Does God kill?

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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

I think to a deep biblical student the answer is clear, but to many it would be a shock for them to learn that God most definitely kills. Not only just kills but slaughters humans in groves at times. He has destroyed armies, whole cities, wiped out whole nations and has even destroyed everyone on earth but one family before. And he will kill again.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

Mickiel;1531539 wrote: I think to a deep biblical student the answer is clear, but to many it would be a shock for them to learn that God most definitely kills. Not only just kills but slaughters humans in groves at times. He has destroyed armies, whole cities, wiped out whole nations and has even destroyed everyone on earth but one family before. And he will kill again.

I been watching this Corona virus and how quickly it spread all over the world and I thought to myself, wow when God wants to kill he has all kinds of ways to do it.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

In the days of Noah when God had him build the ark, God killed every one on earth except Noah and his family. Just in example there was city called Sodom that God decided to wipe them off of this earth, so he kills everyone in the whole city. And Lots wife turned and looked at it happening, which God had ordered them not to do, so God kills her as well.

There is no doubt that God will kill, and no doubt that he will do so again. But why all this killing?
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Does God kill?

Post by spot »

You have biblical proof that for some time before the bible was written, some people interpreted their shared understanding of their history in terms of God did this, God did that, God said. Nobody could argue with the truth of that. It clearly happened.

As a separate matter, you hold that their interpretation as recorded in the bible is a literal description of reality.

If we're discussing bible stories then yes, God blatantly kills. The prophets continually explain God's reason for killing. These statements are exactly on a par with discussing Voldemort's psychological profile in the Harry Potter novels. I can reasonably say that Voldemort is terrified of dying but it doesn't mean I believe Voldemort exists. He is a fictional construct. I don't think J K Rowling believes he is real. I'm not sure whether the bible writers thought God was real but I'm quite sure they knew they were writing fiction some of the time. The author of the conclusion of Job knew he was not recording historical events, he knew he was engaging in a fight about he nature of God.

If someone takes Voldemort out of his fictional setting and asks about his motives in doing this or that in the real world, you would reasonably think that person to be either playful or deluded. Why do you think we should react differently to your discussion about God? You have a belief but it is not a reasonable belief.

If we enter the biblical fiction world then that's fine. The prophets explain time and again why God kills. He is destroying people in order that the survivors should see their sin and repent, return to the ways of the Lord and obey His commandments. God's sole interest is in the community of the faithful, He places no value on the individual hard-hearted sinner, indeed He often hardens hearts in order to make His point and demonstrate His power.

I'm happy to discuss the metaphor but I'm not going to pretend there's any real-world equivalent to the fictional God we're discussing. The real puzzle is why anyone would ever regard this fictional God as morally good when He so plainly can't be.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

spot;1531549 wrote: You have biblical proof that for some time before the bible was written, some people interpreted their shared understanding of their history in terms of God did this, God did that, God said. Nobody could argue with the truth of that. It clearly happened.

As a separate matter, you hold that their interpretation as recorded in the bible is a literal description of reality.

If we're discussing bible stories then yes, God blatantly kills. The prophets continually explain God's reason for killing. These statements are exactly on a par with discussing Voldemort's psychological profile in the Harry Potter novels. I can reasonably say that Voldemort is terrified of dying but it doesn't mean I believe Voldemort exists. He is a fictional construct. I don't think J K Rowling believes he is real. I'm not sure whether the bible writers thought God was real but I'm quite sure they knew they were writing fiction some of the time. The author of the conclusion of Job knew he was not recording historical events, he knew he was engaging in a fight about he nature of God.

If someone takes Voldemort out of his fictional setting and asks about his motives in doing this or that in the real world, you would reasonably think that person to be either playful or deluded. Why do you think we should react differently to your discussion about God? You have a belief but it is not a reasonable belief.

If we enter the biblical fiction world then that's fine. The prophets explain time and again why God kills. He is destroying people in order that the survivors should see their sin and repent, return to the ways of the Lord and obey His commandments. God's sole interest is in the community of the faithful, He places no value on the individual hard-hearted sinner, indeed He often hardens hearts in order to make His point and demonstrate His power.

I'm happy to discuss the metaphor but I'm not going to pretend there's any real-world equivalent to the fictional God we're discussing. The real puzzle is why anyone would ever regard this fictional God as morally good when He so plainly can't be.

