Where is this coming from

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Betty Boop
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Where is this coming from

Post by Betty Boop »

This keeps appearing in my facebook feed, I never realised how many strange friends I had. Time for a cull.

For those of you who know me, you will know that I am not given to hysteria, outside of my work as a medium and spirit artist I live a very quiet life, I fill my life in the help of others, reuniting them with their loved ones..I bring only joy happiness and comfort to the world..you will also know that I have travelled tirelessly to take this to all and any who are searching for the truth..that we don’t die...I have spent my whole life proving that to you..if you have had a reading with me you have know for yourself that I work from the heart and with pure love, because I don’t like people to hurt.....but now I come to you with as much love as I can give you....to warn you all of the dangers of what is happening to us today..we are not getting out, to expose ourselves to natural bacteria’s and viruses which daily keep our immune systems strong..so when we do go out, many of us will get very sick...being in our immune systems are shutting down, so that by the time we go out we will be very susceptible to illness....my dear and much loved friends, this is being done to us by a small number of very rich people who are corrupting our governments, our universities, with a view to getting a nano chip vaccination into us, once in our bodies it can never be removed, my message to you...UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES HAVE A VACCINATION...it will not save you, it will give this small number of criminals total control over you, as has happened in China, where the poor souls living under this totalitarian regime have lost every scrap of freedom...now they come for the rest of the world .....as we speak, the vaccination programme is being exposed for the deliberate damage it has caused in our children, autism is known to every soul on the planet, it is proved to come from the contents of the vaccines... Senator Kennedy, the TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES team, made up of doctors scientists and medical experts across the field of medicine are speaking out to warn the world...a number of them have vaccine damaged children themselves, which prompted the investigation...their findings are shocking, in each vaccine box is a leaflet, which very clearly states that autism, epilepsy, asthma, sudden infant death, ADHD, the list is long, are amongst the side affects of the vaccine, they have to write this to protect from prosecution when they vaccine damage your baby...it is there for all to see...you need only read it, now I see that these same very dangerous people, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and their world health authority are PAYING our doctors to register death as covid 19, they pay 13,000 for each patient they treat as having covid, there are many instances of people going in having a heart attack, they are told to register them covid patients..they are paid 39,000 for each one they are putting on a ventilator, just let that sink in for a moment ..THEY ARE PAYING DOCTORS TO LIE....many of course smell a rat...thankfully now they a speaking out and warning us, they know what is happening, our doctors and nurses are WARNING US of the very serious danger we are in....our bodies are very clever, in being out and interacting, our body creates NARURAL HERD IMMUNITY...it cannot do that under these conditions....I do not speak without first hand knowledge, and I know that writing this may bring down wrath on my head..but so be it, I will not see you all, who I love so much, be subjected to this without warning you, whatever you do, stand up against the mandatory vaccination, mandatory means you have no choice...but..we as a global community of the human species are 7.5 billion strong, the evil BILL GATES AND ANTHONY FAUCI ar amongst only one percent of us.... they cannot enforce this if we all REFUSE... we are at a critical situation, shortly I will post a film proving my words..I have noted that you are not watching the films I post...ask yourselves why that is, and I will tell you it is FEAR..they bank on our fear to control us...you know your own truth...you know you are afraid to see the truth...but now..WE MUST FACE THE FEAR, to save the future and the freedom of all our children.... like your fathers and brothers who went to war against just such a person as Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci , only he was Adolph Hitler....thank god our men and womenfolk faced their fear to go out and fight them....well here we are my loves...all WE HAVE TO DO IS REFUSE THE VACCINATION..they cannot force seven plus billion of us if we say know..your ancestors, your family died to keep our freedom from the likes of HITLER... and here are a group of Hitlers, now it’s our turn, our doctors are shouting out warnings, Bill Gates and co are doing their best to shut them up, but as I said...if we all shout out they cannot proceed with their final plans to enslave us.....don’t be afraid..JUST SAY NO TO VACCINATION...it is evil beyond words to force people to have poisons put into their bodies, but this is the case in America and Australia and a few other countries they have infiltrated ...pleas ehear me for the good of us all...if my FB page is taken down, I will not be able to communicate..let that be the proof for you that they are more afraid of us, than we need to be of them....share love and share this post please with everyone you know. For all our sakes ....I leave my love with you ❤️❤️❤️
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Where is this coming from

Post by magentaflame »

I "hide" those kind of things, marked as repetitive or irrellivent . Facebook does do things about it over time.
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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Betty Boop
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Where is this coming from

Post by Betty Boop »

Do you think they realise, that just by the way its written it puts half the population off reading it.

They really don't do themselves any favours just with their presentation style lol

I guess anyone with half a brain able to make paragraphs of that isn't actually going to be sharing it. You know it's dodgy just by reading terms like 'quick share this before I'm removed from facebook'

I propose facebook lessons for all upon joining facebook so people don't get taken in by all this crap.
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Where is this coming from

Post by LarsMac »

I've not seen THAT one, before. I have some relatives who are borderline antivax conspiracrats but none that would leap the edge, like that.

The whole world seems to be drifting to the edge of bat****-crazy, though.
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Re: Where is this coming from

Post by Betty Boop »

The antivax brigade got worse, then facebook straightened them out for a bit and now a few more are slipping through again.
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Re: Where is this coming from

Post by spot »

I shall, if I may, offer a completely new conspiracy theory. It's either offer it here or use it as a plot of a novel.

The occasion of providing an inoculation to every citizen in a country in a single program is unprecedented and might never recur.

The military of each of the major powers has stocks of weaponized diseases and of vaccines to protect against them. Each has never had a chance to protect their own citizens prior to releasing the biological weapon on the rest of the planet. Attempting to provide protection before releasing the disease would normally be very apparent to the world at large and would invite pre-emptive attacks.

However. If, in addition to Covid protection, a civil program also mixed in the weaponry protection at the same time in the same jab, I can't see how it could be detected. The national population would be protected against Covid and also against the stored weapon which any subsequent outbreak of hostilities could then use without harming the citizens at home. Nobody being inoculated would have a different reaction than if it were just what was claimed on the label. You can't test for the presence of antibodies to something you've never seen.

So I offer two conspiracy theories. The first is "The enemy is doing this!". The other is "We're doing this!". Both rely on the notion that one side or the other has sufficiently competent agencies, which is why neither is remotely crediblee.
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Re: Where is this coming from

Post by magentaflame »

They just jailed her ..... Spot if you dare question it I'll do my narna
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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