WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

angeluplit3r;574166 wrote: Being a psychic is of the devil. Yes, it is true about the World War III, but the main reason will be of terrorism. I believe you when you say it isn't to scare people, but that's exactly what the enemy will want you to believe which is to say that everything is alright. To be honest everything is not alright and God will judge you and he will come down. Pick up the bible and read it and become familiar with God and here is some scripture just to prove about on what's to come. "For with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God, the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven, and those who died in Christ will rise first. Afterward we, the living who remain, will be cauht up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we shall forever be with the Lord"

(I Thessalonians 4:16-17).

being psychic is not of the devil, though your attitude of it is. if you don't know what psychic phenomena is, i suggest you learn about it from those who do.

if you read the bible, which you apparently don't EVERY prophet written of was PSYCHIC! if you want to even stay ignorant, that's your right. but before you condemn something, read the thirteenth chapter of corinthians. it explains just what a gift is and it isn't something you get on your birthday, or at christmas under a tree. it is the many and varied gifts you can manifest PSYCHICALLY, if you are worthy and ready to have them, and many people already have some of them. even JESUS, your so wondereful messiah was psychic. if he weren't he would never have been able to fortell what would happen in the future!

but of course, since he was a psychic, and manifested psychic phenomenon, he must have been of the devil. now aren't you glad about that. since psychic gifts arew of the devil jesus was of your devil. STUPIDITY!!! IGNORANCE!!! AND HATEFULNESS!!!


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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by angeluplit3r »

charles_r51;574213 wrote: being psychic is not of the devil, though your attitude of it is. if you don't know what psychic phenomena is, i suggest you learn about it from those who do.

if you read the bible, which you apparently don't EVERY prophet written of was PSYCHIC! if you want to even stay ignorant, that's your right. but before you condemn something, read the thirteenth chapter of corinthians. it explains just what a gift is and it isn't something you get on your birthday, or at christmas under a tree. it is the many and varied gifts you can manifest PSYCHICALLY, if you are worthy and ready to have them, and many people already have some of them. even JESUS, your so wondereful messiah was psychic. if he weren't he would never have been able to fortell what would happen in the future!

but of course, since he was a psychic, and manifested psychic phenomenon, he must have been of the devil. now aren't you glad about that. since psychic gifts arew of the devil jesus was of your devil. STUPIDITY!!! IGNORANCE!!! AND HATEFULNESS!!!


:lips: :lips: :lips:

A psychic is of the devil. And no Jesus was not a psychic. A prophet is not a psychic a prophet is one who gets a word from God by dreams. "1 Corinthians 12:4, 7-11 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.... (7) Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines." Back up your words by scripture and don't twist them because God said what he said and then I will believe. Not only that there is something called a Spirit of Discernment, which means that God will show you only what God wants to show you. A psychic is of the devil because the devil will show you all. Jesus was God if you don't know that. There is a trinity; God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is as one and being a prophet is one of the 9 gifts by the Holy Spirit. It's ok because if you read John 3:16-18 then you will find that "16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

angeluplit3r;574166 wrote: Being a psychic is of the devil. Yes, it is true about the World War III, but the main reason will be of terrorism. I believe you when you say it isn't to scare people, but that's exactly what the enemy will want you to believe which is to say that everything is alright. To be honest everything is not alright and God will judge you and he will come down. Pick up the bible and read it and become familiar with God and here is some scripture just to prove about on what's to come. "For with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God, the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven, and those who died in Christ will rise first. Afterward we, the living who remain, will be cauht up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we shall forever be with the Lord"

(I Thessalonians 4:16-17).

No offense Angel, but it sounds like you are the one who's trying to scare people.

I'm just presenting what I believe to be FACT.

If by the time 2013 rolls around, and the Poles of the Earth have not shifted, then you can come on here and accuse me of all kinds of ****. But until then, give me the benefit of the doubt alrighty there sweetheart? =)~

Because what I am trying to do here is coming from a good place inside myself. Not a bad one. You can judge me all you want to if none of this comes true though. And I'll be the first one to bow down and apolagize.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

At the dawn of The Chosen, a "First Born" with special gifts was brought forth: his name was Aha. He taught the Divine Law of Creation, and for this reason thousands of years later all kings of the Egyptian dynasties were named after Per-Aha (descendants of The First Born), a term which Greeks phonetically changed into Pharaoh. These First Born descendants knew that they were made in the image of their Creator. Therefore, it was of vital importance for them to abide by The Celestial Laws. An Alliance would consecrate Harmony.

Nevertheless, as time went by, part of the knowledge vanished. Man thought he was God, which led to the big catastrophe of 9792 BC. During that catastrophe, an immense tidal wave washed away tens of millions of the Chosen of the Creator. From then on, this withered land of A-Men-Ta was named The Empire of the Dead in the Hereafter by the survivors of Atlantis.

Deeply shocked, the survivors decided to enter into a new Alliance with their Creator. They thanked Him for their survival and asked forgiveness for their faults. In order to have Eternal Peace on Earth, this time they believed that their treaty would be indestructible.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

The survivors of Atlantis wrote down everything carefully to create unbreakable chains forever and ever. It is for this reason that their exodus to Egypt can be traced.

From the coast of Morocco where the Atlanteans landed with their Mandjits, they followed an exact delineated route to Egypt, on a journey that lasted thousands of years, always remaining at the same degree of latitude.

However, as years went by, cracks appeared in the Alliance and people forgot their commitments. This exhausting and tragic period was wilder than the wildest imagination: for more than five thousand years, wars between the survivors took place. These mind-boggling wars did not end until they eventually reached the "Promise Land".

The Ancient Egyptian Chronicles tell jubilantly about the arrival of the survivors of Atlantis in Ath-ka-Ptah (Egypt), or as they called it, "The Second Heart of God". A new era was about to start.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The influence of the terrible catastrophe can be seen in all the buildings constructed in Egypt after this event. Two lions are depicted in the sarcophagus of Ramses II, looking in opposite directions. They indicate that after the catastrophe, and therefore after the Pole-Shift, the era of the Lion passed reversed. In between the lions, a Sun is resting on a reversed sky with the Cross of Life connected to it. Symbolically this stands for a radical revival of Life on Earth. This also shows the horrible possibility of a prospective new catastrophe - if the Celestial Laws are not respected.

This deep-seated reasoning is the driving force behind the creation of the enormous monuments in honor of Ptah. They formed the heart of the new Alliance with the Creator in the "Second Heart of God". In addition, the temple of Karnak and the pyramids of Gizeh are highlights in their worship of Ptah. On all the temples you will find hymns and texts depicted in honor of the Creator. The deep faith of this civilization originates from their resurrection within a new mother country.

