Lets Talk Palin

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Lets Talk Palin

Post by RedGlitter »

The citizens of the US obviously don't want it. They prefer to spend the tax money on other things. Eventually, given what they prefer, one can only hope they'll run out of the stuff and go back to frugal piety and neighbourliness instead.

Rubbish! You won't find a more neighborly country than America. And I wonder why it is that British people are always slagging us yet we don't do the same to them? Must be that neighborliness.

The taxpayers of America prefer to fund the excessive celebrity lifestyle of their minority rich rather than adopt a more balanced way of life. It all comes down to who you want to spend the wealth, who you think owns it, your working classes or their capitalist masters.

And even more antagonistic rubbish!
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by TheNewDG »

spot;975878 wrote: Rubbish. There's no union I ever heard of that has permission in any country to operate that way. Labour relations which involve unions have ratchet steps in which the union can be kept informed by the member and provide advice and representation if a problem escalates. They have guideline procedures which, if the union's recognised, will have been agreed by the company. Overriding all of that is the country's employment law which draws the boundary on what can or can't be done by either side.

On a side note, there's a big difference between "make" and "earn". I doubt very much whether you pay them that, you rely on the customers to do it for you.

My husband "earns" his money as well as I. He gives them the opportunity to work in a nice restaraunt he maintains. Its all semantics.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by spot »

TheNewDG;975881 wrote: Here is what I have found so far...

http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?ti ... Choice_Act

Nothing there about "If an employee isnt performing, we cant approach the employee and rectify the situation, we have to go through a Union", is there.

The employer is an entrepreneur, the employee isn't. You seem to be insisting that the employee varies his income with the company's rather than receive a fixed rate and yet he sees none of the benefits of entrepreneurial risk. That's why I dislike a reliance on tips to make a living.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by spot »

RedGlitter;975882 wrote: Rubbish! You won't find a more neighborly country than America.How do you justify that? What are your reasons for thinking it? What can you show to demonstrate it? Your country holds a quarter of the world's prison population, its armed forces rampage around the planet without any restraint spreading death on a huge scale solely to benefit the American ruling elite and you call it neighbourly? And the upshot is you can't even provide an adequate healthcare system for your population, tens of millions go without. "The taxpayers of America prefer to fund the excessive celebrity lifestyle of their minority rich rather than adopt a more balanced way of life" is a good description of why.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by Nomad »

spot;975893 wrote: Your country holds a quarter of the world's prison population, its armed forces rampage around the planet without any restraint spreading death on a huge scale solely to benefit the American ruling elite

That is not why we rampage around the planet spreading death.

We do it so we can make really good Hollywood movies.

And other reasons you couldnt possibly comprehend.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by TheNewDG »

spot;975843 wrote: And you don't even get a national health service? I wonder why you tolerate it.

The taxpayers of America prefer to fund the excessive celebrity lifestyle of their minority rich rather than adopt a more balanced way of life. It all comes down to who you want to spend the wealth, who you think owns it, your working classes or their capitalist masters.

I earn my money, whose business is it what I spend it on?
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by spot »

TheNewDG;975913 wrote: I earn my money, whose business is it what I spend it on?

Nobody's but your own. You can't say that and moan about your tax levels or an inability to afford a national healthcare system at the same time, that's all.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by qsducks »

Ok folks, back on subject which is Palin. So, when will she get that microphone shoved in her face?
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by Nomad »

qsducks;975924 wrote: Ok folks, back on subject which is Palin. So, when will she get that microphone shoved in her face?

Latest quote from the McCain camp is she will be very busy in the coming weeks talking to the American people.

In other words speeches, in other words not answering questions.

If theyre not careful people will start calling her a puppet.

Oh what the hell, lets start calling her a puppet now.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by qsducks »

Nomad;975926 wrote: Latest quote from the McCain camp is she will be very busy in the coming weeks talking to the American people.

In other words speeches, in other words not answering questions.

If theyre not careful people will start calling her a puppet.

Oh what the hell, lets start calling her a puppet now.

