent

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I would, if it were me, be very reluctant to type lots into a browser. Whenever I have lots to type I do it into as simple a word processor or text editor as I can find. If I then want it on a website I copy/paste pages or posts or chapters from my document into the browser textbox. A browser is a beastly environment to type into.

Sending photos of pages and getting back typed copy restricts your security risk to just your email account. It's as trustworthy as any of your other emails. Do you trust email or is that also too risky a place to carry your material?

As for your own laptop, do you trust that at the moment? Is it Bitlocker protected so nobody can just power it up and find what's been typed?
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Website /blog help please? Urgent

Post by LarsMac »

spot;1523775 wrote: I would, if it were me, be very reluctant to type lots into a browser. Whenever I have lots to type I do it into as simple a word processor or text editor as I can find. If I then want it on a website I copy/paste pages or posts or chapters from my document into the browser textbox. A browser is a beastly environment to type into.

Sending photos of pages and getting back typed copy restricts your security risk to just your email account. It's as trustworthy as any of your other emails. Do you trust email or is that also too risky a place to carry your material?

As for your own laptop, do you trust that at the moment? Is it Bitlocker protected so nobody can just power it up and find what's been typed?

agree with Spot.

Start with something simple, like notepad to do the text entries.

then drop the text into a word processor to make it pretty.

Then you can copy/paste into whatever online app you choose.

The important part is to get the stuff in your head into a text-based platform on your local machine. where you can manage it and control it.
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Website /blog help please? Urgent

Post by gmc »

How about you Scan the pages in to your computer then use optical character recognition software to convert it to text that you can put it together and edit it yourself. Probably that's your best option if you have notes on different sizes of paper and things like exercise books. Scanners have their own software and some have OCR software included. it's some years since I have used it so I couldn't suggest a make. If you get someone else to do it you need to be very sure they know what they are doing sounds like you'd have to stand next to them while they're doing it to tell them what to put where. If you can write a book you can probably work out how to do it yourself if the interest is there.

Microsoft one note has it and there are open source and free programmes available you can play about with ... o-text-nb/

Once I've got a computer doing what I want I tend to lose interest till I want something else but I used to use OCR software in the first decade of the 21st centory. I wish I'd had a word processor when I was a student
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Website /blog help please? Urgent

Post by magentaflame »

God I'm a bloody idiot ...I just found onenote on this laptop.

told ya I wasn't techy.

Okay I can transcribe it to onenote notebook and that gives me the option to send it to email or onto a USB? then I can take that to officeworks and get it printed into a paper manuscript.

I think
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Website /blog help please? Urgent

Post by spot »

Yes, all that is true.

If you're fighting a deadline you may still need help getting your hundreds of thousands of words typed.
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Website /blog help please? Urgent

Post by magentaflame »

first book deadline. that will come later if there is a second book.

At the moment it's "don't give up your Day job". which is fine by me .

My son wanted to attend drama school for his last year of high school. His father was against it. So I asked him what's the best thing that you could get out of it? He said, "an Academy Award..." Okay what's the worst thing that could happen? He said, having to go back to normal high school and get my VCE and go do law at Uni . So in essence no big deal, the outcome is the personal cost of effort. Either he's wasted a year of high school or he thrives.

My situation is a first book may be good or it may turn out to be something I stick away for my grandkids to find after I'm dead .....either way the only thing it's cost me is a bit of time and effort

The best thing it could lead to ? Nobel prize for literture ( <---can't even spell it) and enough money to buy my own yacht. The worst? I keep my day job...nothing lost.

Actually I have no need for a yacht. Cabin in the high country maybe.
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Website /blog help please? Urgent

Post by magentaflame »

spot;1523798 wrote: Yes, all that is true.

If you're fighting a deadline you may still need help getting your hundreds of thousands of words typed.

I'm certainly going to need an editor that's a given.
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Website /blog help please? Urgent

Post by spot »

magentaflame;1523801 wrote: I'm certainly going to need an editor that's a given.

You missed a comma there, you know.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Website /blog help please? Urgent

Post by magentaflame »

The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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