WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

The information contained within the Ancient Scarab Brooch allows access to another layer of information that is encoded into it.

The design of the Scarab Brooch was made to incorporate a schematic of the electromagnetic interaction that takes place between the Sun and the Earth. The magnetic fields of the Sun and Earth are clear, as is the bow shock that results from the interaction of the solar wind on the Earth's magnetic shield, the magnetosphere.

The Scarab Brooch contains several layers of information:

1. The disc, the scarab, and the crescent together form the hieroglyphic name Neb-khepru-Re - Tutankhamun.

2. The distance between the rays and the centre line of the crescent is symmetrical. However, the distance between the inside rays is asymmetrical. This tells the observer that the outside wings of the scarab are symmetrical but that the number of stones inside each wing is asymmetrical.

3. 183 feather stones are inlaid in each wing, which shows symmetry; together these total 366, the number of days in a leap year. However, each group of 183 stones is comprised of different numbers of stones on respective feather rows; 31 stones are distributed asymmetrically in gaps between feathers. The total number of stones therefore is 366+31 which = 397.

4. The solar disc and crescent of the brooch appear to contain another level of information; which is that the solar disc, consisting of 360 degrees, and the crescent (representing the polar cap of the Sun, which takes 37 days to rotate) together add up to 397. This allows for a further step in the interpretation of the symbolic significance of the brooch.

5. The brooch shows the schematic of the Sun and its magnetic field showering particles, the solar wind, towards the Earth. This bombardment results in compression of the Earth's magnetic field on the Sunward side, which results in a bow shock.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

The Ancient Scarab Brooch from King Tut's tomb tells us many things about their level of knowledge. It also contains the following encoded information:

1. The name of Tutankhamun, Neb-khepru-Re.

2. The number of stones in the feathers adds up to 366, the number of days in one leap year.

3. That the rotational period of the Sun's polar cap amounts to 37 days.

4. That magnetic interaction takes place between the Sun and the Earth.

5. That the Sun emits particles, the solar wind, which bombard the Earth, causing distortion to the Earth's magnetic shield, the magnetosphere.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Here is a picture of the cleverly encoded Scarab Brooch that was discovered in King Tut's tomb:

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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

have been gone awhile, and unable to keep up with the last several days of posts.

interesting about the scarab. i'll add some comments after i get caught up with a week's worth of stuff, not just from here, but from others as well. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The last item that I'm going to post about that was also found in King Tut's tomb was a rare complex beaded necklace. It was found in a jumbled bundle on the floor of the Antechamber together with a cache of finger-rings threaded along a slim tubular roll of fabric. These were thought to have been stolen from the Burial Chamber and discarded by fleeing robbers during their hasty exit from the tomb.

The six-tiered necklace clearly resembles rays of the Sun. The fastening clasp consists of two ingots adorned with solar discs. One of the ingots is missing a solar disc bead. This ingot, like the other, should carry 14 beads, but because one stone is missing, it carries only 13.

Both of those numbers are astronomically significant. 13 is the number of half the rotational duration of the Sun's equatorial magnetic field (measured on the surface of the Sun), and 14 is the number of half the duration of the Sun's magnetic field, measured and viewed from the Earth.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The cache of finger-rings found with the necklace amounts to an invitation to 'count' using our fingers. Counting the beads from the neck edge outwards.

Upon closer inspection of the necklace, one realizes that once again the Ancient Egyptians have encoded information in numbers. Rows 1 and 2 of the necklace both add up to 13. When these two rows are added you get the number 26, which is the number of the rotational period, in days, of the Sun's equatorial magnetic field (as measured on the Sun's surface).

Row 3 adds up to 37 beads, which represents the rotational period of the Sun's polar magnetic field, in days (as measured on the Sun's surface).

Row 4 and 5 again add up to the number 26, the number of the rotational period, in days, of the Sun's equatorial magnetic field (as measured on the Sun's surface).

Row 6 adds up to 110.

The total number of beads on the necklace adds up to 397. When you subtract row 3 (37) from the total number of beads on the necklace (397), you again get the number 360 just like the number from the Scarab Brooch, which again, represents the 360-degree rotation of the solar polar field every 37 days.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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So the significance of the necklace is extremely important, because it contains the following facts which again show proof of the Ancient Egyptians supreme knowledge of astronomy:

1. There are 397 full beads on the necklace, which, like the number 397 in the Scarab Brooch, explain that the rotational duration of the Sun's pole is 37 days (the Sun's pole rotates 360 degrees in 37 days).

