WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

and let's not forget that, the pyramidal form of architecture, whether mayan temples/pyramids, egyptian pyramid/burial chambers, or the north american mound/earthen pyramid burial sites all have a commonality amongst them. the pyramidal form of architecture. they also have a second common factor. they were places for the burial of the dead, at least according to modern scientific theory and the evidence they so quickly accept.

once the secret room beneath the sphinx is opened, sometime after 2012, since the egyptian government at this time refuses to do so, and has deliberately prevented any further investigations into it, or any attempts to explore it and it's contents, if any, since it was discovered over twenty years ago, much of the mystery of the atlantean legends, it's complete history, and the explanation of its FIVE catastrophic destrutive periods over the last 300,000+ years, as well as the origins of the myths of the pacific sunken continents before then, will finally be shown to have not been myths at all, but actual periods of human developement, and rhe cyclical nature of the rise and fall of the land masses over the eons as is shown in the geological and paleological record which is currently filled with many anomolies, misperceptions, and outright foolish assumptions concerning this planet, and the universe as a whole.

just remember, this is not the only universe, nor is this the only humanly inhabited planet. humanity, a millions of years of evolutionary changed being,has been amongst the various and sundry inhabitable, and even some uninhabitable-by-physically limited beings have been amongst the stars of this universe from the beginning of its creation. then of course, he has also been amongst other universes he is just now beginning to suspect exist.

there is a simple reason for this- the spirit, which each man is, was in on the creation and has been instrumental in the changes which it is still going through and will continue to go through until he has learned what he is to learn. what he is to learn is who and what he is.

once that is done, and all have achieved the same level, something else will come along and it'll start all over again. but maybe next time the same mistakes won't be made. but that will be another creation. but who cares. we have an eternity to figure it all out. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

charles_r51;587529 wrote: and let's not forget that, the pyramidal form of architecture, whether mayan temples/pyramids, egyptian pyramid/burial chambers, or the north american mound/earthen pyramid burial sites all have a commonality amongst them. the pyramidal form of architecture. they also have a second common factor. they were places for the burial of the dead, at least according to modern scientific theory and the evidence they so quickly accept.

once the secret room beneath the sphinx is opened, sometime after 2012, since the egyptian government at this time refuses to do so, and has deliberately prevented any further investigations into it, or any attempts to explore it and it's contents, if any, since it was discovered over twenty years ago, much of the mystery of the atlantean legends, it's complete history, and the explanation of its FIVE catastrophic destrutive periods over the last 300,000+ years, as well as the origins of the myths of the pacific sunken continents before then, will finally be shown to have not been myths at all, but actual periods of human developement, and rhe cyclical nature of the rise and fall of the land masses over the eons as is shown in the geological and paleological record which is currently filled with many anomolies, misperceptions, and outright foolish assumptions concerning this planet, and the universe as a whole.

just remember, this is not the only universe, nor is this the only humanly inhabited planet. humanity, a millions of years of evolutionary changed being,has been amongst the various and sundry inhabitable, and even some uninhabitable-by-physically limited beings have been amongst the stars of this universe from the beginning of its creation. then of course, he has also been amongst other universes he is just now beginning to suspect exist.

there is a simple reason for this- the spirit, which each man is, was in on the creation and has been instrumental in the changes which it is still going through and will continue to go through until he has learned what he is to learn. what he is to learn is who and what he is.

once that is done, and all have achieved the same level, something else will come along and it'll start all over again. but maybe next time the same mistakes won't be made. but that will be another creation. but who cares. we have an eternity to figure it all out. :lips: :lips: :lips:

Indeed Charles.

The answer is simple. You really begin to learn, transform, or change anything when you are engaged on your side of a process. This makes it easy to just sit and listen, and while listening, to pretend something is changing in you.

Your ego-mind tries to convince your Deep Self that you've done your part by just being here. Therefore, you say it is up to someone else to change things. But what is happening from "the other side" of this is quite different. Your inner self is waiting to sense a spiritual yearning or a slight expansion in your awareness.

The moment is present in even the smallest increment, and your True Self has the ability to move instantly into that space and open up your awareness to stretch your experience of your connection to the Divine.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Venus was sacred for the Ancient Mayans. Generations of researchers have been busy probing the question of why the Maya were so obsessed with this planet. Once you know how to unveil their motives, then you stumble upon amazing answers: the numbers of Venus are involved in catastrophes that purified Earth regularly, and in the ones which will do it again.

Among the Ancient Mayans everything was focused on Venus. They kept a sharp eye on our sister planet, noted everything down, and built around it a complex time calculation system that was used for thousands of years.

Ancient Mayan documents showed that other planetary movements could be calculated on the basis of the movement of Venus. Furthermore, it contains moon tables used to calculate possible Solar eclipses, which have been found to be accurate to within just a minimal deviation in relation to the actual values.

The Dresden Codex of the Ancient Mayans also coincided with the extremely important Tzolkin, the cycle of 260 days, which was greatly respected by the Mayans. It was also discovered that they had correct numbers at their disposal, with which they could adjust the first table and reduce the margin of error to one day in 4,500 years.

This also proves that the Ancient Mayans knew alot more than many modern day historians and researchers think.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

In the Ancient Mayan's Dresden Codex 5 pages were devoted to the calculations on Venus. The numbers and multiples of Venus were of great interest to the priests. The numbers were also part of an immeasurable inheritance. They are the legacy of the lost civilization of Atlantis, destroyed by a catastrophic disaster - an inheritance of an old, star-gazing people, kept alive, cultivated and enriched by their descendants.

And this legacy of knowledge points directly to Atlantis. The pattern of thought means fresh air in the search for the Atlantean civilization. Without any doubt the numbers revealed are leading us to a disaster that meant the end of Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis). It predicted Armageddon, the end of times for their original homeland.

