WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by spot »

That covers a small fraction of his thread, the vast majority of it relates to prophesy. Criticizing hidden agendas among businessmen and politicians is one thing, giving credence to soothsayers is something else.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by Arookie »

I don't buy much of what he says. I just feel that it is my choice to believe what I want.

I certainly hope much of what he says is wrong but the world is quite messed up.

I guess arguing over whether he is right or wrong will get neither of us anywhere.

I am starting a site, I just wish I could get members. At least in a forum like this we are free to post how we see things.

I did notice you are very active on the site which I think is awesome in itself. There is so much information or so many posts on this site I haven't had time to read that much but I feel that there must be other threads that contradict his opinions.

Either way, I don't know that he is hurting much. I don't believe most of the advertising on tv but many people seem to suck all that up also.

We are getting to be a society that thinks what the leaders want, no longer thinking for ourselves. That statement in itself is something that people will vary their opinions on but isn't that what a discussion board is all about?
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by Arookie »

I haven't been here long enough to condemn or condone his posts. I think I should limit my posting until I have had some time.

I just think, that what a person says, no matter how far out, it is just interesting to see how others think or don't think.

This isn't a subject I feel I can debate in any intellectual capacity so I think I should call this thread ended for me.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Sorry I haven't been able to finish this thread yet guys I have been very buisy for awhile now with some other projects but this thread is still only about 65% complete at the moment and I plan to finish it eventually. It won't be too much longer for those who may have been curious.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

World War I, also known as the First World War, the Great War and the War To End All Wars, was a global military conflict which took place primarily in Europe and which started in 1914 (The Chinese year of the Tiger). Over 40 million casualties resulted, including approximately 20 million military and civilian deaths.

World War II, or the Second World War, was a global military conflict, the amalgamation of what had initially been two separate conflicts. The first began in Asia in 1937 (The Chinese year of the Ox), and tensions between countries really started to heat up during the next year 1938 (The Chinese year of the Tiger) as countries started provoking eachother into war, as the Second Sino-Japanese War; the other began in Europe in 1939 (The Chinese year of the Rabbit) with the German invasion of Poland.

The Korean War was an escalation of a civil war between two rival Korean regimes, each of which was supported by external powers, with each trying to topple the other through political and guerilla tactics. After failing to strengthen their cause in the free elections held in South Korea during May 1950 (The Chinese year of the Tiger) and the refusal of South Korea to hold new elections per North Korean demands, the communist North Korean Army moved south on June 25, 1950 (The Chinese year of the Tiger) to attempt to reunite the Korean peninsula.

This is very interesting to me. Because in our modern era, these were the 3 biggest wars in our history. They involved not just 1 or 2 nations, but many nations. And they all started around the same exact time in relation to Astrology. (The chinese year of the Tiger).

The possible World War 3 that we may have coming to us soon (within the next 2 years), will again, occur at the exact same time as the above 3 wars did. Which is during or right next to the Chinese year of the Tiger.

The Chinese year of the Tiger is famous for being a time when Nations around the World begin to poke and provoke eachother into battle. It will be interesting what the Universe has in store for us in 2010 (The Chinese year of the Tiger).
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »


JACKSON, Tennessee (CNN) -- Tornadoes and storms in the mid-South have killed 54 people since Tuesday evening in the deadliest tornado outbreak in the United States in more than 20 years.

The trail of death stretched across four states, with four people killed in Alabama, 13 in Arkansas, seven in Kentucky and 30 in Tennessee.

In some cases, there was almost no warning before the severe weather hit.

James Baskin of Jackson, Tennessee, was driving a car when a twister "just picked us up and threw us," he said.

Everyone in the car was injured, including his daughter's friend, who suffered a broken collarbone.

President Bush said Wednesday he had called the governors of the affected states to offer help and to tell them that "the American people hold those who suffered up in prayer."

The Federal Emergency Management Agency was deploying teams to the area, Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff said Wednesday.

"We're going to keep watching this," he said.

The newest deaths were reported in Sumner County, Tennessee, where two victims were found outside a house that had been blown away by the storm, said Jay Austin, the county's primary death investigator.

Elsewhere in the area, a mother was found dead in a creek bed about 50 yards from where her house stood. Her baby was found alive 250 yards away. The child was taken to a local hospital, Austin said.

Meanwhile, the Tennessee Highway Patrol reported looting in hard-hit Macon County, where 12 people died, CNN affiliate WSMV reported.

Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen, who flew over the disaster area Wednesday, said he was stunned by the storm's power. Watch Bredesen describe a 'nightmare' »

"I don't think that I have seen, since I've been governor, a tornado where the combination of the intensity of it and the length of the track was as large as this one," Bredesen said.

"That track had to be 25 miles long. didn't skip like a lot of them do. ... It's just 25 miles of a tornado sitting on the ground."

In Jackson, Tennessee, a tornado trapped Union University students and retirees in collapsed buildings, said Julie Oaks, a spokeswoman for the state's Emergency Management Agency. Watch how the tornado devastated the campus »

"It looks like a war zone," said university President David Dockery. "Cars and trucks thrown from one side of the campus to the other."

Dockery said the women's dorms were destroyed, along with two academic buildings. Many other school buildings received lesser damage.

To the west, a tornado swept through the southeastern section of Memphis in Shelby County. The storms yanked the roof off a hangar at Memphis International Airport, the National Weather Service said.

Oaks said one person was killed at the Hickory Ridge Mall in Shelby County.

Company officials believe a tornado hit a compressor station for the Columbia Gulf Transmission company in Hartsville, Tennessee, about 40 miles northeast of Nashville, setting off a spectacular natural gas fire. Watch flames leap hundreds of feet »

The blaze could be seen in the night sky for miles around, with flames shooting "400, 500 feet in the air," said Tennessee Emergency Management spokesman Donnie Smith.

The station was damaged significantly, but there were no reports of injuries or fatalities, said Columbia spokesman Kelly Merritt. "We would not have had any employees there [overnight]." The blaze was put out early Wednesday morning, he said.

"It just took the house and everything and my horses and my dog," a shaken Reasonover said, as the glow of the fire lit the sky behind her. "I don't know if they're alive or dead, but we'll make it."

In Arkansas, the storm killed 13 people in six counties, the state Emergency Management Agency said.

In the city of Atkins, a man, woman and child in the same family were killed, county Judge Jim Ed Gibson told CNN. The storms overturned trucks and other vehicles along Interstate 40, closing the highway briefly, he said.

Storms also ripped through Kentucky, killing at least seven people. A state of emergency was declared in Muhlenberg County, and Kentucky National Guard troops were deployed, state emergency spokesman Buddy Rogers said.

In Alabama, the storms killed four people, three in Lawrence County and one in Jackson County, officials said.

Resident Roger Riddle said that when he heard the tornado siren, he rounded up his children and took them to a community storm shelter.

When he emerged, he saw the twister traveling away from them and "total destruction."

"We've got things tore up, and the house across the road from us is completely gone," Riddle said.

In Mississippi, the director of the state's Emergency Management Agency, Mike Womack, estimated that 20 to 30 tornadoes pounded the state in areas above the state capital of Jackson.

"We have no reported fatalities, and that is extremely fortunate," he said, given the havoc the storm caused.

http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/weather/02/0 ... index.html

And this is only the beginning guys. The Pole-Shift is not too far off now. Maybe 4-5 years away Maximum.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Just a little update. I can't believe how December 21st, 2012 is soon to be less than 4 years away! =) I am very excited to see what happens as we get closer and closer to that famous date.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by Praetorian_Sub »

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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by Praetorian_Sub »

Hello TruthBringer.

I study all this information as you do since a few years, but you made me look bad : ) Congrats for the excellent job.

You said that the year of the Tiger (2010) might be the year. The only reason I registered is to post this thread, which purpose is by no means to discredit your work :

In Bulgaria, we have this prophetess (Baba Vanga, see in Wikipedia & Google) who died a few years ago, very respected for decades by people from different countries, that gave this predictions to the Bulgarian nation and to those countries, who were willing to listen. Of course, as you know, time does not exist in the Mental world, and that's why the psychics have a hard time slapping a date on events. Although, she died in 1996, which is close to her prediction of WW3 (2010), I believe the time error of this event is minimal.

I did not change the text, but added comments in brackets. I believe in the pole shift, but she did not mention it in a fashionable way. Sadly, she did not say anything about the Economic Collapse before WW3 and when will the supermarkets empty, but looking at the news this last week, we are already in the start of the crisis. We can't keep canned food and water for 6 years anyways.

Judge by yourselves. Here's what she said :

2008 - Assassination Attempts On 4 Political Figures . Conflict In Indostan [India - Pakistan ???]. This Will Be One Of The Reasons For The Beginning Of A Third World War.

2010 - Beginning Of A Third World War. The War Will Start In November 2010 And Will End In October 2014 [???]. It Will Start Off Like A Regular War, Shortly After Nuclear Weapons Will Be Put To Use. [My guess : Biological Weapons also].

2011 - Most Of The Animals And Plants In The Northern Hemisphere Will Die From Nuclear Fallout. Later Muslims Will Start A Chemical War Against The Survived Europeans. [My Guess : Major Nuclear Exchange has finished by 2011]

2014 - Most Of The People Will Suffer From Abscesses, Skin Cancer And Other Skin Diseases As The Results Of Chemical Warfare.

2016 - Europe Is Almost Deserted.

2018 - China Becomes Worlds Most Powerful Empire. Developing Countries Turn From Exploited Into Exploiters.

2023 - Earths Orbit Will Change By A Little Bit. [Maybe the EVOLUTION is in 2012, not the actual pole shift ? The Mayans did not see beyond 2012 because " " "time" as we know it stopped. The planet must have risen into higher vibrations by 2023, which could explain the fast technology advances which follow, as matter becomes more responsive to intent. Of course, discrediting prophets without verification is known to mankind since thousands of years]

2025 - Europe Is Still Almost Deserted.

2028 - Creation Of A New Energy Source. (Probably It Will Be A Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion). Hunger Is Gradually Overcomed. Piloted Spaceship Sets Off To Venus.

2033 - Polar Ice Is Melting . The Water Level In World Ocean Is Rising.

2043 - The World Economy Is Prospering. Muslims Are Ruling In Europe.

2046 - Any Organ Is Being Cultivated. Replacement Of Limbs And Organs Becomes The Best & Favorite Method of Medical Treatment.