2. The number of beads in different rows of the necklace reveals that the rotational duration of the Sun's equator is 26 days, and that the rotational duration of the poles is 37 days (as measured on the Sun's surface).

3. The number of solar discs on the necklace, featured in the two ingots, contains the rotation rates of the Sun's equator measured on the Sun, which is 26 days, and again from the Earth, which is 28 days.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The total number of pieces that make up the necklace as a whole is 400. When you multiply the total number of pieces by the number 360 which is encoded into the necklace, you get the number 144,000.

144,000 is significant because again it is the same number that can be found in the legend of the survivors of Atlantis, in Ancient Egyptian culture, in Ancient Mayan culture, and in the Book of Revelation from the Holy Bible.

By multiplying the odd row 6 which contains the number 110, by the number of the row itself, 6, you get the number 666. Which again, refers to the Book of Revelation from the Bible.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Here is a picture of the famous Beaded Necklace (also known as the "Sun Ray Collar") that was found in King Tut's tomb:

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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Both the Scarab Brooch and the Beaded Necklace that were found in King Tut's tomb reveal that the Ancient Egyptians knew about the super-science of the Sun.

It is also now known that the Ancient Egyptians knew about the fact that the Sun's radiation was causing infertility on the Earth around that period of time that King Tut was in power.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Ancient Egyptians derived their strength from their faith. It was for them a useful system of belief, because it gave them goals and rules from which they could build up intense experiences. To them, life consisted of service, and all their doings were focused on the life awaiting them after death.

This efficient system ruled their whole life; it gave purpose to it and preserved them from chaotic ideas. Their scientific knowledge about man and the Universe revealed to them the relation between Humanity and its destiny. Through this understanding they had superior insight into the origins of social mechanisms, their feelings, hopes and fears.

This belief system pushed them in the direction of meaningful goals from which they got their strength as well. They culturally expressed this in their legends and buildings.

It it now up to us to bring back this long lost knowledge. Because then, like them, we will be able to reunite ourselves with our surroundings and the meaning of life.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Part of the Ancient Egyptian's faith, based on the catastrophe cycles, acknowledges the laws of nature. It pushes our Spiritual energy in the direction of meaningful targets, because the belief system is based on the scientific knowledge of man and the Universe and the expected "End" of our World AS WE KNOW IT.

It develops as if it were an integrated interpretation of all earlier developed knowledge related to Humanity and its inescapable destiny. It is useless to connect our dreams and desires to nature without bearing in mind its laws. When we acknowledge the limitations of our civilization and its inevitable end, and again accept a humble place in the Universe, we will start to feel like the progidal son or daughter who finally comes home after years of wandering.

If the aim of Humanity is united with these values and experiences, the problem of the meaning of Life will be solved. Billions of people will then experience the forthcoming catastrophe that will soon shake our Earth to it's foundations as a liberation, and will sacrifice themselves voluntarily to a higher purpose: the continued existence of Humanity, and the rediscovery of an overpowering God image.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

hopefully, mankind, or at least the relatively small number of survivors of the coming changes, will not make another mistake and re-establish another religion. that has been his most erroneaous and incomprehensible fallacy by which he lives and exists.

religion is nothing more than a means of establishing a hierachical control mechanism which prevents mankind from reaching his full potential both mentally and intellectually. it is designed for nothing less than a means to keep people under the control of a few individuals capable of acting as leaders and who then crave additional power over others. these individuals get together, deside on what others are to know, spoonfeed them a diet of non-sense which strives to explain everything by confusing the issues and refrainbing from allowing a variant of what is by claiming that some other explanation is not worth hearing and that it should be denied and those who speak of it are to be either cast out or destroyed and all that they say is to be buried under mounds of ignorance in order to keep and maintain a religious stand which explains nothing and blinds people to the truth they themselves know should be seen by anyone with a small amount of intelligence, and not become the motive force by which to live one's life.

perhaps this next age will be different, but i have my doubts since so many want to be led around by the nose and not have to think for themselves. it has been that way for millenia, and will probably occur again if something isn't done to stop it from happening all over again. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

At the same time that the Ancient Egyptian civilization was thriving, another civilization was thriving on what we now know as the South American continent. This civilization was the Ancient Mayan civilization. And they were just as advanced if not more so in some ways than were the Ancient Egyptians of Egypt.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Ancient Maya were a Mesoamerican civilization. They had a very advanced writing system in the Americas even prior to European contact. They used sophisticated math systems and had complex and useful cyclical calendars. Spectacular art and monumental architecture were two other notable accomplishments of this civilization.