Such a downfall asks for the largest scientific and mathematical connections. And these bright Ancients have provided them all for us.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Venus was everything for the Ancient Mayans. They believed, just like the Egyptians, that at a certain time around 2012, a super-catastrophe will take place.

In the Maya Codices the number 365 is crucial. This is because the Ancient Mayans knew the exact period of the Earth's orbit around the Sun: 365.2422 days.

If you multiply the amount of years between the previous two Pole-Shifts by 365 you get: 11,520 X 365 = 4,204,800 days.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

The numbers 7,200 and 7,300 were also extremely important Mayan code numbers when multiplied by a holy Mayan year of 260 days. But there is more. The deciphering of the Ancient Mayan calendars will show that the number 260 can be found on the basis of the precise synodic orbit of Venus. The same holds for an elementary unit of the Sunspot cycle. Every 260 days the polar field completes 7.027027 revolutions, a code number that leads to the unveiling of some of the greatest Mayan secrets.

The preceding evidence shows the resourcefulness of the Ancient Mayans. Their calendar of 260 days is based on a superior combination of advanced astronomy and mathematics. In other words, their calendar was not only a religious instrument, but at the same time it was a mathematical and technological miracle.

Without a doubt, the deciphering of the codes shows 260 as the main code number of the present cycle. In this way the Ancient Mayans interwove important messages into a simple and understandable system to make clear to us that Venus, in its previous cycle, was responsible for the main code. But right now we are in a different cycle that belongs to a different main code.

Due to the fact that it is the magnetic field of the Sun that decides when the Earth's magnetic field will swing over, they have interwoven the new value in their calendar that ends on December 21, 2012.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

On August 11, 3114 BC, the countdown of the Maya to December 21, 2012 began.

As you already know, Venus made a planetary retrograde loop above Orion during the year of the previous crash and will do so again sometime leading up to the end of the Mayan calendar. That is why they interwove Venus into their calculations in just about every possible way.

And again, all these Celestial combinations are representative of a frame of mind that was different than many of ours today. As Albert Slosman pointed out, the translations of these combinations represent geometrical figures and movements in the sky and of the moving lights in relation to the fixed points that they concentrated on.

The combinations for the Ancients depended upon the laws that create the Universe, because it is those laws that create the Universe which also bring about the cosmic harmony of the Universe as well.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

as has been noted in many of the many pages of posts in this thread, everything seems to be coming to a conclusion of some sort. many religions preach about "the end times", but few, if any understands where and when these final days are to actually be, and how they will be able to regognize the four main figures of the final "seven" years of tribulation and who they will actually be. except, of course, for the christian "jesus christ" coming down from heaven in a cloud, or rather, on it, thereby fulfilling the BOOK of REVELATION prophecies so popular amongst evangelical, pre, mid, and post apocolyptic groups who proclaim they "think" we are in the end times, but aren't sure. their entire premise stems from a single passage in the bible which states that some will be wisked into heaven because they are "saved" by accepting jc as their savior.

fortunately, as i already know what will happen with this idea, i don't worry about it. nor about anything else concerning the whole process of the coming age of "peace" people are always talking about.

the peace will not be end of the final "war" since it will not happen, at least not as people think it will be. first, nuclear war will not be widespread, but only massive conventional weapons will be involved, and in limited areas.

the knowledge some think is so important, nuclear weapons technology, will actually be the cause for their lack of use. after a few "accidental" nuke exchanges between a limited number of countries, even the use of conventional weapons will have problems being put into use due to their "high tech" systems and controls. even communications between nearby units will have severe problems and be evewn less useful as time marches on "to a beat which will increase the pace constantly" since the beat will always be "to pick up the pace". that is, "beat the drum slowly, pick up the pace" has been the increasingly resonant movement to the "age of peace" so necessary to the next age through which this world is to pass.

religion, man's bane, will fall, as will the final conflagration between himself, and his being what he will soon become. if this sounds odd, or anti-religion it is and should be since the age of peace will not be the "end" but the revelation itself.

while so much is set to seek fulfillment, and avoid the "left behind" stigma, few understand that there will be NO, NONE, NADA, final judgement and being entered into some "book of life" or cast into "a lake of fire with the devil" to face torment for all eternity. as with so muc h of man's knowledge about things, the prophets got it "right" but the listeners it "got it backwards".

the subjects that so fascinate theologians and scholars are always trying to understand what the writers were saying, and the doctrine was developed that has been the bane of mankind since the very beginning was, is and always will be based on reversed understanding.

if one were to take all the "teachings" of the various religions which deal with the relationship between men and god(s), read them, list their similarities side by side they would all come to a single idea, men fell from grace or was seperated from god by something a single individual did at the beginning of the creation of man. there is just one problem. it's backwards. he did not FALL, but chose to GO LEARN about what he had just CREATED. the only way to do so was to experience it. thus, he had to become a being, a single spirit, with two parts.

the first part was MIND. that which had the ability to create, and WILL, that which did the creating.

there are a great many who do not understand this very basic fact. to truly understand it, one need only look back at a single individual who lived, and created, by force of will, a nation. he came into this world, realized what he had to accomplish, and used his will to do it. his methods, however one looks on them, were his chosen methods to achieve an end product of nationhood for those who were not a nation. he acted on his knowledge of the problem which existed preventing the nation from coming forth, and willed it to happen with every fiber of his being. and he succeeded, magnificently, since it came about within a few years of the beginning of his next sojourn through eternity. unfortunately, his efforts are unrecognized, and unappreciated by anyone who was involved, and his name is not well recognized for his efforts even by those who have been the greatest beneficiaries of his actions on their behalf.

but i have, and for that gratitude he has shown for being chosen to do it on the behalf of many.

