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Doctorate Research Project about Loss Related Recurrent Thoughts

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:25 pm
by DoctorateResearchProject
Do you live in London?

Have you experienced the loss of a significant person by death more than 6 months ago?

Have you experienced repetitive and recurrent loss related thoughts?

If you have, I would like to invite you to take part in my doctorate research project.

My name is Agnieszka and I am a trainee counselling psychologist undertaking my Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology at City University. I am interested in how bereaved individuals experience loss related recurrent and repetitive thoughts. My project aims to complement an existing knowledge in this area, help professionals to better understand experiences of bereaved clients, so they could respond to their needs more effectively and support those who have been bereaved. This is why I need your help! I will be recruiting 14 participants and you can be one of them.

If you are interested in taking part in this study and contribute to these positive implications, here are some details. You will be asked to attend one to one interview, which will take about 90 minutes. It will take place in a private room at a public library in the area that is easily accessible for you in working hours. However, both place and time can be negotiated. During the interview you will be asked to answer questions about your experiences of loss and recurrent and repetitive thoughts after bereavement. Thus, questions may bring you closer to your feelings and you may experience discomfort. However, most of those who take part in bereavement research find this experience positive and helpful. May I also add at this point that there is no right or wrong answers to interview questions and I am purely interested in your thoughts, feelings and meaning you attach to these experiences.

All information will be treated with confidentiality and if my project is published anonymity will be ensured. You may withdraw from this study for any reason during the interview and up to 4 weeks afterwards. After my project is completed I will provide you debriefing about my findings.

If you are willing to take part in this research, please fill out the questionnaire that has been attached to this letter and send it back to me. My email address is:

Also if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you very much for your time and help!

Best wishes,




My relationship to the person that passed away:

Time since the death:

Contact telephone number/email address:

Availability for an interview:

Preferred location/area:

Please confirm by ticking boxes:

I have experienced the loss of a significant person more than 6 months ago:

I have experienced loss related recurrent and repetitive thoughts:

My email address:

My research supervisor details: Professor Carla Willig, email:

Doctorate Research Project about Loss Related Recurrent Thoughts

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 3:02 pm
by spot
Thank you Agnieszka, I can see circumstances where that might be useful to those who join this site specifically to post in this area.

If it's a time-limited research project, might I suggest you indicate a date after which you'll no longer be monitoring that for responses?


Doctorate Research Project about Loss Related Recurrent Thoughts

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 3:33 am
by DoctorateResearchProject
As John rightly suggested, I will be monitoring responses until the end of September 2011. Thank you for your warm words. I believe that this research is very important and will have significant positive implications both for those that have been bereaved and professionals offering psychological therapy.

Doctorate Research Project about Loss Related Recurrent Thoughts

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:14 am
by spot
On a minor aside, other things than bereavement can trigger repetitive involuntary flashbacks of the sort you're describing. The common factor distinguishing it from mere recollection is, I think, the sudden emergence of the feel and smell and taste of a flash from the past along with the accompanying repeated shock from the moment which is replayed. While it may be a moment focused on loss it could equally relate to a loss narrowly avoided, or even an event which was a threat to nobody at all.