She already is a puppet. A freaking Stepford Wife candidate. I'd like to give her a wedgie and see if that constant smilie comes off her face:wah:
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by yaaarrrgg »

qsducks;975924 wrote: Ok folks, back on subject which is Palin. So, when will she get that microphone shoved in her face?

The mistake with Dan Quayle is that they let him do a bunch of interviews, and exposed his lack of knowledge. I doubt she'll say much at all to the press, and when she does just regurgitate from a menu of stock answers she's been trained to say.

They should just speed up the process and stick a radio receiver in her ear. :)

Last month she was asking what the VP even did....
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by valerie »

I simply can NOT believe people voting for the McCain/Palin ticket

with all that is known about them. I just can't see it. You guys

really are okay with Palin out and out LYING? With her very poor

decision making? I don't want someone like that with their hands on

the button, so to speak.

There's something wrong with all of them, it's just that there is so much

more wrong with these 2. I realize people have different issues that

are important to them, but I can't see taking a chance with this pair.

A write-in vote is basically a vote for McCain, so that's out, and we're

back to "lesser of 2 evils" again.

McCain has exhibited waaaaay too many hints of senior "fog" for my

liking. And it was really an insult to think he'd sway Hilary supporters

(of which I am NOT one btw) by picking a running mate with the same

body parts.

No Palin, no way, no how. Experience issue aside, she just doesn't

deserve to be veep there's too many things wrong with what she brings

along with her.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by Nomad »

valerie;976022 wrote:

McCain has exhibited waaaaay too many hints of senior "fog"

Ya think ?

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Lets Talk Palin

Post by Accountable »

yaaarrrgg;974999 wrote: Of course, RNC staffers were seen passing out those ugly hand painted signs ... the whole thing was scripted, even her ad libs.

I tell you ... looking at that crowd at the RNC .. I've never seen anything more terrifying in my life, as that bunch of screaming, happy imbeciles.

Political theater is much like a live movie set nowadays, where people don't realize they are part of the play. Even the excited chanting was canned, and was also being used to drown out protesters.
I suppose you think the DNC was different? Everybody made their own preprinted signs? Theirs was a bunch of screaming happy intellectuals?

How were the two conventions different?
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by Accountable »

yaaarrrgg;975135 wrote: What?????? :confused:

Republicans have controlled the executive branch, the house, senate, and arguably the judicial branch for the last 6 years. Dems have controlled the House and the Senate since '07 and '05 respectively. Nobody gets into the judiciary without the Senate's approval.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by yaaarrrgg »

Accountable;976131 wrote: I suppose you think the DNC was different? Everybody made their own preprinted signs? Theirs was a bunch of screaming happy intellectuals?

How were the two conventions different?

I'm talking about the "hand made" signs. There was interaction between Palin and audience plants that was scripted. It's creepy IMO. I thought it was creepy when Hillary was using audience plants to ask canned questions. So yes, I see this in both parties.

I have respect for McCain, although I think he's a little old.

Palin, I think is extremely creepy. Judging from her grasp on science, she's even less of an intellectual than Bush. Judging from her record .. running her town into the ground, and trying to ban books, she's a extremist, and a threat to the stability of the world.

But hey, what do I know? Sure, I predicted the Bush administration would result in disaster, and the the Iraq war was a bad idea. But I doubt that matters to you. Mark my word, she is ever bit as bad as Bush. If she becomes president ... count on World War III.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by Accountable »

Yeh, what do you know?? Where'd the 'run her town into the ground' line come from? From what I hear, she increased revenue & balanced the budget. Got a site?
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by yaaarrrgg »

Accountable;976492 wrote: Yeh, what do you know?? Where'd the 'run her town into the ground' line come from? From what I hear, she increased revenue & balanced the budget. Got a site?

Of course you heard it, because she's claiming that. Doesn't make it true. She is dissembling:

http://news.yahoo.com/s/thenation/20080 ... n/45354444

Note section:

Sarah campaigned in Wasilla as a "fiscal conservative." During her 6 years as Mayor, she increased general government expenditures by over 33%. During those same 6 years the amount of taxes collected by the City increased by 38%. This was during a period of low inflation (1996-2002). She reduced progressive property taxes and increased a regressive sales tax which taxed even food. The tax cuts that she promoted benefited large corporate property owners way more than they benefited residents.

