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Baby has Type 1 Diabetes

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 11:28 am
by robinseggs
Hi, I just wanted to share what happened to my baby girl in March/03. Did you know that there is a huge difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes and that the two diseases should have 2 different names?!

That year, my (now 2 yr old) caught the flu that was going around. I gave her lots of fluids, tylenol and tried to keep her comfortable but she threw everything up for 3 days and started looking pale and out of breath. On the 3rd day I took her to the doc who said she had type 1 diabetes! Even though we were only 15 min. drive from the Children's Hospital, she was rushed by helicopter because she was slipping into a diabetic coma. They flew it in 5 min! She was in the ICU for a wk and then regular room a couple of days before going home.

Since that day she has taken 2-3 shots a day EVERYDAY and has had to check her blood sugar 4-6 times a day and even through the night. There is no such thing as a meter that DOESN'T draw blood. My husband and I sleep in 4 hr increments for fear of a low blood sugar which she could die from.

Type 1 diabetes is an auto-immune disorder--NOT the result of eating bad things, an inactive lifestyle or even little girl's immune system got confused when fighting the flu and accidently killed off her pancreas function!

This sucks and I feel so bad for her. Do any of you have a diabetic child?

Baby has Type 1 Diabetes

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 1:54 pm
by john8pies
No, but at least one of my relations has actually died from diabetes. I wish you and your daughter all the very best; what a worry for you and husband; I really hope things go well for you all.

Baby has Type 1 Diabetes

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 3:28 pm
by robinseggs
Thanks so much for your kindness....and I am sorry to hear you had a relative die from diabetes. Both types (1 & 2) are nasty diseases with dreadful outcomes due to the high blood sugars endured over time. Because type 1 sufferers like my daughter (and usually children), take insulin, they also run the risk of low blood sugars which are extremely dangerous and deplete oxygen to the brain...causing long term damage over time... Almost every bodily function/organ is affected in some way. Research suggests that they are closer to a cure than ever before....but I can't help but wonder if it will be soon enough for my daughter.

Baby has Type 1 Diabetes

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:04 pm
by Debsbabe
hi there

one of my oldest friends has had diabetes since she was a baby she is now 32 and is having a few problems with her eyes and circulation but in general is doing ok. her sister who also has diabetes from birth is now 34 and she hasn't had any major problems at all!

I think it depends a lot on lots of factors both my friend and her sister are on insulin injections since birth. Also my ex boyufriend had diabetes and he just had a few problems with his eyes.

dont know if i was any help at all. but good luck with your darling daughter.

Do you have a website for your little one? would love to see some photo's.

Love Debbie and Cameron xxx

Baby has Type 1 Diabetes

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:00 pm
by valerie
Debsbabe, that is one CUTE punkin' ya got yourself there!!


Baby has Type 1 Diabetes

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 9:02 pm
by robinseggs
Yes, Cameron is an adorable little guy!! I have a link here to a pic of Mandy Mae....hope it works..... ... _0_ALB.jpg

Baby has Type 1 Diabetes

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 9:07 pm
by robinseggs

Baby has Type 1 Diabetes

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:19 am
by actionfigurestepho
Most of my family members have type I diabetes, so I know how hard it can be! If you're worried about the blood drawing and the testing, they do have an arm allows you to draw blood from the arm and it's pain-free. I didn't even FEEL it when I used it. It might make your baby more comfortable!

Baby has Type 1 Diabetes

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:16 pm
by robinseggs
Thanks! I think you are referring to the Freestyle brand? We tried that arm lancing device but the lancet was way bigger than the tiny fine ones we use for fingers. (The finest ones don't work w/ the arm device)....For her it was painful, or at least in her little toddler mind the ordeal was too traumatic!!! She thrashed around crying and fearful, so the fingers started looking easier by the minute! Ugh!!! But that is the challenge of having a baby with this. Everything is made and tested for adults.

Baby has Type 1 Diabetes

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:58 pm
by actionfigurestepho
Actually this is a little adapter you screw onto the end of a regular finger tip prick lancelet so the needle is just as fine. I'll try to find out what brand The Boyfriend uses...the needle is actually pretty tiny.

Baby has Type 1 Diabetes

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 9:16 pm
by robinseggs
Thanks! We are actually thinking of putting her on an insulin pump....not a cure by any means. We would have to check her blood sugar more often, (probably 6-8 times a day minimum) but she would have a slow continuous drip of insulin day and night and no more 2-3 shots a day!!

Baby has Type 1 Diabetes

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:01 pm
by Debsbabe
I just have to say what a beautiful tiny little girl you have! a little dot! Her smile is heart warming. I just want to squeeze her!!!!

Love Debbie and Cameron.


Baby has Type 1 Diabetes

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:56 am
by robinseggs
Very kind of you! I think Cameron is equally as handsome! Such a little man. You must take very good care of him as he looks so healthy and full of life!!