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Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:40 pm
by valerie
I have this nice little flat wicker tray I keep on the kitchen

counter in the summertime... put various little bits of fruits and

veggies on it. Herbs from the garden. Looks nice.

Yesterday I made myself a BLT for lunch, and after I sliced the

maters for it, I had 3 left on the tray. I thought I did, anyway...

Well last night husband gets home from work and wants maters

and there aren't any there. It was a real headscratcher, I

mentioned maybe Sierra ate them but husband said nah... there

wasn't ANY evidence of it anywhere, and we both figured there

would have been juice or seeds or something on the floor. So

I just sorta chalked it up to bad memory and didn't think any more

about it.

Cut to today, I go to the farmer's market this morning and get

nine medium sized beautiful red ripe "valley" tomatoes and place

them on the tray. Husband and I head out to do the weekly

grocery shopping, leaving Sierra home 'cause it's too warm to

take her.


TRACE!! Six bucks worth of beautiful tomatoes!! AAAACCCCKKKK!!

Called the vet, Sierra's probably going to have diarhhea like crazy.

Oh joy.


Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:52 pm
by Kathy Ellen
Oh Val,

That is the funniest story that I've heard in a long time.....brilliant..:-6

I just feel so sorry for Sierra tonight...hope she's not in too much pain.:-4

Everytime I eat tomatoes now I'll think of your poor baby:(

Funny that ......I'm making fried green tomatoes tonight....putting the recipe in the random thread....

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:55 pm
by spot
Husband might be playing a long practical joke, you know.

Maybe not, maybe it's Sierra in which case give Sierra a pat on the head for ingenuity. If your vet's right you'll know soon.

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:12 pm
by G-man
valerie;961432 wrote: I have this nice little flat wicker tray I keep on the kitchen

counter in the summertime... put various little bits of fruits and

veggies on it. Herbs from the garden. Looks nice.

Yesterday I made myself a BLT for lunch, and after I sliced the

maters for it, I had 3 left on the tray. I thought I did, anyway...

Well last night husband gets home from work and wants maters

and there aren't any there. It was a real headscratcher, I

mentioned maybe Sierra ate them but husband said nah... there

wasn't ANY evidence of it anywhere, and we both figured there

would have been juice or seeds or something on the floor. So

I just sorta chalked it up to bad memory and didn't think any more

about it.

Cut to today, I go to the farmer's market this morning and get

nine medium sized beautiful red ripe "valley" tomatoes and place

them on the tray. Husband and I head out to do the weekly

grocery shopping, leaving Sierra home 'cause it's too warm to

take her.


TRACE!! Six bucks worth of beautiful tomatoes!! AAAACCCCKKKK!!

Called the vet, Sierra's probably going to have diarhhea like crazy.

Oh joy.



spot;961441 wrote: Husband might be playing a long practical joke, you know.

Maybe not, maybe it's Sierra in which case give Sierra a pat on the head for ingenuity. If your vet's right you'll know soon.

I doubt it... I had a dog that LOVED tomatoes... I used to walk her around the property and through the vegetable garden and one day I noticed that she was sneakily eating only the red tomatoes right off the vine! I believe that this had been going on for quite some time, as there was a previous occasion when I was certain that there were tomatoes that needed picking, but when I went back out later they were gone and there was no sign of them. Who knew that dogs loved tomatoes? :wah:

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:14 pm
by chonsigirl
Oh, a sneaky little puppy. But you gotta love her! :-4

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:37 pm
by Odie
valerie;961432 wrote: I have this nice little flat wicker tray I keep on the kitchen

counter in the summertime... put various little bits of fruits and

veggies on it. Herbs from the garden. Looks nice.

Yesterday I made myself a BLT for lunch, and after I sliced the

maters for it, I had 3 left on the tray. I thought I did, anyway...

Well last night husband gets home from work and wants maters

and there aren't any there. It was a real headscratcher, I

mentioned maybe Sierra ate them but husband said nah... there

wasn't ANY evidence of it anywhere, and we both figured there

would have been juice or seeds or something on the floor. So

I just sorta chalked it up to bad memory and didn't think any more

about it.

