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Can someone help me??

Post by SuzyB »

I think my life is probably the same as most people, married followed quickly by divorce!! My mum (whom I'm very close) is diagnosed with breast cancer (now in remission-thank god), I lose my house and am homeless with my two children. Things then start going right for me and my family, we find a new home and all settle in really well. We have a few hic ups along the way like everyone, then seven years ago I find out I'm expecting a baby, my partner and I are very happy then at 17 weeks i'm told the baby has died and it was removed. Two years ago I find that I'm expecting a baby but it is an eptopic pregnancy where it is stuck in my fallopion tube so I have to go in for surgery, Just before I have the GA my Dr comes and tells me she has done over her hours and she is leaving me in the hands of her very competent collegue, they know where the pregnacy is so it's all straight forward.... I woke after surgery to be told my right tube had to be removed with the pregnacy but that i'd now be fine.. I felt sick..the pregnancy was in my left tube!! The Dr went on to tell me that x-rays often look back to front and in fact the pregnacy was in the right tube. Still in hospital a week later I was rolling on the bed in agony, the Dr's finally decided to take some blood and found out that not only was i still pregnant but the pregnacy was still growing (I later found out they thought the pain were all in my mind!!!). Trying to save my left tube they decided to try me on a cancer drug to try to kill the pregnacy(against the advice of a leading specialist), they then decided to discharge me as they didn't want a distraught women on the ward telling other patients what had happened to me. I was admitted a day later by ambulance as my cut (hip to hip) was leaking and i had a very high temprature, they had no beds so they put me on a maternity ward! I was told the next day that the swab they had taken had shown an infection and they thought someone had precribed some drugs for it, so now i also had a deep wound infection. While in hosp they kept taking my bloods which showed that the pregnancy was still growing, they decided to discharge me again after a week. By now i'm petrified of having to go back for anything. Two days after being home i was crawling on the floor with the worst pain i'd ever felt(and I had no pain relief with either of my children!!) i knew i had to get to the hosp, i get there and all of a sudden i'm linked to an ecg machine and being preped for my next op!! I couldn't be put to sleep in the normal way as i'd had a cup of tea 2 hours previous, they had to hold and push my throat to make sure i wasn't sick, anyway to cut a long story short the pregnancy had been bleeding my tube had burst and my stomach was full of blood - another half an hour and i'd of been gone! Anyway the errors did not stop there after being discharged my tummy re-opened with tubing bursting out - great more surgery- they'd forgotten to take the drains out! I'm in constant pain and it's discovered 6 months later that they'd forgotten to sew my tummy muscle back so i had a hernia which was allowing 3 quarters of my bowl to slip out!! So Gross. I later found out the first Dr to operate on me wasn't qualified- he was sacked 2 weeks after my first surgery, i decided to take it further. I've been told i'm suffering from post traumatic stress disorder but the waiting list to see someone is 2 years- Good old NHS!! Anyway here is my problem I felt as though i was coping quite well with the situation until i knew that i may have to go to court in a couple of months time to relive the whole thing in front of strangers. Does anyone have any advice to see me through the next couple of months?
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Can someone help me??

Post by CARLA »

What a Nightmare SuzyB, I would be suffering Post Traumatic Stress if I had gone through what you have been through. :(

I know you don't want to relive this over again, but it may help you move past it as well, and that would lead to you feeling better period.

If the court proceedings are to SUE the crap out of the incompetent Doctors, I say do it. Hopefully there will be money awarded you for your pain and suffering. My God there were several times during this when you could have died, stupid mistakes were made you need to let others know about this and that means court proceedings. :( I wish you much luck and a speedy recovery.


"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, champagne in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming.

WOO HOO!!, what a ride!!!"

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Can someone help me??