The Ancient Egyptians were completely convinced that their inherited beliefs (from Atlantis) were a reality, and so they based all of their doings on them.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Nowadays it is possible to reconstruct the exact route that the survivors of Atlantis followed in order to get to Egypt.

It started in Ta Mana, which lies approximately 100 kilometers from Agadir. In Ta Quz, close to the border between Morocco and Algeria, there are tombs which have lain there since the earliest times. Buried next to Osiris lays Nut, Nefthys and Isis, and several high priests and advisers of Horus.

Even today, modern day visitors often claim that they feel they are entering a different World while they are touring these remnants from the mists of history.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

The Sun was on the point of leaving the era of the Lion. With this auspicious sign they left for Egypt (Ath-Ka-Ptah), their "Second Heart of God". On that same morning, Sirius had risen just before Sunrise. On this twenty-second of July in the year 8352 BC, a new era started with the survivors of Atlantis and their long march to the Light.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

angeluplit3r;574559 wrote: A psychic is of the devil. And no Jesus was not a psychic. A prophet is not a psychic a prophet is one who gets a word from God by dreams. "1 Corinthians 12:4, 7-11 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.... (7) Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines." Back up your words by scripture and don't twist them because God said what he said and then I will believe. Not only that there is something called a Spirit of Discernment, which means that God will show you only what God wants to show you. A psychic is of the devil because the devil will show you all. Jesus was God if you don't know that. There is a trinity; God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is as one and being a prophet is one of the 9 gifts by the Holy Spirit. It's ok because if you read John 3:16-18 then you will find that "16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son."

you obviously know how to COPY the bible's words, but you sure as hell don't UNDERSTAND them. jesus had PSYCHIC gifts including healing, precognition, wisdom, charity. as to whose son he was, that little tidbit was DECIDED UPON BY THE COUNCIL OF NICEA, WHICH WAS CONVENED BY THE ROMAN EMPEROR CONSTANTINE--three hunderd years after jesus death, not when you decided based on what you can read. for you to claim he was anything other than another human being, living a human existance is nothing more than sunday school learning at age three.

as i already said, if you don't know the subject, don't make assumptions based on your ignorance and your ability to quote from some highly edited and revised book! learn the subject, regardless of whether you believe or disbelieve its concepts. and maybe you'll have some basis to discuss somehting with some understanding of the subject matter. being able to quote a written work does not qualify you to condemn anything, let alone those who know their subject as a result of years of study and investigation.

you are quite free to reject any subject matter as you have the same free will as every other individual, but you ared not free to condemn anyone who has ideas you don't like or with which you disagree.

remember- judge not, lest ye be judged, for with the same righteous judgment that ye judge, so shall YOU be judged, not by me, but by the father!

jesus didn't condemn any one, so how dare you do what he said you should not do? or don't you beleive what jesus said? are you the same hypocritical type as those who do so good at condemning others, regardless of jesus admonition about NOT being such a hypocrit?:lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by angeluplit3r »

charles_r51;575042 wrote: you obviously know how to COPY the bible's words, but you sure as hell don't UNDERSTAND them. jesus had PSYCHIC gifts including healing, precognition, wisdom, charity. as to whose son he was, that little tidbit was DECIDED UPON BY THE COUNCIL OF NICEA, WHICH WAS CONVENED BY THE ROMAN EMPEROR CONSTANTINE--three hunderd years after jesus death, not when you decided based on what you can read. for you to claim he was anything other than another human being, living a human existance is nothing more than sunday school learning at age three.

as i already said, if you don't know the subject, don't make assumptions based on your ignorance and your ability to quote from some highly edited and revised book! learn the subject, regardless of whether you believe or disbelieve its concepts. and maybe you'll have some basis to discuss somehting with some understanding of the subject matter. being able to quote a written work does not qualify you to condemn anything, let alone those who know their subject as a result of years of study and investigation.

you are quite free to reject any subject matter as you have the same free will as every other individual, but you ared not free to condemn anyone who has ideas you don't like or with which you disagree.

remember- judge not, lest ye be judged, for with the same righteous judgment that ye judge, so shall YOU be judged, not by me, but by the father!

jesus didn't condemn any one, so how dare you do what he said you should not do? or don't you beleive what jesus said? are you the same hypocritical type as those who do so good at condemning others, regardless of jesus admonition about NOT being such a hypocrit?:lips: :lips: :lips:
I am not condemning anyone...I just simply said psychic is of the devil. I didn't say anything about YOU guys are devils and I am not judging you. Did I say that you both are devil worshippers or saying you both are idiots?? No, I simply said psychic is of the devil. And the word of God does not lie. And as you say that the father condemns and the father does judge, I shall not. You just feel condemned because you know you are doing wrong and that is why you think I am condemning you. Hate is a strong word. See, I don't hate you guys I simply hate the sin and how it destroys people and blinds others from the truth. So if you feel condemned then ask for forgiveness. By the way, calling me a Hipocrit is judging me by the words that I bare. Also, I tell you this that Jesus was not a psychic. I am very educated in the fact of the 9 gifts of the father. Psychic is of the devil. Prophet is not. Simply because a prophet is "What God wants you to KNOW" and a psychic is "About witch craft" and if you do your studies then you would know that.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

angeluplit3r;575212 wrote: I am not condemning anyone...I just simply said psychic is of the devil. I didn't say anything about YOU guys are devils and I am not judging you. Did I say that you both are devil worshippers or saying you both are idiots?? No, I simply said psychic is of the devil. And the word of God does not lie. And as you say that the father condemns and the father does judge, I shall not. You just feel condemned because you know you are doing wrong and that is why you think I am condemning you. Hate is a strong word. See, I don't hate you guys I simply hate the sin and how it destroys people and blinds others from the truth. So if you feel condemned then ask for forgiveness. By the way, calling me a Hipocrit is judging me by the words that I bare. Also, I tell you this that Jesus was not a psychic. I am very educated in the fact of the 9 gifts of the father. Psychic is of the devil. Prophet is not. Simply because a prophet is "What God wants you to KNOW" and a psychic is "About witch craft" and if you do your studies then you would know that.
who determines what is and isn't witchcraft? you? the bibble, a book of supposewdly factual, but really edited texts from before and after the life of jesus, nothing any earlier than thirty years after his death or centuries before his death, compiled by wealthy, powerful, and ignorant men, not any angelic beings or god(s). how can you limit god's gift to ONLY nine? are you his instructor in spiritual gifts here on earth?

if you knew anything, you would know that the term demon was daemon (spirit) in greek and that the church decided what was good and what was of the devil based on ignorance, not factual investigation. witches are a term developed by the christian church to explain their reasoning for condemning anything and everything that was not understood. a witch was one who was able to do anything the church, its priests and its full litergical hierarchy, popes included, could not grasp. the use of herbs and certain foods could cure an illness, therefore since jesus didn't pop up, it was of the devil so let's kill her/him for being a witch. that is where and how and why such foolish ideas of witchcraft and devil worship came from. the only idea of the devil being a real, or fictional creation is from man's own oignorance.

