WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The words "Pole Shift", "destruction", "USA", and "Earth", all appear together in the Bible Code.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Here is a prophecy from Hindu religion which explains the events we have coming to us before we enter into the Age of Aquarius.

Currently, the Hindu's believe that we are living in the Kali Age, or the "Age of Darkness and Discord". At the end of this age, which is coming very soon, Hindu's believe there will be a type of apocalypse, which will be one of a series of apocalypses, each of which marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another creation.

The Hindu Prophecy:

"Vishnu/God has already saved humanity on a number of occasions, symbolically appearing as a savior in many different forms. It is said that He will appear again soon, destined to destroy the present world and to take humanity to a different, higher plane."

"All kings/leaders occupying the Earth in the Kali Age will be wanting tranquility, strong in anger, taking pleasure at all times in lying and dishonesty, inflicting death on women, children and cows, prone to take the paltry possessions of others, with character that is mostly vile, rising to power and soon falling."

"They will be short lived, ambitious, of little virtue and greedy. People will follow the customs of others and be adulterated with them; peculiar, undisciplined barbarians will be vigorously supported by rulers. Because they go on living with perversion, they will be ruined."

"Dharma (eternal order, righteousness) becomes very weak in the Kali Age. People commit sin in mind, speech and actions."

"Quarrels, plague, fatal diseases, famines, drought and calamities appear. Testimonies and proofs have no certainty. There is no criterion left when the Kali Age settles down."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Hindu Prophecy:

"People become poorer in vigor and luster. They are wicked, full of anger, sinful, false and avaricious. Bad ambitions, bad education, bad dealings and bad earnings excite fear. The whole batch becomes greedy and untruthful."

"Many sudras (Godless ones) will become kings/leaders, and many heretics will be seen."

"There will arise various sects; sannyasins (elevated ones, gurus) wearing clothes colored red."

"Many profess to have supreme knowledge because, thereby, they will easily earn their livelihood."

"In the Kali Age, there will be many false religionists."

"India will become desolate by repeated calamities, short lives and various diseases."

"Everyone will be miserable owing to the dominance of vice and Tamoguna (apathy,inaction)."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Hindu Prophecy:

"Earth will be valued only for Her mineral treasures."

"Money alone will confer nobility."

"Power will be the sole definition of virtue."

"Pleasure will be the only reason for womanhood."

"Falsehood will win out in disputes."

"Being dry of water will be the only definition of land."

"Praiseworthiness will be measured by accumulated wealth."

'Propriety will be considered good conduct, and only feebleness will be the reason for unemployment."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Hindu Prophecy:

"Boldness and arrogance will be equivalent to scholarship."

"Only those without wealth will show honesty."

"Just a bath will amount to purification, and charity will be the only virtue."

"Abduction will be marriage."

'Simply to be well dressed will signify propriety."

"Any hard-to-reach water will be deemed a pilgrimage site."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Hindu Prophecy:

"The pretense of greatness will be the proof of it, and powerful men with many severe faults will rule over all the classes on Earth."

"Oppressed by their excessively greedy rulers, people will hide in valleys between mountains, where they will gather honey, vegetables, roots, fruits, birds, flowers, and so forth."

"Suffering from cold, wind, heat, and rain, they will put on clothes made of tree bark and leaves."

"And no one will live as long as twenty-three years."

"Thus in the Kali Age humankind will be utterly destroyed."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Here is an Islamic Prophecy about what is to occur just before we enter into the Age of Aquarius:

An Islamic Prophecy:

"The ground will cave in: one in the east, one in the west, and one in Hejaz, Saudi Arabia."

"Fog or smoke will cover the skies for forty days. Many people will fall conscious, while Muslims and others will be ill (develop colds). The skies will then clear up."

A night three nights long will follow the fog. It will occur in the month of Zil-Hajj - after Eidul-Ahja, and cause much restlessness among the people."

"After the night of three nights, the following morning the Sun will rise in the west. People's repentance will not be accepted after this incident. One day later, the Beast from the Earth will miraculously emerge from Mount Safaa in Makkah, causing a split in the ground. The beast will be able to talk to people and mark the faces of people, making the believers' faces glitter, and the nonbelievers' faces darken."

