Does This Undermine Our Efforts ?

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Does This Undermine Our Efforts ?

Post by Nomad »

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in Baghdad Sunday for the start of a historic two-day trip, said "visiting Iraq without the dictator is a good thing."

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Iraqi counterpart Jalal Talabani stand during a welcome ceremony in Baghdad, Sunday.

The Shiite-led Iraqi government rolled out the red carpet, literally, for Ahmadinejad as he became the first Iranian president to visit Iraq, a country that was a bitter enemy when Saddam Hussein's Sunni government was in power.

Ahmadinejad, at a joint news conference with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, said the trip "opens a new chapter in bilateral ties with Iraq."

"We have had good talks in a friendly and constructive environment," Ahmadinejad said. "We have the same understanding of things and the two parties are determined to strengthen their political, economic and cultural cooperation."

Later in the day, Ahmadinejad met Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Both al-Maliki and Talabani have made official trips to Iran since taking office.

At a joint news conference with al-Maliki in Baghdad's Green Zone, Ahmadinejad did not hide his disdain for the United States and its leadership.

"(U.S. President) Bush always accuses others without evidence and this increases problems," Ahmadinejad said. "The Americans have to understand that Iraqi people do not like America."

The United States has accused Iran of supporting some insurgent groups in Iraq, including supplying EFPs, the deadliest and most sophisticated type of roadside bomb.

Ahmadinejad shunned the security measures followed by many other leaders on visits to Baghdad, riding from Baghdad's airport in a civilian-style sedan -- and not an armored military vehicle or helicopter -- to central Baghdad.

His official welcome and meeting with Talabani was at the presidential house outside of the heavily-fortified International Zone where most high-level events in Baghdad are held.

Ahmadinejad said a unified and powerful Iraq is in the best interest of Iran and all its neighbors.

"Iraqi people are passing through a critical situation but as we know, the Iraqi people will overcome the situation and the Iraq of tomorrow will be a powerful, developed and unique Iraq," he said.

Ahmadinejad was warmly welcomed in Baghdad. An Iraqi military band played the Iranian and Iraqi national anthems as Ahmadinejad and Talabani stood side-by-side at the end of a long red carpet outside the presidential house. Ahmadinejad then walked down the carpet where he was greeted by two Iraqi children with flowers and a long line of Iraqi officials.

Ahead of his trip, Ahmadinejad said it would "contribute to regional peace and security" and stressed that the people of Iran and Iraq share close bonds.

"My visit to Iraq is to the benefit of all countries, because if there's peace, if we establish peace and put an end to (U.S.) occupation, that will be to the benefit of all countries," the Iranian leader told Tehran-based Press TV before his departure.

Although Iraq invaded Iran in September 1980 after a territorial dispute, and the two countries fought an eight-year war, Ahmadinejad said the nations share a common history.

"The people of Iran and Iraq have close bonds, and there are many holy shrines in Iraq," he said. "People travel there, so we have age-old, historical bonds and common civilization."

He noted that Iraq has a new government, and is an "independent state."

"We should help them," he added.

On Monday, the U.N. Security Council votes on a resolution that would impose new sanctions on Iran for refusing to halt uranium enrichment.

"We don't care about new resolutions. In such a case, the world would realize that even the United Nations has been oppressed," Ahmadinejad said. "The United Nations has turned into an instrument."

The nuclear issue, he said, has been "politicized."

"They cannot force the Iranian nation to engage in negotiations, but if they commit such a blunder, that would be a major blow to mechanisms they use for having their power," Ahmadinejad said.

He said the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, has confirmed the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program.

The United States and other nations have accused Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons, which Iran denies.

On the Israeli attacks waged against Palestinian militants in Gaza, Ahmadinejad said, "They are launching strikes against Gaza, and this is a starting point, and this scheme is doomed to failure, and this time the Israelis will be eradicated."

Asked about Iran's parliamentary elections on March 14, Ahmadinejad said there are about 5,400 candidates -- 600 of them from different political parties. He said all the candidates would receive "equal chances," although critics say hundreds of reformists have been disqualified from voting.
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Does This Undermine Our Efforts ?

Post by Accountable »

It doesn't undermine our efforts if our efforts are to establish a stable non-dictatorial government. If our efforts are to make a de facto 53rd (54th?) state, then probably yes.

If our efforts are to lure all extremist fundamentalist muslims so we can blast them all in one place, then definitely not.
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Does This Undermine Our Efforts ?

Post by Nomad »

Ahmadinejad establishing himself in Iraqi affairs is stabilizing ?
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Does This Undermine Our Efforts ?

Post by Accountable »

Nomad;789736 wrote: Ahmadinejad establishing himself in Iraqi affairs is stabilizing ?
Iran's a stable government. Being recognized by an established government gives one legitimacy, and yes, helps stability.

I never said 'friendly'.
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Does This Undermine Our Efforts ?

Post by CARLA »

Boy any one of these could go against. Just have to hope they don't and we can bring our boys home safely.


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WOO HOO!!, what a ride!!!"

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Does This Undermine Our Efforts ?

Post by Nomad »

Accountable;789755 wrote: Iran's a stable government. Being recognized by an established government gives one legitimacy, and yes, helps stability.

I never said 'friendly'.

Legitimacy is defined as conforming with law or accepted standards. Iran isnt that. If Iran meddles with Iraqs as of yet unstable govt. how long do you think it will be before they join forces in an already seriously anti western sentiment ?

If as expected the Democrats are elected and troops are immediately pulled out of Iraq how vulnerable is that govt. going to be to be to Iran's agenda ?

Certainly Iraq isnt in a military position to resist Iran if they have a program set in motion.
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Does This Undermine Our Efforts ?

Post by gmc »

Nomad;789894 wrote: Legitimacy is defined as conforming with law or accepted standards. Iran isnt that. If Iran meddles with Iraqs as of yet unstable govt. how long do you think it will be before they join forces in an already seriously anti western sentiment ?

If as expected the Democrats are elected and troops are immediately pulled out of Iraq how vulnerable is that govt. going to be to be to Iran's agenda ?

Certainly Iraq isnt in a military position to resist Iran if they have a program set in motion.

Whose law and whose accepted standards?

Iran and Iraq are neighbours they need to get along with each other. The last war killed over a million and saw battles the like of which haven't been seen since ww1.

Religion is as usual one of the causes of it all. That they are talking bodes well for the future.
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