2066 - While The Muslims Attack Rome, the USA Use A New Type Of Weapon - Climatic. Quick Fall Of Temperature.

2076 - Classless Society. (Communism).

2084 - Renewal Of Nature.

2088 - New Disease - Aging In Few Seconds.

2097 - Quick Aging Is Overcomed.

2100 - Artificial Sun Is Brightening The Dark Side Of Earth. [How long can volcanic dust, I presume, stay in the air ?]

2111 - Humans Become Cyborgs (Living Robots) [Too much Nano-Implants ?].

2123 - Wars Between Small Countries. Big Countries Are Not Interfering.

2125 - Weird Signals From Space Are Received In Hungary.

2130 - Underwater Colonies. (With The Help Of Alien Advice).

2164 - Animals Are Transformed Into Half-Humans.

2167 - New Religion.

2170 - Big Drought.

2183 - Colony On Mars Acquires The Nuclear Weapon And Demands It's Immediate Independence From Earth.

2187 - Eruption Of Two Big Volcanoes Will Be Prevented Technologically. [Super Volcanoes ?]

2195 - Sea Colonies Are Fully Supplied With Energy And Food.

2196 - Full Mixture Of Asians And Europeans. [We must have been desperate]

2201 - Thermonuclear Processes On The Sun Are Slowing Down. It's Getting Colder.

2221 - In Search For Extraterrestrial Life Mankind Comes Into Contact With Something Dreadful...

2256 - A Spaceship Brings To Earth A New Frightening Disease.

2262 - Planet Orbits Are Gradually Changing. Mars Is Threatened By A Comet.

2271 - Physical Constants Are Calculated Anew.

2273 - Mixture Of All Races. The Human Race Becomes One Race.

2279 - Energy From Nothing. (Probably From Vacuum Or Black Holes).

2288 - Time Travel Possible. New Contacts With Aliens.

2291 - The Sun Is Cooling Down Extremely Close To Extinction. Attempts To Ignite It Are Undertaken. [Impossibility switches to Unexplained Phenomenon ?]

2296 - Due To The Powerful Explosions Made On The Sun's Surface, Gravity Field Is Changing. Old Orbital Stations And Satellites Are Falling Down.

2299 - Partisan Movement Against Islam In France.

2302 - New Laws And Mysteries Of The Universe Are Discovered.

2304 - The Mystery Of The Moon Is Discovered.

2341 - Something Dreadful Is Approaching Earth From Space.

2354 - The Fall Of One Of The Artificial Suns On Earth Brings Drought.

2371 - Great Hunger.

2378 - New, Quickly Growing Race.

2480 - 2 Artificial Suns Will Crash Into Each Other. The Earth Is In Total Darkness.

3005 - Huge Wars On Mars.

3010 - Comet Will Crash In The Moon. Belt Of Rocks And Dust Is Surrounding Earth.

3797 - By This Time Everything On Earth Dies, But Mankind Was Able To Put Its Foundations In Other Solar System. The Human Race Will Survive.

She did say that there will be a great flood (probably due to Pole-Shifting), and that Russia will be the biggest inhabitable landmass. When looking at this map, it's probable : h t t p : // members.tripod.com/~aliendesire/poleshift . h t m l [cant put links before 15 posts]

Some of these prophecies seem very possible, other seem possible but not very probable. Pole-Shifting can happen in parallel of most of these prophecies.

Now, why the Ruling Elites does not seem concerned with the pole-shifting ? Why, supposedly knowing that there will be a pole-shift they cannot survive (except in their back-engineered spacecraft or possible constructions in safest zones), they will still try to exterminate most of humanity (problem, reaction, solution)? They won't try to microchip us if they know they'll die soon, but yet, they're advancing on their agenda. And, why are there more and more alien vessels, the more we approach 2012 ? (I know that some aliens helped man before, some watched, some behaved like pure evil. They are not all of the same race and faction). The Indigo Children are quite a mystery also.

These remain an open question. Researching info only in the Physical World, sooner or later, leaves us with a dead end. From this point, only time will tell. All we can do is prepare urgently for the worst, and hope for the best.

The more people criticize (maturely), the more we'll learn.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Praetorian_Sub;1028751 wrote: Hello TruthBringer.

I study all this information as you do since a few years, but you made me look bad : ) Congrats for the excellent job.

You said that the year of the Tiger (2010) might be the year. The only reason I registered is to post this thread, which purpose is by no means to discredit your work :

In Bulgaria, we have this prophetess (Baba Vanga, see in Wikipedia & Google) who died a few years ago, very respected for decades by people from different countries, that gave this predictions to the Bulgarian nation and to those countries, who were willing to listen. Of course, as you know, time does not exist in the Mental world, and that's why the psychics have a hard time slapping a date on events. Although, she died in 1996, which is close to her prediction of WW3 (2010), I believe the time error of this event is minimal.

I did not change the text, but added comments in brackets. I believe in the pole shift, but she did not mention it in a fashionable way. Sadly, she did not say anything about the Economic Collapse before WW3 and when will the supermarkets empty, but looking at the news this last week, we are already in the start of the crisis. We can't keep canned food and water for 6 years anyways.

Judge by yourselves. Here's what she said :

2008 - Assassination Attempts On 4 Political Figures . Conflict In Indostan [India - Pakistan ???]. This Will Be One Of The Reasons For The Beginning Of A Third World War.

2010 - Beginning Of A Third World War. The War Will Start In November 2010 And Will End In October 2014 [???]. It Will Start Off Like A Regular War, Shortly After Nuclear Weapons Will Be Put To Use. [My guess : Biological Weapons also].

2011 - Most Of The Animals And Plants In The Northern Hemisphere Will Die From Nuclear Fallout. Later Muslims Will Start A Chemical War Against The Survived Europeans. [My Guess : Major Nuclear Exchange has finished by 2011]

2014 - Most Of The People Will Suffer From Abscesses, Skin Cancer And Other Skin Diseases As The Results Of Chemical Warfare.

2016 - Europe Is Almost Deserted.

2018 - China Becomes Worlds Most Powerful Empire. Developing Countries Turn From Exploited Into Exploiters.

2023 - Earths Orbit Will Change By A Little Bit. [Maybe the EVOLUTION is in 2012, not the actual pole shift ? The Mayans did not see beyond 2012 because " " "time" as we know it stopped. The planet must have risen into higher vibrations by 2023, which could explain the fast technology advances which follow, as matter becomes more responsive to intent. Of course, discrediting prophets without verification is known to mankind since thousands of years]

2025 - Europe Is Still Almost Deserted.

2028 - Creation Of A New Energy Source. (Probably It Will Be A Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion). Hunger Is Gradually Overcomed. Piloted Spaceship Sets Off To Venus.

2033 - Polar Ice Is Melting . The Water Level In World Ocean Is Rising.

2043 - The World Economy Is Prospering. Muslims Are Ruling In Europe.

2046 - Any Organ Is Being Cultivated. Replacement Of Limbs And Organs Becomes The Best & Favorite Method of Medical Treatment.

2066 - While The Muslims Attack Rome, the USA Use A New Type Of Weapon - Climatic. Quick Fall Of Temperature.

2076 - Classless Society. (Communism).

2084 - Renewal Of Nature.

2088 - New Disease - Aging In Few Seconds.

2097 - Quick Aging Is Overcomed.

2100 - Artificial Sun Is Brightening The Dark Side Of Earth. [How long can volcanic dust, I presume, stay in the air ?]

2111 - Humans Become Cyborgs (Living Robots) [Too much Nano-Implants ?].

2123 - Wars Between Small Countries. Big Countries Are Not Interfering.

2125 - Weird Signals From Space Are Received In Hungary.

2130 - Underwater Colonies. (With The Help Of Alien Advice).

2164 - Animals Are Transformed Into Half-Humans.

2167 - New Religion.

2170 - Big Drought.

2183 - Colony On Mars Acquires The Nuclear Weapon And Demands It's Immediate Independence From Earth.

2187 - Eruption Of Two Big Volcanoes Will Be Prevented Technologically. [Super Volcanoes ?]

2195 - Sea Colonies Are Fully Supplied With Energy And Food.

2196 - Full Mixture Of Asians And Europeans. [We must have been desperate]

2201 - Thermonuclear Processes On The Sun Are Slowing Down. It's Getting Colder.

2221 - In Search For Extraterrestrial Life Mankind Comes Into Contact With Something Dreadful...

2256 - A Spaceship Brings To Earth A New Frightening Disease.

2262 - Planet Orbits Are Gradually Changing. Mars Is Threatened By A Comet.

2271 - Physical Constants Are Calculated Anew.

2273 - Mixture Of All Races. The Human Race Becomes One Race.

2279 - Energy From Nothing. (Probably From Vacuum Or Black Holes).

2288 - Time Travel Possible. New Contacts With Aliens.

2291 - The Sun Is Cooling Down Extremely Close To Extinction. Attempts To Ignite It Are Undertaken. [Impossibility switches to Unexplained Phenomenon ?]

2296 - Due To The Powerful Explosions Made On The Sun's Surface, Gravity Field Is Changing. Old Orbital Stations And Satellites Are Falling Down.

2299 - Partisan Movement Against Islam In France.

2302 - New Laws And Mysteries Of The Universe Are Discovered.

2304 - The Mystery Of The Moon Is Discovered.

2341 - Something Dreadful Is Approaching Earth From Space.

2354 - The Fall Of One Of The Artificial Suns On Earth Brings Drought.

2371 - Great Hunger.

2378 - New, Quickly Growing Race.

2480 - 2 Artificial Suns Will Crash Into Each Other. The Earth Is In Total Darkness.

3005 - Huge Wars On Mars.

3010 - Comet Will Crash In The Moon. Belt Of Rocks And Dust Is Surrounding Earth.

3797 - By This Time Everything On Earth Dies, But Mankind Was Able To Put Its Foundations In Other Solar System. The Human Race Will Survive.

She did say that there will be a great flood (probably due to Pole-Shifting), and that Russia will be the biggest inhabitable landmass. When looking at this map, it's probable : h t t p : // members.tripod.com/~aliendesire/poleshift . h t m l [cant put links before 15 posts]

Some of these prophecies seem very possible, other seem possible but not very probable. Pole-Shifting can happen in parallel of most of these prophecies.