The huge increases in tax revenues during her mayoral administration weren't enough to fund everything on her wish list though, borrowed money was needed, too. She inherited a city with zero debt, but left it with indebtedness of over $22 million. What did Mayor Palin encourage the voters to borrow money for? Was it the infrastructure that she said she supported? The sewage treatment plant that the city lacked? or a new library? No. $1m for a park. $15m-plus for construction of a multi-use sports complex which she rushed through to build on a piece of property that the City didn't even have clear title to, that was still in litigation 7 yrs later -- to the delight of the lawyers involved! The sports complex itself is a nice addition to the community but a huge money pit, not the profit-generator she claimed it would be. She also supported bonds for $5.5m for road projects that could have been done in 5-7 yrs without any borrowing.

While Mayor, City Hall was extensively remodeled and her office redecorated more than once.

These are small numbers, but Wasilla is a very small city.

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Lets Talk Palin

Post by double helix »

yaaarrrgg;974999 wrote: The scene played out, where people in the audience held up these ugly hand painted signs that said "hockey moms 4 Palin" and the camera zoomed on it. Then Palin "improvised" the joke to everyone's delight.

She laughed and said "I love those hockey moms ... you know ... what's the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom?" ... same hilarious punchline. "lipstick"

Of course, RNC staffers were seen passing out those ugly hand painted signs ... the whole thing was scripted, even her ad libs.

I tell you ... looking at that crowd at the RNC .. I've never seen anything more terrifying in my life, as that bunch of screaming, happy imbeciles.

Political theater is much like a live movie set nowadays, where people don't realize they are part of the play. Even the excited chanting was canned, and was also being used to drown out protesters.

Did you know that Obama has over three hundred advisors and speech writers? He has a personal body gaurd force of five hundred.

Did you know that he has never written a piece of legislation in all his years in the senate but has written two autobiographies. Did you know that the only legislation that he got passed through the house was late term abortion changes that made laws to LET the fetus die if it was born alive and it wasn't even written by him? A six, seven, eight month fetus, left to die once its aborted. If he is president will he decide that anyone over seventy should be left out of health care? Disabled and critically injured people be left to die because they require to much in resources?

Did you know Obama has no foreign policy experience, has never held a political office before becoming senator and has over one hundred and thirty present votes? Meaning he cannot make a decision even if his life depends on it.

You want this and a bitter, sour, selfish man like Biden, who btw, left his critically injured daughter in the hospital two days after his wife and other daughter were killed in a tragic auto accident, to be sworn into office in the Senate.

Has Obama offered any plans on how he's gong to lower taxes, oh, yeah he's going to raise taxes on incomes over 250, 000, which is where the small businesses fall, that's right, and build government so that big brother can tell all American citizens when to defecate, what color that turd should be and what type of toilet paper you should use. Do you really want government telling you what to eat, when to sleep, how to exercise, what to read?

Wow. If I were you folks, I'd be bending over and kissing my ass goodbye seconds after casting that democratic vote. No way in hell are Obama/Biden going to the white house. Latest poll put McCain at 50%, Obama 42% and thats just one week into the campaign trail :D
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by WonderWendy3 »

I like Palin....much better choice of a woman in the White house in my opinion!!
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by Accountable »

yaaarrrgg;976509 wrote: Of course you heard it, because she's claiming that. Doesn't make it true. She is dissembling:

http://news.yahoo.com/s/thenation/20080 ... n/45354444

Note section:
:wah: That reads like a gossip rant from a jealous high school classmate. The numbers you posted don't add up. Revenues more than paid for the increase in spending. Even if all that's accurate, I'd hardly call that running the town into the ground. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just suggesting you get credible sources.