Post by nvalleyvee »

SuzyB wrote: I think my life is probably the same as most people, married followed quickly by divorce!! My mum (whom I'm very close) is diagnosed with breast cancer (now in remission-thank god), I lose my house and am homeless with my two children. Things then start going right for me and my family, we find a new home and all settle in really well. We have a few hic ups along the way like everyone, then seven years ago I find out I'm expecting a baby, my partner and I are very happy then at 17 weeks i'm told the baby has died and it was removed. Two years ago I find that I'm expecting a baby but it is an eptopic pregnancy where it is stuck in my fallopion tube so I have to go in for surgery, Just before I have the GA my Dr comes and tells me she has done over her hours and she is leaving me in the hands of her very competent collegue, they know where the pregnacy is so it's all straight forward.... I woke after surgery to be told my right tube had to be removed with the pregnacy but that i'd now be fine.. I felt sick..the pregnancy was in my left tube!! The Dr went on to tell me that x-rays often look back to front and in fact the pregnacy was in the right tube. Still in hospital a week later I was rolling on the bed in agony, the Dr's finally decided to take some blood and found out that not only was i still pregnant but the pregnacy was still growing (I later found out they thought the pain were all in my mind!!!). Trying to save my left tube they decided to try me on a cancer drug to try to kill the pregnacy(against the advice of a leading specialist), they then decided to discharge me as they didn't want a distraught women on the ward telling other patients what had happened to me. I was admitted a day later by ambulance as my cut (hip to hip) was leaking and i had a very high temprature, they had no beds so they put me on a maternity ward! I was told the next day that the swab they had taken had shown an infection and they thought someone had precribed some drugs for it, so now i also had a deep wound infection. While in hosp they kept taking my bloods which showed that the pregnancy was still growing, they decided to discharge me again after a week. By now i'm petrified of having to go back for anything. Two days after being home i was crawling on the floor with the worst pain i'd ever felt(and I had no pain relief with either of my children!!) i knew i had to get to the hosp, i get there and all of a sudden i'm linked to an ecg machine and being preped for my next op!! I couldn't be put to sleep in the normal way as i'd had a cup of tea 2 hours previous, they had to hold and push my throat to make sure i wasn't sick, anyway to cut a long story short the pregnancy had been bleeding my tube had burst and my stomach was full of blood - another half an hour and i'd of been gone! Anyway the errors did not stop there after being discharged my tummy re-opened with tubing bursting out - great more surgery- they'd forgotten to take the drains out! I'm in constant pain and it's discovered 6 months later that they'd forgotten to sew my tummy muscle back so i had a hernia which was allowing 3 quarters of my bowl to slip out!! So Gross. I later found out the first Dr to operate on me wasn't qualified- he was sacked 2 weeks after my first surgery, i decided to take it further. I've been told i'm suffering from post traumatic stress disorder but the waiting list to see someone is 2 years- Good old NHS!! Anyway here is my problem I felt as though i was coping quite well with the situation until i knew that i may have to go to court in a couple of months time to relive the whole thing in front of strangers. Does anyone have any advice to see me through the next couple of months?



I had 4 ectopic pregnancies because the docs kept trying to save the tubes.....they ALWAYS knew where the ectopics were......all they have to do is a lap to see the swollen tube.....I NEVER had those problems......OK I had one problem on my first ectopic because I was young and they did not expect it.......BUT they found the ectopic before it burst through the tube AND I was 6 weeks have reason for a malpractice lawsuit............pure and simple.........Geeez.........if they have kept you from having any more children.............sue their butts. I was lucky and had one live daughter.

You go to court and fight for the right you had to have children before some incompetant got involved.........Do not ever be embarrassed!!!!! You lost your God given right to bear kids from an ass. Hold your head high!!!!!!!!! The docs messed you UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Can someone help me??

Post by RedGlitter »

Dear Suzy,


I cannot imagine you wouldn't be awarded a decent amount of money for your suffering. I know money will not change your reproductive situation but suing these sick cretins will prevent some other woman from their incompetence and it will make the doctors itch.

I have diabetes because I took an antidepressant known to cause it and no one told me it could happen. Now I have a disease that could cost me my life or some limbs or my vision. I am suing the manufacturers (Eli Lilly) without regret.