"A breeze from the south causes sores in the armpits of Muslims, which they will die of as a result. The Ka'aba will be destroyed by a non-Muslim African group. Kufr (Godlessness) will be rampant. Haj (the pilgrimage to Makkah) will be discontinued."

"The Qur'an will be lifted from the heart of the people, thirty years after the ruler of Muquad's death. The fire will follow people to Syria, after which it will stop."

"Some years after the fire, Qiyaamah (Islam) begins with the Soor (trumpet) being blown. The year is not known to any person. Qiyaamah will come upon the worst of creation."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by guppy »

i have been reading this thread for weeks now..have you considered publishing your work? you could make a book out of this easily....
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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guppy;675975 wrote: i have been reading this thread for weeks now..have you considered publishing your work? you could make a book out of this easily....

No time for a book my friend. But I greatly appreciate the compliment.

So much more work to accomplish. So little time to do it in.

"The balance act".
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Zil-Hajj is the last month of the Islamic calendar. The Eidul-Ahja means the Festival of Sacrifice. The Ka'aba is an oblong stone building in the center of the Holy City of Makkah.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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This was taken from the Tutankhamun Prophecies of Ancient Egypt. It talks about a reversal of the Earth's magnetic field, which will cause many problems for humans and other Earth inhabitants:

The Tutankhamun Prophecy:

"During the Confluence Age (Age after Iron) The sun will reverse it's magnetic field, causing infertility, drought, plague and destruction. This will shake the world to it's foundations."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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This was taken from the lost book of Enki. It is an ancient source which gives hints at the possibility of a Pole-Shift in our future:


"On the end of the days of judgement, the Earth shall quake and the rivers shall change course, and there shall be darkness at noon and fire in the sky at night."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Here is an Aborigine Prediction of some of the future events to come:

The Aborigine Prediction:

"I was in dreamtime."

"I see this great wave going."

"I tell people about this wave."

"It wasn't a tidal wave."

"This was a spiritual wave."

"So, to me, I believe that the Dreamtime is going to be that."

"I believe that revival is going to start in Australia when we're dreaming."

"It's the hummingbee that I'm talking about. And love."

"We've got to learn to love one another."

"You see, thats really what's going to happen to the Earth."

"We're going to have tidal waves."

"We're going to have Earthquakes."

"That's coming because we don't consider this land as our Mother."

"We've taken away the balance, and we're not putting back."

"I look at the brush, and those trees are alive."

"They're not dead, they're alive."

"And they want you to cuddle them."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by The One »

Questions, after reading 90% of this over the last week:

1. Why bother "rising up" to take down "the controllers" if in 3-5 years it's all going to be wiped away by a pole-shift? Does it really matter?

2. If there is nothing I can do to prepare for the pole-shift (you're saying it's pretty much a given that 99.9% of the population is going to die), then why even tell me about it?

3. If The Bible has been corrupted due to translations (innocuous), and the hand of man (changing things on purpose) then how can we trust what Revelations says?

4. How are YOU preparing for all of this, personally?
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by YZGI »

TruthBringer;676039 wrote: This was taken from the lost book of Enki. It is an ancient source which gives hints at the possibility of a Pole-Shift in our future:


"On the end of the days of judgement, the Earth shall quake and the rivers shall change course, and there shall be darkness at noon and fire in the sky at night."
If the book is lost how do we know what was in it.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The One;676885 wrote: Questions, after reading 90% of this over the last week:

1. Why bother "rising up" to take down "the controllers" if in 3-5 years it's all going to be wiped away by a pole-shift? Does it really matter?

2. If there is nothing I can do to prepare for the pole-shift (you're saying it's pretty much a given that 99.9% of the population is going to die), then why even tell me about it?

3. If The Bible has been corrupted due to translations (innocuous), and the hand of man (changing things on purpose) then how can we trust what Revelations says?

4. How are YOU preparing for all of this, personally?

Well, I believe that there will be "safer" locations for people to migrate to. Notice how I said "safer", I did not say "safe". Because as I mentioned before, no one will escape the effects of the Pole-Shift. The only thing is, some places will be alot more dangerous than others. So I believe anyways. I'll be getting to that down the line though.