next, another little "revelation" for the ignorant masses. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

charles_r51;587764 wrote: as has been noted in many of the many pages of posts in this thread, everything seems to be coming to a conclusion of some sort. many religions preach about "the end times", but few, if any understands where and when these final days are to actually be, and how they will be able to regognize the four main figures of the final "seven" years of tribulation and who they will actually be. except, of course, for the christian "jesus christ" coming down from heaven in a cloud, or rather, on it, thereby fulfilling the BOOK of REVELATION prophecies so popular amongst evangelical, pre, mid, and post apocolyptic groups who proclaim they "think" we are in the end times, but aren't sure. their entire premise stems from a single passage in the bible which states that some will be wisked into heaven because they are "saved" by accepting jc as their savior.

fortunately, as i already know what will happen with this idea, i don't worry about it. nor about anything else concerning the whole process of the coming age of "peace" people are always talking about.

the peace will not be end of the final "war" since it will not happen, at least not as people think it will be. first, nuclear war will not be widespread, but only massive conventional weapons will be involved, and in limited areas.

the knowledge some think is so important, nuclear weapons technology, will actually be the cause for their lack of use. after a few "accidental" nuke exchanges between a limited number of countries, even the use of conventional weapons will have problems being put into use due to their "high tech" systems and controls. even communications between nearby units will have severe problems and be evewn less useful as time marches on "to a beat which will increase the pace constantly" since the beat will always be "to pick up the pace". that is, "beat the drum slowly, pick up the pace" has been the increasingly resonant movement to the "age of peace" so necessary to the next age through which this world is to pass.

religion, man's bane, will fall, as will the final conflagration between himself, and his being what he will soon become. if this sounds odd, or anti-religion it is and should be since the age of peace will not be the "end" but the revelation itself.

while so much is set to seek fulfillment, and avoid the "left behind" stigma, few understand that there will be NO, NONE, NADA, final judgement and being entered into some "book of life" or cast into "a lake of fire with the devil" to face torment for all eternity. as with so muc h of man's knowledge about things, the prophets got it "right" but the listeners it "got it backwards".

the subjects that so fascinate theologians and scholars are always trying to understand what the writers were saying, and the doctrine was developed that has been the bane of mankind since the very beginning was, is and always will be based on reversed understanding.

if one were to take all the "teachings" of the various religions which deal with the relationship between men and god(s), read them, list their similarities side by side they would all come to a single idea, men fell from grace or was seperated from god by something a single individual did at the beginning of the creation of man. there is just one problem. it's backwards. he did not FALL, but chose to GO LEARN about what he had just CREATED. the only way to do so was to experience it. thus, he had to become a being, a single spirit, with two parts.

the first part was MIND. that which had the ability to create, and WILL, that which did the creating.

there are a great many who do not understand this very basic fact. to truly understand it, one need only look back at a single individual who lived, and created, by force of will, a nation. he came into this world, realized what he had to accomplish, and used his will to do it. his methods, however one looks on them, were his chosen methods to achieve an end product of nationhood for those who were not a nation. he acted on his knowledge of the problem which existed preventing the nation from coming forth, and willed it to happen with every fiber of his being. and he succeeded, magnificently, since it came about within a few years of the beginning of his next sojourn through eternity. unfortunately, his efforts are unrecognized, and unappreciated by anyone who was involved, and his name is not well recognized for his efforts even by those who have been the greatest beneficiaries of his actions on their behalf.

but i have, and for that gratitude he has shown for being chosen to do it on the behalf of many.

next, another little "revelation" for the ignorant masses. :lips: :lips: :lips:

The forces of Darkness (Evil) and those of the TRUE Light (Good) each believe that December 21st, 2012 will be the beginning of what they have been waiting for for thousands of years.

Two scenarios are possible here. Either only one is right, or they are both right.

I tend to believe in the first one. And I believe it is the forces of Christ consciousness that will prevail.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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One of the differences crucial to this point between the Forces of True Light and the forces of Darkness is that the Forces of True Light have REAL Prophets endowed with Christ consciousness which have foretold of the coming Age of Peace.

The forces of Darkness, or one of the branches (The Illuminati), have no true prophecies whatsoever. And even if they think they do, they are FALSE prophecies, because they do not come from the SOURCE. Because they are disconnected from that Source.

However, the forces of Darkness DO NOT CARE either way. Their main goal is to create as much chaos and fear in the lives of each and every one of us as possible so as to hold us down to their level of vibration while at the same time enjoying the last of their moments here on Earth.

And they are even going so far as to purposely neglect any of Christ's prophets and/or His prophecies (not just those of the Bible, and not just those within Christianity), and to continue pushing ahead with an agenda that will never fully matierialize into their main goals. Of course, they have been doing this for as long as they have been around. So whats new?

They always lose in the end. So whats new?
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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As we approach December 21, 2012, ALL Human Beings will be forced to choose a side. Many have already chosen. There will be no sitting on the fence after the next 5-6 years have ended. The consequences of each choice will determine where you exist for the next 1,000 years or so. And I'm not just talking in terms of a physical body.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Of course, time as we feel it on Earth does not exist outside the Earth, and so therefore what we consider to be a long time - 1,000 years - is nothing for those who don't fall under the same influence of time that we Humans on Earth fall under.

However, although 1,000 years on Earth may not mean very much to those forms of energy that exist outside of it, it will sure as hell mean alot to the energy/beings who are residing on it for that period of time.

To them that will remain on the planet for the Age of Peace it will feel EXTREMELY wonderful. Which is a feeling that would make any form of Evil want to cringe.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Indeed the highest rebellion of man was when he thought himself his MAKER.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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We are pieces of the whole. We are NOT the whole individually.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

The illusion is extremely strong. But it's not indestructible.

Change is essential. When a person changes, the World changes with them.

Reality is what you make it. Collective reality is what WE make it.

Many people still don't seem to understand the true nature of the present moment. This sky will cease to be. And the sky above it will cease to be.