Just an observation of political spin: I like how she was a small-town mayor when talking about experience, but Wasilla suddenly becomes a city when it's more convenient to get a negative point across. The place only has a population of 5000 for cryin' out loud. Does a place that size really need its own sewage treatment plant or second library?

Along the same lines, and for balance: I didn't realize until yesterday that Obama's community organizer experience was 20 years ago, before he went to law school. WTH?? Lots of people fresh out of college have no job at all, or work at prestigious places like Best Buy. He should be lauded for that bit of service. There's plenty real stuff to criticize.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by yaaarrrgg »

Accountable;976703 wrote: :wah: That reads like a gossip rant from a jealous high school classmate. The numbers you posted don't add up. Revenues more than paid for the increase in spending. Even if all that's accurate, I'd hardly call that running the town into the ground. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just suggesting you get credible sources.

Just an observation of political spin: I like how she was a small-town mayor when talking about experience, but Wasilla suddenly becomes a city when it's more convenient to get a negative point across. The place only has a population of 5000 for cryin' out loud. Does a place that size really need its own sewage treatment plant or second library?

Along the same lines, and for balance: I didn't realize until yesterday that Obama's community organizer experience was 20 years ago, before he went to law school. WTH?? Lots of people fresh out of college have no job at all, or work at prestigious places like Best Buy. He should be lauded for that bit of service. There's plenty real stuff to criticize.

The person that wrote the article is not a statistician. Just a citizen of the town. While you might question her credibility, she is a more reliably source than a politician vying for a job. She writes well, and most all what she says is in line with other sources I've read. Lyda Green is a Republican senator from Alaska that's made many similar comments about Palin. I suppose Palin could claim there's some widespread conspiracy.

If you look at other sources, the 22 MIllion number is real. Also, Palin hired a lobbyist for the town and got millions to boot. The money spent on the stadium and park is also real. The simple fact is, she spent more than she or the town had.

Even in Palin's speech at the RNC, there are several things that were misleading. For example:

She put the jet on Ebay, but it didn't sell. Eventually she hired a brick and mortar company to sell it at a loss.

She said construction had begun on the 40 billion dollar pipeline. No construction has begun. The company involved is Canadian, not American. I don't think the price is anything to brag about. $500 million has been given to the Canadian company, with no guarantee the project will even go through.

The more I look at Palin's record from independent sources, the sicker I feel. :o

Don't take my word for it ... :)

http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008 ... rt_ii.html
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by yaaarrrgg »

double helix;976566 wrote: Did you know that Obama has over three hundred advisors and speech writers? He has a personal body gaurd force of five hundred.


double helix;976566 wrote:

Did you know that he has never written a piece of legislation in all his years in the senate but has written two autobiographies. Did you know that the only legislation that he got passed through the house was late term abortion changes that made laws to LET the fetus die if it was born alive and it wasn't even written by him? A six, seven, eight month fetus, left to die once its aborted. If he is president will he decide that anyone over seventy should be left out of health care? Disabled and critically injured people be left to die because they require to much in resources?

You need to go to FactCheck.org ... you are regurgitating a lot of misinformation. I've already addressed the law on aborted fetuses. Although since you missed it:

There was already a law that handled these cases. No need for an extra law.

double helix;976566 wrote: Did you know Obama has no foreign policy experience, has never held a political office before becoming senator and has over one hundred and thirty present votes? Meaning he cannot make a decision even if his life depends on it.

Yet he was smart enough to predict with stunning accuracy what would happen in the Iraq war. Go figure.

double helix;976566 wrote:

You want this and a bitter, sour, selfish man like Biden, who btw, left his critically injured daughter in the hospital two days after his wife and other daughter were killed in a tragic auto accident, to be sworn into office in the Senate.

Biden was going to turn down the job and was talked into it, including by his family.

double helix;976566 wrote:

Has Obama offered any plans on how he's gong to lower taxes, oh, yeah he's going to raise taxes on incomes over 250, 000, which is where the small businesses fall, that's right, and build government so that big brother can tell all American citizens when to defecate, what color that turd should be and what type of toilet paper you should use. Do you really want government telling you what to eat, when to sleep, how to exercise, what to read?

