i can make you thin

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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

today is day 1 of a 90 day plan by paul mckenna phd, he says he can make me thin & im up for believing him, ive got the book, the c.d & the success journal

im hopeful that by also documenting it here on the internet i'll have to stick to it or you lot will be having a go at me :p
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i can make you thin

Post by Rapunzel »

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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

oh rapunzel im only two hours in & could murder a slice of buttered toast :wah:
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i can make you thin

Post by Rapunzel »

buttercup wrote: oh rapunzel im only two hours in & could murder a slice of buttered toast :wah:

Lol! I know what you mean! Paul McKenna makes so much sense when you listen to him, but its so hard to do in practise!

I read of a diet the other day where every hour, on the hour, you eat a dolly-mixture-sized cube of meat or cheese. I can imagine that working because you'll feel you're always eating, even though you're not really.

Apples are good for you as they have 'negative equity' - i.e., an apple has 50 calories, but eating it uses up 75 calories! The same is true for broccoli.

A friend of mine eats one tube of smarties all day. She'll eat one at a time and suck them to death - no chewing allowed! At the end of the day you feel as though you've eaten tons of chocolate, not just one tube of smarties! It works too.

Have the toast if you want it, make it an early lunch. They say 6 small meals a day is far better for you than 3 big meals. So 2 slices of toast and a boiled egg and an apple could keep you going until 2 or 3 pm. Then have fruit and yogurt.

Keep up the good work and I'll join you! ;)
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i can make you thin

Post by chonsigirl »

Good luck buttercup, you can do it!:)
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

would you really join me rapunzel? it would be so great for the moral support

this mckenna theory is not about calories, you can eat what you want, he says 90% of people who diet fail, forget about dieting. for ever. diets are no more than training courses in how to get fat & feel like a failure

when i read that, i had my toast :D

anyway this is all about reprogramming your brain to develop the eating habits of naturally thin people
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i can make you thin

Post by Rapunzel »

Yeah sure buttercup! I've watched the tv series and got the book and cd.

Need to go and buy me some willpower now! ;) :wah:
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

you'll need the 90 day success journal as well its £3.50 at tesco, if you walk up for it that would count as your excersize for today :D

thank you sooooooo much for doing it with me, p.s how long have you had the book & c.d & wanted to get started?

willpower - we have to look at this as a challenge, its only 90 days, how hard can it be ?

im trying to convince myself here too :wah:
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i can make you thin

Post by cherandbuster »

I will offer you ALL the moral support I can!

Pretty soon, Buttercup, you may be even more irresistable than you already are:)
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i can make you thin

Post by Rapunzel »

buttercup wrote: you'll need the 90 day success journal as well its £3.50 at tesco, if you walk up for it that would count as your excersize for today :D

thank you sooooooo much for doing it with me, p.s how long have you had the book & c.d & wanted to get started?

willpower - we have to look at this as a challenge, its only 90 days, how hard can it be ?

im trying to convince myself here too :wah:

Ok, No prob! :D

I've had the book and cd for ages! but only flicked through it. *smacks wrists* :(

but I've watched Paul McKenna on tv and have wanted to give it a go since then!

Sooooooooo....... what do we do for day 1?
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i can make you thin

Post by chocoholic »

Good luck buttercup and Rapunzel, keep us posted as to how you get on.
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

Rapunzel wrote: Ok, No prob! :D

I've had the book and cd for ages! but only flicked through it. *smacks wrists* :(

but I've watched Paul McKenna on tv and have wanted to give it a go since then!

Sooooooooo....... what do we do for day 1?

well you have to go tesco & get your 90 day journal, if we're doing this lets do it right, the journal has tons of info & sections to put personal things which you may not want on here but need reference too

if you cant manage to get up to tesco for the journal today then you should be fine just listening to the c.d, taking a walk & drinking water

it doesent matter what you eat as long as you only eat when hungry, stop when you are full & chew everything properly, but you will have to get the journal tomorrow (its essential)

thanks cher, chons & choco, this will be a lot of hard work for me & rapunzel & no doubt be bad days & some tears, knowing you are willing us on helps :-4

ok raps so far ive had my breakfast & lunch, no snacks, drank a pint of water & im now off to listen to the c.d
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i can make you thin

Post by cherandbuster »

buttercup wrote: thanks cher, chons & choco, this will be a lot of hard work for me & rapunzel & no doubt be bad days & some tears, knowing you are willing us on helps :-4

We'll cry with you, laugh with you and travel the road with you both:)
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i can make you thin

Post by weeder »

I CAN MAKE YOU THIN...... ME WEEDER... AND IM NOT SHARING WITH YOU FOR $$$$$$$$$$ the people who come up with gimmicky diets do it for $$$$

Everyone wants to be thin or thinner. The answers are simple, and they work( Baring a medical problem. Last year I lost 15 lbs... very easily. It became great fun, after the second week went by. I did not starve. I didnt measure anything. I will share the information with you that was given to me.