Everything passes. EVERYTHING.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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In Chichen Itza, there is a structure that was built by the Ancient Mayans as a rectangular platform with two floors having a cylinder shaped tower erected on top of them. The tower has three windows, from which you can observe the southernmost and the northernmost setting points of Venus. Furthermore, one of the diagonals of the platform points in the direction of the Sunset in the dead of winter. Another diagonal points in the direction of the Sunrise in the height of summer.

More than 700 meters of northeast of that structure is another structure that the Ancient Mayans built called the pyramid of Kukulcan with its 91 steps. On the other side of it's left staircase can be seen a wave-like shadow whose movement would have given the illusion that it was an enormous snake. On the ground, at the beginning of the staircase, there is a snake's head.

The pyramid of Kukulcan has four flights of stairs. Each of these flights of stairs points to the directions of the wind, and each of the four flights has 91 steps. Four times 91 amounts to 364; add the common last step and you get 365, the solar year of the Maya.

On the evening of the equinox, the pyramid of Kukulcan guarantees an impressive show. Esoteric triangular patterns of light and shadow appear in a dramatic manner, creating the illusion of an enormous snake slithering over the land and then up the pyramid.

When you begin to think like these ancient peoples, you will notice that their secrets hold the same curious sway over you as it did over them. Behind these secrets lies the compelling strength that defines the very structure of the temples and pyramids that they built.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Of course there is much more behind all this. If you take the number that the Maya used to indicate the Earth's orbit around the Sun: 365.242 days, you will find a crucial fact that modern science agrees with. The value of the Earth's orbit around the Sun is 365.2422 days.

This discovery is excellent proof of the advanced science that this ancient civilization possessed. Why? Because they knew the orbit of the Earth around the Sun as we know it today!
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Ancient Mayans inherited their numbers from their ancestors and used them in their own calculations. Venus, as the calculations show, was the key to almost all of their mysteries.

With their calculations comes a system behind the pattern of thinking of these ancient giants of mathematics and science. When focusing on their way of thought, a magic World of numbers opens, full of unexpected but undeniable and strange similarities.

With a feeling of awe, many will contemplate the revelation of the Ancient Mayan's codes as something almost supernatural. And it actually is. To make such calculations, you need genius scientists at your disposal.

The Ancient Mayans observed the cosmos with curiosity, and distilled laws, which were poured into specific numbers that formed a summary of a whole series of discoveries. If you don't know this, you will be dazzled at the sight of the Dresden Codex. The quantity of numbers and possibilities of combinations is huge.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The knowledge of the Ancient Mayans brings us back to the legend of Atlantis. As has been already proved, it contains some key numbers that were designed in such a way that they allowed entry into the "science" of the polar catastrophes that tormented the Earth regularly. It concerns an interwoven pattern of religion and advanced thinking.

The downfall of Atlantis, the shifting of the Zodiac, and the Sunspot cycle can all be correlated.

When speaking about the Ancient Mayans, we are speaking about highly civilized people who lived in a very distant past, and whose legends and numbers date back at least tens of thousands of years. This means that you have to reach unavoidable conclusions, the most part of which is that the catastrophe of 21,312 B.C. really did happen.

This will be shocking for many people, and yet the Ancient Mayan's way of calculation is so exact that we can no longer disregard their coded messages. Neither can we deny the existence of a connection between Venus and the period between the previous Pole-Shifts.
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Anyone who still dares to say that this evidence is not incontestable doesn't understand the Ancient Mayan's way of thinking. Numbers were the most important starting point in their World of thought, because they are Universally accepted.

In fact, today we apply an identicle mode of calculation as the Ancient Mayans. Every four years we adjust our calendar with an extra day. This adjustment is a bit too gross. After 128 years we do not count an extra day and therefore there is no leap year!

If you think about it carefully, you will easily understand their way of calculation. They used it in all of their operations. In the case of a leap year it contains one day. When you accumulate this over thousands of years, you get a large number of extra days. After a certain period they got, for instance, so many thousands or millions of days. To match this with other calendars they either subtracted "X" number of days, or they counted up "Y" number of days, until a similarity was reached.

In the ancient's time period a great many numbers correlated with Venus. That is why both the Ancient Mayans and the Ancient Egyptians kept honoring Venus, and why it is possible to reveal so many of their codes because of it.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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With the help of Venus, it can be proved that the Ancient Mayans knew incredibly accurate astronomical numbers. This is Earth-shattering, because their precision back then was actually more accurate in many ways than ours is today.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The masterpieces from the Ancient Mayans and the Ancient Egyptians complemented each other beautifully and formed one whole! The two most striking characteristics of these primal astronomical masterworks are the planet Venus and the Sunspot cycle. This becomes clear when you go back to the events of almost twelve thousand years ago.

According to the Ancient Mayan tradition, a new Sun shows up in the sky at the beginning of each new era. They named these eras after events that occurred under each of the successive Suns, which were called: Sun of Water, Sun of Earthquake, Sun of Hurricane and Sun of Fire.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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According to the Ancient Mayans, the first era was ended by water in which all but a few chosen beings had perished. The Mayans called this Apachiohualizltli, or "Sun of Flood". Some people claim that only one couple could escape death from this event, which is most likely where the story of Noah from the Bible came from. Others say that seven couples were able to save their lives and that they re-populated the Earth after the continual rainfalls.

Next the Ancient Mayans say that in the era of the Sun of Earthquake the Earth fell to pieces when it cracked in many places. Many existing mountains crumbled while other mountain chains appeared out of the blue.

The Ancient Mayans have said that a horrifying, otherworldly storm put an end to the ruling era of the Sun of Hurricane.

And finally, after a flood of blood and fire caused by the Sun of Fire, the Mayan state that the survivors starved.