Now, why the Ruling Elites does not seem concerned with the pole-shifting ? Why, supposedly knowing that there will be a pole-shift they cannot survive (except in their back-engineered spacecraft or possible constructions in safest zones), they will still try to exterminate most of humanity (problem, reaction, solution)? They won't try to microchip us if they know they'll die soon, but yet, they're advancing on their agenda. And, why are there more and more alien vessels, the more we approach 2012 ? (I know that some aliens helped man before, some watched, some behaved like pure evil. They are not all of the same race and faction). The Indigo Children are quite a mystery also.

These remain an open question. Researching info only in the Physical World, sooner or later, leaves us with a dead end. From this point, only time will tell. All we can do is prepare urgently for the worst, and hope for the best.

The more people criticize (maturely), the more we'll learn.

Thank you very much for the great info Prae. I appreciate the info and the comments.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Storm cuts power to more than 1 million customers

By DAVID TIRRELL-WYSOCKI, Associated Press Writer

Writer 3 mins ago

CONCORD, N.H. – An ice storm knocked out power Friday to 1.25 million homes and businesses from Maine to Pennsylvania, closing schools and tying up travel, and authorities say it could take days for all customers to get service back. "This is pathetic," said Bob Cott, in Portland, Maine, who lost power for the first time in 10 years. "I'm already sick of winter and we have nine days to go before it officially begins."

The storm brought rain, freezing rain, sleet and snow through Thursday night, and in some areas the miserable mix was continuing Friday. For New Hampshire, the power outages dwarfed those during the infamous Ice Storm of '98, when some residents spent more than a week in the dark.

The governors of Massachusetts and New Hampshire declared states of emergency Friday morning, and schools were closed and travel disrupted across the region. New Hampshire's court system canceled most hearings and trials for the day.

"I urge all New Hampshire citizens to take sensible precautions and heed all warnings from public officials," Gov. John Lynch said.

Fire departments were responding to reports of transformer explosions, wires and utility poles down and trees falling on homes. Utility crews were so busy dealing with public safety hazards like live power lines that they weren't immediately able to begin restoration efforts.

Utilities reported 392,000 homes and businesses without power in New Hampshire, including 300,000 served by the state's largest, Public Service Company of New Hampshire. By contrast, the 1998 storm left 55,000 Public Service customers without power.

"This is the absolute, most significant power restoration effort we've ever had. There has not been a storm before that has affected more customers," Public Service spokesman Martin Murray said.

In Hampstead, N.H., Mark Cegelis, 36, said things were hectic at his neighborhood gas station, which was jammed with people trying to get gas for home generators.

"It's kind of lawless out there right now. There's a lot of people very frustrated, stacking up at the gas stations. It's pretty ugly."

He bought 21 gallons for himself and tried to deliver some to some friends in Derry but couldn't get there because of downed trees blocking roads. So his friends came to him instead, and were expected to hunker down until power was restored.

The ice storm extended to Pennsylvania, where about 4,700 customers, most of them in the Poconos, lost power, and Connecticut, where some 16,500 customers were without electricity at midday. In most areas in those states, though, the big storm system left its mark in the form of heavy rain or rain changing to snow.

Gov. Deval Patrick's emergency declaration in Massachusetts would enable the governor to take further steps, such as mobilizing the National Guard, if needed as the day wore on, officials said.

At a midmorning news conference, Patrick said 350,000 customers across the state were without power — and the number had risen 150,000 homes in just an hour. He said it would be "ambitious" to think power would be restored by Monday.

"This is not going to be a couple of hours," Patrick said. "It's likely to be several days."

In eastern New York, particularly around Albany, the state capital, outages at National Grid and other utilities brought the total in the state to more than 255,000.

"Trees were down on all the roads," said Miguel Figueroa, 28, as he waited for coffee at a Starbucks in Colonie, N.Y. "... I couldn't even get on the Thruway today."

Central Maine Power Co. said more than 190,000 customers in the dark as of late Friday morning, mostly in southern and coastal areas. Bangor Hydro Electric Co. reported more than 11,000 outages.

Maine Gov. John Baldacci declared a limited emergency allowing utility crews to work longer hours.

In Vermont, 25,800 customers were without power Friday morning. Several inches of snow, caked with ice toppled trees onto roads and power lines.

At least 20 Massachusetts towns declared local states of emergency even before the governor made the statewide declaration.

"Stay home if you live in Holden; don't come to Holden if you work here," Holden, Mass., fire Chief Jack Chandler said. The entire town was without power and some senior citizens on oxygen were transported to a hospital or a shelter opened at the town's senior center.


Associated Press writers Holly Ramer in Concord, N.H.; Mark Pratt in Boston; Clarke Canfield in Portland, Maine; John Curran and Lisa Rathke in Montpelier, Vt.; and Mike Hill and Jessica M. Pasko in Albany, N.Y., contributed to this report.

(This version CORRECTS Updates numbers to around 1.25 million; adds detail from Connecticut; fresh quote; corrects that most sted all court hearings canceled in N.H., reflecting official change.)
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Rare snow covers south Louisiana, Miss.

By MICHAEL KUNZELMAN, Associated Press Writer – Thu Dec 11, 2008

NEW ORLEANS – A rare snowfall blanketed south Louisiana and parts of Mississippi Thursday, closing schools, government offices and bridges, triggering crashes on major highways and leaving thousands of people without power.

Up to 8 inches of snow was reported in parts of Louisiana. Snow also covered a broad swath of Mississippi, including the Jackson area, and closed schools in more than a dozen districts.

A heavy band of snow coated windshields and grassy areas in New Orleans, where about an inch accumulated. A peak of 8 inches was reported in Amite, about 75 miles northwest of New Orleans, said meteorologist Danielle Manning of the National Weather Service in Slidell.

Office workers stepped out of high-rises to catch a snowflake, snap pictures with cell-phone cameras and swap snow stories.

At a park in New Orleans' Uptown neighborhood, Sara Echaniz, 41, took photos and dodged snowballs thrown by her son, 3-year-old Sam. "He didn't believe it was snow until it started sticking to the ground," said Ecahniz, a native of Rochester, N.Y., who was pregnant with the child the last time it snowed in New Orleans, in December 2004.

In Mississippi, up to 5 inches of snow fell on areas south of Jackson. The snow in Mississippi and Louisiana was clearing out Thursday afternoon, but forecasters warned that freezing temperatures could make for treacherous driving conditions overnight.

In Alabama, storms dumped more than 3 inches of rain across northern parts of the state ahead of a blast of cold air and added precipitation that forecasters said could turn into a wintry mix. Several of the state's school systems dismissed students early because of the possibility of flooding or snow.

Flood watches were issued through Thursday night for much of North Carolina ahead of the storm system. Colder air behind the front could produce snow late Thursday and early Friday in the mountains.

In Louisiana, roughly 10,0000 power outages were reported by Cleco Corp., one of the state's largest power providers. The company said it expected most of the outages to be restored by nightfall.

Some morning flights at Louis Armstrong International Airport outside New Orleans were delayed and canceled, but airport spokeswoman Michelle Wilcut said the facility was in "back-to-normal mode" by early Thursday afternoon.

In southeast Louisiana, temperatures were above freezing so accumulations were not expected to linger much beyond Thursday.

The wintry weather is rare in south Louisiana. The weather service said the previous earliest date for measurable snowfall in New Orleans was Dec. 22, 1989.
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Las Vegas gets record snowfall, 3.6 inches

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A rare pre-winter storm brought Las Vegas its heaviest snowfall in nearly three decades, closing the airport and freeways as several inches coated marquees on the Las Vegas Strip and weighed down palm trees.

The storm Wednesday and early Thursday also dumped snow on rain on much of southern California and parts of Nevada outside Las Vegas.

The National Weather Service measured 3.6 inches of snow overnight at Las Vegas' McCarran International Airport, and meteorologist Jerome Jacques said about 2 inches was left before dawn on the ground near the "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign.

"Snow is not unknown in the Las Vegas valley. On average we get 1/2 inch of snow a year," Jacques said. "But this amount made it a significant storm. We haven't had this amount of snow since 1979."

The weather service recorded 7.5 inches of snow at McCarran on Jan. 30-31, 1979.

The snow Wednesday prompted the cancellation of all flights in and out of Vegas. Visitors parked and posed for pictures wearing hooded jackets.

Other parts of Nevada were forecast to receive as much as 8 inches of snow in the second winter storm this week to drop snow on the desert city. Snowfall is common in nearby mountains hills, but not on the Strip or surrounding neighborhoods.

Elsewhere, snow shut Interstate 15 over 4,190-foot Cajon Pass east of Los Angeles. By early Thursday, just a single lane on the southbound side was open, as officers escorted a small stream of drivers through the pass.

Interstate 5, a major trucking and travel route connecting Southern California with the Central Valley and Northern California was shut down over 4,144-foot Tejon Pass, and roads through the San Gabriel Mountains connecting metropolitan Los Angeles to the commuter suburbs of Palmdale and Lancaster in the high desert to the north also were closed.

An overflowing river on the U.S.-Mexico border Wednesday led to the evacuation of nearly two dozen people and rescues of about 50 horses.

Snow also fell across much of Washington state on Wednesday, with Spokane, in the northeast part of the state, declaring a snow emergency and vowing that its snowplows would be working nonstop until the streets were clear.

Most areas of Spokane had picked up 8 inches of snow by evening, with another 5-10 inches expected by daybreak Thursday, said National Weather Service meteorologist Jeffrey Cote.

Massive backups developed below all the passes, which authorities hope to have reopened Thursday.

The storm dumped as much as 4 feet of snow at Big Bear in the San Bernardino Mountains, said James Oh, a forecaster with the National Weather Service in San Diego.

Schools were closed Thursday, many of them for the fourth straight day, in several high desert and mountain districts.

And soldiers at Fort Irwin near Barstow were unable to deploy to Iraq Wednesday as planned because of the snowy conditions.

Calen Weiss, 19, of Tarzana, his brother and two friends wanted to go snowboarding at Big Bear but instead got stuck on I-15 in Cajon Pass for an hour as visibility fell to about 40 yards.

"It looks like Whoville, all snowy, but with less joy and more extreme misery," he said by phone from the Summit Inn.

Heavy rain also fell in some parts of Southern California through the day.

Near the California-Mexico border, San Diego firefighters and lifeguards evacuated 21 people along the overflowing Tijuana River, said spokesman Maurice Luque. They included 12 to 15 people who were on high ground outside a home, surrounded by up to 4 feet of water.