Cut to today, I go to the farmer's market this morning and get

nine medium sized beautiful red ripe "valley" tomatoes and place

them on the tray. Husband and I head out to do the weekly

grocery shopping, leaving Sierra home 'cause it's too warm to

take her.


TRACE!! Six bucks worth of beautiful tomatoes!! AAAACCCCKKKK!!

Called the vet, Sierra's probably going to have diarhhea like crazy.

Oh joy.



That is to funny.................I have heard of dogs eating anything, but tomatos?

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:35 pm
by southern yankee
sounds like my Pippy. :wah: if it is not nailed down or up high. it is fair game, food,shoe laces. yum yum they are the best!! with other dog could make a snack and put on the coffee table. then do a few things then come back to it. not with Pippy!!:wah:

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:28 am
by Victoria
Mine love fruit they love blackberries and very carefully and skillfully pluck only the ripe ones.

I have to watch Remy in the park though there are a couple of houses who's gardens back onto the park and Remy sneaked off into one of them I looked through the fence and to my horror saw him polishing off the owners strawberries! Oops !

I now avoid that path or make sure I have him back on the lead before temptation strikes !

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:16 am
by Trunk Monkey
I had a greyhound once that loved to eat money. One time I cashed my pay check and had the cash with the deposit slip on my desk. The doorbell rang and when I came back to my office the money and deposit slip were no where to be found. He was laying in his bed with this guilty look and wouldn't get up. When I coaxed him with a cookie, the only thing left of my pay was a half of a $50 bill. It's funny now but it sure wasn't at the time.

Another time he took my hubby's wallet and didn't eat anything other than the paper money inside. This time is was over $150 in large and small bills. Funny thing is he never went for coins only the bills. :wah:

Got so bad we had to lock our wallets in a drawer and then we would forget where the heck we hid our wallets until the dog would start barking at the drawer :wah:

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:58 am
by southern yankee
Victoria;961752 wrote: Mine love fruit they love blackberries and very carefully and skillfully pluck only the ripe ones.

I have to watch Remy in the park though there are a couple of houses who's gardens back onto the park and Remy sneaked off into one of them I looked through the fence and to my horror saw him polishing off the owners strawberries! Oops !

I now avoid that path or make sure I have him back on the lead before temptation strikes ! apples,nuts, carrots, broccoli:D oh yes with ranch salad dressing:wah: weird dog. and ice cream!! she will lose her mind until she can get some:wah:

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:04 am
by Odie
so no point in buying dog foods:wah:

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:10 am
by southern yankee
i do buy dog food. when they get to spoiled. i cut off the goodies and they will both give in and eat it.:sneaky:

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:15 am
by Odie
southern yankee;962086 wrote: i do buy dog food. when they get to spoiled. i cut off the goodies and they will both give in and eat it.:sneaky:

I know, can't give dogs to many goodies, they will either throw it up or get fat:wah:

It boggles my mind just how much they can eat!

glad I don't have one.................wouldn't be able to say no to those eyes!

really fat fat dog would be here!

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:18 am
by Odie
this would be my poor dog!

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:21 am
by southern yankee
Odie;962093 wrote: this would be my poor dog!

OMG!!!! i better show PIPPY and Dudett this pic. so they can keep their figures:wah:

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:44 am
by Kathy Ellen
Odie;962093 wrote: this would be my poor dog!

OMG.....Odie, that has to be photoshoped...

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:05 am
by Odie
Kathy Ellen;962109 wrote: OMG.....Odie, that has to be photoshoped...

hope so, would hate to see any dog that fat, that's just cruel.

Bad, BAD dog!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:57 am
by southern yankee
Odie;962156 wrote: hope so, would hate to see any dog that fat, that's just cruel. on Animal planet they had a show on the fattest cat and dog. the cat weighed over 40lbs. poor thing could hardly move.:(