As far as the Bible and Revelations, I agree with you about the changing of translations and such, but interestingly enough, Revelations still matches up pretty well with what most seers from history and present have been saying about the coming Catastrophe (Pole-Shift) that is going to hit our Earth.

As far as why I am posting all this? I know it's because I believe if I can convince one person that what is coming is real, than I feel as if it was all worth the effort. Also by showing that prophecy is not only real but helpful, it opens up a World of possibilities.

All of the above comes together so to speak.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Sibylline Oracles prophecy:

"And the whole firmament will fall upon the divine earth and on the sea, and then there will be an endless sea of angry flames, and land and sea will burn."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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TruthBringer;677120 wrote: Well, I believe that there will be "safer" locations for people to migrate to. Notice how I said "safer", I did not say "safe". Because as I mentioned before, no one will escape the effects of the Pole-Shift. The only thing is, some places will be alot more dangerous than others. So I believe anyways. I'll be getting to that down the line though.

As far as the Bible and Revelations, I agree with you about the changing of translations and such, but interestingly enough, Revelations still matches up pretty well with what most seers from history and present have been saying about the coming Catastrophe (Pole-Shift) that is going to hit our Earth.

As far as why I am posting all this? I know it's because I believe if I can convince one person that what is coming is real, than I feel as if it was all worth the effort. Also by showing that prophecy is not only real but helpful, it opens up a World of possibilities.

All of the above comes together so to speak.

Fine, now I know about it. What now?

Again, what are YOU doing to prepare?
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

The One;677331 wrote: Fine, now I know about it. What now?

Again, what are YOU doing to prepare?

lol. You sound like my Father. Hell he uses the same exact line. No joke.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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ANCIENT HOPI INDIAN LEGENDS predict "before the great Purification, they will make metal roads for iron horses and hang metal ropes [power lines] in the air." The last danger sign is that "first they will bring back pieces of the Moon. Purification will begin shortly after humans build a great house in the sky" [space station?]

Implications for us: The Hopi predictions are probably the most important for the U. S. The Hopi have made their ancient legends known to the world because they belive that we are quickly approaching a crossroads. They believe that the signs are pointing to the likelihood that we are going to end up on a very unpleasant path unless we change our ways, and quickly. The Hopi legends speak of prior human epochs when people rose to great technological heights only to destroy themselves. They believe that we need the spiritual and technological to fuse to survive.

Each has developed seperately and must now reunite. Legend predicts that the "last stage before the Great Purification will be when the white man comes into the Four Corners area and tries to take it. If we dig precious things from the land we will perish." (Congress in 1985 passed the Restoration Act to move Hopi and Navajo tribes out of Four Corners so that the U.S. could mine the reservation lands.)

"There will be fires everywhere," Hopi legends warn. In December of 1998, the U. S. Weather Service reported that they expect a major Dust Bowl to develop in the near future. It could stretch from Texas to Minnesota and be much worse than the most recent Dust Bowl that caused so much hardship. This one is expected to last decades. There have been other great droughts in the U.S. - one 300 years ago in the late 1600's and the other 300 years before that in the late 1300's. ( Are you sensing a pattern here?) If the drought ends up to be as intense as predicted, the fires that will likely be caused by it may be the 'Purification' that the Hopi refer to.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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"The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.

"This is the First Sign: We were told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana -- men who took the land that was not theirs and who struck their enemies with thunder. (Guns)

"This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. (Covered wagons)

"This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. (Longhorn cattle)

"This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron. (Railroad tracks)

"This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web. (Power and telephone lines)

"This is the Sixth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun. (Concrete roads and their mirage-producing effects.)

"This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it. (Oil spills)

"This is the Eighth Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like our people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn our ways and wisdom. (Hippies)

"And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of the Hopi people will cease.

"These are the Signs that great destruction is here: The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle people in other lands -- those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as the white man has made in the deserts not far from here. Those who stay and live in the places of the Hopi shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon, very soon afterward, Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in our hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Hopi also predicted that when the heart of the Hopi land trust is dug up, great disturbances will develop in the balance of nature, for the Hopi holy land is the microcosmic image of the entire planet; any violations of nature in the Four Corners region will be reflected and amplified all over the Earth.