Five people were taken out by helicopter, while others were escorted in Border Patrol all-terrain vehicles, Luque said. Three men were taken to a hospital for treatment of hypothermia.

About 50 horses also were evacuated, but three others drowned and one was euthanized after tripping on barbed wire, Luque said.

In the Santa Clarita area north of Los Angeles, a wind gust caused a helicopter to crash, killing an electrical worker on the ground and leaving the pilot with minor injuries, county fire Inspector Frank Garrido said.

Even Malibu got a dusting of snow, as the usually balmy city saw a half-inch in the afternoon.

"It's kind of cool if you think about it, said Craig Levy, director of a juvenile detention camp. "It's kind of unusual to see snow in Malibu."


Associated Press Writers Solvej Schou and Daisy Nguyen in Los Angeles and Elliot Spagat in San Diego contributed to this report.

Las Vegas gets record snowfall, 3.6 inches - Yahoo! News
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Frigid Storm Closes California Freeways, Drops Snow in Malibu

Thursday, December 18, 2008

LOS ANGELES — Snow snarled major mountain highways and even dusted Malibu on Wednesday as a cold storm hit parts of California. One person was killed by a wind-related helicopter crash, and an overflowing river on the U.S.-Mexico border led to the evacuation of nearly two dozen people, rescues of about 50 horses and the deaths of four others.

Styming thousands of commuters and travelers, snow shut Interstate 15 over 4,190-foot Cajon Pass east of Los Angeles and roads through the San Gabriel Mountains connecting metropolitan Los Angeles to the commuter suburbs of Palmdale and Lancaster in the high desert to the north.

Interstate 5, a major trucking and travel route connecting Southern California with the Central Valley and Northern California, stayed open over 4,144-foot Tejon Pass most of the day, with on-and-off Highway Patrol escorts, then finally was shut down in the afternoon as conditions deteriorated. Massive backups developed below all the passes.

Calen Weiss, 19, of Tarzana, his brother and two friends wanted to go snowboarding at Big Bear in the San Bernardino Mountains but instead got stuck on I-15 in Cajon Pass for an hour as visibility fell to about 40 yards.

"It looks like Whoville, all snowy, but with less joy and more extreme misery," he said by phone from the Summit Inn.

Heavy rain also fell in some parts of Southern California through the day.

Near the California-Mexico border, San Diego firefighters and lifeguards evacuated 21 people along the overflowing Tijuana River, said spokesman Maurice Luque. They included 12 to 15 people who were on high ground outside a home, surrounded by up to 4 feet of water.

Five people were taken out by helicopter, while others were escorted in Border Patrol all-terrain vehicles, Luque said. Three men were taken to a hospital for treatment of hypothermia.

About 50 horses also were evacuated, but three others drowned and one was euthanized after tripping on barbed wire, Luque said.

To the east, several vehicles collided and slid into ditches on Interstate 8's mountainous grades as heavy snow fell at the San Diego-Imperial County line. Other vehicles were stuck on the steep upgrade, their wheels spinning on the snow-packed surface, according to the California Highway Patrol.

Blowing snow, slush and ice prompted the Antelope Valley Transit Authority to cancel all its local buses, along with 18 commuter runs that usually carry some 650 people from the Palmdale-Lancaster area down to Los Angeles and back home.

The regional Metrolink rail system agreed to carry bus commuters who had already reached Los Angeles back home, spokesman Francisco Oaxaca said.

However, trains were ordered to proceed slowly because of the snow. Two trains also were delayed around 45 minutes at midday because engineers could not see the red, green and yellow track signals.

It was the first time in his 15 years with Metrolink that snow had caused such problems, Oaxaca said.

Transit agencies in the East have special equipment to clear tracks and otherwise handle snow but "we're not equipped for this kind of weather on a consistent basis in this part of the world," Oaxaca said.

In the Santa Clarita area north of Los Angeles, a wind gust caused a helicopter to crash, killing an electrical worker on the ground and leaving the pilot with minor injuries, county fire Inspector Frank Garrido said.

The helicopter was hired by Southern California Edison to string electrical lines between power poles in the Bouquet Canyon area.

"It was hovering above the ground. A gust of wind made the helicopter spiral," Garrido said.

Garrido said the accident report stated that the dead man was an Edison employee, but utility spokesman Steve Conroy said the victim was employed by the company operating the helicopter.

Late in the afternoon snow fell in the Malibu area.

"It's a combination of snow and rain, so none of the snow is sticking on the ground," said Craig Levy, director of a juvenile detention camp near Mulholland Highway. "It's kind of cool if you think about it. It's kind of unusual to see snow in Malibu."

More severe cold was on the way, the National Weather Service said.

Freeze warnings were issued for late Wednesday through Thursday morning for the Sacramento Valley, the northern San Joaquin Valley and the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta region, among others.

"A freeze warning means subfreezing temperatures are imminent or highly likely. These conditions will kill crops and other sensitive vegetation," the NWS said.

Freeze warnings were also issued for north San Francisco Bay area valleys, and a combination of frost advisories and freeze warnings were issued for parts of southwestern California.

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Dec. 16, 2008:

NASA's five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a breach in Earth's magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist. Solar wind can flow in through the opening to "load up" the magnetosphere for powerful geomagnetic storms. But the breach itself is not the biggest surprise. Researchers are even more amazed at the strange and unexpected way it forms, overturning long-held ideas of space physics.

A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field


Dec. 16, 2008: NASA's five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a breach in Earth's magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist. Solar wind can flow in through the opening to "load up" the magnetosphere for powerful geomagnetic storms. But the breach itself is not the biggest surprise. Researchers are even more amazed at the strange and unexpected way it forms, overturning long-held ideas of space physics.

"At first I didn't believe it," says THEMIS project scientist David Sibeck of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "This finding fundamentally alters our understanding of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction."

The magnetosphere is a bubble of magnetism that surrounds Earth and protects us from solar wind. Exploring the bubble is a key goal of the THEMIS mission, launched in February 2007. The big discovery came on June 3, 2007, when the five probes serendipitously flew through the breach just as it was opening. Onboard sensors recorded a torrent of solar wind particles streaming into the magnetosphere, signaling an event of unexpected size and importance.

"The opening was huge—four times wider than Earth itself," says Wenhui Li, a space physicist at the University of New Hampshire who has been analyzing the data. Li's colleague Jimmy Raeder, also of New Hampshire, says "1027 particles per second were flowing into the magnetosphere—that's a 1 followed by 27 zeros. This kind of influx is an order of magnitude greater than what we thought was possible."

The event began with little warning when a gentle gust of solar wind delivered a bundle of magnetic fields from the Sun to Earth. Like an octopus wrapping its tentacles around a big clam, solar magnetic fields draped themselves around the magnetosphere and cracked it open. The cracking was accomplished by means of a process called "magnetic reconnection." High above Earth's poles, solar and terrestrial magnetic fields linked up (reconnected) to form conduits for solar wind. Conduits over the Arctic and Antarctic quickly expanded; within minutes they overlapped over Earth's equator to create the biggest magnetic breach ever recorded by Earth-orbiting spacecraft.

The size of the breach took researchers by surprise. "We've seen things like this before," says Raeder, "but never on such a large scale. The entire day-side of the magnetosphere was open to the solar wind."

The circumstances were even more surprising. Space physicists have long believed that holes in Earth's magnetosphere open only in response to solar magnetic fields that point south. The great breach of June 2007, however, opened in response to a solar magnetic field that pointed north.

"To the lay person, this may sound like a quibble, but to a space physicist, it is almost seismic," says Sibeck. "When I tell my colleagues, most react with skepticism, as if I'm trying to convince them that the sun rises in the west."

Here is why they can't believe their ears: The solar wind presses against Earth's magnetosphere almost directly above the equator where our planet's magnetic field points north. Suppose a bundle of solar magnetism comes along, and it points north, too. The two fields should reinforce one another, strengthening Earth's magnetic defenses and slamming the door shut on the solar wind. In the language of space physics, a north-pointing solar magnetic field is called a "northern IMF" and it is synonymous with shields up!

"So, you can imagine our surprise when a northern IMF came along and shields went down instead," says Sibeck. "This completely overturns our understanding of things."

Northern IMF events don't actually trigger geomagnetic storms, notes Raeder, but they do set the stage for storms by loading the magnetosphere with plasma. A loaded magnetosphere is primed for auroras, power outages, and other disturbances that can result when, say, a CME (coronal mass ejection) hits.

The years ahead could be especially lively. Raeder explains: "We're entering Solar Cycle 24. For reasons not fully understood, CMEs in even-numbered solar cycles (like 24) tend to hit Earth with a leading edge that is magnetized north. Such a CME should open a breach and load the magnetosphere with plasma just before the storm gets underway. It's the perfect sequence for a really big event."

Sibeck agrees. "This could result in stronger geomagnetic storms than we have seen in many years."

NASA - A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field
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Streams rise in Midwest following stormy weather

By CARYN ROUSSEAU, Associated Press Writer Caryn Rousseau, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 48 mins ago

CHICAGO – Midwesterners got ready for the possibility of flooding Sunday as runoff from heavy rain and melting snowbanks bloated streams, and high wind caused new power outages for thousands in Michigan.

Flood warnings were posted Sunday over sections of Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and northwest Ohio, the National Weather Service said.

Following a week of heavy snow, ice and subzero temperatures, meteorologists said temperatures would rise into the 30s Sunday in the Chicago area, following Saturday's high of 61. Farther east, New York City residents relaxed as temperatures headed for the mid 60s Sunday.

In the Chicago suburb of Riverside, authorities encouraged residents along the Des Plaines River to evacuate Saturday night as water rose. The Des Plaines River crested Sunday morning at the city of Des Plaines at nearly 7 feet, the weather service said. Flood stage there is 5 feet.

Des Plaines authorities closed a main road for about 10 hours during the night because of water from an overflowing retention pond, said Don Meseth, director of emergency management for the city of Des Plaines.

"There were a few reports of water in basements," Meseth said.

In Illinois' Kane County, several dozen Boy Scouts filled 2,400 sandbags for residents Saturday.

"They're just concerned with the way we're going to get this quick melt that all the tributaries are going to fill up," said troop leader Jeff Koehl.

Some low-lying roads were flooded early Sunday in southwest and central Missouri, the weather service said.

Wind gusted to more than 60 mph Sunday in Michigan, knocking down tree limbs and power lines and blacking out about 355,000 homes and businesses. Parts of the state also got about 4 inches of snow.