In those four eras, fire, earthquakes, hurricanes, and all-devouring inundation covered our planet and extinguished much of our Human race. The most important, common element of these global calamities was that the Sun was responsible for the destruction of the Earth. The Ancient Mayans were convinced of this, and therefore they based their faith on it.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

In comparison of the Ancient Mayan's tradition about the four different Suns and the destruction that each one caused, there is another book called the Holy Book Of The Buddhists that also speaks of "World cycles":

"When a long period had passed since the rains stopped, a second Sun appeared. In the meantime the World was wrapped in darkness."

Their usage of the Sun as an indication for successive epochs that collapsed in an overall destruction makes it much clearer for us. Without any doubt they were telling us that an exterior change of our light source put an end to every cycle.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Thanks to the Ancient Mayans we now have mathematical proof at hand for the above conclusions. The Ancient Mayans knew the formula of the Sunspot cycle. With the help of their theories, they could make calculations about the behavior of our Sun. Long before the actual event, they knew if intense solar activity was going to occur. From the expected intensity, they could calculate whether it would have any consequences for the Earth.

The Ancient Mayan's hang up with numbers was quite obsessive, because they knew that many secrets of nature could be explained by using them. It was their conviction that when the original numbers of the events were rightly understood, it would be possible to calculate successfully the moment that these events would occur.

The Ancient Mayans were thinking rationally in their own manner, and they converted almost everything into what became Holy Numbers. In their thought processes the same numbers explained many things for them. They knew the exact values, but they hid them behind a whole series of codes. From then on, with the help of their Holy Numbers, the Ancient Mayans could retrieve the right numbers.

For these reasons we have to consider their calculations and old legends to be exact. They knew things that we still do not know. Their calculated date for the End of the Fifth Sun is undeniably correct, however incredible their science may appear to us. Therefore, we should take their prophecies about the "End of Times" very seriously.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

The crown jewel of the Ancient Mayan codes was their so-called "long calendar round", or "Long Count." It started thousands of years ago in the "Age of the Gods" on 4 Ahau 8 Cumkun: August 11th, 3114 BC. It will end after 1,872,000 days around the same time that much of the World will be destroyed. The Ancient Mayans say that this will happen in the year of Katun Ahau 13: or sometime around December 21, 2012 AD.

This encoded system demonstrates their ability to calculate long cycles, and it also gives them the ability to predict cycles of destruction and the creation that follows. We already know that the Ancient Mayans had incredible accuracy and that their countdown is a coded system.

According to the Ancient Mayans code system, a Sunspot cycle equals 68,328 days; furthermore, a Mayan solar year lasts for 365 days. When you calculate the period of a Sunspot cycle using these data, it amounts to 187.2 years. And a multiple of that number - 1,872,000 - leads us to the countdown to the next Pole-Shift sometime around 2012 AD.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The "End" will come like a thief in the night, at the height of a great Sunspot cycle.

An easy way to imagine the Ancient Mayan's "Holy Count" is to envision a calculator that is counting up intertwined magnetic forces, again and again. And just when the crucial point has been reached, the calculator will destroy itself in one gigantic flash.

By now, the colossal forces that will put an end to our civilization have already accumulated in the Sun. In the remaining years only a fraction of the forces already accumulated will be added.

The Aztecs, who supplanted the Ancient Mayans, were also aware of the impending destruction of the Earth. But it was the Ancient Mayans, who had calculated that the end date would occur in the Fifth Sun era. Their whole culture and all of their Holy Numbers revolved around this event. Using their Sunspot cycle theory, they calculated the moment an intense outburst of energy from the Sun would, all at once, finish the ruling civilizations of the Earth.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

the end of days, thar which has been expected for all who are of a religious bent, regardless of which, is continuously interpreted to be some unknown date in the future, but is never considered anything more than some "special" series of events which will follow a specific set of actions one after the other to a specific date still to come. while the mayans give an exact date for "the end" of life as we know it, that will not be a speciufied date, but will be the result of a cumulative set of events over several unspecified dates which can only be identified by the events having already happened. these marker dates, specific dates identified only by the cumulative events having already occurred. the mayan calender, as accurate as it is, inly gives the date between the end of one age, and the start of the next. knowing which event is to happen and when it is to happen would be a good basis for knowing about the future of this world. however, the events which must occur, and which are leading up to a final day of "the lord" are not occurring in a specific order as so many expect, but in a series of events which will allow the days themselves to be cut short prior to the final event which will be the "end of days". one need only look at the previous events of the last 21 years, and the order in which they occurred to see how the events relate to each other, as well as how they are NOT fo;;owing the pattern nearly everyone expects. were the events to do so, then people could be sure that the end days are here, but because they are occurring in a different order, not one which is easily determined and which can be compared to the prophecies concerning themselves, the ability to see the overall picture is lacking in almost all groups who want to say the days are here. hence they can only guess that the end times are near, or that we may be in them.

the blindness with which they are found is dliberate. the end must come as it should, and not as the forces want them to be. there is none alive who knows the order of events, nor have the ability to see when the next event is to occur. in this manner, the full purpose of what has been predicted, and the actual event itself can remain hidden from those who would seek to take advantage of them.

when the events have occurred, and been fully put into place, only those who have NOT sought to take advantage of them, will be found worthy of continued life on earth. all others, the vast majority of self-centered and self-aggrandizing people, will have their current lives ended as the final date approaches.

just as an individual has the right to make choices, so does that individual also have the right to begin anew in another inccarnation. this will be what will be known as the great reaping of those who have brought forth good fruit, as well as those who have brought forth bad fruit. the fruit is what they have done with their lives. being good or bad is irrelevant since the freedom to make choices is first and foremost, the only thing of value that the spirit possesses. it is what makes all equal.

only when an individual learns that the choices he makes are what he is, does he finally come to grips with himself. he learns that, whatever he decides, he is the one who must take resaponsibility, not seek to blame someone else. he has to learn, no matter how his actions affect himself, the only forgiveness is for himself and can only come from himself. unless he is able to give himself this forgiveness, it can never be found elsewhere. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

The discovery of the link between Venus and the previous Pole Shifts of the Earth explains a lot of things. It logically confirms findings related to the Egyptian Zodiac, the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Dresden Codex of the Ancient Mayans.