It matters not to me how you react to anything I write. That is yours, to explain my views is mine. If you choose to think of God as folklore or fiction, again that is yours, as far as I am concerned this universe, this planet, and all animals and humans are real to me Jack. If your conscious thinking has reasoned out how and why we are here , let's have it, I'll listen to you and that's for sure. And another thing is for sure, I'll always view God as real as long as I am conscious. And I will say so with glee and looking for no response , nor do I hold any interest in changing anyone's views.

That being said, if I may continue. The reason God kills may vary from event to event, but he has other reasons, if I may list a few. Population control is one reason, and reservation is another. I think preserving humanity is the number one reason he kills, to bank people into storage , to bring them back to consciousness under far better circumstances. So God is also a circumstantial killer.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

Now the methods God has used to kill is of interest. God can use what we call natural disasters to kill. For example he can use earth, wind or fire to kill. I mean its no escape if he wants you sleep. On the book of Revelations it tells of a time yet a head when God will kill one third of humanity. That is going to be frightening. That's about 3 billion people. Goodness.
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Does God kill?

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In the old testament he killed everbody bar one family - if you want to believe the stories that is.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

gmc;1531554 wrote: In the old testament he killed everbody bar one family - if you want to believe the stories that is.

I think it is hard to believe, it's so mythical. As in Rev.9:13-19, the story of the 7 trumpets, or plaques unleashed on humanity. 4 angels were loosed, which think since they were loosed, then beforehand they were restrained, like dogs in a cage. They gathered together an army, riding horses that had heads like lions. And they kill a third of humanity.

Again that would be 3 billion humans or more. A stunning development.
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Does God kill?

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Just look at the corona virus spreading like wild fire. Here in the USA we have about 30,000 cases with 377 deaths..
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Does God kill?

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Mickiel;1531560 wrote: Just look at the corona virus spreading like wild fire. Here in the USA we have about 30,000 cases with 377 deaths..

One can, of course, not question the decisions of the Almighty. So when the US total passes a million deaths some time in July, say, we can at least console ourselves with the knowledge that it's for our own good in the long run.

Presumably if we murmur we'll have a large number of poisonous quail on our doorsteps.

Can we agree that if any mere mortal behaved the way you've outlined, they'd be reasonably described as evil?
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

spot;1531564 wrote: One can, of course, not question the decisions of the Almighty. So when the US total passes a million deaths some time in July, say, we can at least console ourselves with the knowledge that it's for our own good in the long run.

Presumably if we murmur we'll have a large number of poisonous quail on our doorsteps.

Can we agree that if any mere mortal behaved the way you've outlined, they'd be reasonably described as evil?

In my view there are some evil people in this world, but I think most people really are transfixed into sin and it has hypnotized them and they really don't know that this is all just growing pains. I think God is using the earth like a giant incubator and breeding humans for another life far greater than this

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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

Mickiel;1531569 wrote: In my view there are some evil people in this world, but I think most people really are transfixed into sin and it has hypnotized them and they really don't know that this is all just growing pains. I think God is using the earth like a giant incubator and breeding humans for another life far greater than this

It is our Destiny to live in eternity. But first we must suffer living in the flesh.

I think when you see great power to kill being displayed, we must consider God, and suspect him being involved.
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Does God kill?

Post by LarsMac »

Blaming God for all that seems a bit simple. If God wanted to kill people, he has a lot more interesting and convincing methods.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

LarsMac;1531571 wrote: Blaming God for all that seems a bit simple. If God wanted to kill people, he has a lot more interesting and convincing methods.

I agree. He has unlimited power.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

Mickiel;1531573 wrote: I agree. He has unlimited power.

Death is meaningless to God, so when he kills . he knows he will resurrect us again unto life. And death will be no more. In Rev. 20: 14 he eliminates the graves and death. This is called the second death. So the second death, is the death of the first death.
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Does God kill?

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Since all die at some point and presumably you believe god made all things if not god who or what do you think might be killing everybody?
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

gmc;1531583 wrote: Since all die at some point and presumably you believe god made all things if not god who or what do you think might be killing everybody?

I guess you understand that I base my opinions on spiritual things, so I cannot imagine death being administered without God. In my belief God controls both life and death. He appoints the time of death for each of us. And death may be some kind of thing that God created , because at the end he throws death into the lake of fire. He actually kills death, so death is something more than a symbol, or sad thing that happens to humans, God created something that is death and it kills for him. And death can be administered to humans in many, many ways. Or it can just simply cut loose your hearthstring and you die.