Martin Gasheseoma said recently that Hopi "elders told us that when the plants blossom in the middle of winter, we would need to go to Santa Fe to warn everyone of suffering and destruction to come unless they change their ways. Last year, in the middle of winter the plants began to blossom."

How much suffering and destruction will accompany the time of the purification, and what will be its end result? Martin Gasheseoma foretells judgment in front of a big mirror and death to those who are evil and wicked, with only a handful of people surviving in every nation overseas who will then come to this continent, "which we call heaven."

"All the suffering going on in this country with the tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes is carried on the breath of Mother Earth because she is in pain," says Roberta Blackgoat, an elder of the Independent Dineh (Navajo) Nation at Big Mountain. She explains that the Four Corners area is particularly sacred because it literally holds Mother Earth's internal organs -- coal and uranium which the Bureau of Indian Affairs has allowed the Peabody Coal Mine to mine. "They are trying to take her precious guts out for money," says Blackgoat. "My grandfather told me that coal is like the liver, and uranium is both the heart and lungs of Mother Earth." Hopi and Navajo traditionalists are fighting the mining.

These life and death matters will be determined when Pahana returns, and theories abound as to Pahana's identity. Since Pahana has also been called the White Brother, and since he is to return from the east, Hopi of past centuries wondered whether he could have been a Spaniard or an Anglo and devised tests for determining the true Pahana, including knowledge of the greeting of brotherhood, similarities of religious beliefs, and possession of the missing piece of the stone tablet. Many were tested, including Catholics, Baptists, and Mormons, but none passed to the satisfaction of traditional Hopi.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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An Ancient Hopi Indian Prophecy:

"The time will come when from the earth will arise a mystic fog which will dilute the minds and hearts of all people."

"When the end is near, we will see a halo of mist around the heavenly bodies. Four times it will appear around the sun as a warning that we must reform, telling us that people of all color must unite and arise for survival, and that we must uncover the causes of our dilemmas."

"So the time will come when we will experience late springs and early frosts, this will be the sign of the returning Ice Age."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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An Ancient Hopi Indian Prophecy:

"There are two water serpents, one at each pole with a warrior sitting on his head and tail. These command nature to warn us by her activities that time is getting short, and we must correct ourselves. If we refuse to heed these warnings, the warriors will let go of the serpents; they will rise up, and all will perish."

"We are much concerned about the climate. No one seems to be able to predict the weather accurately from day to day. However, we know according to our time markers that it is past due for certain seeds to be planted at their proper time. In recent springs, we were reluctant to plant due to the late snow and cold weather. Once more maybe our ancient prophecy is right, that one day we will plant wearing finger sacks (gloves) clearing away snow with our feet before planting. The summers will become shorter for maturing the corn for harvest."

"The question is, will this occur the world over? This would depend on the geographical areas. In the regions with different climates, things will happen in different ways. For instance, tropical land could become a land of ice, and the Arctic region could become tropical. This need not happen if we, the people, get our leaders to do something about the harmful things being done to the environment."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Tropical land becoming Arctic, and vise-versa?

Sounds like a Pole-Shift to me guys....
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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An Ancient Hopi Indian Prophecy:

"Let us take a look into the future through the eyes of our prophets. Hopi were instructed to tell of the Great Purification just ahead of a time when Humankind would once again become highly civilized, tending to become careless and leading us to self-destruction. They said that, along the way, the industrialized world will have certain problems. People will be uncomfortable because of the changing times, and they will have to make adjustments to find new life styles."

"Industrialized nations will become careless in getting more the resources out of the earth. Believing all these things will last forever, soon natural resources will be depleted. Fuel shortages will occur; industrial machinery will come to a standstill. The machinery used for planting, harvesting and transport will become useless. Supermarket shelves will become empty of farm produce. The farmers and those who grow their own food will not sell their produce. Money will become worthless. The white man with all his intelligence and technology will not be able to repair the damage. We will see extraordinary events in Nature and Earth, including humans."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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An Ancient Hopi Indian Prophecy:

"Modern man looks upon old wisdom and knowledge as dead, useless and no longer respected. Modern man depends on the money system and no longer on Mother Earth for food. According to prophecy when this happens Mother Earth will hide her nourishment because of the view that ancient food is poor man's food. When all food disappears, modern man will try to correct his mistake, the conditions he caused upon the earth through his inventions. He will try to achieve some kind of method to heal the wound, but this will not be possible when we reach the point of no return."