Seriously, do you pay attention? Palin is the one trying to ban books. If you think she is for "small-government" you are delusional.

As for big-government-small-government rhetoric, in a democracy, we are the government. Odd that you don't want a say in controlling the policies that affect you, or see this as a bad thing. Small government means you have less say.... fewer people making these decisions. For example, insurance companies and pharma execs.

double helix;976566 wrote:

Wow. If I were you folks, I'd be bending over and kissing my ass goodbye seconds after casting that democratic vote. No way in hell are Obama/Biden going to the white house. Latest poll put McCain at 50%, Obama 42% and thats just one week into the campaign trail :D

It's largely because of the attractive dissembler that's been added to the ticket.

Why don't you disclose how much money you got from Palin's administration?

It's money that could have been invested into infrastructure. Some of that money also came from the fed. It was nice that after saying no thanks to the bridge project, she pocketed what funding she already received.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by Snidely Whiplash »

WonderWendy3;976578 wrote: I like Palin....much better choice of a woman in the White house in my opinion!!

I second that....!

Up for a wine cooler and a political conversation......? :)
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by Accountable »

I missed the double helix post somehow. Yarg's right, you've got your facts skewed. Biden's son was critical, not his daughter, and he was sworn in in his son's hospital room.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by WonderWendy3 »

Snidely Whiplash;976848 wrote: I second that....!

Up for a wine cooler and a political conversation......? :)

Sure....anytime you like....:)
double helix
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by double helix »

You need to go to FactCheck.org ... you are regurgitating a lot of misinformation. I've already addressed the law on aborted fetuses. Although since you missed it:

There was already a law that handled these cases. No need for an extra law.
Which was my point! It wasn't even anything that was needed, nor written by him. Only sanctioned by him as per his vote!

Yet he was smart enough to predict with stunning accuracy what would happen in the Iraq war. Go figure.
What, he predicted that the surge would work? That the war would beat back terroist and give them cause to think twice about attacking the USA again.LMFAO

No, he didn't predict what would happen. He predicted disaster. I see no disaster, in fact newsboards announced today that ANOTHER 8000 SOLDIERS ARE COMING HOME AND NOT BEING REPLACED, because THE SURGE, AND ULTIMATELY THE WAR, worked. Isn't if funny that the retoric about bringing the troops home and ending the war in Iraq are no longer issues Obama is talking about? Terrorism in that region has been beaten back and the Nationals are taking control, which btw, is what Bush promised would happen befor the end of his term.

Biden was going to turn down the job and was talked into it, including by his family. Really, the family that was dead, or the one in critical condition who was in a coma? All you have is Biden's say so on that. Too bad the dead can't speak and the child incapaciatated. Biden said that he knew that his wife would have wanted him to go the the ceremony. He says thats what they would have wanted, they didn't rise up out of the grave or their death beds to talk him into it. The very fact that he could be "talked into" leaving his child on his death bed and from his time of grief at losing his wife and other daughter is an alarming thing! Just like his being talked into taking the vp spot AFTER HE PUBLICLY stated he would never accept the vp position! LMFAO

Seriously, do you pay attention? Palin is the one trying to ban books. If you think she is for "small-government" you are delusional.
Excuse me, she did not try to ban books. Remember, I live here in Palin land. Wassila is next door to Anchorage. No books were ever banned. Adult literature not meant for children to read was requested to be censured and put on a limited access list. Get your facts straight. Did you want children reading about satanic cults, gory muder and torrid sexual encounters?

As for big-government-small-government rhetoric, in a democracy, we are the government. Odd that you don't want a say in controlling the policies that affect you, or see this as a bad thing. Small government means you have less say.... fewer people making these decisions. For example, insurance companies and pharma execs.
And you see, this is the problem. It is not that we have less say in Republican government. The opposite in fact is true. The people have THE say in true repblican style governments, not the senate, legislature or congress. See, the issues are put to a vote and the government officials take that vote and make the laws according to what the people choose. They don't create more government agencies, more unneeded laws, more red tape or non-esential government positons to be filled by their relitives or friends.