So again in my view God controls death and has created something that is death itself, power incarnate that is simply unleashed on humanity. Spiritual beings do not fear death because they cannot die, so death was assembled for humans, and the killing is set and controlled by God.
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Does God kill?

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Do you feel this belief has been inflicted on you, or did you adopt it voluntarily?
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Does God kill?

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spot;1531588 wrote: Do you feel this belief has been inflicted on you, or did you adopt it voluntarily?

I am not sure, but it was not there for many years, and then one day things in my consciousness took a dramatic turn and the beliefs were then there. They were not there before. And it was not instaneous fiat, it was a slow building that took time to build, and the construction is still going on.
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Does God kill?

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Mickiel;1531590 wrote: I am not sure, but it was not there for many years, and then one day things in my consciousness took a dramatic turn and the beliefs were then there. They were not there before. And it was not instaneous fiat, it was a slow building that took time to build, and the construction is still going on.

Presumably you feel acquiring the belief has improved your quality of life?
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

spot;1531591 wrote: Presumably you feel acquiring the belief has improved your quality of life?

No, in fact some things got worse. It improved some things, and some things it did not. My spiritual understanding had grown tremendously, my every day living has not. In fact I got cancer 5 years ago on my lungs. After 4 years the VA said they could do no more and placed me into a nursing home to die. They gave me weeks to live. Well after 2 months the doctor there told me I was not dying but getting progressively better. So they tested me and found no cancer.

So for one year I had been cancer free and they told me last week that it has came back into my lung, shoulder and lower back. So my quality of living has gotten worse.
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Does God kill?

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Mickiel;1531592 wrote: No, in fact some things got worse. It improved some things, and some things it did not. My spiritual understanding had grown tremendously, my every day living has not. In fact I got cancer 5 years ago on my lungs. After 4 years the VA said they could do no more and placed me into a nursing home to die. They gave me weeks to live. Well after 2 months the doctor there told me I was not dying but getting progressively better. So they tested me and found no cancer.

So for one year I had been cancer free and they told me last week that it has came back into my lung, shoulder and lower back. So my quality of living has gotten worse.

That's been my personal experience. My belief hardly changed my quality of living, but it did help my morals and it helped my cut out a lot of things that I shouldn't have been doing anyway. The most important thing improving was my conscious awareness of how God really is and how flakey religion was. I see that the most important message in the bible is universal salvation and how it is completely overlooked.
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Does God kill?

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Mickiel;1531593 wrote: That's been my personal experience. My belief hardly changed my quality of living, but it did help my morals and it helped my cut out a lot of things that I shouldn't have been doing anyway. The most important thing improving was my conscious awareness of how God really is and how flakey religion was. I see that the most important message in the bible is universal salvation and how it is completely overlooked.

I can assure you that it has not been overlooked by all. Only a select group Xtians who prefer to teach eternal damnation and how to escape it.
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Does God kill?

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LarsMac;1531596 wrote: I can assure you that it has not been overlooked by all. Only a select group Xtians who prefer to teach eternal damnation and how to escape it.

I disagree, in my understanding over 90% of Christianity teach eternal damnation.
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Does God kill?

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So, he introduces this slaughter - but only because he loves you.

Meanwhile, millions of Christians are praying for deliverence. Isn't that a bit presumptuous to question his will?

In the meantime, although Churches in the UK have been mandated to close, there are still Churches all over the US filling with 1,000s of people exposing each other to the infection - often taking part in the ritual act of Cannibalism, sharing the same cup, and the Priest feeding everyone with the wafer without washing his hands between customers.

Whilst all this is going in the Atheistic Scientists continue to work away on finding a vaccine (which, no doubt, the Anti-Vaxxers will reject), and then the Christians will give their invisible 'friend' all the credit for having guided the Atheists towards finding the cure.

Religion is the biggest hypocrisy, evil, and outright danger on the planet.
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Does God kill?

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FourPart;1531603 wrote:

Religion is the biggest hypocrisy, evil, and outright danger on the planet.

I don't think religion is the biggest evil, but religious people may well be the biggest danger.
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Does God kill?

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In Psalms 31:15," My times are in your hands." Here King David expresses what he has discovered in his life, that life and death is in God's hands. It's what him being Alpha and Omega means, he is the complete cycle of human life.
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Does God kill?