"The Hopi play a key role in the survival of the human race through their vital communion with the unseen forces that hold nature in balance. The pattern is simple: The whole world will shake and turn red and turn against those who are hindering the Hopi."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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An Ancient Hopi Indian Prophecy:

"The final stage, called The Great Day of Purification, has been described as a Mystery Egg in which the forces of the Swastika and the Sun plus a third force symbolized by the color red culminate either in total rebirth or total annihilation; we don't know which. But the choice is yours; war and natural catastrophe may be involved. The degree of violence will be determined by the degree of inequity caused among the peoples of the world and in the balance of nature. In this crisis rich and poor will be forced to struggle as equals in order to survive."

"The reality that it will be very violent is now almost taken for granted among Traditional Hopi, but man still may lessen the violence by correcting his treatment of nature and fellow man. Ancient, spiritually based communities, such as the Hopi, must especially be preserved and not forced to abandon their wise way of life and the natural resources they have vowed to protect.

"The man-made system now destroying the Hopi is deeply involved in similar violations throughout the world. The devastating reversal predicted in the prophecies is part of the natural order."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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A Hopi Indian Prophecy:

"We are now faced with great problems, not only here but throughout the land. Ancient cultures are being annihilated. Our people's lands are being taken from them. Why is this happening? It is happening because many have given up or manipulated their original spiritual teachings. The way of life which the Great Spirit has given to all people of the world, whatever your original instructions, are not being honored. It is because of this great sickness called greed, which infects every land and country."

"Now we are at the very end of our trail. Many people no longer recognize the true path of the Great Spirit. They have, in fact, no respect for the Great Spirit or for our precious Mother Earth, who gives us all life. We were told that someone would try to go up to the moon, that they would bring something back from the moon, and that after that nature would show signs of losing its balance. Now we see that coming about. All over the world, there are now many signs that nature is no longer in balance. Floods, drought, earthquakes, and great storms are occurring constantly and causing much suffering."

"Now we must look upon each other as brothers and sisters. There is no more time for divisions among people. Today I call upon all of us, from right here at home, Hotevilla, where we too are guilty of gossiping and causing divisions even among our own families, out to the entire world where thievery, war, and lying go on every day. These divisions will not be our salvation. Wars only bring more wars, never peace. Only by joining together in a Spiritual Peace with love in our hearts for one another, love in our hearts for the Great Spirit and Mother Earth, shall we be saved from the terrible Purification Day which is just ahead."
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A Hopi Indian Prophecy:

"We have teachings and prophecies informing us that we must be alert for the signs and omens which will come about to give us courage and strength to stand on our beliefs. Blood will flow. Our hair and our clothing will be scattered upon the earth. Nature will speak to us with its mighty breath of wind. There will be earthquakes and floods causing great disasters, changes in the seasons and in the weather, disappearance of wildlife, and famine in different forms. There will be gradual corruption and confusion among the leaders and the people all over the world, and wars will come about like powerful winds. All of this has been planned from the beginning of creation."

"The Hopi have been placed on this side of the Earth to take care of the land through their ceremonial duties, just as other races of people have been placed elsewhere around the Earth to take care of her in their own ways. Together, we hold the world in balance, revolving properly. If the Hopi nation vanishes, the motion of the Earth will become eccentric, the water will swallow the land, and the people will perish."

"It will be up and down, turmoil, earthquakes, floods, drought. The old people say we are at this stage of life now."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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A Hopi Indian Prophecy:

"Nature itself does not speak with a voice that we can easily understand. Neither can the animals and birds we are threatening with extinction talk to us. Who in this world can speak for nature and the spiritual energy that creates and flows through all life? In every continent are human beings who are like you but who have not separated themselves from the land and from nature. It is through their voice that Nature can speak to us. You have heard those voices and many messages from the four corners of the world today. I have studied comparative religion, and I think in your own nations and cultures you have knowledge of the consequences of living out of balance with nature and spirit."