The Complexity of the Ancient Mayan's calendars can also be derived from it. Those that created the advanced Mayan calendars had discovered a means to integrate the movement of Venus with the orbits of other planets. From these calculations it appeared that the Ancient Mayans were aware of the fact that Venus required an average of 583.92 days to reappear in the same place.

Aside from those facts, it was also discovered that the Ancient Mayans had interwoven the Holy Mayan year - the Tzolkin of 260 days - with Venus's movement.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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There are many things to be found in the decoding of the traces left by the cult of the long-lost civilization of Atlantis. The Ancient Mayans had based themselves on Holy Numbers that they used again and again in their way of calculation. For thousands of years the secret science behind this was passed on to future generations. Thereafter it got lost for long dark centuries.

Because of the Ancient Mayan's remarkable method of working, it was possible to revive the traces of this advanced civilization, wrapped in a shroud of prophecies, of esoteric and age-old codes.

One has to turn to the way of reasoning of these ancient pyramid builders. Many of their actions were, after all, based on the Sunspot cycle. The Ancient Mayans were so incredibly clever that in some ways they raised their message to a higher level than the civilization that gave them this knowledge! With it they inherited the memories of terrifying earthquakes, falling stars, a bright burning Sun and a destructive tidal wave.

The Ancient Mayans interwove all of this into their magical buildings with the urgent message: "It has happened before and it will happen again."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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In Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision we read that the old annals say:

"In this age everything was destroyed by a rain of fire coming from the sky and the surging of lava."

The Ancient Mayans knew that the Sun had already proceeded far in its cycle and that it was almost dead. They painted pictures of it with features like a wrinkled face by age and its tongue sticking out eagerly in its hunger.

The number 666 played a large part in all of this. Through the deviation of 666 the cycles of the Sun are shifting. A total magnetic field reversal is awaiting us. When will this catastrophe take place? At the exact moment when all deviating cycles have pushed the Sun's magnetic fields to its maximum. According to the Ancient Mayans this corresponds with a time leading up to December 21, 2012 AD.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

by modern scientific methodology, the beginning of the next massive sunspot activity is scheduled to begin in 2011. the exact date, and magnitude is not able to be calculated, but since 2012 is the expected peak, the activity will probably be a build-up after 2009 and reach it's greatest output in 2011, and will peak with a sudden burst, or polar shift as a result of the sun's magnetic buildup after the 2011 peak which will have severe repercussions during all of 2012. whether it happens in 2011 or 2012, the final disasters will happen, and, hopefully, come to a head within a few years after the end of 2012. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

The Ancient Mayan's temples and pyramids are not products of superstitious minds, but are instead designs of extremely skillful architecture. And through this basic principle it is possible to find the connection with the number 666.

As stated before, in Teotihuacan stands a huge building, which is the Pyramid of the Sun. This pyramid contains a direct allusion to the Sun and its hidden deviating cycles. During both the vernal and autumnal equinoctial points, exactly at noon, the south-to-north shining Sun causes the phenomenon of a completely straight shadow that gradually disappears over one of the lower floors of the west face. The passage of the shadow into complete light takes exactly 66.6 seconds! This provides us with an undeniable relation with the number 666.

The Ancient Mayans used our time chronology of 86,400 seconds. This enabled them to assimilate the number 666 in their design. To carry out this masterly example of scientific thinking, you need a large amount of astronomical and geodetic knowledge.

Once more the visionary masters of ancient science baffle us. It is an example of the powerful and permanent legend from primeval times, a memory of a global disaster.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

charles_r51;589784 wrote: by modern scientific methodology, the beginning of the next massive sunspot activity is scheduled to begin in 2011. the exact date, and magnitude is not able to be calculated, but since 2012 is the expected peak, the activity will probably be a build-up after 2009 and reach it's greatest output in 2011, and will peak with a sudden burst, or polar shift as a result of the sun's magnetic buildup after the 2011 peak which will have severe repercussions during all of 2012. whether it happens in 2011 or 2012, the final disasters will happen, and, hopefully, come to a head within a few years after the end of 2012. :lips: :lips: :lips:

I agree almost exactly with those dates.

I believe anywhere from 2009 to December 21, 2012 will feature a full blown Pole-Shift.

I'm not sure exactly when. But I believe it will be sometime in between there or exactly at the end.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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This architectural vision survived for thousands of years, as well as the mathematical codes hiding in it. The unimaginably precise mathematical relation between the Sun and its deviating cycles is a good example of that. This re-discovery of data from the dawn of our civilization should make us humble.

In those times pioneers knew and performed certain things of which we still don't have any knowledge. But their scientific findings are now forcing themselves upon us like echoes in our dreams. And our dreams are leading up to a non-stop approach to a World Disaster. After a certain number of deviating cycles, the most catastrophic disaster in the history of mankind will take place.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

These results show us where the Ancient Mayans got their essential numbers. They are based on approximate "Holy Numbers." Those who carefully study the decoding of the Dresden Codex will quickly recognize the importance of the values found.

This particular way of calculation forms the essence of the Ancient Mayan's thinking pattern. They liked to play with numbers, and preferably always with the same ones. On this basis they could get certain outcomes, which approximated reality very closely. After a couple of other calculations they could come closer and closer to the real value, until they achieved the most incredible accuracy.

