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Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:22 pm
by Accountable
This is a video of Shirley Sherrod. She got fired from her job with the Dept of Agriculture because of what she said to the NAACP. She's being accused of being racist based on the vid. Please watch it. It's about 2 1/2 minutes. Sorry for the sound, but they're all like that.

YouTube - NAACP Racism in their ranks - The racist Shirley Sherrod

Ms Sherrod is clearly being taken out of context. Listen carefully to what she says at about the 1:55 point. Her whole point of the story is that she recognized something within herself she didn't like ... and changed.

Robert Byrd was a very high ranking member of the KKK, yet libs praised him and acted as his apologists, whitewashing his past as if it were unimportant, then this lady gets thrown under the bus.

God I hate politics!

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:14 am
by Clodhopper
Certainly agree she says she WAS racist, but the video cuts off before I can really assess to what extent she says she changed. I'd need to see more of the context to have a clear opinion. Is it an example of politically motivated editing?

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:03 am
by ZAP
I've been watching this on NBC, CBS, FOX, etc. One of the clips I saw was Sherrod saying that she had an epiphany and realized that it wasn't about black vs white but rather about the poor vs the wealthier, the have-nots vs the haves.

'Racism' Video That Led To Firing USDA Official Shirley Sherrod Lacked Critical Context

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:34 am
I've always been told that black people can't be racist.

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:03 am
by flopstock
So the wife of this now 80 something year old farmer gets told by her son what is going on and interrupts an interview cnn is having with shirley to some to her defense.

This may just end up being the best thing for race relations to happen in america in years

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:18 am
by gmc
Sounds to me like she was being racist but realised it and decided it was wrong of her and got fired for being honest.

YZGI;1323114 wrote: I've always been told that black people can't be racist.

Try asking a black ghanian what they think of lighter skinned people from the coast, the shona what they think of the matabele, the masai what they think of the kikiyu, the tutsis think of the hutu, what all other africans think of nigerians, the chinese what they think of mongols, hindus what they think of untouchables. (when I was a manager in retail there was an issue between staff and supervisor I couldn't understand until it was pointed out hindi women objected to a muslim supervisor and refused to work for him - they just wouldn't come right out and say so. )

White people aren't more racist than everybody else we just invented cannon and machine guns before everybody else.

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:01 pm
by flopstock
The edited video was from 20 years ago? That make her enlightened way ahead of most of the rest of the world.

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:05 pm
by Accountable
YZGI;1323114 wrote: I've always been told that black people can't be racist.What a racist thing to say! ;)

flopstock;1323142 wrote: So the wife of this now 80 something year old farmer gets told by her son what is going on and interrupts an interview cnn is having with shirley to some to her defense.

This may just end up being the best thing for race relations to happen in america in yearsWe can only hope.

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:08 pm
Wouldn't that be great..

So the wife of this now 80 something year old farmer gets told by her son what is going on and interrupts an interview cnn is having with shirley to some to her defense.

This may just end up being the best thing for race relations to happen in america in years

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:33 pm
by Accountable
CNN is about to air the unedited video.

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:06 pm
by ZAP
I see they rehired her and apologized to her.

I guess they proposed rehiring to her. She hadn't accepted, last I heard.

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:06 am
by Oscar Namechange
Accountable;1323022 wrote: This is a video of Shirley Sherrod. She got fired from her job with the Dept of Agriculture because of what she said to the NAACP. She's being accused of being racist based on the vid. Please watch it. It's about 2 1/2 minutes. Sorry for the sound, but they're all like that.

YouTube - NAACP Racism in their ranks - The racist Shirley Sherrod

Ms Sherrod is clearly being taken out of context. Listen carefully to what she says at about the 1:55 point. Her whole point of the story is that she recognized something within herself she didn't like ... and changed.

Robert Byrd was a very high ranking member of the KKK, yet libs praised him and acted as his apologists, whitewashing his past as if it were unimportant, then this lady gets thrown under the bus.

God I hate politics!

No, I do not think she Is Racist. To be a true Racist you must hate. You must hate another human being solely for the colour of his skin, his religion or the country of his origin. There Is a world of difference between being racist and hating to being opposed to mass un-controlled Immigration that your Country can not financially sustain.

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:08 am
by Snowfire
oscar;1323295 wrote: No, I do not think she Is Racist. To be a true Racist you must hate. You must hate another human being solely for the colour of his skin, his religion or the country of his origin. There Is a world of difference between being racist and hating to being opposed to mass un-controlled Immigration that your Country can not financially sustain.