"We've had an intensifying storm system track northeast through the state," said Mark Sekelsky, a weather service meteorologist in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Detroit-based DTE Energy Co. said about 215,000 of its customers had no electricity Sunday afternoon, and CMS Energy Corp. subsidiary Consumers Energy said about 140,000 of its customers were blacked out.

DTE spokesman Len Singer said more outages were possible and it could be days before power is fully restored. "We're still assessing," he said.

On Saturday, a line of powerful thunderstorms swept across a wide swath of the Midwest, packing wind gusts of 60 to 70 mph in Illinois, said weather service meteorologist Patrick Bak. The storms also produced hail and funnel clouds were reported in Missouri.

High wind also blew away a large section of the roof of a school district administrative building in Springfield, Ill.

Streams rise in Midwest following stormy weather - Yahoo! News
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The History Channel has announced that Nostradamus 2012 will premiere on January 4, 2009 at 9pm/8c.

From History Channel:

In 2012, a rare and possibly Earth-shattering astrological alignment is due to occur that will precipitate a cataclysmic event. Whatever is in store -- a massive cosmic collision, a global environmental disaster, an Armageddon-like religious showdown, or a more subtle transformation -- there have been multiple predictions from different times and cultures that December 21, 2012 will mark a major shift in the history of our planet.

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 takes a detailed investigation of this chilling prophecy. This explosive two-hour sequel picks up where The Lost Book of Nostradamus left off. NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 seeks answers to key critical questions that may loom in just four years: Is there any modern scientific proof that such an alignment will indeed happen? Is any other compelling evidence throughout history that 2012 will be a year of unprecedented, even deadly, upheaval?

There is no disputing that we are a planet in crisis, and that there is a growing public obsession with 2012. But there is no cogent distinction between the sobering facts and hysterical fiction. What, if any, is the scientific ballast that substantiates the fears? NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 will look for the parallels between the nightmarish daily headlines and the 2012 prophecies from Nostradamus and others.

From the mystical realms of the Guatemalan jungles to the high-tech corridors of NASA; from the Hopi elders and Mayan shaman to the most respected thinkers of the modern age; from the symbology of the ancient pyramids in Mexico and Egypt to that of the gothic cathedrals and monuments of Europe -- the 2012 doomsday warning will be cast in a frighteningly modern context. December 21, 2012 is bearing down on us with alarming speed - and whether or not we are able to collectively heed the warnings and affect a course to avert disaster may be the defining moment of the modern age.

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More small quakes rattle Yellowstone National Park

Fri Jan 2, 2009 5:34 pm ET

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. – More earthquakes are rattling Yellowstone National Park.

The small quakes include three more Friday that measured stronger than magnitude 3.0. The University of Utah Seismic Stations say the strongest was 3.5.

Several hundred quakes centered under the northern end of Yellowstone Lake have now occurred since Dec. 26. No damage has been reported.

Earthquake swarms happen fairly often in Yellowstone. But scientists say it's unusual for so many earthquakes to happen over several days.

Yellowstone lies mostly in northwestern Wyoming and is the caldera of a volcano that last erupted 70,000 years ago. Scientists have not concluded what is causing the earthquakes.

More small quakes rattle Yellowstone National Park - Yahoo! News
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Here is a series of videos describing the coming events in the next 3 and 1/2 years leading up to that famous date of December 21st, 2012:

Nostradamus 2012 part1 - Truveo Video Search

Nostradamus 2012 part2 - Truveo Video Search

Nostradamus 2012 part3 - Truveo Video Search

Nostradamus 2012 part4 - Truveo Video Search

Nostradamus 2012 part5 - Truveo Video Search

Nostradamus 2012 part6 - Truveo Video Search

Nostradamus 2012 part7 - Truveo Video Search

Nostradamus 2012 part8 - Truveo Video Search

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 (pt. 9) - Truveo Video Search

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 (pt. 10) - Truveo Video Search

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 (pt. 11) - Truveo Video Search

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 (pt. 12) - Truveo Video Search

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 (pt. 13) - Truveo Video Search

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 (pt. 14) - Truveo Video Search

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 (pt. 15) - Truveo Video Search

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 (pt. 16) - Truveo Video Search

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 (pt. 17) - Truveo Video Search

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 (pt. 18) - Truveo Video Search

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 (pt. 19) - Truveo Video Search

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 (pt. 20 of 20) - Truveo Video Search
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ND gets blizzard on top of Dec.'s record snow

January 12th, 2009

BISMARCK, N.D. – A fast-moving blizzard brought snow and high winds to North Dakota Monday, closing schools and causing more headaches for residents still trying to dig out from a record snowfall last month.

And, forecasters said a blast of cold air was on the way that could send the thermometer as low as 30 below zero.

Travel was discouraged in the central and western parts of North Dakota because of drifting snow, whipped up by high winds, made the visibility almost zero. While the travel advisory was lifted by midday, new advisories were posted in the southeastern part of the state.

No injuries were reported.

The Minot area got 6 inches of snow, on top of about a foot late last week, while Bismarck picked up another 4 inches.

Wind gusts of around 60 mph were reported in southwestern North Dakota and 51 mph in Bismarck. Eastern Montana was rattled with gusts of up to 70 mph, meteorologist Bill Abeling said, but that area did not have as much snow.

As the system moved eastward, blizzard or near-blizzard conditions were expected in parts of South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota. In Iowa, forecasters said 2 to 4 inches of new snow will bring totals since the weekend to nearly a foot in some places, and wind gusts could top 40 mph.

The snow is to be followed by a blast of cold air, dropping temperatures to around 30 below zero in eastern North Dakota, forecasters said.

"We'd like to figure out a way to send the bad weather back up north," Abeling said.

Bismarck, Fargo and Grand Forks all broke snow records for December, each with more than 30 inches.

Meanwhile, residents of the Midwest and Northeast dug out after their own tussles with weekend storms.

Most residents in New England heeded the authorities' warnings to stay off roads after the storm dumped up to 9 inches of snow in some areas in Massachusetts and sleet and freezing rain across Rhode Island. Some communities declared snow emergencies to help cleanup crews plow streets.

The bitter cold that was stalking the upper Plains was expected to bring bone-chilling misery to the East by week's end.

Residents in the Atlanta area could see temperatures in the high teens later in the week, forecasters said. And in Maine, where overnight lows early Monday dipped to as much as 22 below, even colder weather was in the offing by Thursday.

The weekend snowfall caused two large chain-reaction collisions — a 59-vehicle crash in New Hampshire and another in Connecticut that involved 13 vehicles. No life-threatening injuries were reported in either crash.


• The Pacific Northwest remained on alert with three flooded rivers in Washington, where state officials were assessing the damage from heavy rain and melting snow on roads and property.

• In Indiana, two men died Sunday after their snowmobiles fell through the ice covering a lake in Noble County. A third man boating on a different lake died. His body was found partially submerged.

• Saturday's snow was a boon to Ohio ski resorts, which called it a stimulus package for their industry.

"We've been in business for 47 years and — this is what I can't believe — yesterday was by far the best gross sales day we've ever had," said George Shaffer, area manager of the Alpine Valley ski resort east of Cleveland in Geauga County, where 11 inches fell.

ND gets blizzard on top of Dec.'s record snow - Yahoo! News
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Kansas beats its own record for most tornadoes in 2008

Kansas had most tornadoes in 2008

By Associated Press

Published: 1/18/2009 8:17 PM

Last Modified: 1/18/2009 8:17 PM

WICHITA — Kansas led the nation for tornadoes in 2008 for the second consecutive year.

Officials say 187 twisters touched down in Kansas during the year, far more the 116 reported in runner-up Texas and 50 more than the previous state record, set in 2007.

While the national numbers haven't been completed for November and December, Kansas' numbers have been verified.

"They just kept coming," said Merril Teller, chief meteorologist at Wichita's KWCH-TV. "Sometimes you get into a particular weather pattern where ... although one system will move on, it's set up properly for another system to do virtually the same thing."

That's what happened around Memorial Day, when KSN-TV, which covers the western two-thirds of Kansas with five stations, reported 412 tornado and thunderstorm warnings over a five-day period bracketing the holiday.

Over 24 hours that Friday and Saturday, KSN reported 145 warnings, smashing the record it set the year before on the weekend Greensburg was nearly destroyed.

"Memorial weekend was nothing short of phenomenal," KSN chief meteorologist Dave Freeman said. "I've never seen anything quite like it."

The Memorial Day storms were responsible for two of the four deaths in Kansas tornadoes last year: a twister killed a Colorado couple as they drove to Wichita on U.S. 54 east of Pratt.

A June 11 tornado killed a 21-year-old woman as it struck the east side of Chapman while a 62-year-old Jackson County farmer died that night when a separate tornado tossed him from his mobile home.

Nationwide, 125 people were killed in 36 separate tornadoes in 2008, the most fatalities since 130 were killed in 1998.

"It was obviously a big year in Kansas," said Greg Carbin, warning coordination meteorologist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Storm Prediction Center.

Weather officials said the back-to-back records don't mean the state is becoming more of a magnet for killer storms. Most of the increase was among tornadoes rated EF0 or EF1, the weakest ratings of storms with maximum winds of 85 mph and 110 mph, respectively.

Also, most of the nationwide deaths came from a single storm system that killed dozens in the southeastern United States during an 18-hour outbreak in early February.

Carbin said that without that storm system, last year's death toll would have been below normal.

As a result, he said, "it's hard to say there's any long-term trend."

Tulsa World: Kansas had most tornadoes in 2008

Kansas again is tops in the U.S. for tornadoes


The Wichita Eagle

The total of 187 tornadoes was the most for any state in the nation, dwarfing the 116 in second-place Texas.

The national numbers haven't been finalized for the last two months of the year, but the Kansas numbers are confirmed.

"They just kept coming," said Merril Teller, chief meteorologist at KWCH-TV, Channel 12.

"Sometimes you get into a particular weather pattern where... although one system will move on, it's set up properly for another system to do virtually the same thing," he said.

That's what happened around Memorial Day, when KSN-TV, which covers the western two-thirds of Kansas with five stations, reported 412 tornado and thunderstorm warnings over a five-day period bracketing the holiday.

Over 24 hours that Friday and Saturday, KSN reported 145 warnings, smashing the record it set the year before on the weekend Greensburg was nearly destroyed.