A phenomenal example of that is the period of a solar year, which they accurately calculated to a countless amount of figures after the decimal point. Of course a lot more codes are hiding in their way of calculation.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

By incorporating the number 666 in their buildings, the Ancient Mayans taught us the principle that would destroy our civilization. Besides this, the Ancient Mayans used other numbers too. They created a masterpiece that is based on their inheritance from a superior civilization that once ruled the Earth. With the help of their incredibly accurate calculations, the earlier high priests could predict the following:

1. The Universe will fall apart in great disorder and will make the planets change their course.

2. After the coming Pole-Shift, the Sun, the Moon and the stars will start moving in opposite directions.

3. The Earth will shake and tremble and the waters in its bosom will rise with great violence and will destroy the existing civilizations (OURS).

The Ancient Egyptians gave us this same message. And it is up to us whether we are going to deny these age-old truths, or treat them with respect.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

the number 6 6 6, has multiple meanings which, besides being used to identify nero caeser as the anti-christ of the revelation, since scholars tend discount any other meaningful interpretation at this point, also has an effect on how people percieve certain aspects of those things found in nature, as road designations, and even numbers on auto liscence plates. the immediate reaction is that it is the devil's number. it really isn't that at all but if you turn each of the numbers upside down, you'll see immediately that it has an entirely different meaning.

the number 9 has always been the number of completion, and since the upside down meaning of 666 is evil, and evil spelled in reverse is live, then the reversal of the noumber 666 then becomes the number 999, the trinitarian number for completion of a three fold cycle of completion.

the use of numbers, based on what they originally meant, and how they were to be used as identifiers of specific people and events throughout history, indicates that rather than depicting a generalization for some unsavory individual, as 666 is used so frequently by the christian sects, it should be interpreted as the completion of that which has been foretold- a series of cataclysms which will re-work the land/sea areas due to massive earth realignments, some resulting from a polar shift, others the result of overstressed tectonic, and volcanically active regions which are necessary to the next re-balancing of the planetaruy forces which have been rapidly put out of alignment due tro the removal of so many of the stabilizing materials through mining, both surface and deep shaft, removal of liquids, such as oil and water, and the escape of gases such as natural gas through drilling and through periodic upward movement through thinner layers of strata beneath certain areas of the ocean seabed, mainly in areas which were once dry land or swampy regions in eons past.

once the polar shift occurs, the stresses it will create will be relieved through massive earthmovements resulting in the lowering and raising of vast land area.

where once there was land, there will be water, where once there was water, dry land will appear. these areas, those most affected, will be europe, nortern africa, the mid-northamerican continent, areas of the pacific, the sinking of most of the japanese islands, the rising of some ares of the pacific rim volcanic regions to much shallower depths and the appearance of a large continent-sized landmass from the regions of the south, and middle atlantic, including the massive pyramidal structure of the main island continent of atlantis, though not all at the same time, but very close.

the majority of changes will be sudden, and will basically estroy much of the currently civilized world, though not to the point of near extinction as has happened in the past, while for the following 25-30 years, periodic earth movements on a much smaller scale will be the result of the earth's re-adjusting itself to a more stable, less earthquake and volcanicly active environment, especially in the regions which are very active at this time, namely the middleeast, western pacific northamerica and some areas of southern europe and, of course, the japanese islands.

additionally, once the poles do shift, those areas which are currently frigid will become more temperate, and those temperate areas now, will become more equatorial. the equatorial will, naturally, become more temperate, and some regions which are temprate will become polar. as for the landmass beneath the southern pole, it will become more temperayte, and, may even thaw enough to explore those regions of landmass currently below the ice, perhaps something similar to northern canada, and siberia. they are very cold, but not uninhabitable as is the southern polar region today. next, further explanations of the revelation and how it should be undestood, not feared. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by gmc »

By incorporating the number 666 in their buildings, the Ancient Mayans taught us the principle that would destroy our civilization.

So why were they using arabic numbers in their buildings?
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

gmc;591178 wrote: So why were they using arabic numbers in their buildings?

Lol. Chill out dawg. I don't think the Arabs can claim that one. The Atlanteans preceded the Arabs as far as my history goes.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Besides being excellent calculators, the Ancient Mayans were a form of psychologists of the highest rank. All of their buildings radiate mysticism and apocalyptic visions. And the same phenomenon occurs with the Ancient Mayan's esoteric numbers and symbols, which contain a great number of cosmic correlations.

The designers of this symbolism knew exactly what they were doing. They created a fascinating design for a riddle that could be solved only by extremely curious people who would search for their hidden science. The result of their collective imaginative power is undeniable. They succeeded in passing on their baffling knowledge to the rest of us. And now it's up to all of us to hand down this knowledge to others, thus honoring their ambitious achievements. The Ancient Mayans would surely have wanted this.

Much of the Ancient Mayan's mental powers were focused on tempting future researchers to unveil their secrets, however dark and remote the period would be in the meantime. They were counting on infinite enthusiasm, nothing more and nothing less.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

It is possible to become in direct contact with the Ancient Mayans work. These Ancient people were the master builders of the past who had created these miracles with telltale intentions, as if it was no trouble for them to do so whatsoever. In the same way they had juggled the transcendental numbers of the precession of the Zodiac, the orbit of Venus, the period of the solar year, ect, and they had incorporated them into the construction of their creations.

Millennia back in time, super mathematicians and extremely intelligent and efficient astronomers recorded all of this information, resulting in the evolution of the codes and calendars left behind by the Ancient Mayans. They are infinitely more correct and complicated than had been thought up until recently. You only need to master their way of thinking to understand this. When you are on the right track, the ability to follow their calculations should pervade down to your deepest core, and you will see the fact that the Ancient Mayans left us all an incredibly correct message, which is a warning to tell us that an all-demolishing geological disaster will torment our land.

A Worldwide catastrophe unequaled by anything any of us has seen will soon be upon our planet. It's up to you whether to heed this warning and take the necessary measures for your survival and the survival of Humanity.
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When you ask most any modern day scientist to detail the origin of our time chronology, they cannot give you an honest answer. They don't know, but they do agree on various historical facts.