if you think there is a devil, you are ignorant of what it really means. look it up. daemon, a greek word, means spirit, not the term it is made up tp be which is demon. oif there is no demon, then there ccannot be a devil. besides, try spelling devil backwards, as well as speeling evil backwards. that, along with what the bible and most of its writings are comprised of will lead you to the true light, not some fictional place made up by ignorant men to explain what could not be comprehended by them. you should als0o realize that most of the writings used to compile the bibble were NOT those which should have been, but just thjose which suited the men of the fourth century after the roman empire's military needs were met when constantine fooled everyone into believing that he was to go forth under the sign of the cross to CONQUER_ the very thing jesus spoke and taught not to do when he said those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.he was a man of PEACE, not of war which is just what the christian faith decided was the way to spread the GOOD news throughout the world- AT THE TIP OF SWORD AND SPEAR ANd THE BARREL OF THE GUN! how wonderful that the wonderful followers of christ followed his example. and how stupid they were to follow the devil they claim they were against. HYPOCRITS are sons of the devcil. and you are amongst them for not understanding that there are 76 seperate and distinct gifts of the spirit, each and every one of which is described in various books of the bible, but defined by those which are foremost in corinthians. do some research, and stop assuming what you are ignorant of. remmenber what happened to job. he denied the truth, and suffered according to a spirit sent by god, not the devil, in order to test him. you also are being testecd, so don't think you know anything. learn and maybe you will come to understand that THERE IS NO DEVIL, just a spirit of god sent to teach and test you!

jesus was tested of satan, a spirit sent to do just that- test him, not destroy him.

god is incapable of doing anything against man, and he will not allow anyone to do anything against his willingness to be ALL forgiving. he does not pick and choose what and who to forgive. he just does it. it is up to you whether you learn to accept what he seeks to give you, even if you don't want it. it will not harm, nor can it ever harm you. it will only instruct you in his kingdom.

so i :lips: tell you again, if you do not know a subject, whether you call it psychic or spiritual gift, learn something about it, then you may be able to speak of it in words other than "OF THE DEVIL", a ficticious character used to justify ignorant men's actions against others. so don't show your ignorance and call it something of great wisdom or faith or anything of the devil without knowing it thoroughly and i guarantee it will take years to understand it. i have studied religion, not just one, but numerous ones, for decadesa and i have yet to find one which is worthy of being called FROM GOD, because they all claim it and they are all lacking much which is of value, and putting forth much which is destructive for mankind since they all claim to be the full and only TRUTH, regardless of who preaches it. none of them have the most basic of truths, man is on this earth to do njothing less, nor more than to live and learn, from one lifetime to the next, to the next, until enough has been learned to not NEED to take up an earthly existance, but that is far from where it will go. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

According to the decoding of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs done by the Egyptologist Albert Slosman, the Egyptian archives talk about a civilization with the same backround and culture as the Ancient Egyptians, as well as the same laws, the same art, and the same diplomacy.

And their secret knowledge of this civilization, hidden in their sacred texts, should not be forgotten. Priests in Ancient Egypt that were in training were schooled extensively on this subject. For a period of four years, they had to struggle to get through 42 text-books. The first two of these textbooks contain hymns worshipping Ptah and Ra. The following two contain the chronicles of the Pharaohs, which go back more than 30,000 years!

These are exact, because they coincide with the astral mathematical combinations of the Zodiac. Then they had the "Books of the Four Times" about astronomy, the first scriptures of which go back to their native country: Aha-Men-Ptah, a name that was later phonetically changed into Atlantis.
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The first of these writings discuss the astronomical past, the second the period at that time and the future; the fourth is completely dedicated to Ptah. Ten scriptures describe in detail the traditional religion with its celebrations and ceremonies. Four discuss medical knowledge, the structure of the skeleton, medical instruments and healing through plants. Ten books contain laws, an unprecedented treasure full of secrets. Other books discuss their escape from the previous catastrophe and their flight to Ath-Ka-Ptah (Egypt).
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by angeluplit3r »

charles_r51;575552 wrote: who determines what is and isn't witchcraft? you? the bibble, a book of supposewdly factual, but really edited texts from before and after the life of jesus, nothing any earlier than thirty years after his death or centuries before his death, compiled by wealthy, powerful, and ignorant men, not any angelic beings or god(s). how can you limit god's gift to ONLY nine? are you his instructor in spiritual gifts here on earth?

if you knew anything, you would know that the term demon was daemon (spirit) in greek and that the church decided what was good and what was of the devil based on ignorance, not factual investigation. witches are a term developed by the christian church to explain their reasoning for condemning anything and everything that was not understood. a witch was one who was able to do anything the church, its priests and its full litergical hierarchy, popes included, could not grasp. the use of herbs and certain foods could cure an illness, therefore since jesus didn't pop up, it was of the devil so let's kill her/him for being a witch. that is where and how and why such foolish ideas of witchcraft and devil worship came from. the only idea of the devil being a real, or fictional creation is from man's own oignorance.

if you think there is a devil, you are ignorant of what it really means. look it up. daemon, a greek word, means spirit, not the term it is made up tp be which is demon. oif there is no demon, then there ccannot be a devil. besides, try spelling devil backwards, as well as speeling evil backwards. that, along with what the bible and most of its writings are comprised of will lead you to the true light, not some fictional place made up by ignorant men to explain what could not be comprehended by them. you should als0o realize that most of the writings used to compile the bibble were NOT those which should have been, but just thjose which suited the men of the fourth century after the roman empire's military needs were met when constantine fooled everyone into believing that he was to go forth under the sign of the cross to CONQUER_ the very thing jesus spoke and taught not to do when he said those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.he was a man of PEACE, not of war which is just what the christian faith decided was the way to spread the GOOD news throughout the world- AT THE TIP OF SWORD AND SPEAR ANd THE BARREL OF THE GUN! how wonderful that the wonderful followers of christ followed his example. and how stupid they were to follow the devil they claim they were against. HYPOCRITS are sons of the devcil. and you are amongst them for not understanding that there are 76 seperate and distinct gifts of the spirit, each and every one of which is described in various books of the bible, but defined by those which are foremost in corinthians. do some research, and stop assuming what you are ignorant of. remmenber what happened to job. he denied the truth, and suffered according to a spirit sent by god, not the devil, in order to test him. you also are being testecd, so don't think you know anything. learn and maybe you will come to understand that THERE IS NO DEVIL, just a spirit of god sent to teach and test you!