"Nature, the First People and the spirit of our ancestors are giving you loud warnings. Today, you see increasing floods, more damaging hurricanes, hail storms, climate changes and earthquakes as our prophecies said would come. Even animals and birds are warning us with strange change in their behavior such as the beaching of whales. Why do animals act like they know about the earth's problems and most humans act like they know nothing? If we humans do not wake up to the warnings, the great purification will come to destroy this world just as the previous worlds were destroyed."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

A Hopi Indian Prophecy:

"There are two paths. The first with technology but separate from natural and spiritual law leads to these jagged lines representing chaos. The lower path is one that remains in harmony with natural law. Here we see a line that represents a choice like a bridge joining the paths. If we return to spiritual harmony and live from our hearts, we can experience a paradise in this world. If we continue only on this upper path, we will come to destruction."

"The more we turn away from the instructions of the Great Spirit, the more signs we see in the form of earthquakes, floods, drought, fires, tornadoes, as Nature makes ready her revenge. All of this will happen at one time along with the wars and corruption."

"Let us consider this matter seriously so that this world is not destroyed, so that we can continue to live and save this land and life for the generations to come."
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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The Hopi also have prophesied that "Turtle Island could turn over two or three times and the oceans could join hands and meet the sky." This seems to be a prophecy of a "pole shift" -- a flipping, of the planet on its axis. The Hopi call this imminent condition -- and that of society today -- "Koyaanisqatsi", which means "world out of balance...a state of life that calls for another way. "

A Hopi Indian Prophecy:

"Many shall be destroyed for their sins and evil ways. The Great Spirit has decreed it and no one can stop it, change it, or add anything to it. It shall be fulfilled!"
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Hopi prophecy also tells us that there will be a mass migration of Indians northward from Mexico and Central and South America. The movement is said to come after the "huge fire and explosion" that will herald the advent of the True White Brother.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

I know..I know...

I'm the guy wearing the big tin foil hat right?

And yet...all of these cultures and prophecies are stating the exact same thing. And almost none of the people who gave them knew eachother, and some of them are separated by thousands of years.

So....what it comes down to people is this. Are you going to let "the crowd" tell you that this stuff is nonsense? And that it's not going to happen? And that all of this is a bunch of bull and that you will be labeled a fool for believing it? Or....are you going to become a leader, and put the pieces together, and realize that these prophecies are all warnings to us, and that the time of the Pole-Shift is right around the corner, and that the time to take this serious has already passed, and we need to pull together, regardless of what society tells us, and start making plans and preparations for eachother's survival!
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by The One »

Still waiting to hear what I should do with all this information...

WW3 is coming in a year or two, followed by a catastrophic pole shift that is going to wreck the earth (or at least 99.9% of the population).

So AGAIN I ask, why bother?

Why even take down the controllers?

Let's rise up and take America back, only to watch it get blown away 2 years later in a giant tidal wave...

These are serious and honest questions, please address them.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

The One;678240 wrote: Still waiting to hear what I should do with all this information...

WW3 is coming in a year or two, followed by a catastrophic pole shift that is going to wreck the earth (or at least 99.9% of the population).

So AGAIN I ask, why bother?

Why even take down the controllers?

Let's rise up and take America back, only to watch it get blown away 2 years later in a giant tidal wave...

These are serious and honest questions, please address them.

The Pole-Shift could be 3-6 years away. But no more than 6.

Alot can happen in 3-6 years can it not? Perhaps you have no idea how fast and bad it is going to get in the meantime as we wait for the Pole-Shift to occur. The Controllers and the NWO are about to go into full swing. When World War 3 begins, and when this happens, things will be so bad that you will begin to PRAY for the Pole-Shift to happen rather than wonder about the possibility of it.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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Nostradamus, (December 14, 1503 – July 1, 1566) born Michel de Nostredame, is one of the world's most famous authors of prophecies. He is most famous for his book Les Propheties, which consists of rhymed quatrains (4‑line poems) grouped into sets of 100, called Centuries.

Nostradamus enthusiasts have credited him with predicting an amazing number of events in world history, including the French Revolution, the atom bomb, and the rise of Adolf Hitler.