It isnt just a matter of hate. Simply defining people on levels of superiority is racist. I know plenty of racists who probably dont realise it but have simply grown up and lived through a generation, where seeing people of colour as different, was the norm

A member of my extended family has never been exposed to black people. She lives in a very middle class, almost exclusively white neighbourhood. Her sheltered, insular life has left her very isolated socially and therefore looks at anyone who isnt white, with the sort of suspician borne from reading the usual stereotypical, negative garbage you can find within the Mail or the Express. She doesnt hate. She's not capable of hating she is very gentle. She doesnt have a positive angle to view the situation because she is bombarded with the image that the back streets of London, for example, are full of black, crack dealing, mugging rapists who carry guns. An image that is perpetuated by the media, consiously or not. If it's not part of her world then she is likely to find the answers from elsewhere and often she will find the wrong ones

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:54 am
by Oscar Namechange
Snowfire;1323305 wrote: It isnt just a matter of hate. Simply defining people on levels of superiority is racist. I know plenty of racists who probably dont realise it but have simply grown up and lived through a generation, where seeing people of colour as different, was the norm

A member of my extended family has never been exposed to black people. She lives in a very middle class, almost exclusively white neighbourhood. Her sheltered, insular life has left her very isolated socially and therefore looks at anyone who isnt white, with the sort of suspician borne from reading the usual stereotypical, negative garbage you can find within the Mail or the Express. She doesnt hate. She's not capable of hating she is very gentle. She doesnt have a positive angle to view the situation because she is bombarded with the image that the back streets of London, for example, are full of black, crack dealing, mugging rapists who carry guns. An image that is perpetuated by the media, consiously or not. If it's not part of her world then she is likely to find the answers from elsewhere and often she will find the wrong ones
You make a very good point SF but the way I grew up was very similar to your relative. I grew up In the leafy suburbs of West Sussex and I can say that I don't think I saw a black person until my teens even In Brighton.

Are you saying that racism can be a mis-guided perception due to media persuasion and the media today Is responsible for Instilling a fear of ethnic minority members?

I would not agree with that considering that here Immigration only began In full around the end of the 60's putting the older electorate time to adjust to present day numbers.

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:03 am
by Snowfire
oscar;1323310 wrote:

Are you saying that racism can be a mis-guided perception due to media persuasion and the media today Is responsible for Instilling a fear of ethnic minority members?

I would not agree with that considering that here Immigration only began In full around the end of the 60's putting the older electorate time to adjust to present day numbers.

Certainly, racism is often a misguided perception. The older the generation, the more the probability of that being the case. My stepfather is a case in point. He's a decent, kind and generous hardworking man and much to my dismay he cannot drop the habit of using offensive, derogitory terms when refering to Asian or Black people. It makes me cringe but he shrugs his shoulders. As a 75 year old man, he doesnt see the wrong in using his ill considered words. He is very much a man of his times. He means no harm but will always continue to "call a spade a spade" despite the family's protestations. Is he racist ? Probably, in a misguided, generational sense but there is no hatred.

Immigration on a large scale didnt suddenly appear in the 60's. It always been with us and makes us what we are. I'm 54 years old and dont ever remember there not being a very large Asian( Indian/ Bangladeshi) community where my grandparents lived. There has never been a time in our history when Britain hasnt had some level of immigration. We've been invaded more times than the pitch at Millwall. We didnt always speak English. We have always evolved and we will continue to. No one knows for sure what a true Englishman is. You will get many soundbites as to what might be but the case ,and some may well have an element of truth about them but we are very much a mixed bag, a mongrol nation. If we all traced our lineage, very, very few of us would reach an Anglo Saxon conclusion (if a Germanic/Danish race was indeed was the aim. ) We would find our dna from the furthest corners of the globe and beyond and between.

There are elements of mass unchecked immigration that should be adressed but it shouldnt be a racial question but broken down and discussed on its individual merits

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:01 am
by Accountable
This is why I don't even like the term "racism." There's nothing wrong with identifying with your own culture. It's healthy. Bigotry is far less ambiguous a term. I also don't believe hate is a necessary ingredient. Many, many Americans feel sorry for non-whites because they're not white, and honestly believe they are incapable of succeeding in life without white benevolence. Makes me sick.

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:55 am
by flopstock
Accountable;1323386 wrote: This is why I don't even like the term "racism." There's nothing wrong with identifying with your own culture. It's healthy. Bigotry is far less ambiguous a term. I also don't believe hate is a necessary ingredient. Many, many Americans feel sorry for non-whites because they're not white, and honestly believe they are incapable of succeeding in life without white benevolence. Makes me sick. I agree and feel the same about sexism. No one should be getting anything but a level playing field, IMO.

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:58 am
flopstock;1323399 wrote: I agree and feel the same about sexism. No one should be getting anything but a level playing field, IMO.

I agree, if I get pulled over by a cop I should be able to show my boobs and get out of the ticket.:wah:

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:59 am
by chonsigirl

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:00 pm
by flopstock
YZGI;1323402 wrote: I agree, if I get pulled over by a cop I should be able to show my boobs and get out of the ticket.:wah:
Tried that recently and got told my shoe was untied....:thinking:

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:22 pm
by fuzzywuzzy
Hmmmmm racism and sexism?