If you're worried about being embarrased in a court of people, don't be. You have nothing to be ashamed of. I can't see how anyone would not sympathize with your pain.

I can't see how so much incompetence could continue happening to you but it did. I'm sorry.

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Can someone help me??

Post by G-man »

What she said, Suzy... :) and welcome to Forum Garden, too! ;)

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Can someone help me??

Post by Patsy Warnick »


So sorry to hear all this. More times than not medical malpractice is settled out of court. Hopefully your malpractice case will be, certainly with the evidence of the Doctor being dismissed from his position, It's the Dr's malpractice Insurance who settles with you, and then perhaps you have another law suit against the hospital.?

I'm sure at the point when your Doctor assigned his associate to handle your case/surgery your instincts kicked in - and you weren't comfortable with that.

I also had a Dr change at the last minute situation - anesthetist tries a epidermal around 4 times and ruptured a disc in my spine, in 1995. So not only do I have my abdominal area cut open from hip bone to hip bone - I now face back surgery.

My point - I was uncomfortable with that change - and did nothing - went with the flow - I trusted I trusted !! I regret that to this very day.


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Can someone help me??

Post by RedGlitter »

Patsy Warnick wrote: So not only do I have my abdominal area cut open from hip bone to hip bone - I now face back surgery.


Good grief!! I'm sorry this happened to you. :(
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Can someone help me??

Post by Patsy Warnick »

Since 1995 I have had around 15 surgeries.

several abdominal surgeries - back surgery.

Most of my experiences have been smooth - a few were screwed up. Now I speak up - I don't and won't go with the flow - if my Dr can't perform the surgery, I wait til she can, no more subs for me.

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Post by Uncle Kram »

A good solicitor may be able to do most of the talking for you, so you may be worrying unnecessarily. Your solicitor will talk you through what's likely to happen so you will be prepared. Good luck - sounds like you won't need it though with that level of incompetence

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Can someone help me??

Post by SuzyB »

Patsy Warnick wrote: Suzy

So sorry to hear all this. More times than not medical malpractice is settled out of court. Hopefully your malpractice case will be, certainly with the evidence of the Doctor being dismissed from his position, It's the Dr's malpractice Insurance who settles with you, and then perhaps you have another law suit against the hospital.?

I'm sure at the point when your Doctor assigned his associate to handle your case/surgery your instincts kicked in - and you weren't comfortable with that.

I also had a Dr change at the last minute situation - anesthetist tries a epidermal around 4 times and ruptured a disc in my spine, in 1995. So not only do I have my abdominal area cut open from hip bone to hip bone - I now face back surgery.

My point - I was uncomfortable with that change - and did nothing - went with the flow - I trusted I trusted !! I regret that to this very day.


Good luck - get strong - be strong


Hi Patsy,

Thankyou for your kind words, I had to have a disc removed in 2001, best thing I had done- it enabled me to walk again after 6 months.

I couldn't agree more on the trust issue- I was brought up to believe that Dr's were always right and to trust them!!! The ironic thing is before I was put under I repeated twice what side the pregnancy was in and i'd said to three of my friends that i thought they'd take out the wrong side....... did i fate this???

Thanks everyone else for your kind words :)
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Can someone help me??

Post by SuzyB »

Where i live is a very small town, news spread like wildfire of my hosp blunder and the fact i'm suing the hospital. My partner and I have been going to the same pub for a couple of years, I kept thinking people were being over friendly - people that i'd normally just say hi to were falling over themselves to buy me and hubby drinks. I kept commenting on how friendly these people had become, just as i start to think it's my fantastic personality drawing them in?? i find out a rumour has been floating around that i'm getting awarded millions!!!! (I wish and hope!) How can people change that much over money?? If i had the richest person stood next to me i couldn't pretend to be their best friend, i am one of these people that speak first and think after.

I am very happy with my life and hope that money wouldn't change me--of course it'd make things easier- no mortgage, no debts, and security for the children.

Just this little insight to how people change towards you has been a real eye opener for me.....

Whats your views????
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Can someone help me??

