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BMF next weekend!

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 10:27 am
Pinky wrote: Woohoo! I cannot wait!

It`s one of the biggest bike fairs in the country, loads and loads of stalls selling cut price end of line gear, stunt shows, music, everything bike related!

I`m getting excited already:-6

Is that the one in Peterborough???? if it's the one your talking about we went a couple of year's running .:)

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 10:39 am
by JayDee
Yes, Peterborough. Check

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:29 am
by chrisb84uk
Better than Xmas hehehe crikey you really must be excited!! Make sure to tell us all how it went, and don't forget the piccies!!! :)

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 4:20 am
by chrisb84uk
Pinky wrote: I`m planning on taking lots, don`t worry Chris!

Will post a `weirdest bike you ever saw` comp, hehe!

Hahaha that's good!! I don't suppose there will be any top-of the range bicycles on show will there?? :sneaky: :D

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 4:28 am
Pinky do you camp for whole weekend or hotel it ..we used to stay at the cheap and cheerful F1 hotel .

Are you looking to buy anything in particular.... there are some great bargin's to be had the last show i went to i bought a great lid with the magic round about character's on and the silly stick on ear's . Do they still have the bike jumble??? hope you have a great time .

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 5:12 am
The old git has a Simpson helmit with the most wonderful air brushed picture's on it , it has'nt been worn in about 8 year's he just like's looking at it (he has'nt rode a bike in 2 year's) if i had the money i'd love to buy him a new one but there not cheap .The last show i went to they had basic helmit's for as little as £30 quid and jacket's for £20 quid they had every thing you could think off from fluffy ear's to coloured visor's ,mushroom's even little kid's leather's( sooo cute)there were some really good bargin's... it's quite a nice day out if the weather keep's .They even had a giant bungee . Im not sure if it was the BMF or Ally Pally one of them though ...we got to see the Purple Helmit's they are excellent so silly complete fruit and nut's, have you heard of them they do silly stunt's on really old bodged up bike's ????? if you buy anything nice will you post a piccy.:) . I'm keeping my finger's crossed for you that the weather stay's nice:)

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 5:50 am
Pinky wrote: Aw, thanks! Si has a Spiderman helmet...all the kids in cars going past point at him!:D Ally Pally is good too isn`t it? Went last year & got some boots for £25, bargain!

Yes Ally Pally is quite good and very close to us, there's also the NEC in Birmingham i've only been to that one once.

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 7:08 am
Pinky wrote: Not been to the NEC yet, it`s sheer laziness at thought of having to get all the way up to Birmingham:rolleyes: although I hear it`s fab!

I`ll have to try and make it to Ally Pally again next time, I might be able to holler `HELLOOOO!!!` to you!:D

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 7:09 am
by chrisb84uk
Pinky wrote: Not been to the NEC yet, it`s sheer laziness at thought of having to get all the way up to Birmingham:rolleyes: although I hear it`s fab!

I`ll have to try and make it to Ally Pally again next time, I might be able to holler `HELLOOOO!!!` to you!:D

The NEC is brilliant, as it's not too far from me. I have been there many times to watch the shows and events they put on and they are usually excellent. They are always having car and bike shows, of which I'm certain you would enjoy!!

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:34 pm
by Bryn Mawr
Pinky wrote: I know i really would, I will have to get off my lazy butt and make an effort next time!:D Silly really, as I travelled about 350 miles or 8 hors to get my bike - in crosswinds and sleet!

NEC is good for seeing the new metal in the flesh - far more so than Ally Pally but is massively crowded - If you can get to the pre-view Friday then do.

Even though you're only an hour from the Showground, I'd recommend you camp for the night. The atmosphere is out of this world and the camping only marquee is something not to be missed.

And don't forget you licence - they usually have at least one manufacturer handing out their latest offering for a trial ride.

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:40 pm
by Bryn Mawr
Where's "an hour's ride away" - could be anywhere from London to Yorkshire or the East Coast to Leicester.

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:46 pm
by Bryn Mawr
Pinky wrote: Between Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft - the arse end of East Anglia!

I was very tempted to say the arse end of the world but no - a very pretty part of the world.

(I hear there's a wonderful smokehouse in Lowestoft)

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:57 pm
by Bryn Mawr
Pinky wrote: There is...thaere is actually loads of great stuff in the area, it`s just all people ever see are the towns, which to be honest is mainly peopled with weirdos and chavs! It`s a shame really, the countryside and the broads are beautiful!

Ah! Don't start me on the boating life - bore your pants off

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 4:13 pm
by Bryn Mawr
Pinky wrote: Not at all! I think it`s one of the most peaceful, realxing ways anyone could spend their time. Not that I`m any good at it...give me oars and I go in circles. Give me a motor and I`m downright bloody dangerous!:eek:

Best chill out time yet invented

Given 15 tonnes of steel at 4 MPH you won't hurt the boat or yourself (bar sticking your arm out to try to stop)

Pity the poor tupperware boat that gets in the way though :yh_devil

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 10:20 am
by Bryn Mawr
Pinky wrote: Only one sleep to go...WOOHOO!!!!!!

Mustn't forget me camera:D

How did it go?

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:26 am
by Bryn Mawr
Pinky wrote: Well, I forgot the camera!

It rained all day and I got covered in mud, but apart from that it was brill!

Got the most fantastic new bike boots..neon pink and white knee-length jobbies with snap-on buckles and titanium edging - yummy!

I'll see you coming then :yh_rotfl

BMF next weekend!

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 3:25 pm
by Jives
This thread reminds me! I was supposed to get my bike fixed up and cleaned this weekend, It's only a mile to my work from my house so I can easily ride this summer! Thanks to the reminder Pinky!:D