Your body is like a computer. The cells of your body are the memory.

Your body is programmed to go back to the highest weight it has been.

That is its comfort zone. It will never go down, It will always go further up.

I thought that was pretty frightening.

Losing weight is not going on a diet. It is a lifelong mission and requires a total mental change in attitude and choices.

You must eat breakfast!!!!!! Thin people eat breakfast ( I fought that concept for 53 years)

The rule about eating the small meals is true. eat whenever you are hungry.

Never eat until you feel uncomfortable ... or hate yourself

Food is fuel... not entertainment. Eat to live.. do not live to eat.

Pick up every item you want to purchase in the supermarket. Read the calories... colesterol.. fat.. sugar content. You will be stunned to discover how many calories or fat you have been eating and you didnt even know it.


Once you have started losing weight.. you will be able to eat just about anything you want to... but in moderation, and not every single day.You have to be very aware of what you put in your mouth when.

NO...... bread, butter, mayonnaise, salad dressing, sugar.. desserts

half and half... cream fried food.. you know the drill

Unlinited.... vegetables.. particuarly broccolli, spinach, tomatoes, salad etc..

broiled chicken... fish... particuarly salmon

discover these new best friends..... Melba Toast.. Pita Bread.. cream chees and peanut butter ( in place of butter) There is a spray butter product with o calories) sugarless jam. fruit of course cantaloupe.. nuts



I promise you you will lose weight. No$ for books diets fads pills. You have all the keys. What was said above is correct.. NO SCALE Forget the numbers.

And dont try to lose weight because of how you think you need to look for someone else... or the world. Strive to be the weight you want to be for you.

In my case... I felt like my behind had become another person following me around. I had gone from a 10 to a 14. Menopause and age do effect weight. I am now between a 10 and a 12 10 is my size.. but I like looser clothing, so I wear 12.. 14 swims on me. I am 5ft 8inches I couldnt tell you what I weigh but I would guess 140. If I try to put things in my mouth now, a year later... that I gave up. Like butter, chocolate or cream.. My mouth feels disgusting.
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i can make you thin

Post by cherandbuster »

Weeder, I like what you have to say!

Thanks for taking the time to write it:)
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

quote weeder - Your body is like a computer. The cells of your body are the memory.

Your body is programmed to go back to the highest weight it has been.

That is its comfort zone. It will never go down, It will always go further up.

weeder that is exactly what paul mckenna says, there is no menu's, no food that is out of bounds on his plan, he is against diets

this plan is all about reprogramming your "learned/bad eating habits"

i hope you get some time to check him out & support us on our venture, hugs :-6
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i can make you thin

Post by weeder »

jUST WANT YOU TO KNOW... Ive never read Pauls diet. My friend a family physiciasl shared that info with me last summer. I do support you. I just know that if dieters try to adhere to too many rules or a program.. they feel that not adherring might mean failure. And it doesnt. All of the plans that are written are guidelines.
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i can make you thin

Post by cherandbuster »

I'm gonna google him right now, Buttercup.

Maybe I can get inspired?:)
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

weeder hun you keep saying its a diet & its not, there is nowhere where he says you have to eat this or that, food is not included in either the book, c.d or journal

please check him out, what instructions he gives are basic common sence but it really helps to have a guideline to work too & the fact rapunzel wants to do it with me is soooooooo great as we can support each other

its not for everyone i agree but i like what he says & want to give it a try
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i can make you thin

Post by chonsigirl »

Weeder, it sounds like you weigh just about right, a size 8-10 is really good!

Menopause does effect the whole physical form of a woman, it can change the shape and add weight in accelerated mode.

I cannot comment much on menopause, I do not know if I am in it or not. I am 51, and never had any problems yet. I must be a late bloomer.
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

cher :-4 i hope you will be inspired & maybe even consider joining us

people lets keep this a positive thread please, if you feel negative about what we are doing could you please not put it here, following any plan requires a certain amount of dedication & to keep focused me, rapunzel & any others joining us will have to remain positive, thanks, buttercup :-4

p.s weeder thats not directed at you, i just suddenly thought - oh s h i t dont want anyone coming in & challenging what we are trying to do when it will be a challenge enough to complete it in the 90 days
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i can make you thin

Post by sunny104 »

best wishes to you! :-6

and keep us updated on how it's going.
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i can make you thin

Post by chonsigirl »

Keep this thread going every day, and tell us of your progress!