"Memorial weekend was nothing short of phenomenal," KSN chief meteorologist Dave Freeman said. "I've never seen anything quite like it."

Kansas again is tops in the U.S. for tornadoes - Kansas City Star
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Death toll in Australian fires rises to 25

By ROHAN SULLIVAN, Associated Press Writer Rohan Sullivan, Associated Press Writer – Sat Feb 7, 4:56 pm ET

SYDNEY – Walls of flame roared across southeastern Australia on Saturday, razing scores of homes, forests and farmland in the sunburned country's worst wildfire disaster in a quarter century. At least 25 people died and the toll could rise to more than 40, police said.

Witnesses described seeing trees exploding and skies raining ash as temperatures hit a record 117 degrees Saturday and combined with raging winds to create perfect conditions for uncontrollable blazes. A long-running drought in southern Australia — the worst in a century — has left forests extra dry.

The fires were so massive they were visible from space. NASA released satellite photographs showing a white cloud of smoke across southeastern Australia.

Police said they believed some of the fires were set deliberately and predicted it would take days to get all the blazes under control.

The threat eased somewhat early Sunday as temperatures fell sharply, winds slowed, and rain began falling in some areas.

Thousands of firefighters struggled through Saturday night to make headway against the largest of about a dozen large fires in Victoria state that earlier in the day ripped unchecked across at least 115 square miles of forests, farmland and towns. The single worst fire was about 60 miles north of the southern city of Melbourne.

"The whole township is pretty much on fire," Peter Mitchell, a resident of the town of Kinglake, where at least six people died, told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio during the inferno. "There was no time to do anything. ... It came through in minutes."

Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Kieran Walshe said investigators making their way into burned out areas had confirmed 25 deaths, all of them in Victoria state.

"To have 25 confirmed deceased, that gives me great concern that the numbers are going to get substantially higher as the day goes on, as we're able to get into the fire zones behind the fires to do those searches," Walshe told Nine Network television.

"It's been, I think, the worst day in our history," said Victorian Premier John Brumby, whose parents' house was among those saved by firefighters Saturday.

Temperatures that reached a state record of around 117 degrees Fahrenheit eased late Saturday as a cool front moved through the hard-hit Gippsland region east of Melbourne, but along with it came wind changes that pushed the fires in new and unpredictable directions.

Forecasters said temperatures would only reach about 77 degrees on Sunday around Melbourne.

On Saturday, steel-gray smoke clogged the air and flames roared to two-story heights, while homes and businesses burned. At least one fire truck was charred, though the crew escaped injury and went on to rejoin the fight, officials said.

In the Gippsland town of Taralgon, resident Lindy McPhee watched in fear as a fire front edged closer to the town until rain began falling late Saturday.

"It's raining black soot," McPhee told Sky News television. "We'd been watching the glow for hours."

In Wittlesea, another Gippsland town, organizer Sally Tregae said she canceled performances at the town's annual country music festival and sent thousands of visitors out of town to safety.

"I saw trees explode in front of me," she said. "It's a horrible thing, and a horrible thing to see. I have friends who have lost houses."

Victoria's Country Fire Authority deputy chief Greg Esnouf said the conditions on Saturday were "off the scale" in terms of danger.

"We've still got a massive amount of work to do to get these fires under control," Esnouf told Sky. "It's going to take days and days to get them under control."

Late Saturday, Walshe said 14 of the dead were at four sites all connected to the same fire north of Melbourne. Six of those died in the same vehicle at Kinglake — raising fears that they may be a family. Officials declined to give details of the deaths until further investigations were carried out.

"This has been an absolute tragedy for this state," Walshe told a news conference. The death toll "could even reach up into the 40s," he said

In New South Wales state, police detained and questioned a man in connection with a blaze but released him without charge.

Earlier Saturday, Sydney, the New South Wales capital, was shrouded in a pall of smoke from three fires burning north of the city. Crews battled into Sunday to keep several uncontrolled fires away from homes.

In South Australia, the third state in the heat wave's grip, the threat from a large fire eased on Sunday.

Wildfires are common during the Australian summer, as rising temperatures bake forest land tinder dry and blustering winds fan embers.

Some 60,000 fires occur each year, and about half are deliberately lit or suspicious, government research says. Lightning strikes and human activity such as use of machinery near dry brush cause the others.

Australia's deadliest fires were in 1983, when blazes killed 75 people and razed more than 3,000 homes in Victoria and South Australia. In 2003, hundreds of houses were destroyed and four people died when a huge blaze tore into the national capital, Canberra. In 2006, nine people died in fires on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula.

Death toll in Australian fires rises to 25 - Yahoo! News
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Raging Wildfires Kill 108 in Australia

Australia is facing its deadliest fire disaster ever with a rash of wildfires in the southeastern part of the country that have burned entire towns to the ground and killed more than 100 people -- incinerating some as they tried to flee in cars.

Top Headlines, U.S., World, Politics, Entertainment and Sports News - AOL News
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Rare Tornado Hits Oklahoma City

February 10, 2009

Damage is also widespread and being reported throughout Oklahoma County. One Oklahoma City eyewitness, Yvette Depaepe said, "The skies went from still clear blue to green-gray in matter of minutes." Nickle-sized hail and heavy rain wrapped the cell This MASSIVE wall cloud formed in Mustang and worked its way right over her house! The western edge of the wall cloud extended to Garth Brooks Blvd in Yukon, the southern edge at 10th St, the Northern edge extended over the Kilpatrick and the eastern edge was over to Meridian.

Tornadoes this time of year are not unheard of, but they are rare.

Rare Tornado Hits Oklahoma City - Associated Content
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WHO knew there was so much lost stuff in the world? Oh wait - I know! The History Channel, that's who.

In fact, the channel's managed to find not just missing civilizations, but even uncivilized civilizations like Al Capone's secret city (if not his vault). But most importantly for History Channel is that they found big ratings in all that lost stuff.

And they will probably get very, very big ratings for their latest found object: A lost book - a codex really - of watercolors attributed in one library record to none other than Nostradamus. The 16th century book, which was discovered at the National Library in Rome by journalist Enza Massa, is filled with extraordinarily gorgeous, brutal renderings of future events up to and including the end of the world. The good news is that they found the book. The bad news is that you may want to kiss your backside goodbye because we may just have 3 years left.

The producers have called upon a slew of Nostradamus experts who not only fill us in on Nostradamus' existing quatrains, but what the renderings mean.

Me? I'm amazed that there are people out there who actually make a living off of doing things like studying Nostradamus' quatrains or monitoring UFO radio signals - let alone that History Channel actually finds them.

Anyway, the producers have found Nostradamus experts a-plenty who explain what-the-hell all those "lost" renderings mean. No wonder they were lost. They are terrifying.

For example, there's one rendering (and remember these were done in the 1500s) of a tower with flying things coming at it, flames leaping from the sides and people tumbling out.

Along with that photo is the famous Nostradamus' quatrain that mentions, "Earth shaking fires from the World's Center roar around New City." As one historian says, "To a 16th century guy, our history - how we live now - is totally unrelatable." So the pictures and the quatrains would have made no sense to anyone way back then. They do now.

Massa and the other historians work on both dating and authenticating the book and find that while it is a 16th century manuscript, the renderings probably weren't created personally by Nostradamus because he wasn't an artist, although his son was. Nonetheless, they believe the predictions are most certainly his and are based on his prophesies.

And those prophesies are so scary it may cause you to lose sleep. But hey - who better than History Channel to find it?

http://www.nypost.com/seven/10262007/tv ... ctable.htm


There is a 2 hour special on the History channel today (February 23rd, 2009) related to the "Lost Book" of Nostradamus. They will probably replay it over and over so if you miss it the first time you should be able to catch it afterwards.
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Post by TruthBringer »

Could it be that Nostradamus, the "go to" prophet of all time, is reaching forward into the 21st century to give us a last warning? Is it already too late?

In 1994, Italian journalist Enza Massa was at the Italian National Library in Rome conducting research on old texts, when she stumbled upon an unusual find in its stacks; a mysterious manuscript dating to 1629. The name of the book was surprising: NOSTRADAMUS VATINICIA CODE. On the inside of the book was the name of the author, in indelible ink—Michel de Notredame—the prophet Nostradamus. This find was particularly remarkable; the manuscript included over eighty watercolor illustrations that were painted by the master prophet himself. Contained in the pages of the book are cryptic, bizarre images that some say are prophecies of our future. Letters, symbolic objects, banners, candles, crosses, and even a burning tower are all included in the manuscript. Are these images visual manifestations of his quatrains, which extend to the 21st century, as some say? How did this book come to be in the library? Why was this book hidden for over 400 years? And are these images so frightening that Nostradamus deliberately hid them, as some say, until their time was near?

This special will follow the investigative trail of how the manuscript came to be found in the archives, and exactly how it got there. The story will also give new insight into the life of Nostradamus—his relationship with his son, Cesar, and his connection to the Vatican—in particular, Pope Urban VIII, who knew about this manuscript and in whose possession it was for many years.

Here is the section of the History Channel video special of The Lost Book Of Nostradamus that talks about the predictions for our current time period:

YouTube - Lost Books of Nostradamus 2012 and Ophiuchus 1 of 3 (Part 1)

YouTube - Lost Books of Nostradamus 2012 and Ophiuchus 2 of 3 (Part 2)

YouTube - Lost Books of Nostradamus 2012 and Ophiuchus 3 of 3 (Part 3)
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Post by TruthBringer »

2012 may bring the “perfect storm” – solar flares, systems collapse

April 1, 11:53 AM

Long scorned as “mysticism” and “parascience,” concern about the year 2012 has now surfaced in a mainstream NASA report on the potential impacts on human society of solar flares anticipated to peak in 2012. The Obama administration and other national governments are not aggressively focused on contingency preparations for the 2012 solar flare impacts, or on introducing available anti-gravitic, new energy sources that would transform centralized high-power electrical grid systems into de-centralized, anti-gravitic and quantum process energy sources. These new energy sources are less vulnerable to destructive solar storms, have no negative environmental impact, and could unleash unprecedented economic and social transformation.

Electrical grids & anticipated solar flares of 2012

Mainstream scientific concern about 2012 has grown since a recent National Research Council report funded by NASA and issued by the National Academy of Sciences, entitled “Severe Space Weather Events: Understanding Economic and Societal Impact” which details the potential devastation of 2012 solar storms on the current planetary energy grid and because of the inter-linkages of a cybernetic society, on our entire human civilization.