The Ancient Mayans lived in what is now known as southern Mexico and northern Central America including Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. Their descendants still live there today, and many of them speak the Mayan languages.

The Ancient Mayans were master architects, building pyramids and even entire cities, many of which are still standing today.

Ancient Mayan pyramids were made of stone. The stone was carved to create a stair-step design. Their cities grew around the pyramids. They consisted of plazas connected together by sacbeob (whiteway) causeways.
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At the heart of Ancient Mayan cities existed the largest plazas. They contained governmental and religious buildings, such as the royal acropolis, great pyramid temples, and occasionally ball-courts. Temples and observatories were always constructed so they followed the Mayan interpretation of the orbits of the stars. Outside of this center were less important temples and shrines. At the outskirts lay the homes of the common people.

The Ancient Mayans grew a wide variety of crops, including corn, manioc, and sunflower seeds. These crops were grown in permanent raised fields, terraccing, forest gardens, and managed fallows. There was also harvesting of wild crops. The Mayans ground cacao and mixed it with water to make the first chocolate.

The Ancient Mayans wrote using a series of glyphs (carved figures or characters), which were painted on ceramics, walls, or bark-paper codices (books), carved in wood or stone, or molded in stucco. Each glyph represented a word. Mayans wrote numbers vertically.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Ancient Mayans believed that time was cyclical, that is, it goes in circles.

The Ancient Mayans are famous for abandoning their civilization. To this day no one is certain what happened to them.

There are many Ancient Mayan cities still standing today. Some of the most well known ones are: Chichen Itza, Coba, Copan, Calakmul, Tikal, and Uxmal. These cites lay forgotten for centuries, until modern-day explorers rediscovered them. Archeological surveys and excavations were conducted (and are still being conducted) on some of these sites, revealing more about Mayan culture. Today, some cities can be visited by tourists.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Here are some pictures of Ancient Mayan ruins in the ancient city of Uxmal:

http://wild-net.com.au/mexico/assets/im ... s4_280.jpg

http://d.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/rids/20 ... 281119.jpg http://d.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/rids/20 ... 048662.jpg http://d.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/rids/20 ... 968085.jpg http://www.aerosaab.com/images/ideas/uxmal_01.jpg

PS - Don't let the pictures with curious George in them take away the beauty of the ruins in the backround.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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By the way I just have to say that I have been to some of these Ancient Mayan structures myself and standing on them I can tell you that there aren't many things in this World that give you that much awe when you are amongst them.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

there is, of, course, the question of the origen of the mayan peoples. while nothing is certain, due to the destruction of so much of "the devil's writing" by spanish missionaries, it appears they were as advanced, if not even more so, than the egyptians when they were first settled in the southern hemisphere.

even some archeologists have suggested that they camr from the same source race and were alsao related to some of the south pacific islanders. no absolute proof exists, but the evidence found thus far does provide food for speculation. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

charles_r51;586603 wrote: there is, of, course, the question of the origen of the mayan peoples. while nothing is certain, due to the destruction of so much of "the devil's writing" by spanish missionaries, it appears they were as advanced, if not even more so, than the egyptians when they were first settled in the southern hemisphere.

even some archeologists have suggested that they camr from the same source race and were alsao related to some of the south pacific islanders. no absolute proof exists, but the evidence found thus far does provide food for speculation. :lips: :lips: :lips:

Indeed the Ancient Mayans have been said to be descendants of Atlantis as well.

However there is no direct evidence for this like there is with the Ancient Egyptians. It can be proven, by the Ancient Egyptian's own hieroglyphs that they were descendants of Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis). It can also be proven that the Ancient Egyptians followed an exact path after they landed off the coast of Morocco to where they eventually ended up in what we now know as Egypt.

However, I have been unable to find evidence so far that can directly link the Ancient Mayan's to Atlantis. Other than their advanced Mathematics of course. But it is also said that the Ancient Egyptians may have traded with the Ancient Mayans because the Egyptians were aware of iron which would allow them to travel far distances if need be.

No matter where the Ancient Mayans originated from though, it can certainly be said that they were a special civilization of some of the highest science and intelligence that this planet has ever known.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Ancient Mayans kept extremely detailed astronomical records and they followed the cycles of the planets and stars as they travel around in their orbits. We are currently in the 4th cycle recorded by the Maya. It started in 3114 B.C. and lasts for 5126 years until 2012.