Go girls go!:)
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i can make you thin

Post by cherandbuster »


Do you have a goal in mind? Or is this not really about losing a specific amount of weight, but rather changing your mindset so that you can be successful?

Wishing you much luck and giving you much support and much encouragement:)
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i can make you thin

Post by georgie girl »

here to offer support to buttercup. will share my experience/advice my therapist gave me, she majors in eating disorders (not that i had one particularly, just general madness)

certainly doesnt sound like its a diet your following, and accords with what she told me about reprogramming body...

apparently i was a binge starver, eating as a reward say for a good/happy day, problem was id eat lots and then feel guilty/bad so try to eat as little as possible the next day or not eat after id eaten at that sitting... theory, without the psychoanalysis, is that you eat a lot because your body has no idea when it will be fed again and fearing starvation also holds on to the food rather than burning it off ....

For me i hadnt realised until I tried to eat how bad my relationship with food was..

I felt physically ill when tring to eat breakfast and the thought of eating all day was actually distressing..now I dont even think about it, I just feel like eating regularly and actually dont crave the things I used too, except crisps, still cant keep them in, I just cant stop

My advice is that you really will need the support :yh_hugs

reprogramming for food also means reprogramming emotions... so I'm also here for you and hurrah for the diary helped me lots

yours gg
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

cherandbuster wrote: Liz,

Do you have a goal in mind? Or is this not really about losing a specific amount of weight, but rather changing your mindset so that you can be successful?

Wishing you much luck and giving you much support and much encouragement:)

well i suppose its more about health than fat, i dont mind being curvy in fact andy insists on it :yh_blush

however i could be doing with losing a bit, getting out of breath bothers me, my belly getting in the way of me tying my shoes bothers me & my lack of excersize & water intake bothers me, the goal ultimately is to be healthier, if i can lose some weight during the process all the better :D

i have no intentions of being a size 10 ever, i would be happy at a 14, im a 16 at present, i belive u.s & u.k sizes are different so not sure if that helps you cher

as for being successful i would like to think i could complete the 90 day challenge but i wont be devestated if i dont, i'll just be where i am now & thats not such a bad place to be :-6
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i can make you thin

Post by weeder »

Good.. Im glad his concept is an outlook, not a diet.. Youll do great. I will check hime out... maybe he is where my friend picked the info up from. So, wherevever it came from it works.

Menopause doesnt happen overnight.. declining levels of estrogen, go on for years. I have read that the endocrine system is the least understood system of the human body. I personally feel that fluctuating hormones are responsible for many things from weight gain, to headaches, to depression. Not only during menopause, but during puberty also.
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i can make you thin

Post by cherandbuster »

buttercup wrote: i would like to think i could complete the 90 day challenge but i wont be devestated if i dont, i'll just be where i am now & thats not such a bad place to be :-6

Sounds like you're starting with an excellent mindset concerning expectations.

I agree with Chons -- Would you check in with us regularly so we can cheer you on? (and offer a shoulder to cry on if you're not doing well)
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

thank you gg & weeder, i have experienced depression after my hysterectomy & bowel surgery & just cant wait for menopause :wah:

gg - my 17 year old daughter has a crisp thing, walkers & quavers, she insists she could live on them & probably would if i let her

as you say journals / diary's are great, thanks for your support :-4
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

cher - i will be posting in this thread every day ;)
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

rapunzel - have you listened to the c.d yet?

you know where he asks you to count backwards from 300 but keeps talking, can you pay attention to that bit & still count?

i had to give up & just listen, its complicated enough i felt with his voice bouncing between the two speakers, i lost count :yh_blush

gotta say the wake up part was great, best bit, actually did feel really refreshed

im on my second pint of water, im surprised how difficult it is to drink lots of water, how you doing?
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i can make you thin

Post by Rapunzel »

buttercup wrote: rapunzel - have you listened to the c.d yet?

you know where he asks you to count backwards from 300 but keeps talking, can you pay attention to that bit & still count?

i had to give up & just listen, its complicated enough i felt with his voice bouncing between the two speakers, i lost count :yh_blush

gotta say the wake up part was great, best bit, actually did feel really refreshed

im on my second pint of water, im surprised how difficult it is to drink lots of water, how you doing?

