Would you donate...

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Would you donate...

Post by chonsigirl »

Would you donate blood marrow, if you knew it would save someone’s life?

I know I would. I ask, because a dear friend of mine has cancer again. The first time her sister, a perfect bone marrow match, donated and it saved her life. Now that it has come back again, the sister will not donate her bone marrow again. I know it is painful to donate, but it would save her sister’s life. I was shocked to find this out today, her only recourse is the chemo she is going through and she does it in good spirits. But it hard to watch he suffer so, when there is a viable alternative to help her.

I wish I could give that sister a swift kick, back to reality.
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Would you donate...

Post by WonderWendy3 »

Yes, I would in an instant!

My mom had a bone marrow transplant 11 years ago, and I'm thankful she's still here with me:-4

I'm sorry to hear about your friends sister...:-1
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Would you donate...

Post by minks »

Gosh I suppose I would. It's personal choice of course. I suspect I would never be asked to considering I have been told I can't even donate my own blood :(
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Would you donate...

Post by Bryn Mawr »

chonsigirl;658198 wrote: Would you donate blood marrow, if you knew it would save someone’s life?

I know I would. I ask, because a dear friend of mine has cancer again. The first time her sister, a perfect bone marrow match, donated and it saved her life. Now that it has come back again, the sister will not donate her bone marrow again. I know it is painful to donate, but it would save her sister’s life. I was shocked to find this out today, her only recourse is the chemo she is going through and she does it in good spirits. But it hard to watch he suffer so, when there is a viable alternative to help her.

I wish I could give that sister a swift kick, back to reality.

I signed up to the Anthony Nolan Trust to be added to their donor register but they turned me down. Appears you have to be under forty to start with.

I could not knowingly refuse to help family in a case like that - pain for a short while does not compare to saving a life. What reason has she given?
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Would you donate...

Post by chonsigirl »

I do not know the reason, my friend will not say. I just know her chances are not very good without it this time.

I used to donate blood all the time, I was on a list for AIDS babies. There is something about ladies a certain age, having a certain number of children, etc. that gave them something special in the antibodies we just naturally had. They matched the mothers up with the blood types of the babies, and there was cycle of when we all needed to go down. (I think they needed a full tranfusion or something like that for the baby) I always went when called, I considered it an honor to help a baby live a little longer with more hope. It was only a few moments of my time, when they had so little time of their own to live.
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Would you donate...

Post by pinkchick »

Yes - I would donate whatever it took without a second thought:-4
Very nearly perfect ... :D
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Would you donate...

Post by RedGlitter »

I don't think I meet the criteria (over 40) but I would do it for a family member or someone I loved. At least I think I would, based on what little I know about it.
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Would you donate...

Post by Imladris »

My uncle died of leukaemia in his mid 50's, my dad (his brother) was tested to see if he could donate but for various reasons it didn't happen. They weren't close but when push came to shove it was his brother, the father of three and grandfather of lots more so of course he would have.

I would in an instant.
Originally Posted by spot

She is one fit bitch innit, that Immy

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Would you donate...

Post by Carl44 »

in a second :-6

even to save immy :thinking:
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Would you donate...

Post by Imladris »

jimbo;658376 wrote: in a second :-6

even to save immy :thinking:

:wah: :wah:

Originally Posted by spot

She is one fit bitch innit, that Immy

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Would you donate...

Post by Pheasy »

yes definately, without question :-6
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Would you donate...

Post by spot »

I hesitate to post a reply here. In the unlikely event of a sibling passing by and finding even diffident assent I might get a phone call within hours calling my bluff.
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