jesus was tested of satan, a spirit sent to do just that- test him, not destroy him.

god is incapable of doing anything against man, and he will not allow anyone to do anything against his willingness to be ALL forgiving. he does not pick and choose what and who to forgive. he just does it. it is up to you whether you learn to accept what he seeks to give you, even if you don't want it. it will not harm, nor can it ever harm you. it will only instruct you in his kingdom.

so i :lips: tell you again, if you do not know a subject, whether you call it psychic or spiritual gift, learn something about it, then you may be able to speak of it in words other than "OF THE DEVIL", a ficticious character used to justify ignorant men's actions against others. so don't show your ignorance and call it something of great wisdom or faith or anything of the devil without knowing it thoroughly and i guarantee it will take years to understand it. i have studied religion, not just one, but numerous ones, for decadesa and i have yet to find one which is worthy of being called FROM GOD, because they all claim it and they are all lacking much which is of value, and putting forth much which is destructive for mankind since they all claim to be the full and only TRUTH, regardless of who preaches it. none of them have the most basic of truths, man is on this earth to do njothing less, nor more than to live and learn, from one lifetime to the next, to the next, until enough has been learned to not NEED to take up an earthly existance, but that is far from where it will go. :lips: :lips: :lips:

Satan is Lucifer, Lucifer was one of Gods' angels, Lucifer tried to take over Gods' throne, God threw him down to his own kingdom and make him the ruler of it, A.K.A. Hell. No, the Roman Empire didn't justify if Jesus was the Son of Man. The bible simply states that Jesus is the Son of Man. "1 Corinthians 1:18-25 18For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19For it is written:

"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;

the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."

20Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength." Alright, if you don't believe what I believe, then there is no sense in arguing, and God Bless.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Without the important calculations of the Ancient Atlanteans, just about nobody could have survived the last major Cataclysm that destroyed their entire Continent. There were at least thirty-six elements that enabled them to calculate the previous catastrophe in advance.

The last cataclysm was many times bigger than the one of 21,312 BC! Besides, their country had completely disappeared and much of it still lies underneath the South Pole.

Without proper knowledge of this mixture of historical and spiritual events, you cannot make a reliable reconstruction of the history of Egypt.

The Great Sphinx, for instance, is in the form of a Lion because the previous catastrophe took place in the Age of the Lion (The Age of Leo). In the Zodiac of Dendera there are broken lines underneath the Lion, which symbolize a huge tidal wave that accompanied the catastrophe.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

The highly evolved science of these ancient geniuses is astonishing. On many issues their science reached a much higher level than our current one. They were able to calculate beforehand exact orbits beyond four million days long, something we have not yet mastered completely.

From numerous facts they distilled the coming destruction of the Earth in our current Era. They knew that an event like this repeats itself in cycles, and therefore it became the basis of their whole religion.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

angeluplit3r;575582 wrote: Satan is Lucifer, Lucifer was one of Gods' angels, Lucifer tried to take over Gods' throne, God threw him down to his own kingdom and make him the ruler of it, A.K.A. Hell. No, the Roman Empire didn't justify if Jesus was the Son of Man. The bible simply states that Jesus is the Son of Man. "1 Corinthians 1:18-25 18For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19For it is written:

"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;

the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."

20Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength." Alright, if you don't believe what I believe, then there is no sense in arguing, and God Bless.

once again you quote from texts that were APPROVED by the church in the fourth century, not the actual words spoken by jesus himself. jesus NEVER told anyone they were not intelligent, only that they had made the words of the prophets and the laws given through the teachings of moses of NO EFFECT by there own actions and traditions. he called them hypocrits, but not witches, devils or sons of satan, only influenced by the attitudes which put tradition above all else.

you are doing the same thing. placing something of which you are ignorant into a tradition as set forth 300 years after jesus lived and stating it as fact. it is not, but those of us who have sought more from the life of jesus know that what is called biblical, and canonical, is nothing but what was acceptable to the ruling class of religious fools and idiots as what should be forced upon all who could be spoken to, and if they would not hear it, they were brutally murdered, raped, bludgeoned and burned for theirr heretical differences, not because they were wrong, but because the church wanted total and complete power over everyone. how many millions of people died so jesus good news could be forced down the throats of the survivors? when and where dids they get the idea that jesus said to destroy anyone? to conquer anyone? to commit mass murder from continent to continent for the greater good of being godly men? you can believe whatever youy want, but don't quote something just because someone says it's the word of god. that's bullshit. if it were the word of god, people would do as it teaches, not as the world religious wackos tell you to. even the popes had trouble doing what it says, and they still do.

john paul the second condemned every NON-ROMAN-CATHOLIC to hell. why? because he was spreading the good news, but only roman catholics were acceptable to god and jesus as the saviour. it was still HATRED from the pulpit two thousand years ago, and it is still hatred today. spo don't tell mne what the word of god is, saysa or maointains.

the hatred it spews forth makes me ill, and i have enough sense not to get sick just because THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO. it's just not true. its only what was acceptable tothose who sought and continue to seek power and control over those to ignorant to know better. soon, it, along with all religion will get toosed out for the crap it spews as truth!:lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

TruthBringer;575592 wrote: Without the important calculations of the Ancient Atlanteans, just about nobody could have survived the last major Cataclysm that destroyed their entire Continent. There were at least thirty-six elements that enabled them to calculate the previous catastrophe in advance.

The last cataclysm was many times bigger than the one of 21,312 BC! Besides, their country had completely disappeared and much of it still lies underneath the South Pole.

Without proper knowledge of this mixture of historical and spiritual events, you cannot make a reliable reconstruction of the history of Egypt.

The Great Sphinx, for instance, is in the form of a Lion because the previous catastrophe took place in the Age of the Lion (The Age of Leo). In the Zodiac of Dendera there are broken lines underneath the Lion, which symbolize a huge tidal wave that accompanied the catastrophe.

the sphinx is known to be older than the accepted age of a few thousand years. the geological evidence on the sphinx itself indicates that for millenia, water flowed over its sides. a young geologist about twenty years ago visited egypt before the restoration was too far along and in his examination, discovered that the weare that had been attributedc to the sand of the region was really the wear caused by water flowing over the sphinx. so the next question has to be, if it took several thousand years to form the wearing to occur, who really built it. obviously not the egyptians, and that would also mean the face would not have been of a pharoah, but of something else. could it have been the head of a lion? if, as you contend, the atlanteans built it to reflect the astrological sign of leo, it was likely to have been the head of a lion, which was later re-worked to the face of a pharoah.

perhaps, when the egyptian government allows the hidden room under the right paw to be opened, (they have refused to allow western archeologists, as well as their own, permission to open it), it will provide us with a look at what once was a thriving, technological society from which many later societies devoloved into warring little groups callecd empires.

maybe they even left us written records, and examples of their technology. according to edgar cayce, there are both records and examples of what they had in the hidden room. hopefully, it will not be many years more until the room is opened along with finding the hidden chamber inside the great pyramid which also contains many records of post-atlantean society prior to the egyptians.

it is truly unfortunate that so many records from the mayans were destroyed by the cathoilic priests who saw the drawings as devil worship, and not a written language,. only four codecs were saved, and they were the codecs which had the mayan prophecies in them. perhaps, when the time is right, the hidden chambers within the mayan and aztec pyramids will be found and opened.

maybe even thje other pyramids which have been discovered in other locations of the world will also have some hidden rooms, but that will have to be determined at some future time.:lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

TruthBringer;575599 wrote: The highly evolved science of these ancient geniuses is astonishing. On many issues their science reached a much higher level than our current one. They were able to calculate beforehand exact orbits beyond four million days long, something we have not yet mastered completely.