hiya butter,

its not been too bad today. Had a salad sandwich for brunch then went for a long walk all around the shops trying to find a white aertex shirt for my son. Nobody had what I wanted! grrr! :thinking: He starts 2 weeks of work experience tomorrow and needs new clothes. I also got loads of shopping cos my cupboard rival's old Mother Hubbards' for emptiness. However, I forgot the journal and I forgot to buy salad. Duh! I was going to buy McDonalds for the family, but decided to be good and bought healthy stuff. But I forgot *Fred* was waiting to eat so he could sleep, as he works nights. So even though dinner could have cooked in 10 mins, he went to bed in a huff (a hungry huff! hehe) So I chucked dinner back in the freezer and had yogurt for dinner instead. (Not a little girly yogurt sadly, a big Onken pot of rhubarb and vanilla yogurt! Extremely yummy but 15 grams of sugar per 100g, which is quite sneaky considering it's supposed to be a 'healthy' food!

The kids had ice cream and some squares of galaxy choc during the evening. I bought some 'skinny cow' ice creams and had one of those. I think it was cookie flavour but it tasted like little bits of chocolate cake in there, which was a little wierd. I also had 4 squares of galaxy before I realised what I was doing! Oops!

And a bowl of rice krispies with skimmed milk (no sugar) just now, so not too bad a day for me really and lets not talk about the Indian takeaway I had the other night! ;) (Ordered a vindaloo in error and by gum was it hot! Delicious but soooooo hot! I musta sweated a lot of the calories back out again. (sorry to be gross!))

So tomorrow I must go to buy the journal and dig out the cd and listen to it.

I jotted down some notes from his tv show, so will try to find those also.

I drink a lot of water anyway, so thats not a problem. Its also very good for you in this hot weather, so keep it up. If you drink a glass of water before a meal it fills you up and makes you want to eat less.

I was also thinking the other day, that when you want to eat something nice, you do it for the taste. But the harm comes when you swallow it. Thats what makes us extra cuddly! Lots of young anorexics eat then puke, which brings up stomach acid which rots their teeth (it damages the enamel). So I thought, why not eat something if you really fancy it, chew it all up to get the flavour out, then (and I'm sorry, this is gross) then spit it in the bin rather than swallowing it?

Okay, so I know thats gross. But the other day I cooked the other half a full english breakfast (he works nights so has wierd eating habits, but thats his occasional Sunday treat) and I pinched a bite off his sausage! Ahem! But it was actually quite greasy (they weren't the sausages I usually buy!) and I thought, better to spit it in the bin than add an extra bit of hardening to the arteries. It wouldn't work for chocolate cos that dissolves in your mouth and, to be frank, I couldn't spit out chocolate anyway! That would be sacrilege! :wah: But at least you get the flavour of something without most of the calories. I realise you're all puking into buckets now, so I'll stop being gross, I just thought it was a good thought!
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i can make you thin

Post by chonsigirl »

Oh, Day 1 is almost over, and you have both done so well!:)
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i can make you thin

Post by Chickadee »

buttercup wrote: thank you gg & weeder, i have experienced depression after my hysterectomy & bowel surgery & just cant wait for menopause :wah:

gg - my 17 year old daughter has a crisp thing, walkers & quavers, she insists she could live on them & probably would if i let her

as you say journals / diary's are great, thanks for your support :-4

It's really hard to know if you've reached menopause when you've had a hysterectomy. The obvious signs are not there! I had cancer at a relatively young age that required a hysterectomy and I have a blood test a couple of times a year to see if I'm in menopause yet. I'm 50 and still not there.

I'm going to research Paul McKenna and see what he's all about. I have to say, though that there is some good advice in this thread. I'm going to read it every day to see how everyone's doing. Keep drinking that water!
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »


well im starting the day super healthy - coffee & a fag (cigarrette to the non uk's)

rapunzel - hun you really have to read the book & listen to the c.d, we're not on a diet, we're reprogramming our relationship to food, you can eat anything you want, if you want galaxy or a sausage have it :-6

thanks for the support chickadee
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i can make you thin

Post by Rapunzel »

buttercup wrote: hi

well im starting the day super healthy - coffee & a fag (cigarrette to the non uk's)

rapunzel - hun you really have to read the book & listen to the c.d, we're not on a diet, we're reprogramming our relationship to food, you can eat anything you want, if you want galaxy or a sausage have it :-6

thanks for the support chickadee

hiya buttercup & thankyou,

I do keep forgetting it's not a diet as such. However, I do need to seriously reprogramme my attitude to food. Last year I found I had diabetes (yeah, I know I've said it before but I'm still coming to terms with what's involved). I didn't realise that EVERYTHING we eat turns to sugar, so too much sugar makes my blood like syrup putting me at greater risk of heart attack or stroke. You can also go blind or have limbs amputated as a lack of blood supply makes them die. The problem is that what I eat now will cause these things to occur in 10 years time, so if I wait til then to eat healthily, it will be too late!

