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The Continuing tragedy of unsafe abortions

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:46 pm
by capt_buzzard
Unsafe abortions are a problem of global proportions, most particularly in Asia.

Thousands of women have experienced serious long-term effects with debilitating physical injuries, not to mention long-lasting psychological problems.

A report given at Countdown 2015, a London conference sponsored by the UN reviewing methods of improving reproductive health around the world, estimated that "almost 200 women die each day after having a botched abotion", amounting to some 70,000 deaths a year.

Up to 10 million Asian women have unsafe abotions annually, amounting for a half of all pregnancy-related deaths. The figures stand at about five million such abotions for both Africa and Latin America.

The President for the American organization Ipas, stated that "forty women every minute undergo an unsafe abotion in the US.

In the United Kingdom, Britain's largest provider of abotions stands accused of advising women to circumvent British regulations on late terminations by flying to a clinic in Barcelona (Spain) where abotions are provided.

Too many women, in a state of desperate confusion, view abotions as morally viable option, even in the late stages of pregnancy.

Abotion denies life to a living human.

The Continuing tragedy of unsafe abortions

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:12 pm
by illuminati
capt_buzzard wrote: Unsafe abortions are a problem of global proportions, most particularly in Asia.

Thousands of women have experienced serious long-term effects with debilitating physical injuries, not to mention long-lasting psychological problems.

A report given at Countdown 2015, a London conference sponsored by the UN reviewing methods of improving reproductive health around the world, estimated that "almost 200 women die each day after having a botched abotion", amounting to some 70,000 deaths a year.

Up to 10 million Asian women have unsafe abotions annually, amounting for a half of all pregnancy-related deaths. The figures stand at about five million such abotions for both Africa and Latin America.

The President for the American organization Ipas, stated that "forty women every minute undergo an unsafe abotion in the US.

In the United Kingdom, Britain's largest provider of abotions stands accused of advising women to circumvent British regulations on late terminations by flying to a clinic in Barcelona (Spain) where abotions are provided.

Too many women, in a state of desperate confusion, view abotions as morally viable option, even in the late stages of pregnancy.

Abotion denies life to a living human.

This article just talks about the mother. Is it ironic that they don't talk about the 100's of millions of lives that have been taken by these procedures?

Unsafe abortion? For whom? The mother or child? For the child it is always unsafe and ends in death.

The Continuing tragedy of unsafe abortions

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:53 pm
by Enigma
billyandmichellecoffey wrote: Abortion! Lets look at it for a minute. Scott Peterson was convicted of killing his unborn child but there are millions of women everyday that are doing the same thing and they say it is legal. I'm sorry but I don't see how Scott Peterson killing his wife when she was pregnant and abortion are 'doing the same thing'; that reasoning seems flawed to me. Maybe what you were trying to convey is that it's murder either way you look at it? Personally, I don't believe that abortion is the solution except in the most dire of circumstances, but to compare a woman's reproductive choices to a man who murdered the pregnant wife who loved and trusted him is incredible.

As far as pro-choice versus pro-life, all I can say is that no woman can say with absolute certainty what she would do unless she is actually faced with the situation. People can stand around all day and spout lofty ideals but hypothetical situations in no way compare with real life problems. There have been too many times in my life where I've said I'd never do something, only to be faced with the exact situation and let me tell you, it changes everything to be smacked in the face with reality.

The Continuing tragedy of unsafe abortions

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:48 pm
by valerie
Archergirl, illegal abortions are dangerous... but legal doctor-assisted ones are statistically safer than full-term pregnancies. Since we do have legal ones

available now, I don't understand your reference to illegal ones?


The Continuing tragedy of unsafe abortions

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 3:05 pm
by David813
Keep Abortion Legal and Safe for the Woman. People who don't want one shouldn't have one. Government should not have the power to make that decision.

The Continuing tragedy of unsafe abortions

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 7:33 am
by cars
All Women should have the "Right-to choose"!! It's their body, their decision, their emotions they have to live with!!! They must also be wise enough to choose conditions that are "Safe" for them, "licensed doctor" controled!