From numerous facts they distilled the coming destruction of the Earth in our current Era. They knew that an event like this repeats itself in cycles, and therefore it became the basis of their whole religion.

much of the man-made destruction can be prevented, but only if the leaders of the world wake up before it is too late. otherwise, mankind will suffer even greater destruction than that which will be caused by the planet itself.

if it is avoided or prevented, mankind will find things much better, and uses of technological devices will increase exponentially, but not like it is being used today. instead it ill be the building blocks upon which man will go amongst the stars and meet his friends who have been avoiding this region because of our own stupidity at dealing woith other cultures. some do visit, but rarely for anything other than for a good laugh during the sightseeing excursions to this part of the galaxy.:lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

charles_r51;575638 wrote: the sphinx is known to be older than the accepted age of a few thousand years. the geological evidence on the sphinx itself indicates that for millenia, water flowed over its sides. a young geologist about twenty years ago visited egypt before the restoration was too far along and in his examination, discovered that the weare that had been attributedc to the sand of the region was really the wear caused by water flowing over the sphinx. so the next question has to be, if it took several thousand years to form the wearing to occur, who really built it. obviously not the egyptians, and that would also mean the face would not have been of a pharoah, but of something else. could it have been the head of a lion? if, as you contend, the atlanteans built it to reflect the astrological sign of leo, it was likely to have been the head of a lion, which was later re-worked to the face of a pharoah.

perhaps, when the egyptian government allows the hidden room under the right paw to be opened, (they have refused to allow western archeologists, as well as their own, permission to open it), it will provide us with a look at what once was a thriving, technological society from which many later societies devoloved into warring little groups callecd empires.

maybe they even left us written records, and examples of their technology. according to edgar cayce, there are both records and examples of what they had in the hidden room. hopefully, it will not be many years more until the room is opened along with finding the hidden chamber inside the great pyramid which also contains many records of post-atlantean society prior to the egyptians.

it is truly unfortunate that so many records from the mayans were destroyed by the cathoilic priests who saw the drawings as devil worship, and not a written language,. only four codecs were saved, and they were the codecs which had the mayan prophecies in them. perhaps, when the time is right, the hidden chambers within the mayan and aztec pyramids will be found and opened.

maybe even thje other pyramids which have been discovered in other locations of the world will also have some hidden rooms, but that will have to be determined at some future time.:lips: :lips: :lips:

Yeah Very good information Charles.

I have studied Edgar Cayce's work as well, and perhaps you are right it might just be a matter of time before those records are discovered. I think it will be funny to watch many of the mainstream scientists scratching their heads at what they had been schooled on while they were achieving their degrees. Because the information will blow the top off of current "official" historical knowledge.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Egypt, officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, is a country in North Africa that includes the Sinai Peninsula, a land bridge to Asia. Covering an area of about 1,001,450 square kilometers (386,560 square miles), Egypt borders Libya to the west, Sudan to the south, and Israel and the Gaza Strip to the northeast; on the north and the east are the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, respectively.

Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization and some of the world's most ancient and important monuments, including the Giza Pyramids and the Great Sphinx of Giza; the southern city of Luxor contains a particularly large number of ancient artifacts such as the Karnak Temple and the Valley of the Kings. Today, Egypt is widely regarded as a main political and cultural centre of the Middle East
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

It is very important that people continue to solve the riddles hidden in the mist of time - to uncover hidden secrets in an exciting series of discoveries. Many of these secrets still lie hidden in Hawara. They had been kept hidden for millennia from the outside World. But thanks to the unique coding of the Egyptians and the Maya people have been able to discover an advanced pattern in them. They form a one-way communication channel. Mathematical inscriptions and pictograms have a key role in an endless flood of discoveries. Magic numbers in a whirl of calculations. They are the messages from a long-lost, exotic civilization.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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To the Ancient Egyptians, the star system of Orion was very important. Modern astronomers are of the opinion that it is in this same location that large quantities of new Suns are being born. Even today, Orion is a crucial player in their predicted "end-time" for our current civilization. Many of their expressions are meant to be taken literally, not metaphorically.

The Sunspot Cycle theory, which they mathematically established, can be unveiled again, providing however they managed to perform their observations and extract from them their calculation of the fatal end-time. But their messages of their hieroglyphs, the numeric messages, speak for themselves.

In the distant past, the high priests were aware of this problem. They knew the secret of the codes that was only meant for their eyes. Others did not have a clue how to translate them. However, if anything ever happened to them, later generations would be able to draw their own conclusions on the basis of the numbers. The key to their knowledge is therefore dominated by mathematical calculations.

In Egypt, the Great Pyramid is an example of a building where important numbers of the shifting of the Zodiac are hidden. This in itself cannot be coincidental, because the Ancient Egyptians originated from a highly developed civilization that found its resting place due to a major cataclysmic event.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

While deciphering the codes of Egypt, one can find in them the antique masterworks of remote times, and one proof begins to reinforce another. For instance: the number 25,920 shows up in elementary calculations that later form a logical unit in the pyramids.

Thanks to the work of a man named Robert Bauval, we know that the three Egyptian pyramids are placed according to the constellation Orion. Not only that, but also that they are arranged in such a way that they are reflecting the precession of this constellation, specifically showing the situation of almost 12,000 years ago.

And that is terribly important. The shifting of the Zodiac can be reproduced with mathematical calculations. The survivors of the catastrophe designed a plan with scientific details to show the precise date of the catastrophe.