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Mickiel;1531626 wrote: In Psalms 31:15," My times are in your hands." Here King David expresses what he has discovered in his life, that life and death is in God's hands. It's what him being Alpha and Omega means, he is the complete cycle of human life.

Obviously I am a creationist, I see no other reasonable explanation as to how we got here. No scientist can explain how the universe started. Eventually they had to admit it's something about our existence that can't be explained. No brilliant mind can explain how nothing turned into something one dark day.

Where did the darkness come from? Where did the first tiny bit of matter come from? They think the great nothing just decided to be something one day. So they keep insulting our intelligence by continually confirming nothing as the source of something. A mathematical impossibility that will never equate to anything but absolute zero. But they are addicted to the magic trick that science accepts ad reason being born from things unreasonable.
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Does God kill?

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Mickiel;1531629 wrote: Obviously I am a creationist, I see no other reasonable explanation as to how we got here. No scientist can explain how the universe started. Eventually they had to admit it's something about our existence that can't be explained. No brilliant mind can explain how nothing turned into something one dark day.

And yet you don't see there's a huge jump between that fact and arbitrarily choosing to believe the cause was (1) conscious (2) intelligent (3) immortal (4) onmipresent (5) still affecting every individual life on planet Earth on a daily basis and (6) well-disposed in some unspecified way to their individual future interests. How can you possibly say the inevitable consequence of your initial paragraph is the belief you have chosen to adopt, and that because your belief is the truth then no contradictory alternative can be anything but false?
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

spot;1531632 wrote: And yet you don't see there's a huge jump between that fact and arbitrarily choosing to believe the cause was (1) conscious (2) intelligent (3) immortal (4) onmipresent (5) still affecting every individual life on planet Earth on a daily basis and (6) well-disposed in some unspecified way to their individual future interests. How can you possibly say the inevitable consequence of your initial paragraph is the belief you have chosen to adopt, and that because your belief is the truth then no contradictory alternative can be anything but false?

You have to stand for something or you will fall to the nothing. I can't go for the nothing, I have to go with something. Something is a cause, a purpose , a reason; whereas nothing is the escape from something. O find that something, or creation, is better than nothing- or the first scientific magic trick. Science thinks the universe is the magicians hat and all life is the bunny that got pulled out of the hat. I refuse to accept such nonsense. I made a choice and stuck with it.
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Does God kill?

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Inquiring minds, on the other hand, would investigate, theorize, make predictions, experiment, discard failed theories and refine faulty ones. They wouldn't just define a belief and then stick with it regardless of the glaring flaws.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

spot;1531635 wrote: Inquiring minds, on the other hand, would investigate, theorize, make predictions, experiment, discard failed theories and refine faulty ones. They wouldn't just define a belief and then stick with it regardless of the glaring flaws.

Hello? I guess we just misunderstand each other. I don't view life as a happenstance crack into reality, in my view God is reality. I have reasoned every year for at least 50 years and keep concluding that it is impossible for anything to exist unperceived. Human kind did not achieve understanding from space ghost. We did not become aware through a series of unintelligent non thinking matter arranging themselves into a position that creates on its own.

Power created all that we know, and power has never been self creative. It's like saying a human evolved from a roach. Something so superior was at one time insignificant waste. No, I can't get to that.
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Does God kill?

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I am content that I see the existence of man from the correct standpoint, and I know others have taken other stances on mankind bursting on the scene as some kind of impromptu unnilhexium seaborgium, or flat out nothing giving birth to something. Such contrived reasoning is inconsistent with the amazing pattern of existence. Unnatural giving birth to natural is artificial intelligence in my view. Such reasoning is without qualification and exceeds normal reasoning.

Something from nothing is unruly, impossible to discipline. In my view science is disturbed and cannot see the state of order in our reality. They then are unsettled and have been unattached to suit my reasoning. Science is unseasoned and lacking the experience in spiritual knowledge. And spiritual will one day unseat science and unscrew their principles.

No, I cannot adhere to life protruding on its own. No the universe is an obvious result of statue, established law or rule. It is not stasis, or motionless, it is startopology at its best: connected to one central node. And that is God.
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Does God kill?

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God is not going to kill the vast universe , he will in fact bring it to life. Nothing will be wasted. I have a theory of my own as to why we have not found life or water anywhere we have managed to investigate in space. I think God had removed the water from all planets in an act of desiccated , or making it dry to preserve it. So he dried them thoughly by removing moisture. You know, it made them arid and dull and lifeless.