According to New Scientist, science’s concern is a repetition of the 8-day 1859 “Carrington event,” a large solar flare accompanied by a coronal mass ejection (CME) that flung billions of tons of solar plasma onto the earth’s magnetosphere and disrupted Victorian-era magnetometers and the world telegraph system.

The New Scientist states, “The report outlines the worst case scenario for the US. The ‘perfect storm’ is most likely on a spring or autumn night in a year of heightened solar activity - something like 2012. Around the equinoxes, the orientation of the Earth's field to the sun makes us particularly vulnerable to a plasma strike.”

The next solar maximum is expected to occur in 2012. New Scientist reports that Mike Hapgood, head of the European Space Agency's space weather team states, "We're in the equivalent of an idyllic summer's day. The sun is quiet and benign, the quietest it has been for 100 years," "but it could turn the other way."

The modern electrical high-power grid magnifies the impact of solar flares. Since the grid is linked into major aspects of modern society, the effects of another Carrington event would be devastating. The National Academy of Sciences report states: “A severe space weather event in the US could induce ground currents that would knock out 300 key transformers within about 90 seconds, cutting off the power for more than 130 million people.” The New Scientist states: “According to the NAS report, the impact of what it terms a "severe geomagnetic storm scenario" could be as high as $2 trillion. And that's just the first year after the storm. The NAS puts the recovery time at four to 10 years. It is questionable whether the US would ever bounce back.”

China, which is installing a high-power electrical grid more vulnerable than that of the U.S., Europe and other developed nations will be similarly impacted.

The solar coronal mass ejection from the 1859 Carrington event arrived on earth in less than 15 minutes, which is faster that our early warning system NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) can detect.

European Space Agency space weather head Mike Hapgood states, "I don't think the NAS report is scaremongering. “Scientists are conservative by nature and this group is really thoughtful," he says. "This is a fair and balanced report."

More perfect storm: the hole in the earth’s magnetic field

According to a December 16, 2008 report, NASA’s THEMIS spacecraft has discovered a hole in earth’s magnetic field which is 10 times as large as previously thought. The magnetosphere, which is designed to protect earth from the plasma of solar flares, now has a hole in it four time the size of the earth.

According to the NASA report, “Northern IMF events don't actually trigger geomagnetic storms but they do set the stage for storms by loading the magnetosphere with plasma. A loaded magnetosphere is primed for auroras, power outages, and other disturbances that can result when, say, a CME (coronal mass ejection) hits.”

The solar maximum is expected in 2012. University of New Hampshire scientist Jimmy Raeder states, “"We're entering Solar Cycle 24. For reasons not fully understood, CMEs in even-numbered solar cycles (like 24) tend to hit Earth with a leading edge that is magnetized north. Such a CME should open a breach and load the magnetosphere with plasma just before the storm gets underway. It's the perfect sequence for a really big event."

The Obama administration, 2012 and new energy

The Obama administration and most modern governmental energy departments in the 192 U.N. member nations have focused on reducing dependence on conventional energy grids (petroleum, coal or nuclear power) by introducing renewable energy sources such as wind, geo-thermal, and tidal power. These alternative sources are thought to supply about 10% of current energy needs. For example, the Obama policy with regard to the electrical energy grid is stated its official energy and the environment agenda on the White House website:

“Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.”

This policy, which replicates energy grid policy in many advanced industrialized nations, is not adequate for the challenges of 2012 solar flares. The policy does not promote new fuel-less non-polluting energy sources now sequestered in secret, national security and black budget projects, and which have been developed using U.S. tax-payer funds. These included reported anti-gravitic technology and free energy technologies, based on Tesla technology.

So here is a key question: Is human society being set up to fail and suffer an effective systems collapse with great loss of life and property if 2012 solar flares materialize in the worst case scenario?

Image of areas of North America affected by 2012 solar flares:

Here is a link to a new scientist article about the Solar Flares:

Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe - space - 23 March 2009 - New Scientist

Here is a link to a Nasa article on the current giant breach in the Earth's magnetic field:

NASA - A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field
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Post by TruthBringer »

Electrical power grid to be blasted by 2012 solar storms

A report issued by the National Research Council (NRC) in January 2009 has warned of the far reaching consequences of a solar storm hitting the Earth as the sun becomes more active during solar cycle 24 which began in 2008 and peaks around 2012. A March 23 article in the New Scientist discussed the significance of the NRC report which details how a solar storm could wipe out the electrical power grid causing massive disruption in the U.S. and around the planet. The impact of the plasma energy directly bombarding the Earth during a solar storm could lead to electrical power stations being off line for weeks and months at a time, as overworked workers try to repair badly damaged electrical equipment. According to the NRC report, this would lead to “disruption of the transportation, communication, banking, and finance systems, and government services; the breakdown of the distribution of potable water owing to pump failure; and the loss of perishable foods and medications because of lack of refrigeration.” Imagine life without running water from a tap, no refrigeration for storing food, gas for your car, or mass transit due to the power grid being off line for months. Millions of Americans could subsequently die in such a scenario described by Michael Brooks author of the New Scientist article, “Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe.” Such disturbing scenarios are very possible according to the National Research Council report. Now is the right time for bold action to replace the outdated electrical power grid with a decentralized form of fuelless or 'new energy' generators that can be mass produced for homes, small businesses and essential services.

A workshop was convened on May 22-23, 2008 by the Committee on the Societal and Economic Impacts of Severe Space Weather to “consider both direct and collateral effects of severe space weather events, the current state of the space weather services infrastructure in the United States, the needs of users of space weather data and services, and the ramifications of future technological developments for contemporary society's vulnerability to space weather.” The panel of scientists that met and issued a report warning about the impact of a severe solar storm hitting the Earth based their findings on data concerning the sun becoming more active around 2012. At the time of their meeting, they did not consider what was later revealed by NASA on December 16, 2008 to be a giant hole in the Earth’s magnetosphere that will last the entire 11 year duration of cycle 24. What this means is that the low possibility discussed by the May 2008 panel for solar storms impacting the Earth, is in fact much more likely to occur around 2012 as the sun become increasingly active. Indeed, the increased possibility of solar storms directly impacting the Earth due to the magnetosphere breach will last for the next ten years.

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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

There are prophecies and oracles from around the world that all seem to point to December 21, 2012 as doomsday. The ancient Mayan Calendar, the medieval predictions of Merlin, the Book of Revelation and the Chinese oracle of the I Ching all point to this specific date as the end of civilization. A new technology called "The Web-Bot Project" makes massive scans of the internet as a means of forecasting the future... and has turned up the same dreaded date: 2012:

YouTube - Decoding the Past: Doomsday 2012 Part 1/5 (1)

YouTube - Decoding the Past: Doomsday 2012 Part 2/5 (2)

YouTube - Decoding the Past: Doomsday 2012 Part 3/5 (3)

YouTube - Decoding the Past: Doomsday 2012 Part 4/5 (4)

YouTube - Decoding the Past: Doomsday 2012 Part 5/5 (5)
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A rare storm that creates massive walls of wind up to 130 miles per hour rolls through the South:

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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by Tisket »

Hi there. Tell me more. I am rapt with interest.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by hoppy »

We know tons of sh!t are coming down on us. But, we have a president out apologizing for every freakin thing he can think of. That should fix things, huh?
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Tisket;1234477 wrote: Hi there. Tell me more. I am rapt with interest.

Tisket is a newcomer to the board folks. She is a big fan of Lord Paco (a fellow member of her message board) over on her other site, and she has come to join forumgarden in order to learn more about the reality of our current situation. Welcome to the board Tisket.
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Post by TruthBringer »

hoppy;1234485 wrote: We know tons of sh!t are coming down on us. But, we have a president out apologizing for every freakin thing he can think of. That should fix things, huh?

Exactly Hoppy, and with no end in sight. The only answer to this problem, is obviously the American people. One of Two things are going to happen.

1. The American people are going to stand up and take back the reins of power, and put their government back into it's place.

2. Their government is eventually going to attain complete and utter control over every single aspect of their lives.

Which scenario would you prefer?

I am still holding out for the first one.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by gmc »

TruthBringer;239069 wrote: NOTE:

Jeane Dixon said that Red China would strike at the very moment when negotiations in that part of the world seemed complete, and she claimed that it was the time when "Red China would show her teeth".

Think about it guys, China loves North Korea. China is like North Korea's big brother. If we even so much as think to attack North Korea, China will have it's back (Just like in the Korean war).

China is playing us if you ask me. North Korea gets all it's protection from China. China would protect North Korea over us anyday.

PS - If we attack Syria, we have to contend with Libya and Iran. If we attack Iran, we have to contend with China and North Korea. China and Iran are trading partners, and Iran is one of China's best customers.

Doesn't anyone else find it interesting that all of the countries involved here are the exact countries that were mentioned in many pevious predictions?

Not really, anyone with half a brain could work out the middles east was going to be a source of conflict because of the oil-all wars are over resources in one way or another-that china and russia would be major powers. Environmentalists have been pointing out for ages what is going to happen it really doesn't take a crystal ball to see where things are going.

How come none of these soothsayers never foresee something in a way that is unmistakeable but only ever claim foreknowledge after an event.
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Post by Tisket »

gmc;1234714 wrote: Not really, anyone with half a brain

Thinking there is a brain involved is your first mistake. This entire thread is just regurgitated garbage from other sources. It's nothing more than spam. He's doing the same thing with the same information on another board I frequent. He can't even be bothered to rephrase, he just cuts and pastes. Unoriginal should be his handle, not truthbringer.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Tisket;1234798 wrote: Thinking there is a brain involved is your first mistake. This entire thread is just regurgitated garbage from other sources. It's nothing more than spam. He's doing the same thing with the same information on another board I frequent. He can't even be bothered to rephrase, he just cuts and pastes. Unoriginal should be his handle, not truthbringer.

Tisket thinks that talking about anything other than how your dad is gay, your mom is a slut, Jesus is whacked out, or anything not dealing with those issues is spam.