And there is more. When the precessions were studied more accurately, the one of 9792 BC appeared to be the same as the one thats coming to us as we approach 2012 AD! And for this reason it would seem that the Ancient Egyptians wanted us to observe this constellation as accurately as possible. Because as soon as we reach the same precession a disaster will take place in our time, and it will be almost identical to the catastrophe that destroyed Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis).
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

much of the lost knowledge of the various cultures which resulted from the last cataclysmic event which caused our current landscape to form was lost and hidden from future groups of peoples, not as a result of failing to remember, but as a result of basic survival requirments. while a few individuals kept the knowledge alive, they lost the ability to comprehend it's true meanings because the number of people who could understand it lessened to the point that cult-like groups formed to act as keepers of the the secret information, and got to the point where they lived according to traditions set up, and not according to understanding the full scope of the knowledge they possessed.

modern science, lacking the fuller understanding of the information, has done nothing more than look at the religious and traditional meanings, and have not yet come to understand the reality of what they are able to decipher.

this will change, hoiwever, once the world is changed as a reult of the coming changes. science will finally grasp the fuller meanings of certain information which they currentlyt classify as "religious practices" rather than specific knowledge of events which have and will happen in the near- future. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The pyramids, a sort of "star clock", were built by people who were able to calculate the declination of star signs, forwards as well as backwards in time. They were highly civilized scientists. At the same time they were very competent land surveyors who knew everything about geometry and the four directions of the wind. That is why the pyramids need to be examined further.

The following words of Robert Bauval about the Great Pyramid tell enough (Fingerprints of the Gods, Hancock, 1995):

"Watch its power. It forces you to a specific thinking process....It forces you to learn. The moment you ask a question about it, you ask a question about construction, about geometry, about astronomy. You will begin to realize slowly how advanced it is. And you will want to find out. That's its power."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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A precession number is hidden in the Great Pyramid. One discovers in it an angle of 72 degrees that leads to the number 25,920: 72 x 360 = 25,920 = the precession number. The number 72 is mentioned here to give a code value.

In her book The Death of Gods in Ancient Egypt, the archeo-astronomer Jane B. Sellers states that the legend of Osiris is intentionally coded with a couple of key numbers, with which one can derive surprisingly exact values. It takes 72 years to complete a shift of one degree over the ecliptic. And according to Sellers, this number, the basic ingredient of the precession code, shows up persistently in antique myths and in architecture.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Ancient Egyptians were capable of thinking in the Ancient Atlantean way. They were able to encode essential numbers in such simple calculations so that we would be able to discover them in our modern times.

To understand the basics of their numbers one has to go back to the year of 21,312 BC. At that time the Earth was turning 72 degrees in the Zodiac. There is a logical path to this. A circle has 360 degrees. When you subtract 72 you get 288 degrees. The number 2,880 appears to have an essential value in the Sunspot Cycle. This proves that the same number was used several times.

2,880 was another "Holy Number" for the Ancient Egyptians. Every 1,461 years they celebrated the Sothic cycle. This requires further explanation, because several ancient Egyptian mysteries can now be correlated. Once more this will show how the Ancient Egyptians interwove their knowledge and science with their buildings.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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It all has to do with the star Sirius, the "Holy Numbers", and the pyramids. In Dendera the star Sirius rises every year with a deceleration of six hours. Every four years this results in one day of deceleration. After 365.25 x 4, which equals 1,461 years, Sirius has travelled a whole cycle.

This interval is called "God's Year" by the Ancient Egyptians. In those days Sirius had risen 1,460 times. The hieroglyphic notation for Sirius has the shape of a triangle with its vertex upwards. It is indentical to the one for "the creative bundle of beams" that can be found in all the scriptures and archives.

But what does it mean? This "light"? Well, according to the sacred scriptures, it originates in the twelve star signs. Except for a couple of days, it is constantly visible in the regions of the tropic of Cancer. Every morning at Sunrise it appears in the East and every night, shortly after Sunset, in the West. It starts at a high point in the sky, from where it comes down and unfolds itself into a huge pyramid that has the basic geometrical shape of a beautiful triangle.

From the temple of Dendera in Egypt you can watch this clear vision for more than half an hour. In December and January one can see this phenomenon at its best. Especially during the twilight, one can be overwhelmed by it. It is as if this clear light in its neat geometrical pyramid shape was sent by a divine power from an exact point in the Milky Way Galaxy. It vanishes, just as quickly as it appears. Should a person see this phenomenon, this almost magically pyramid shaped light will surprise you. To the Old Egyptians, it was a sort of supernatural phenomenon, a "divine" sign of the Creator, who was sending it to his Earthly creatures.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Masters of Measures and Numbers and the high priests of Ancient Egypt studied the Milky Way phenomenon thoroughly, focusing on the physical charecteristics of this light and its influence on the mind. They made plans to copy it on an Earthly scale.

The Star Sirius was also associated with this radiant light. Its hieroglyph literally stood for: "The radiant light that glows on Earth with its divine particles, thanks to Sirius."

Nowadays modern astronomers know the Zodiacal light only too well. They suspect that it results from the ionization of the air, like the northern lights. But they still do not really know what causes it. There are plenty of theories going around, but up to now none of them have been satisfactory.

In any case, it is an impressive phenomenon. Seen from the roof of the temple of Dendera it must have been a magical show. Thousands of years ago, they used to stay there watching and investigating the sky for nights on end. Besides the pyramidal bundle of radiant light beams which came forth from a steady, high point in the Milky Way, just about nothing emanating from that unknown point in our galaxy could escape the attention of the masters and their still-inexperienced pupils.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Here are some pictures of this Zodiacal Light that the Ancient Egyptians were so fond of.

If you look closely at picture number 1, you can almost make out a perfect pyramid if you were to draw the lines using the Blue/White Light in the shape of a triangle.

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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

perhaps the science of the stars will soon recognize what they still refrain from seeing, not for lack of interest, but for lack of some explanations that don't follow men's ideas of physics. but it seems thiungs are coming out which don't yet really have an explanation, but will have if the blinders are taken off.

scientists tend to back away from those things which don't follow wht are considered unbendable laws but maybe they will soon be forced to follow the illogical rather than the preferred. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The course of all the planets was strictly calculated and recorded by the Ancient Egyptians. Moreover, as soon as the pyramid of light (The Zodiacal Light) disappeared, some specific grooves made it possible to precisely delineate the movement of Sirius. The "Papyrus of Kahoen" proves that they were able to do it.

These astronomers from long-lost times compiled from this document some charts that showed the height of Sirius above the Sun, on the geographical degree of the latitude of Dendera. This had to be done very precisely, in order to check the end of the calendar. Again the "Papyrus of Kahoen" proves that they were able to do this.

A high priest of Ancient Egypt tells us the following when his words are translated into English:

"The glorious rise of our loyal Sirius will take place in the fourth month of Perit of this year, on the fifteenth day, to be exact. Mention this date to people in your vicinity and announce it at the entrance of your temple, so that the believers will celebrate that day joyfully and bring the required sacrifices."