So he did not kill the universe , instead he used some kind of desiccant to be a drying agent. The universe then is not ecumenical, or inhabited, nor is it graphic or having soil with living organisms. But he did allow the universe to have evaction or lunar orbit.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

Mickiel;1531667 wrote: God is not going to kill the vast universe , he will in fact bring it to life. Nothing will be wasted. I have a theory of my own as to why we have not found life or water anywhere we have managed to investigate in space. I think God had removed the water from all planets in an act of desiccated , or making it dry to preserve it. So he dried them thoughly by removing moisture. You know, it made them arid and dull and lifeless.

So he did not kill the universe , instead he used some kind of desiccant to be a drying agent. The universe then is not ecumenical, or inhabited, nor is it graphic or having soil with living organisms. But he did allow the universe to have evaction or lunar orbit.

Another interesting thing about God killing is a few prophesy's that Jesus himself gave in Matt. 24:9-21. In verse 9 Jesus states that even true believers will be hunted down and killed. Hey so nobody will be safe during these times. There is a rumor going around that true believers will be safe during these last days, that is not true. If it were true then Jesus is a lie.

During these times it will be very hard living. For everyone. It will be wars going on, famines and earthquakes, false ministers and false evangelist, and sin will increase everywhere. And because of this the love that people had for each other will go away, people will get tired of hearing the truth. The bible calls it," The love of many will wax cold." This means people are going to be cold blooded and hateful.

In verse 21 Jesus gives a name for these times , he calls it the great tribulation. Notice he says that humans have never seen anything like this suffering and will never see anything like it again. Now if you use common sense that the false religious version of hell would be far worse than the tribulation, humans punished for all eternity would be a billion times more worse than Jesus prophecy of these last days. If eternal punishing were true , then Jesus is a liar and his prophecy must be removed from the bible.

But Jesus is not a liar, religious traditional interpretation is the liar. The evil , hateful , stupid tale of eternally hurting people is the lie.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

Mickiel;1531695 wrote: Another interesting thing about God killing is a few prophesy's that Jesus himself gave in Matt. 24:9-21. In verse 9 Jesus states that even true believers will be hunted down and killed. Hey so nobody will be safe during these times. There is a rumor going around that true believers will be safe during these last days, that is not true. If it were true then Jesus is a lie.

During these times it will be very hard living. For everyone. It will be wars going on, famines and earthquakes, false ministers and false evangelist, and sin will increase everywhere. And because of this the love that people had for each other will go away, people will get tired of hearing the truth. The bible calls it," The love of many will wax cold." This means people are going to be cold blooded and hateful.

In verse 21 Jesus gives a name for these times , he calls it the great tribulation. Notice he says that humans have never seen anything like this suffering and will never see anything like it again. Now if you use common sense that the false religious version of hell would be far worse than the tribulation, humans punished for all eternity would be a billion times more worse than Jesus prophecy of these last days. If eternal punishing were true , then Jesus is a liar and his prophecy must be removed from the bible.

But Jesus is not a liar, religious traditional interpretation is the liar. The evil , hateful , stupid tale of eternally hurting people is the lie.

The devil does not do anything that God had not planned for him to do. In Job chapter one God gives Satan permission to kill and the devil waste no time and killed all of Jobs servants and his children. Here we see that God uses Satan to kill as well.
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Does God kill?

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Mickiel;1531708 wrote: The devil does not do anything that God had not planned for him to do. In Job chapter one God gives Satan permission to kill and the devil waste no time and killed all of Jobs servants and his children. Here we see that God uses Satan to kill as well.

God is not prejudiced in his killing, any and whoever can be killed , there is no exceptions. None that I have ever seen . Jesus was killed so nobody is off the grid.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

In Job 42:11 it clearly states that Jobs friends were trying to help him , he was drained and spent. God took him through a terrible ordeal. The verse is clear when it states that Jobs friends wept over him and comforted him over all the evil that the Lord had brought on him. Wow , God threw a bunch of evil at Job. It's clear then that God will kill and rip apart a humans life and kill women, teens, servants, or anyone that he so wishes to eliminate.