With the end of the 4th cycle comes... the beginning of the 5th cycle. The Maya believe that in the 5th cycle the ancient wisdom of the Maya will be rediscovered by the world and it will be a new dawn for mankind!
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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In the coming years we face another apocalyptic test, as time leads us up to the classic Maya millennium, on December 21, 2012 (based on our Western Gregorian calendar). That's when the Maya calendar will turn over to all zeros — by the long count.

The Ancient Mayan use of the zero by at least A.D. 200 is one of their key claims to fame, since the zero was not introduced to the West until the insights of Aryabhata, a fifth-century Indian mathematician, reached Europe.

The Maya millennium comes 5,126 years after the creation, which, by their reckoning, occurred precisely on August 11, 3114 B.C.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Central to the Ancient Mayan's philosophy was a belief in the cyclical nature of time and an awesome fear that one day, possibly sooner rather than later, our World would come to an end. It seems that they believed that the Sun would one day no longer send its life force, thereby bringing to an end the fifth and last age of man.

They counted the days according to two calendars, one a "vague" year of 365 days and the other a shorter cycle of 260 days. Every day had two names, one according to each calendar so that the same combination of names would not recur for 52 years. When one of these 52 year time periods came to an end they would leave their cities and, going up into the surrounding hills, anxiously watch the stars.

The sign they were looking for was the Pleiades star-group, symbolising for them a cosmic snake's rattle, crossing the southern meridian at midnight. This, they believed, meant that the heavens had not stopped turning and the Sun would rise again. They celebrated the birth of this new 'century' with rejoicing and the lighting of fires, symbolising the rebirth of the world.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Most of the Native Meso-American documents were destroyed in the early years of the Spanish occupation of South America but a few priceless books and relics did survive the destruction, either having been hidden by the Indians or exported back to Europe as presents for the King. The most important of these was what is now called the Dresden Codex, named after the town in whose library it was lodged. This strange book, inscribed with unknown hieroglyphs, was written by Maya Indians who once ruled over much of Central America, the ruins of their once grand civilization littering the jungle.

In 1880 a brilliant, German scholar, who was working as a librarian in Dresden, turned his attention to this codex. By a process of extraordinary detective work he cracked the code of the Mayan calendar making it possible for other scholars and explorers to translate the many dated inscriptions to be found on buildings, stelae and other ancient Mayan artefacts.

The scholar also discovered that the Dresden Codex itself was concerned with astronomy providing detailed tables of lunar eclipses and other phenomenon. These were so accurate that they put our own calendar to shame. He also found evidence for a curious "magic number"- 1,366,560 days, which could be factorised in a number of ways and which harmonised the cycles of Venus and Mars with two "yearly" cycles also used by the Maya: the sacred tzolkin of 260 days and the Haab of 365 days. However, he also found that they had another system of counting the days relative to a starting date, called the Birth of Venus and now known to be 13 August 3114 BC.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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One of the Ancient Mayan's calendars was divided into "months" or uinals of twenty days, "years" or tuns of 360 days and longer periods of 7200 days, the katun and 144,000 days, the baktun. The number 13 was magically important to them and they believed that, starting from the Birth of Venus, after 13 of these longest periods, or baktuns, the World as we know it would come to an end. Working from their start date this Mayan Prophecy points to a date in our own time, December 21, 2012.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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In 1986 the scientist/engineer Maurice Cotterell put forward a revolutionary theory concerning astrology and sun cycles. He had for some years suspected that the sun's variable magnetic field had consequences for life on earth. The sun has a complex field which loops and twists itself into knots. It has long been suspected that these loops give rise to sunspots, which are dark blemishes on the sun's skin.

The number, size and location of sunspots are constantly changing and as a former Radio Officer, Cotterell was well aware that they have profound effects upon the earth's magnetic envelope, the magnetosphere. Whilst working as Head of Electrical and Communications Engineering (Estates) at Cranfield Institute of Technology, he devised a program that would compute the relationship between the sun's magnetic field and the Earth.

As expected his model predicted that there should be a sunspot cycle of roughly eleven and a half years, closely corresponding to what has been observed over several centuries. However, he also found graphic evidence for longer cycles including a period of 1,366,040 days. His work took a new turn when he read about the Mayan super number from the Dresden Codex: 1,366,560 days. This was exactly two 260 day cycles larger than his theoretical sunspot period. He therefore proposed that the two were related.
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As Maurice Cotterell's earlier work on what he called Astrogenetics indicated that human fertility was dependent on the presence of sunspots, he now had evidence that the Mayan calendar was not arbitrary but was based on a knowledge of the effects of sunspots. This explained the near obsession they had for long cycles of time and their belief in the rise and fall of four previous ages of man.