In fact, what I find most interesting about her is what her little signature says on the other board that she posts on. This is what I find most interesting. Her signature is all about the freedom to post whatever she wants even if she offends you by posting it. I will post her signature in a second but I would also like to point out the blatant hypocrasy of it. Her signature clearly states that it is ok for her to post whatever, whenever, and however she wants, and that she doesn't wish any backlash in return. Well Tisket, one thing I can tell you is that your antics that work on the other board will never work here. There are too many people interested in this topic to follow you into conversations about nothing. That may work on your board (because that board doesn't have even a quarter of the members that this one has) but it won't work here. If you don't like what I have to say thats fine, but keep in mind that NOTHING you have ever said has ever been educational in any way. And I have been keeping track of your posts for awhile now. What you call garbage is 100 times better than the dribble you post on your board. Talk about the kettle calling the teapot black. At least I post about things I believe in. What the hell do you post about? I'm still trying to figure it out.

Ok folks, drum roll please: here is her signature on the other board:

I take no responsibility for anything I post. It's not news, it might not even be truth, it's certainly seldom serious. Your mother is a slut. Your dad is gay. Your priest is straight. Jesus may love you but everyone else thinks you're an *******. Just **** off and let me post my way. It's all in good fun so just do us all a favor and stop with the angry, angsty typing already. Go do something productive instead, go jack off your dog and post the pictures.


Though some might not agree with what I post, you can bet your ass I would never be as cocky, disrespecful, and down right ignorant when it comes to my conversations with others as this person Tisket is. I was being fececious before when I said that I was welcoming her to the board. I already knew where our conversations were going to end up.

All I am asking for when it comes to her is the same kind of pretense that she sets for herself with her signature before she posts. But do you think she would ever cut me the same slack? Of course not. And why should she. She is arrogant beyond belief.

Now she may go and change her signature rather than look like an outright fool but if she does I can promise you that the above signature is what she was posting on that board with as of the time of this post. And she may come up with all kinds of different reasons for having that signature, including trying to pass it off as a joke. But trust me when I tell you that the signature I just posted describes her personality down to the t. She is what she is. Enough said.
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Post by Tisket »

The other forum isn't a carebear forum, people say what they mean and not one person there has shown even the slightest interest in your spam theories other than to ask you to stop and, of course, to mock you. They've shown the same interest that one would show a retarded monkey pounding on a keyboard. But I'm sure you didn't notice since you've shown an incredible aptitude for wallowing in ignorance, picking and choosing what you'd like to be true.

And let me add, that while I don't take anything you might have said in your previous poorly spelled post personally (at all), the tactic of arguing that anyone who disagrees with you is uninformed is only effective when they are.

P.S. uh why on earth would you think I'd change my sig? Don't be even more silly than you've proven yourself thus far.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by amused »

Truthbringr, you have just been PWNED. Take off your tinfoil helm and give up, Tisket has emasculated you, in front of all your virgin friends. Mabey you all can learn from Tisket's sound reason, and end this paranoid delusion that you believe in. In the year 2012 you will still be as much of as loser, and a nobody, as you are in 2009, and you will still, presumably, be living in your parents basement, which may shield you from the nuclear fallout that will not happen. GL though, you will need it.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by abbey »

Tisket;1234798 wrote: Thinking there is a brain involved is your first mistake. This entire thread is just regurgitated garbage from other sources. It's nothing more than spam. He's doing the same thing with the same information on another board I frequent. He can't even be bothered to rephrase, he just cuts and pastes. Unoriginal should be his handle, not truthbringer.Well then, take this crap to the other board, if you have a beef with him leave it there!
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Post by abbey »

amused;1234941 wrote: Truthbringr, you have just been PWNED. Take off your tinfoil helm and give up, Tisket has emasculated you, in front of all your virgin friends. Mabey you all can learn from Tisket's sound reason, and end this paranoid delusion that you believe in. In the year 2012 you will still be as much of as loser, and a nobody, as you are in 2009, and you will still, presumably, be living in your parents basement, which may shield you from the nuclear fallout that will not happen. GL though, you will need it.See previous post, this applies to you also.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

Just so we understand the seriousness of whats coming if we let our contry fall into another World War.....

It is also important mention that if World War 3 does occur (for all those on this board who think it would really be cool if that were to happen) that many of you on this board would more than likely be drafted into the military in order to be a part of it. Drafted against your will that is. And many of you would surely die fighting it (which might be fine for many). If that doesn't get you serious about it than I don't know what will.

Also, times have changed. These days, women play just as major of a role in some cases as men do in the military. I would not be surprised if there was a bill enacted that would also force women to be drafted into the military just as men have been in previous wars.

After all, this is already common practice in China.

All those who are under the age of 15 can perhaps breathe a sigh of relief. Though this may not be the case if I am wrong about World War 3 only being able to be sparked off after December 21st, 2012, and not before it. If it somehow manages to spark up after that (which would totally blow my mind) then even those who are currently under 15 would qualify as well. But all those who are ages 15-35 and that are posting on this board better understand that there is no escape from a World War draft. Your number comes up, you go. Bottom line.

War is usually almost never the only answer. We do not have to go to war in most cases, so lets work on not letting our country do it for the wrong reasons.
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Post by TruthBringer »

Also, it is my personal belief that if we can just make it past December 21st, 2012, then we'll all be alright. I really do believe that. I believe that after that special date, the World will enter into a more peacefull and loving period than maybe it has ever entered into before. An evolutionary leap towards communial consciousness. The problem is, that the last 3 years we have left leading up to that date I also truly believe will be the hardest 3 years that any of us on this Earth has had to experience. And if World War 3 sparks off within these 3 years (which I hope it doesn't) than we could possibly wipe our species off the planet. And create a hellish planet living situation that would surely spin us into despair.

All we have to do is make it past the next 3 years without getting into a major World War and without losing our grip on reality. If we can just do that as a Human Race, than I believe we will have finally reached that point of love and compassion for our fellow Human Beings that all good people dream about. We just have to make it there.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by OpenMind »

I have no gripe or problem with Truthbringer. I read the posts with interest knowing that it is up to me to make up my own mind as to the validity of the statements made. The posts are not forced down my throat and I do not have to read them. There are no personal insults or antagonisticism.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

TruthBringer;1235085 wrote:

All those who are under the age of 15 can perhaps breathe a sigh of relief. Though this may not be the case if I am wrong about World War 3 only being able to be sparked off after December 21st, 2012, and not before it.

Damn. I hate when I'm typing too fast and I make mistakes. What I was trying to clarify there, and I'm sorry for the confusion because I actually wrote the above backwards, is that I 100% believe that there can be no World War after December 21st, 2012. And that there can only be a World War before that date. Which I have said many times but I don't want to give people the wrong impression.

The reason why there can not be a World War after December 21st, 2012 is because we will have officially entered into the Age of Light after that date. And the Age of Light will not allow for darkness to prevail any longer. During that time, and for about the next 1000 years after that, Peace and Love will be the rule and will no longer be the exception.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by OpenMind »

The reason why there can not be a World War after December 21st, 2012 is because we will have officially entered into the Age of Light after that date. And the Age of Light will not allow for darkness to prevail any longer. During that time, and for about the next 1000 years after that, Peace and Love will be the rule and will no longer be the exception.

It cannot come soon enough for me.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by TruthBringer »

OpenMind;1236277 wrote: It cannot come soon enough for me.

Me either.
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by Blackadder »

Hi all, interesting thread, been following these and other topics for some years now. If you read through it all you will detect people not wanting to believe or discredit, anger at refusal to conform, abuse, some acceptance. I imagine most have read, digested, researched, moved on ,returned and found themselves sometimes nodding and sometimes rolling their eyes.

I don't profess to be a great scholer / intellect / prophet but if we cannot see the signs by now then we all deserve to burn.

All through the ages we have been warned, time after time we ignore, still tearing ourselves apart over something that may or may not exist (religion). My God is best, no mine is, no mine is bigger and better than yours. Whatever. Raping the planet and each other for a little more coin.

Our ignorance knows no bounds.

I have always thought, if we are not alone in this universe and are being watched from afar . . . . . . . . . if you where those entities, wouldn't you just want us to disappear? Would you let us off this rock?

For the rest of us sane people, keep smiling, things aren't that bad. I'm gonna have a nice cup of tea with 2 sugars (I know, crazy!) and give my boy a big hug before I put him to bed.

Greetings from England. (Its been raining here for 7 days, cheer me up)
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WW3 - New World Order - Pole Shift - Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Post by Saint_ »

Blackadder;1265260 wrote: Hi all, interesting thread, been following these and other topics for some years now. If you read through it all you will detect people not wanting to believe or discredit, anger at refusal to conform, abuse, some acceptance. I imagine most have read, digested, researched, moved on ,returned and found themselves sometimes nodding and sometimes rolling their eyes.

I tried to read as much as I could, but I didn't make it through all 101 pages sad to say. it was very interesting, though. I'd like to add something TS, I'm one of the generation that grew up having to "duck and cover" under our school desks. Nuclear War seemed imminent every day in the 1960s, and yet....

We're still here. After all that, we're still here and we still haven't resorted to nuclear war. Why would it be so much more likely now?

I don't profess to be a great scholer / intellect / prophet but if we cannot see the signs by now then we all deserve to burn.

Perhaps working with children makes me less likely to tend towards negative outlooks, but I don't believe mankind ever "deserves to burn."

All through the ages we have been warned, time after time we ignore, still tearing ourselves apart over something that may or may not exist (religion). My God is best, no mine is, no mine is bigger and better than yours. Whatever. Raping the planet and each other for a little more coin.

All you say is true. There is a dark side to mankind, but don't just look at that. Look around you. You are typing on an amazing machine, connected to people all over the planet simultaneously, in a room with electric power, with food in your refrigerator, and a car in the garage of your well-built, stacked-with-appliances house. If you get sick, state of the art medicine has treatments for you. As you type this, your fellow men and women orbit the Earth, working in space.

I don't see that as negative at all. I see it as a miracle of progress through the ages and a brighter future for mankind.

I have always thought, if we are not alone in this universe and are being watched from afar . . . . . . . . . if you where those entities, wouldn't you just want us to disappear? Would you let us off this rock?

I once asked my mother why the aliens didn't just land and talk to us. She replied (wisely) "When was the last time you went out and talked to the anthill?" A good analogy, I think. What would we have in common with an interstellar race? On the other hand, the ants have a civilization, albeit a lower form than ours. They are still happy and productive, and we hold them no grudge, so why would aliens automatically be upset with us?

For the rest of us sane people, keep smiling, things aren't that bad. I'm gonna have a nice cup of tea with 2 sugars (I know, crazy!) and give my boy a big hug before I put him to bed.

Greetings from England. (Its been raining here for 7 days, cheer me up)

That's the idea! I hope I did!:D
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