So yes, I need to reprogramme now and stay reprogrammed as I really don't want to be blind and wheel-chair bound at 50!

Okay, I'm off to hunt down that book and cd!

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i can make you thin

Post by weeder »

Chickadee.. I had a partial hysterectomy 12 years ago. I was 43. I grew a benign tumor the size of a 2 liter bottle of soda. I am convinced it came from handling pesticides. But anyway, they did that test on me also. Said that I had about 7 years to go of producing estrogen. They seem to have been exactly correct. I did gain weight after the procedure. I am convinced that hormone levels do have a lot to do with weight. Once again... using the computer analogy... Its like spyware or a virus on your pc. The change of mental attitude and a new awareness regarding food is an excellent stradegy for weight loss.. and for maintaining desired weight. I do of course cheat, just like everyone else. Anxiety or depression seem to make me eat. I am very aware of that now. But since the mind change, a year ago, involving food.... when I put a wrong item in my mouth, its like bells go off in my head. My mouth became connected to my brain.

I dont want to go off topic on Buttercups thread. If you ever want to discuss it, there are ways to know menopause has begun.
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i can make you thin

Post by cherandbuster »

Good Morning Buttercup and Rapunzel:-6

How are two of my favorite women doing today?:)
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

have ate well & healthy, still struggling to finish a pint of water, seems the only time i really like the stuff is when ive got a hangover :D how are you cher?
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i can make you thin

Post by chonsigirl »

How is day 2 going for you both?:)

Did great yesterday!

Cher and I are going to be your cheerleaders through this!

Go girls go!
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i can make you thin

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The bunnies and Buster are getting into their cheerleader outfits as we speak;)
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

awwwww like this

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i can make you thin

Post by chonsigirl »

Oh, that is us!:)
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i can make you thin

Post by chocoholic »

So, Buttercup and Rapunzel, how was your first day?

Thought I would show you what you are saving yourself from!

Keep strong and remember we are all wishing you success!
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

ok ive finished my first pint of water & i nearly completed the checklist, where it says i stopped when full, i dident at dinner time, had a few forks more, habit :-5

other than that i completed it & feel quite proud of myself

so anyway ive to find a picture of success on day 2 & stick it up on the fridge

i'll need some help here as i cant think of a female i admire who's size 12/14 which is what im aiming for

where's my cheerleaders :D

please note size 12/14 uk size is not the same as u.s size, suggestions please as to a woman to admire in that size catagory, also what is uk size 12/14 in the states?

rapunzel check in hun, how did your day go?

dont think my ticker is working, isent the heart supposed to move slightly?
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

day 3 :-6

feeling really good & positive about this experience, decided to listen to the c.d before i get up, this is by far the best idea ive had, i need the super charge first thing, i got up wanting to drink water & im not hungry, by this point i would normally (learned behaviour) have my heavily buttered toast

struggled yesterday to find a pic to put on my fridge & then it came to me last night - PINK

she's a lot thiner than i need to be but its the whole concept of the album cover - IM NOT DEAD YET

dont know if that makes any sence to anyone else but its working for me :-6

rapunzel - how are you getting on?

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i can make you thin

Post by chocoholic »

buttercup, you are sounding strong and very positive, keep up the good start you have made. Are you feeling o.k.?, you sound great.

Pink seems a good role model to choose, a strong woman.

Will check again tomorrow to see how you are doing.

Rapunzel, how are things going for you? You haven't posted, are you o.k. with this? Let us know what's happening. Thinking about you both.
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i can make you thin

Post by cherandbuster »

Good morning, Buttercup (at least it's morning for me):-6

You sound in very positive spirits today! Yeah:)

Keep up the EXCELLENT work . . .:-4
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i can make you thin

Post by chonsigirl »

Wow, into the third day, and Buttercup you are doing great! I am anxious to hear how well Rapunzel is doing also!
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i can make you thin

Post by buttercup »

thank you bunny cheerleaders :-4

day 3 in the success journal is empty the fridge of anything you would not be completely delighted to eat eg: low fat yoghurt - remember this is not a diet

choc - i really do feel great, im totally commited :D

i think its best if i only give myself 3 15min sesions on the computer during this period as if i get involved in threads it will keep me on my ass so to speak & keep me from doing productive things like walking

its been a long time since i have challenged myself, im looking forward to seeing what im made of :-6
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