Travelling in Mexico, Cotterell extended his ideas and gave them a public airing on television. After giving a lecture at the Voluntary Cultural society, he was awarded a medal by the wife of the President.

By now his work included some very esoteric investigations into the 'Lid of Palenque', a mysterious sarcophagus cover made famous in the 1960s by Eric von Däniken, who believed it showed the picture of an ancient astronaut. Cotterell now identified the lid as a graphic representation of Mayan philosophy and as containing many hidden messages and codes.
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In 1994 Maurice Cotterell met up with Adrian Gilbert, who had recently co-authored a book on the Egyptian pyramids called The Orion Mystery. Gilbert too went to Mexico and was fascinated to discover the extent to which the ancient Mexicans venerated the rattlesnake.

He discovered some curious cultural similarities between the early Maya and the ancient Egyptians. Whereas the Egyptians studied the movements of the Hyades, Orion and its companion star Sirius, the Maya were more interested in the nearby Pleiades star-cluster.

They viewed it as the warning rattle of a great cosmic serpent, which seems to have corresponded to the ecliptic. The head of this serpent was the sun and they believed that it was the source of all life on earth.
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To learn more about Maurice Cotterell go to http://www.mauricecotterell.com/.
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The Maya, like the Aztecs, believed there had been four ages prior to our own. Many scientists have been able to relate the first of these to the lost continent of Atlantis and have investigated certain prophecies relating to this ancient civilization.

It seems that the serpent religion of the Mayans, which the early Spanish conquistadors attempted to eradicate, may well owe its origins to survivors of this lost race of Atlantis, some of whom went to Egypt and some possibly to Central America.
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The Mayan calendar points to December 21, 2012 as being the end of our present age. Changes around that time to the Sun's magnetic field could have catastrophic consequences for us all. Perhaps we are already witnessing the beginnings of this change with the desertification of more and more land. This seems to have happened in a more localised way at the time of another Sun spot minima, which may have lead to the collapse of the Mayan civilization. Their jungle cities may be a warning to us all.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

if you've read edgar cayce's, edited by his son hugh lynn cayce, book about the readings he gave regarding atlantis, he specifically states that the atlanteans left thier island kingdom in boats and settled in both egypt and south america. the aztecs, also descendants of the atlanteans, are the third known group and some of the indians of north america are also descended from some of the smaller atlantean grooups which sailed off prior to the sinking of the final vestiges of what had been a huge continent stretching from the azores in the east to the islands of the caribean in the south central atlantic and as far north as the central atlantic. the southern limits were supposedly off the brazilian mainland.

in the mid-1500s, spanish expeditions landed on the azores and the few inhabitants provided them with stone tablets with stange markings indicative of some written language. when the islanders were unable to show anything about what was written thereon, the spaniards immediately destroyed the tablets and then the few inhabitants which populated the area.

we have much to be thankful for from the spanish and their missionaries- desstruction of anything which may have been useful in determining what they knew and where the atlanteans went once they left the sunken land.

i agree that trhe egyptians were part of the lost atlantean race, but they were definitly not the only ones to have atlantean heritage in their past.

there is, however, still a good source for the information which will conclusively prove the existance, location, and the locations of the survivor groups, the knowledge they possessed, the machines they built, and the reason for the destruction of the continent they had once called home. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

charles_r51;586864 wrote: if you've read edgar cayce's, edited by his son hugh lynn cayce, book about the readings he gave regarding atlantis, he specifically states that the atlanteans left thier island kingdom in boats and settled in both egypt and south america. the aztecs, also descendants of the atlanteans, are the third known group and some of the indians of north america are also descended from some of the smaller atlantean grooups which sailed off prior to the sinking of the final vestiges of what had been a huge continent stretching from the azores in the east to the islands of the caribean in the south central atlantic and as far north as the central atlantic. the southern limits were supposedly off the brazilian mainland.

in the mid-1500s, spanish expeditions landed on the azores and the few inhabitants provided them with stone tablets with stange markings indicative of some written language. when the islanders were unable to show anything about what was written thereon, the spaniards immediately destroyed the tablets and then the few inhabitants which populated the area.

we have much to be thankful for from the spanish and their missionaries- desstruction of anything which may have been useful in determining what they knew and where the atlanteans went once they left the sunken land.

i agree that trhe egyptians were part of the lost atlantean race, but they were definitly not the only ones to have atlantean heritage in their past.

there is, however, still a good source for the information which will conclusively prove the existance, location, and the locations of the survivor groups, the knowledge they possessed, the machines they built, and the reason for the destruction of the continent they had once called home. :lips: :lips: :lips:

Thanks for the info Charles. I personally believe that the Mayans originated from Atlantis as well.