The date noted at the end of this message is the third month of Perit, the eighth day: this has been proved and acknowledged by just about all Egyptologists.

So, this scripture was written 37 days before the actual occurrence. But besides this, thousands of years beforehand, the same calculations were made. This proves the high standard of the Ancient Egyptian astronomy.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The above-mentioned decipherings of the Sothic Cycle are only the tip of the iceberg. They show up many times in other calculations and in analyses of numbers. The Ancient Egyptians knew where their inherited knowledge came from. Establishing elementary codes was of key significance, in order that these numbers could easily be found by means of other numbers, providing a way to correct the reservoir of affected traditions, to gain back the full meaning of distorted memories.

So here we cannot simply talk about coincidence, but only about a purposeful way of thinking, conducted by brilliant minds. They combined their astronomical observations into calculations that were easy to understand.

The Egyptian "Holy Numbers" originate from the calculations that led to the previous Pole-Shift. Their mother country Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis) completely disappeared. The accompanying shock was so devastating that these numbers were imprinted in their memory forever and ever.

The pyramids of the Ancient Egyptians contain numbers that were used to calculate the date of the downfall of Atlantis. They honored in this way all those who had died during those events. But this proves in addition the reliability of their way of calculation.

Through this we find the fact that the precession code of the previous Pole-Shift that destroyed Atlantis is similar to the one that we have coming to us within the next 5-6 years as we come closer and closer to December 21, 2012. In fact, the pyramids inform us of what is going to happen.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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In the present cycle, you can find the same code numbers that were used in Ancient Egypt. The circular movement of Venus above Orion, with an identicle code as the one in 9792 BC, is going to return again around 2012 AD! This is the most crucial aspect of all. Because NOTHING will be able to stop the Earth's Poles from Shifting. Nothing. No scientist, no machine, no amount of technology. Nothing.

And the thing I want to make very clear to all of you folks, is that the Ancient Atlanteans had 2,000 years to prepare for the last Pole-Shift.

We have less than 6 to prepare for the next one.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

TruthBringer;577570 wrote: In the present cycle, you can find the same code numbers that were used in Ancient Egypt. The circular movement of Venus above Orion, with an identicle code as the one in 9792 BC, is going to return again around 2012 AD! This is the most crucial aspect of all. Because NOTHING will be able to stop the Earth's Poles from Shifting. Nothing. No scientist, no machine, no amount of technology. Nothing.

And the thing I want to make very clear to all of you folks, is that the Ancient Atlanteans had 2,000 years to prepare for the last Pole-Shift.

We have less than 6 to prepare for the next one.

NOTHING, and i mean NOTHING, can be done to prepare for what is coming. far too many changes, far too much destruction, far too much death, is coming to prepare for anything less than TOTAL and COMPLETE SUMISSION to the elimination of negative forces currently running rampant in this world. the one who sees it coming for what it is will appear at the appointed time and at the appointed place to keep at bay those forces which are trying desperately to gain control over the world's systems. he/she will be able to guide the world through the change, but may very well lose him/her-self in the process. currently he/she is totally powerless, but soon power will be sought and, barring any major error, he/she will be prepared for the things that will need to be done in the very short time alloted him/her to accomplish his/her purpose. who he/she is and where this individual is located remains secret, not for safety, but for preperation. the ends for this person will not be justified, but will only be understood years after the individual's death, and then only because he/she will make no claims to anything other than having the knowledge which the changes bring.

there are some who claim that jesus will come down in a cloud, or that the "devil" will be thrust into a lake of fire. this will NOT happen. what WILL happen, is an awakening to that which was forgotten, and has been continuously hidden for millenia due to ignorance. this ignorance will be the greatest single negative force which will change, not through force, but with two sentences spoken to the world when he/she comes to power. each sentence will have only four words and in each, only one word will be different. the word which will change is the first word in each sentence.

when those words a spoken, then change will be initiated in all who hear it, though how many will be alive to hear those words only one knows. and he/she is not telling -yet! :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

In the previous posts you have already read about the history of Aha-Men-Ptah, which over time became known phonetically as Atlantis. You have also read about the catastrophe that took place in 21,312 BC when Atlantis became partially covered by snow and ice at the North Pole. You should now also know that in 9792 BC the poles reversed and a massive shift in the Earth's crust occurred. In one night, Aha-Men-Ptah disappeared.

The periods between those two cataclysms, (one rapid shifting and one reversal) was 11,520 years. The most recent of those catastrophes definitely took place, because the year 9792 BC correlates with the star code mentioned in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. During several months of that year, Venus made a retrograde movement behind the sign of Gemini, to the left and above the constellation Orion. This code proves the accuracy of that date.

According to the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Venus code returns around 2012, which in turn will cause a reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles which will result in huge earthquakes and massive oceanic tidal waves.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The numbers discussed in the previous posts disguise unprecedented Human dramas and spectacular natural phenomena. You see, people are used to seeing the Sun rise in the East. On March 21, the first day of spring, the Sun is always in the same spot, in height as well as latitude. The Sun also rises at the same place on the horizon. It reaches its highest point at the same place. Starting with this fact, the ancient scientists calculated the precession of the Zodiac.

So far everything is normal. But, had it always been like that? Had the Sun always risen in the same spot? In old scriptures there are testimonies of catastrophes that made the Earth "turn over". Nothing was the same after that.

This shocking sentence comes from the Egyptian Book of the Dead:

"I have placed the Sun on a new horizon."

This can be explained as follows: after the slide of the Earth's crust, the Sun rose in a different place on the horizon. Keeping this in mind, everbody will understand this remarkable sentence.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

If you happen to live in Sweden, you know that in the summer the Sun hardly ever sets, and that the daylight shines brightly all day long - the famous midsummer-night Sun.

At the equator the story is quite different; there the Sun "goes to sleep early" and sinks completely in a few minutes. Holidaymakers who visit exotic islands know this only too well. One moment there is bright daylight and the next there is sudden darkness, as if the "End Times" have struck as quickly as lightning.

Imagine now that you are living in England when suddenly, the Earth's crust slides and, in one big blow, your town is moved to tropical regions thousands of kilometers away. For anyone remaining alive, it will be clear to him or her that the Sun will rise and set on a totally different plane. You don't have to be an astronomer to prove this. Just like in the tropics, the Sun will rise from a different spot, will stand much higher in the sky, will shine brighter and will set much quicker.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The fact is that Heredotus (also known as the "Father of History writing"), wrote an extremely intriguing side-note in his report on Egypt. It literally says that the Egyptians had assured him, "that the Sun rose twice where it is setting now". To date, many scientists have ignored this highly remarkable statement. They simply detach themselves from it laconically.