In the Democratic government, the government has the say despite what the people want because democratic, or I should say left wing socialist governments like Obamas would be, think the people are too stupid to know what is best for them. No matter what the people vote, the democratic senate, legislature and congress and president will "critique" that voters consensus to fit what they think is best for the people and make more laws like that late term abortion law Obama got passed, that wasn't needed and essentially wasted time and money for nothing.

It's largely because of the attractive dissembler that's been added to the ticket.

Why don't you disclose how much money you got from Palin's administration?

It's money that could have been invested into infrastructure. Some of that money also came from the fed. It was nice that after saying no thanks to the bridge project, she pocketed what funding she already received.

Well lets see, because of Palin's administration all of the Alaska citizens are getting $3,269.00 next week. That's money that she got from the big oil moguls by increasing the taxation on them for the oil they pump out of our state. Taxes that the former three administrations could or would not impose for fear the oil companies would bolt. Thats taxes that have provided a GLUT of money into our state coffers and left our state flush with funding for every concivable project. You should see the road constrction going on in my town alone and in the soutwestern protion of this state. To put it simply, Palin not only got more money for the people, she created more jobs, better roads, better funding for schools, hospitals, clinics, etc.

That bridge to nowhere funding went to fund bridge assesments and road repairs around the state and to formulate plans for further access to building bridges that would benefit all of the state. It went to help the people of the state and not the few wealthy good ole boys.

Do you even know what the bridge to nowhere was? A bridge to an island where a handful of very rich, very in the pocket of Merkowski people, that had summer houses on an island near Juneau. There is absolutely nothing else there on that island. They just wanted the bridge for themselves so they wouldn't have to pay for flights in and out of their summer homes. (Merkowski was our previous governor (repblican btw) who also bought himself a very expensive jet even after the people voted against it not once, but twice, and which Palin promptly put up for sale)

So, go ask yourself how much you really know about this woman and how much you really know about Obama. Obama is paper thin compared to McCain. Biden is non-existent next to Palin. Obama is a stupid self-important man who did NOTHING for the people that he did not reap huge benefits from in the process. He went to law school and became a community organizer (wtf is that anyway) twenty years ago. What has he been doing for the years since then and prior to his two or three years in the senate? Where has is income come from? Being a lawyer? Great! Another member of the bar who lined his pockets with the money of the unfortunates. Why is this not an issue? This man don't live in a hovel, nor does he drive a beat up ole ford. He don't wear beat up blue jeans and t shirts.

You want to vote for him just becasue he's a democrat go ahead. Follow the party flag dispite what your better sense tells you. This man and his vp are milksops, party puppets and the democratic party is TERRIFIED that McCain and his vp are going to win.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by double helix »

fuzzy butt;977878 wrote: why is she using the media to whip up a frenzy but she's not confronting the press in an interview? why are they protecting her from the media? Wow, its been a week since she was picked for vp! What makes you say she is using the media to whip up a frenzy? I believe everyone in the know would say the liberal media is whiping up the frenzy about her, not visa versa. In fact People mag, who put out a very negative review on her have lost over 10,000 subscribers because of their whipped up frenzy! Her first televised interview is this week btw. Can't recall where or when but a smart cookie like you can find out for sure.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by double helix »

yaaarrrgg;976727 wrote: The person that wrote the article is not a statistician. Just a citizen of the town. While you might question her credibility, she is a more reliably source than a politician vying for a job. She writes well, and most all what she says is in line with other sources I've read. Lyda Green is a Republican senator from Alaska that's made many similar comments about Palin. I suppose Palin could claim there's some widespread conspiracy.

If you look at other sources, the 22 MIllion number is real. Also, Palin hired a lobbyist for the town and got millions to boot. The money spent on the stadium and park is also real. The simple fact is, she spent more than she or the town had.

Even in Palin's speech at the RNC, there are sever things that were misleading. For example:

She put the jet on Ebay, but it didn't sell. Eventually she hired a brick and mortar company to sell it at a loss.