The only thing I wrestle with is the fact that the Egyptians and the Mayans may have been too different races. Or were they? Queen Cleopatra certainly looks alot like a Mayan Indian at least in her artistic depictions including movies, paintings, ect. In fact....could it be that the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans were of the same race? Both brown skinned? Just living in different areas?

If that is the case, than yes, they would both most likely have originated from the same source - Atlantis.

Here are some artistic depictions of Queen Cleopatra. You guys be the judge:

http://sangha.net/messengers/cleopatra/all.htm <----- Click here to see the sculptures and paintings.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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To learn more about Edgar Cayce (The Sleeping Prophet) and his readings on the lost continent of Atlantis go to http://www.edgarcayce.org/
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Dresden Codex of the Ancient Mayans talks about the Sunspot cycle (about which our modern day astronomers know very little).

At a certain moment, when the Sun's magnetism reaches a crucial point, a colossal catastrophe will destroy much of the Earth.

This event correlates with the number 666 of the Bible. Besides being the number related to the "Anti-Christ", it has also been associated with the "Apocalypse" or the "End of the World" as we know it.

But for the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans, the number 666 represented an aberration in the Sunspot Cycle, which lays the foundation for the forthcoming Pole-Shift.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Graham Hancock talks about the number 66.6 in his book Fingerprints of the Gods. In it he mentions a very special event that takes place in Mexico each equinox of March 20th, and September 22nd. On those days, a strange phenomenon takes place, which is that for exactly 6.66 seconds a shadow passes over the west face of the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico.

This event has taken place year-in and year-out since the beginning of the construction of the pyramid. One of the many functions of the Pyramid of the Sun was to communicate the encoded messages of the wisdom cult that had ruled over the Earth for thousands of years.

There is an undeniable connection between the Solar year, as shown by the equinoxes, and the number 0.666.

Many people will become amazed at the intwewoven knowledge of science, construction engineering, and culture of these magnificent Ancient Mayans.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Ancient Mayan's intelligence allowed them to calculate the coming Pole-Shift.

By indicating that a shadow appeared for 66.6 seconds, a phenomenon that takes place only twice a year, the Ancient Mayan's were telling us that this number relates to a solar year. Depending on the calendar that they used this took 360, 365 or 365.25 days.

Not only could the Ancient Mayans construct superior buildings, but also their underlying knowledge to build them was amazing! A purely geometrical creation, connected to the passage of time, dominated by the Number and the memory of heroic times. Combinations of surprisingly strange angles were joined together to create eye-boggling masterpieces.

The magic of esoteric figures, interwoven with thousands of artistically cut pieces of rock, as if it had not been any effort at all for the Ancient Mayans to do this. It was incredibly imaginative.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Judging from their high level of mathematics, it seems pretty obvious that their numbers were part of the legacy of the lost civilization of Atlantis. Without any doubt the Ancient Mayans were one of the most facile and inspired followers of the Atlantean type of science.

You can find everywhere their continuous obsession with the subject of time. It controlled all their enterprise and it doesn't have any equal in the history of Humankind. By breaking their codes, which accurately describe time, many Mayan mysteries and bottlenecks of their religion can be solved.

Awesome riddles and awkward manifestations of the Ancient Mayan's bonds to time will have a logical explanation with the help of modern scientific thinking.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

In Mexico we find extensive evidence of the use of the number 72. The relevant resulting numbers turn up abundantly in the Mayan Calendars: 1 katun = 7,200 days; 1 tun = 720 days; 5 baktuns = 720,000 days.

You can come across the number 72 almost everywhere in the Ancient Mayan civilization. This is most likely because of the fact that in the disaster of 21,312 BC, Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis) had shifted 72 degrees in the Zodiac.

The Maya had processed the number 72 in their solar year. The final decisive factor is that when you multiply a Mayan solar year of 365 days by 0.666, the final outcome is 72!
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