What may be most astounding are some of his predictions for our current century (describing what looks like a pole shift + the after-effects) which I will be posting in the next few threads.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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"You will see a great transformation at the turn of a century,

Extreme horror, a judgement upon the wicked.

The Moon inclined at another Angle,

The Sun will appear higher in it's orbit."


This sounds just like a Pole-Shift/global wabble of the Earth's axis of a monsterous proportion.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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"There will be a solar eclipse more dark and gloomy than many since

the creation of the World, Except after the death of Christ.

And it shall be in October that a great movement of the Earth shall happen.

And it will be such that one will think the gravity of the Earth has lost it's balance,

And that it will be plunged into the abyss and perpetual blackness of space.

There will be portents and signs in the spring, extreme changes, nations overthrown, Earthquakes."


In this one Nostradamus seems to be trying to give the exact month for the Pole Shift. He states October. So my guess would be sometime within the range of October of 2009-October 2012?
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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"The sun, twenty degrees into Taurus

There will be a tremendous Earthquake,

The greater theater filled will be ruined,

The air, Heaven and the Earth will be dark and obscure

When the unbelievers call on God and the Saints."

(This one appears to be another prediction related to the Pole Shift)
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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"A swift and severe rain will abruptly halt two armies,

Celestial hail and descending fires will cover the sea with Pumice,

Death on Seven continents,

And seas (the World) sudden."


Again, this sounds like he's describing a major Earth changing event just at the peak of WW3.

Any event powerful enough to cause massive destruction and "Death" on Seven Continents, as well as all of the seas in the World, can pretty much only be explained by the destruction of a Pole-Shift.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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"At the forty-eighth degree of latitude,

At the end of Cancer there is

a very great drought....distress from fire in the sky."

(This one seems to be related to the Pole-Shift).
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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"The great city of the maritime ocean,

Surrounded by a swamp of crystal:

In the solstice and the spring

Will be tried by a terrible wind."

(This one could possibly describe a city (or a country) falling under the effects of the winds that accompany a Pole-Shift.)
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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"For fourty years the rainbow will not appear.

For fourty years it will appear everyday.

The dry Earth will become more parched,

And there will be great floods when it is seen."

(Here he appears to again be describing the "floods" that accompany a Pole-Shift. Also he mentions disturbances in the sky. Another effect of the Pole-Shift. Dry Earth..another effect.)
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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"The great famine I see drawing near

Turns one way, then another,

then becomes universal.

So great and long that they will pluck the root from the tree and the child from the breast."

(This obviously describes a servere "great famine" that will most likely come either right before, during, or after the Pole-Shift, and which will involve the entire World).
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by Arookie »

I see much bashing of TruthBringer. Wouldn't it be better to just find proof discrediting what he says, post some links, prove him wrong?

Just saying he is full of b/s without showing some signs of proof yourself makes a person just as off the wall as he is claimed to be.

I would think a person would just read what he says, believe what you wish, don't believe what you wish, and move on.

If you have proof he is wrong then please post it and let us know the real truth.

Quite simple really.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by spot »

You think it's not been tried? I've taken him back to his sources, tried to point out that he's partially quoted to the extent of claiming a source in support of his argument which in full completely rejects his approach and argues the opposite but TruthBringer is entirely resistant to discussion.

Take his final use of Nostradamus, for example. I'd accept the discussion at http://jclbernard.9online.fr/nostra/futur12.htm or the English translation and French text at http://www.sacred-texts.com/nos/index.htm to be useable but he's off in a world of his own translating Ange as "angle" (as in L'angle de vingt degrés) instead of Angel (as in L'ange de Dieu). He can't stop and analyse, he's in a hurry, he has a remnant to save and no time in which to persuade any potential member of it. All he can do is write and rush onward.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by Arookie »

I think it isn't important what someone posts in here. We just have to read it, believe it or not, then move on.

Half or more of the internet is just B/s and Scams.

It might be good if he posted some urls or things of that nature.

I am much more cynical than you appear to be. Therefore it is easier to fill me with crap about dishonest things that government and large organizations do.

In a Capitalistic society, which I believe we primarily are, I think greed motivates so many that nearly anything is possible.

Not that I would buy his every word. I do find it interesting though.
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