She said construction had begun on the 40 billion dollar pipeline. No construction has begun. The company involved is Canadian, not American. I don't think the price is anything to brag about. $500 million has been given to the Canadian company, with no guarantee the project will even go through.

The more I look at Palin's record from independent sources, the sicker I feel. :o

Don't take my word for it ... :)

http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008 ... rt_ii.html No, we won't take your word for it. For what it's worth, your right. Construction on the pipline hasn't begun yet. Jobs, on the other hand, have already been created and are being filled for the five to ten years of environmental studies that will be needed befor that pipeline can be built. You see, you just can't lay down pipe and start pumping gas. You have to think of the land, animals, people, weather all those good things. BTW, three sitting govenors befor her tired to get that pipeline started and failed. Why, because they didn't have the guts to tell the oil companies who wanted to controll the flow of natural gas, the alaskan government, keep the profits for themselves and hire outside the state, to go to hell. Sarah told them to go to hell and got the pipeline started in her second year as govenor.

BTW, your independent sources ain't that independent.
Snidely Whiplash
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by Snidely Whiplash »

WonderWendy3;977884 wrote: Sure....anytime you like....:)

Oooooooowwwwww...? :)

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Lets Talk Palin

Post by yaaarrrgg »

double helix;977890 wrote: Really, the family that was dead, or the one in critical condition who was in a coma? All you have is Biden's say so on that. Too bad the dead can't speak and the child incapaciatated. Biden said that he knew that his wife would have wanted him to go the the ceremony. He says thats what they would have wanted, they didn't rise up out of the grave or their death beds to talk him into it. The very fact that he could be "talked into" leaving his child on his death bed and from his time of grief at losing his wife and other daughter is an alarming thing! Just like his being talked into taking the vp spot AFTER HE PUBLICLY stated he would never accept the vp position! LMFAO

There's not much that turns my stomach more, than seeing someone use the death of someone's child and wife as a political football. Do you have children? Can you imagine losing one? I don't care if you agree with him or not on issues... this kind of attack goes beyond the pale of decency.

I'm glad you are voting for Palin ... you two are made for each other.
double helix
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by double helix »

yaaarrrgg;977969 wrote: There's not much that turns my stomach more, than seeing someone use the death of someone's child and wife as a political football. Do you have children? Can you imagine losing one? I don't care if you agree with him or not on issues... this kind of attack goes beyond the pale of decency.

I'm glad you are voting for Palin ... you two are made for each other.

Yes I have children and no, I wouldn't leave my child in critical condition for any reason. Sucks when you really have no other comeback so you snake a personal jab, eh? I wasn't the one who felt getting sworn in to office was more important than grieving or praying for the life of my remaining child.

BTW, if Biden has any issues that weren't canned Obama retoric I could focus on them. Thank you for your compliment. I'd much rather be just like Palin, a woman with backbone, conviction and the brains and talent to get the job done.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by yaaarrrgg »

double helix;984201 wrote: Yes I have children and no, I wouldn't leave my child in critical condition for any reason. Sucks when you really have no other comeback so you snake a personal jab, eh? I wasn't the one who felt getting sworn in to office was more important than grieving or praying for the life of my remaining child.

BTW, if Biden has any issues that weren't canned Obama retoric I could focus on them. Thank you for your compliment. I'd much rather be just like Palin, a woman with backbone, conviction and the brains and talent to get the job done.

You seem confused on basic facts:

"Biden considered resigning in order to care for them; persuaded not to by Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, he was sworn into office from one of their bedsides. The accident left Biden filled with both anger and religious doubt:"

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden

Do you guys read real news up there, or do you just sit around inventing this crap?

You might want to fact check what Palin is saying as well.
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Lets Talk Palin

Post by spot »

"On Saturday, it was revealed that Mr McCain's running mate Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska, had been duped by a prank call in which a Canadian radio presenter successfully convinced her for five minutes that he was French President Nicolas Sarkozy. "

Tell me she's not that careless, someone. That's sheer delusion.
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