A latin writer, Pomponius Mela, wrote in the first century:

"In the authentic annals of the Egyptians one can read that the course of the stars has changed its directions four times, and that the sun set twice on the place where it is now rising." (De situ Orbis; 9.8)

Here mela underlines what Herodotus wrote. Not only the Sun but also the stars changed the direction of their course! When you think about this, it produces a new code. Instead of rising in the East, it rose in the West and vice versa.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

The code of the Egyptians has, therefore, a twofold meaning. Not only was the height of the rising Sun different, but so was the direction it was travelling in!

In the Papyrus of Ipuwer it is stated:

"The land is turning around like a potter's wheel."

And the Papyrus of Harris points out:

"If the South becomes the North, fire and water will ravage the Earth while it is turning over."

A remark of this kind points to the fact that the magnetic field of the Earth had reversed.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Through the coming Pole-Shift, the land areas will collapse and titanic earthquakes and tidal waves will torment the whole Earth. Some Continents will sink, while others will rise. After the elements calm down, it will be evident that the Earth's rotation will have reversed to a clockwise rotation, from left to right. Try to realize that after the catastrophe you are heading for the Sunrise-because the Earth is turning clockwise! This means that the Sun will inevitably rise in the West and not in the East!

It has already happened many times before, as proved by the pyramid texts translated by K. Piehl in his book Inscriptions Hieroglyphiques (page 65: L'ouest qui est a'l Occident):

"The Light Source stopped living in the West. A new one now appears in the East."

A bit further the same text clarifies:

"The West, that is to say, there where the Sun sets."

In bygone days this was the other way around. In Breasted's Ancient Records of Egypt, Part III, the inscriptions unmistakably explain the following:

"Harakhte, she rises in the West."

Harakhte is the Egyptian name for the Sun in the West.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

perhaps the pole shift will also herald the coming of those who were once here, but left to escape the last polar, and landmass changes. though some have been her for many years, and have been acting as teachers and engineeers, while others come to see our show of ignorance and stupidity, we will finally be given a way off this planet for a short period so as avoid much of the destruction.

this event may or may not occur, though i have some hope for it. the only question would then be -who will be allowed to get off ths planet and thus be able to come home after the re-alignment.

while there will be surviivors, why will the destrution not include the few who do survive? the only explanation i can find is that fate will determne who and where the survivors will be located when it happens. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The astronomical facts in the tomb of Senmut, the architect of Queen Hatshepsut, prove that this is the correct translation. Not far from the Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut built the World-famous temple, where her architect was depicted in the niches of the central corridor. His grave is situated at the north of the road that leads to the temple.

The architectural composition of this temple is extremely impressive; it comprises a succession of terraces and elongated doorways, which are silhouetted beautifully against the vertical mountainside. A staircase leads to a terrace, which is closed off by a double portico. The northwest corner of the building is devoted to Anubis. He is depicted on the walls of the vestiblue with twelve pillars. In the middle of the rear wall, a small, vaulted corridor led to the sanctuaries.

There is a courtyard in a terrace on a higher level of the building which has a square Sun-alter facing north, which proves that the Egyptians were "Sun worshippers".

Here are some pictures of Queen Hatshepsut's temple:

http://www.greatbuildings.com/cgi-bin/g ... _JAG1.html

http://www.greatbuildings.com/cgi-bin/g ... _JAG2.html

http://www.greatbuildings.com/cgi-bin/g ... e_RH1.html

http://www.greatbuildings.com/cgi-bin/g ... e_RH2.html
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Considering the main role of the Sun during the catastrophic events which led to the reversal of the poles, this is quite logical; which brings us back to the grave of the architect of Queen Hatshepsut's temple. The temple holds a well-kept secret from ancient times. Its ceiling contains a panel which shows the hemisphere of the southern sky. Nothing special, you might think, until you study this a bit more closely. The signs of the Zodiac and other star signs are not depicted, as you presently know them; you will see them instead in a reversed orientation. The group of Orion-Sirius takes up the center of the southern panel of the Senmut ceiling. Orion, however, is situated on the west side, instead of the east side of Sirius, like a mirror image.

This is sheer madness for astronomers. In The Astronomical Ceiling Decoration in the Tomb of Senmut, A. Pogo writes: "The orientation of the southern panel is such, that one who is lying in the tomb and wants to look at it, has to lift up his head and face the North, not the South."

Other astronomers are baffled as well and wonder why the Egyptians did it. It seems completely illogical to them, because through the mirror-image orientation, Orion seems to move to the East, that is, in the wrong direction.

However Herodotus gave a plausible explanation for this, and still, there is yet another. Orion was the most important star system for the Egyptians. Misplacing it would have meant blasphemy. Therefore we have to see the explanation in the light of their religion. All the events that occurred during the previous catastrophe have a special place. After the immense cataclysm, the poles reversed: south became north. This also means that east and west changed places.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Here we have what inspired the architect. By placing Orion in a reversed position, he showed that a pole reversal had occurred and that the direction of the wind had changed. He could not have been clearer. In the meantime, we have also learned that the pyramids of Gizeh were placed according to the constellation Orion. To many people's astonishment they also form a mirror image from the sky!
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

very good info. many of the egyptian scholars would, of course, have other ideas about what the various inscriptrions mean. perhaps they are not as bright as some think they are. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

charles_r51;579468 wrote: very good info. many of the egyptian scholars would, of course, have other ideas about what the various inscriptrions mean. perhaps they are not as bright as some think they are. :lips: :lips: :lips:

Well it's just that many of them are wrapped up in their own egos. They don't realize that by not keeping an open mind, they are unable to see the Truth.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Before the cataclysm of 21,312 BC, Atlantis had been in Sagittarius for 720 years. In one blow, the Earth was then catapulted forward to the Age of Aquarius. The movement of the Earth didn't reverse this time. Since there was only a sudden shift of the Ages, we know that the Earth's core kept turning in the same direction. If it had reversed, the Ages would have gone in the opposite direction, as after the first cataclysm.

Into which age we shall be catapulted this time is just guesswork, but it is a mathematical certainty that it will entail a huge catastrophe. The longer the period between the crashes, the stronger will be the bottled-up forces and their discharge. For this reason the Zodiac was "sacred" to the Egyptians. It reminded them how the recurring catastrophes could affect the Earth and specifically their civilization. They were happy when they reached a new age without destruction, and then they honored that fact by building spectacular buildings.

The many sphinxes of the ages of Taurus and Aries are overwhelming examples of this. The largest spiritual monument they left us - the Sphinx - also points to the previous catastrophe that completely destroyed their land of origin. Indeed, in 9792 BC, during the Age of the Lion (The Age of Leo), their original continent, Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis), sank in one day and one night in the tempestuous waters, to be finally covered by ice.
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