Desert Rat Hits the Big City

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Desert Rat Hits the Big City

Post by RedGlitter »

So yesterday I went to Las Vegas (Nevada) to take my dad to the airport. I go there often. Too often. Yesterday I realized what a scuzzy place it really is. Someone almost hit the car I was in because she had a cell phone stuck on her head and wasn't even fazed. There was so much traffic that an ambulance jumped the meridian and sped the wrong way down the street. Naked chick ads everywhere. Litter. Smog. Fumes.

I went into one of the new casinos and bought something in one of their fancy shmancy stores. I bought two butterfly tree ornaments. The guy *giftwrapped* them, even though they were not a gift, and then the best part- folded up my receipt with a big show, slipped it into what looked like a florist envelope and dropped it into my fancyass shopping bag which probably ran the store seven bucks for the bag alone. I have never in my life had anyone put my receipt into its own cute little envelope. I'm such a hick. :wah:

Then I saw the ultimate in tasteless bumper stickers:

"Dead Girls never Say No" :thinking:

We were standing there looking at it and I was just about to peel it off when the owners showed up and *laughed* at our disgust. I just thought that was repugnant.

I hate the waiting in traffic, shlupping in and out of the car, getting whacked by women's purses and strollers and old men. Getting caught in the crush. The stench of exhaust fumes and stinky old men and their cigars in the casinos. I was glad to get back home where we still have fresh air and can see the stars at night.
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Desert Rat Hits the Big City

Post by cherandbuster »

Hi Red :)

All those things are true. Sometimes I look around and say, "This place is just GROSS!"

But then . . .

I go into one of the casinos . . . and I'm bitten by the Las Vegas Bug again :-4

What can I say? It's incredibly overdone and vulgar

But I love it :-6
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Desert Rat Hits the Big City

Post by Rapunzel »

Its days like this that make you realise how good our own lives are by comparison.

We all moan about the little annoyances that make up our day but its when you're being pushed and jostled or when you see people starving or being killed on the news, that you realise how lucky we all are to have homes and food and safety, friends online and off ....and even Rapper being schmaltzy on FG - cos you realise you can sit at your puter with a coffee and have fun - you're not walking miles for a bucket of infested water or slumped in a shop doorway wrapped in a stinking old blanket.

God gives us days like that to make us appreciate all the good things we have in our lives. :o
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