Okay I have no want or need or attraction to Black or Asian men.

Does that make me racist or sexist?

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:41 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Snowfire;1323337 wrote:

There are elements of mass unchecked immigration that should be adressed but it shouldnt be a racial question but broken down and discussed on its individual merits
Good post but I think racism In general If we are refering to Black folk stems from the slave trade and the Civil Rights Movement In The Deep South. As you know, back then, Blacks were segregated from Whites and generally regarded as a lesser species. The violence against them was horrendous but I do believe that mind-set has been passed on through generation to Generation and In general, If you had a racist Grandparent, you very likely grew up to view any colour other than White as In some way less superior to us. It Is there-fore the Ignorance of our Fore-Fathers who have created this mind-set that we still see today.

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:03 pm
by Snowfire
fuzzywuzzy;1323413 wrote: Hmmmmm racism and sexism?

Okay I have no want or need or attraction to Black or Asian men.

Does that make me racist or sexist?

Not sure why it would be sexist. I just view black or asian women as just women. Of course, I notice that they are not white but other than that, it's never occured to me that it would be an issue at all. Culture, maybe but not colour

Quoted by Accountable

This is why I don't even like the term "racism." There's nothing wrong with identifying with your own culture. It's healthy. Bigotry is far less ambiguous a term. I also don't believe hate is a necessary ingredient. Many, many Americans feel sorry for non-whites because they're not white, and honestly believe they are incapable of succeeding in life without white benevolence. Makes me sick.

I have read your thoughts on this subject of race before. I understand and agree entirely. The problem is, its difficult to discuss the issue without using certain well worn words and phrases. Well it is with me.

There is a culture growing here in the UK and maybe in the US and Australia that highlights your very point about white benevolence, particularly toward the Muslim community. Its felt, normally amongst the middle class, left wing fringes, that Muslims are offended by everything non Muslim ie. Christmas, hot cross buns, flying the St George's flag. The list is endless. Muslims are hardly, if ever offended. It patronising and condescending and frankly ignorant

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:49 pm
by Accountable
I used to say "race" is an entirely arbitrary term, that it doesn't exist, but I've backed off of that a bit. It works as a euphemism for sub-species, which is a bit too blunt a term for just about everyone. :wah:

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:50 pm
by Accountable
fuzzywuzzy;1323413 wrote: Hmmmmm racism and sexism?

Okay I have no want or need or attraction to Black or Asian men.

Does that make me racist or sexist?
Nah, just not very adventurous. :D

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:11 pm
by Snowfire
Interestingly, I stumbled on this. Quite disturbing but I think it fits very well with the theme of the thread

He impersonated a human - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

the uncomfortable smell of racial purity, of "don't touch our daughters

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:54 am
by fuzzywuzzy
Snowfire;1323443 wrote: Interestingly, I stumbled on this. Quite disturbing but I think it fits very well with the theme of the thread

He impersonated a human - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

"It is incumbent on the court to protect the public interest from sophisticated, smooth, sweet-talking offenders who can mislead naive victims into paying an unbearable price: the sanctity of their bodies and souls."
Umm......................... if a man wasn't sweet talking and smooth .......why would you end up in bed with him?

I've had sisters marry into another culture, had nothing to do with black brown or white or Yellow, it's the culture , always ends badly if it ends. .......So yes, in some ways (not in this circumstance where someone is accused of rape) it is a viable complaint. Yes, don't touch our daughters indeed. :)

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:57 am
by fuzzywuzzy
Hmmm correct me if I am wrong here but two replies from men and I'm getting long as they have a vagina?

Watched a BBC show today . It was about why people are evil and alturistic, in darwinism theory. Quite frightening really, there's a mathmatical calculation for it.. It all comes down to "protecting our own DNA and sub-species", because we're all sub-species of one another.,,,,,,,,food for thought.

Would you call her Racist?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:46 am
by Snowfire
fuzzywuzzy;1323507 wrote: Umm......................... if a man wasn't sweet talking and smooth .......why would you end up in bed with him?

I've had sisters marry into another culture, had nothing to do with black brown or white or Yellow, it's the culture , always ends badly if it ends. .......So yes, in some ways (not in this circumstance where someone is accused of rape) it is a viable complaint. Yes, don't touch our daughters indeed. :)

I didnt see this as a case of sophisticated sweet talking a woman into bed, at all. After a consensual sexual relationship, the woman cried rape because she suddenly found that the man she shared a bed with was an Arab and not Jewish. She suddenly felt violated because this Palestininan didnt meet her "racial profile"

In tune with the public, Kashur's judges assumed, rightly, that the woman would not have gotten into bed with Dudu were it not for the identity he invented.

She would not have entered into a sexual relationship for no other reason than that he was Jewish.

My appologies Acc for sidelining your thread