In Lamentations 3: 2 , this may be Jeremiah, God has brought him into darkness. Interesting how God will kill or drag a human into the darkness. In verse 9 he laments more : God has enclosed his ways, trapped him and put him into a vice, he states that God made his path crooked. This is incredible , here we are given a look at how God will deal with humans at times, use his great power to confine a human and make them walk in any direction he so pleases. This means God can make a human believe in him or make them an Atheist , or an unbeliever , literally put them on any path he so decides.

This is fascinating is information concerning the mysterious ways of God. In verse 32 it's clear that God will cause grief: he will take the human into the darkness. Vs 34 he will crush under his feet all the "Prisoners of earth." This is stunning enlightenment, we are called prisioners on earth. Oh I wish I had the time to explain that and show how this incredible being we call God, will deal with both good and evil alike. He will eradicate the human and pull their life through outstanding turmoil and rip them apart by the roots. Vs 38 ," Out of the mouth of the Lord proceeds both evil and good." Ohhh a stunning revelation describing the intense ways and being of God and how far he will go with a human that he is manipulating. Nothing is out of bounds with God. This is the meaning of Job 36:26 God is great we know him not. A lot of believers would strongly disagree with me on these things, even though it's right here in scripture. They are unable to proceed through this awesome ways and being of God, I think because God has manipulated them into not seeing this side of him. I have walked in the darkness , lived in it, and been manipulated by it. I have been to the point that everything was taken from me , stripped down to nothing but the darkness, and had nowhere to go. I know God will do a person like this.

For whatever God gets out of it , he will use evil and the darkness on anybody he so chooses. In Ecclesiastes 7:13 "Consider the work of God, for who can make straight, those who he has made crooked." Again stunning revelation. Let's unlock this verse, first notice that what God is doing to this person , it is labeled "The work of God." That right there reveals that not only will God cause evil, but it's the way he works. He knows exactly what he is doing , and has placed evil on this planet for a reason. Hey look at Job 3:23 " Why is light given to a man whose way is hid, and whom God has hedged in? " This means God will give a whole lot of wisdom and truth to a person that he has locked into a position where they cannot get out of it until he releases them. So he gets something out of it that he likes for the human to experience. While God has them into a position he desires. He uses the darkness as if it were a lock, used for holding : closed off and secure and we are fastened by it. No matter who we know or who is around us , there is absolutely nothing they can do to help us get out of this arcane situation. We are in lockdown, a prision. And we may think it's evil that has caused this, not knowing the mysterious ways of God.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

I find then that God is real and life and death is real. The way God kills reveals he is a master of life. And look how we behave, our behavioral genetics are too fined tuned and natural to have unnaturally developed. There are too many fine tuned genetic factors that cause life and death which highly affect behavioral phenotypes, such as eating and mating, which causes us to consider God. We can see and study both good and bad behaviour, yes even psychosomatic behaviour can lead to an intense study of why even man kills. We can learn from the killer why he kills. We have learned through conditioning, biofeedback, reinforcement, or aversion therapy how to examine or even alter human behavior. And we are jealous that we cannot do this to God.

We cannot modify God's behaviour only seek to comprehend it, especially when he kills. He is killing now as we speak, it's just described as the Corona Virus, I know it's God killing again. When God releases that kind of awesome energy , it is a catabolism of cataclysmic violent upheaval. No one soon forgets it. Donald Trump's father was killed by such an event.God can kill in mass and cause no ecocide, just literally leave the grass and trees alone. Or he can use what we call nature to kill.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

Will God kill, he most certainly will. He has killed with fire, lightning, insects, water, earthquakes, tital waves , sunames, volcanos, wind, famine, pestilence, locusts, I mean I just can't think of them all. Nothing else has such a ways and means of killing. God is a stunning killer , profound and accurate, lethal and deadly.

There is no escape.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

There's another way that God could kill if he wanted to, he could simply will the thing out of existence. Whether it was the devil or the false prophet, he could just will them into nothing. I wonder if he already has or will do?
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Does God kill?

Post by gmc »

You can come out the closet you know, you're a solipsist aren't you. I used to be then I decided not to waste my time thinking about bit any more before I thought myself out of existence.
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Does God kill?

Post by Mickiel »

gmc;1531763 wrote: You can come out the closet you know, you're a solipsist aren't you. I used to be then I decided not to waste my time thinking about bit any more before I thought myself out of existence.

I am not a solipsist, I am sure that everything I see outside of my mind does in fact exist. I think that God will one day step into the ampithearh of human consciousness and reality will return to man.
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