Post by cherandbuster »

SuzyB wrote: Thanks everyone else for your kind words :)

Hi SuzyB :)

Here are the kindest words I can give you:


Five years from now, when you are living on an island in the South Seas, sipping frozen drinks on the beach, while one of your nannies is watching the children, I hope you can look back on this thread and smile a little.

The VERY BEST of luck to you, Suzy. Welcome to our Garden :-6
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Can someone help me??

Post by RedGlitter »

SuzyB wrote: and i'd said to three of my friends that i thought they'd take out the wrong side....... did i fate this???

No, you didn't. This is my own opinion: things happen for reasons we can't always comprehend. Some theories would have us believe we choose before we come here, what will happen to us in life and the lessons we need to learn. Your soul may have already known this was planned to happen for whatever reason and your inner voice was probably nudging you. But you didn't "make it happen."
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Can someone help me??

Post by cherandbuster »

SuzyB wrote: Where i live is a very small town, news spread like wildfire of my hosp blunder and the fact i'm suing the hospital. My partner and I have been going to the same pub for a couple of years, I kept thinking people were being over friendly - people that i'd normally just say hi to were falling over themselves to buy me and hubby drinks. I kept commenting on how friendly these people had become, just as i start to think it's my fantastic personality drawing them in?? i find out a rumour has been floating around that i'm getting awarded millions!!!! (I wish and hope!) How can people change that much over money?? If i had the richest person stood next to me i couldn't pretend to be their best friend, i am one of these people that speak first and think after.

I am very happy with my life and hope that money wouldn't change me--of course it'd make things easier- no mortgage, no debts, and security for the children.

Just this little insight to how people change towards you has been a real eye opener for me.....

Whats your views????

Hi Again Suzy :-6

I think that people can come in two categories: those that suck and those that do not suck.

I hope you surround yourself with the latter. There are plenty of both kinds out there, so be careful who you trust.

And again, good luck :)
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Can someone help me??

Post by SuzyB »

Thats made me laugh out loud.... thanks :-6 :wah:
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Can someone help me??

Post by cherandbuster »

SuzyB wrote: Thats made me laugh out loud.... thanks :-6 :wah:

Oh I'm glad! :)

And you are most welcome :-6
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Can someone help me??

Post by OpenMind »

Suzy. Good to see you again.

But I'm horrified to hear what you've had to go through. Those involved need to be strongly castigated and brought to account. You have been seriously wronged.

Make a record of everything that happened along with the dates. You will need these to help you fight for justice and what is your due from their incompetence. The hospitals have no business taking on incompetent people. They should be checking their qualifications before they take them on. They are therefore ultimately responsible for your demise. But the individuals involved are guilty of wilful abuse against you. They should not be allowed to hide behind the hospital.

You go and fight this case with your head held high. You were wronged and you deserve justice.
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Can someone help me??

Post by Bryn Mawr »

SuzyB wrote: Where i live is a very small town, news spread like wildfire of my hosp blunder and the fact i'm suing the hospital. My partner and I have been going to the same pub for a couple of years, I kept thinking people were being over friendly - people that i'd normally just say hi to were falling over themselves to buy me and hubby drinks. I kept commenting on how friendly these people had become, just as i start to think it's my fantastic personality drawing them in?? i find out a rumour has been floating around that i'm getting awarded millions!!!! (I wish and hope!) How can people change that much over money?? If i had the richest person stood next to me i couldn't pretend to be their best friend, i am one of these people that speak first and think after.

I am very happy with my life and hope that money wouldn't change me--of course it'd make things easier- no mortgage, no debts, and security for the children.

Just this little insight to how people change towards you has been a real eye opener for me.....

Whats your views????

Going to court isn't about the money (although that helps) - it's about stopping this from happening to anyone else. If you don't speak out then what pressure on them to change.
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Can someone help me??

Post by SuzyB »

Hi Pinky,

Thanks for your post, I think that's why i'm stuggling at the moment as normally you can try to forget things that happen to you but having to go to court has brought everything up again.

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