Cars :driving:

The Continuing tragedy of unsafe abortions

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:44 pm
by koan
billyandmichellecoffey wrote: if all women should have the right to choose then why shouldn't the babies that are aborted have the right to live. They did not ask to be created but they are and they should have the right to life just like every other human being in this world.

This is obviously not just about illegal abortions it is about abortions in general. You and I and everyone else can argue until we're blue in the face or the cow's come home. What we end up with is does the gov't have the right to legislate our bodies? Then you say they are defending the rights of the baby. Then I say there is no proof that the baby is a legitimate person. Then you say....

The topic is illegitimate abortion. Obviously it is going to happen whether it is legal or not. Legislation against it increases the number of illegal abortions and therefore unsafe abortions that result in further unneccesary death. It's all bad. The best choice is the one that is least bad.

The Continuing tragedy of unsafe abortions

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 3:49 am
by gmc

But in this day and age how can you tell if it was rape or not. But there is always an alternative

personally if a woman says it was rape I think we should start out believing her. That's one of the reasons so many are not reported because they have to prove they were unwilling.

also billyandmichellecoffey

why shouldn't government have a right to make those decisions? They have the right tomake decisions about everything else. There are alot of women that have abortions as a way for birth control and that is wrong. I do fight and will always fight for the reverse decision on Roe vs. Wade. There are to many people out here that would love to care for a child no matter what is wrong with it.

Why should they? If you would prefer to live in a totalitarian state don't expect anyone else to want the same. If someone wants to have children or not what business is it of government to tell them when how and how many.

The biggest problem is the lack of contraceptive education and free access (as in freely available) to contraceptives. Too many religious grpoups think the decision should not be the womans. In Africa the catholic church is causing enormous problems by preaching agianst their use-same in south america. Quite simply the only person who should be able to decide if she gtes pregnant is the woman, in a lot of countries she is a non person.

For these women abortion is a desperate last resort, stop condemning the women and start treating them like real people left with no choice. Religious groups should accept they do noit have the right to force others to follow their views on issues like contraception.

The Continuing tragedy of unsafe abortions

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:55 am
by Bothwell
As a guy I don't think I can address this issue with the same weight that women can. IMO it's solely a womans subject.

I will however share this thought, i was staunchly pro-abortion right up until the Channel 4 programme I saw last week. The new 4D scan images of children in the womb were breathtaking, and I have to say that through my own ignorance I had no idea how developed a foetus was even at say 12 weeks. When you see a foetus at 26 weeks (Uk limit for abortion) it would be hard to call it anything but murder.

These are strong words for me as I do not come at this from any religious standpoint but merely from a humanitarian stance. The very thought of these babies being killed upset me beyond all measure, I know there will always be good cases for abortion, eg rape. however a victim of rape can have this procedure done in a couple of weeks surely.

As I stated earlier the real decision lies with women, I have always thought it odd that there are always loads of potential adoptive parents out there who are always after babies and lots of women who do not want the babies, surely a little bit of not so lateral thinking might help both groups

The Continuing tragedy of unsafe abortions

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 1:55 pm
by capt_buzzard
I don't follow any Church creed or man-made laws on this issue. But back street abortions stinks.That's just my opinion.

The Continuing tragedy of unsafe abortions

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 4:02 pm
by David813
Imagine how many unsafe abortions there would be if it were made illegal. About as unsafe as they were here before Roe v. Wade. People that insist their religious rules be applied to all, by Government are no different than Islamic militants as they deny women access to abortion, birth control and any rights at all. Again, if you don't like abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE! Block entrances to clinics, kill doctors, bomb clinics? You are a terrorist. Abortion is Legal. Deal With It. Plus shouldn't these religious freaks be too busy to whine since they all have so many adopted children?

The Continuing tragedy of unsafe abortions

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 4:02 pm
by David813
skittles2004 wrote: you got a point there. (for once) :-6Ummmm, I can't help but feel a touch offended here!:yh_wait We all know someone named after a bag of candy is the smartest in the Garden.:yh_giggle