Our present Gregorian calendar, which is named after Pope Gregory XIII who instituted it in March of 1582, is not the most accurate that has been used by civilization. Although our calendar is quite "refined" it is not as accurate as the one that the Ancient Mayans used thousands of years ago.

The Gregorian year is a bit too long. The error amounts to three days in ten thousand years. The Ancient Mayans year was too short, but the error was only two days in ten thousand years. However, the Ancient Mayans were able to calculate much more accurately than many of our present day scientists think possible. In fact, their mistake was nil in ten thousand years!

Such a revolutionary science is absolutely baffling. It sheds a totally different light on the Ancient Mayan's civilization. The Mayan's reckoning of time was covered with a magical mysticism. They were of the opinion that events moved in a circle, represented by returning cycles of service. Days, months, and years were all members of shift-relief-teams marching through eternity. The priests were able to calculate the combined influence of all the marchers, and in this way they were able to predict the fate of mankind.

It was expected by the Ancient Mayans that every 260 years, history would repeat itself in certain circles. This mixing of intuition with time may appear to be strange to us. Yet quite intelligent ideas were behind it.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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However clever though, the Ancient Mayans did not set the basis for our modern day time chronology. For that, we have to give credit to the Middle East, especially at the Babylonians. They created the fundamentals of our present seven-day week, for their astrology was based on the Sun, the Moon and the five planets they had discovered.

The Babylonians divided their time chronology in a sixty-fraction scale. An hour was divided into sixty minutes, and a minute was divided into sixty seconds. Later, in 1345 AD this system was implemented to determine the period of a lunar eclipse. It did not involve a real time chronology, but indeed a theoretical one. Given the movement of the celestial bodies, they calculated the length of the eclipse, based on earlier data.

And the truth of it all is, that all of that knowledge originated from the Ancient Egyptians and was passed down to the Babylonians. In the Middle Ages, they founded their time chronology on thousands-of-years-old data from the Babylonians, who in turn inherited it from Ancient Egypt.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by charles_r51 »

gmc;591178 wrote: So why were they using arabic numbers in their buildings?

they didn't use arabic numbers, but the numbers are universally based on the science of mathematics, regardless of how the number is written. arabic numbers were not used by the rest of the world only after the sixth century. the main reason was up until that time, the concept of ( 0 ) zero did not exist in any other numbering system. thus, the numbers 1-9 were the only numbers used in the western cultures and of the greco-roman world. in roman numerals the transition between the number 9 (ix) and eleven (xi) was represented by the number 10 (x) but since there was no specific representative number for a ( 0 ) the numbering system would have changes only every ( 50 as L ) ( 100 as c ) and ( 1000 as m ) and on and on which created a very cumbersome numbering system

as you will note when you see the copyright dates used in the film industry still. when the arabic numbers were devised, the concept of ( 0 ) made the long method of the roman numeral system les desirable and the arabic system has been adopted since all numbers, of whatever size can now be written using just ten distinct figures, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6, 7, 8, and 9.

this system is both easier to understand, and to write especially for very large numbers, and is now an international standard.

while there are symbols used in mathematics, usually greek letters, they represent a numerical value using the ten numbers in use today.

an example is the symbol for Pi, a greek letter representing a number 3.14159-- and on and on it goes, never being solved for the exact value, but nomilly shortend to the symbol or the numberical average of 3.1416 for most calculations of regular use to the average person for calculations where Pi is not needed to be carried beyond the fourth decimal point. it is mist often used in figuring the area of circles and circumfrences of round figures such as balls. and voilumes of round objects such as a globe.

to understand the importance of ( 0 ) in mathemetics, look at the supected date of the birth of jesus. most people believe he was born in 4 b.c. in the calender used today. in fact, it is two years off. one year off was the result of using two different years as the beginning of the roman emperor when jesus was born. one reference says the emperor began his reighn in 27 b.c. and another 26 b.c. this put the date of jesus supected birth to five b.c.. however, since there was no concept for the year ( 0 ) zero, the dayte went from 1 b.c. to 1 a.d. there is then a second year of error, hence jesus true year of birth, based on the calculations originally propogated under pope gregory ( our current calendar system is the gregorian calender he devised) had to be pushed back by two years. basdon currewnt calculations, and the descriptions within the bible regarding the astronomical knowledge used at the time of his birth, he was born april 6, 6 b.c. this date wasa calculated by an astronomer and his knowledge of what the three wise men were viewing in the sky from the time they left their homes in southern arabia, until their arrival at the city of bethlehem. the star they followed, and it's movements are now known to be the planet jupiter as it moved through the sky as they were able to view it. the planet jupiter, to those who were astrologers, as were the three wise men, represented the kings of judah. based on their observations, they knew some great event was to occur in judea, and they began their trip to judea beginning the previous september, arriving in judea, using the northern route through jerusalem to bethlehem thus arriving the following april, within a day or two after the birth of jesus. due to the time of year, and their fear of herod, king of judea, they returned to their homeland using the southern route, which would let them cross the arabian desert during cooler weather of the of the southern desert at that time of year.

i hope this has enlightened you somewhat morew than you previously were when you posted your comment about the mayan's use of arabic numbers, which they DID NOT know even existed when they devised their numbering and writing which was more like symbols representing a word or phrase, and mathematical units.

if you go online, you can view the dresden codex, as well as the three part calendar they used to calculate time, to a much more accurate degree than even is used today. just do a search for mayan prophecies, and you'll be referred to the website where you can read more about them, as well as what is written in them. unfortunately, when the spanish priests arrived in peru, they destroye all the written records of the mayan culture as devil's writing., only the dresden codex, and the stone carvings still exist, all other writtren works were destroyed by the "zealous catholic priests" whenever and wherever they were found. the majority were burned "for the glory of god", in great fires they started just for that purpose. the loss of such a treasure trove of knowledge the mayans had can never be calculated, and will forewver mar the early spread of christianity in south america. :lips: :lips: :lips:
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