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Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:21 am
by FourPart
I've just completed my Mock Exam in Sage Accounts, and didn't do as well as I'd hoped. I accidentally posted a couple of invoices twice & didn't have time to go & correct them, which meant that if it were the real exam I would probably have failed, but at least I know what I did wrong. Mind you, if I hadn't made such a silly mistake, though, I might even have got a Distinction, as everything else was in order. Although I did manage to make one correction (out of 4 entries), which at least demonstrated that I knew what the problem was & how to fix it.

However, now comes the real thing, which I booked in for Saturday Morning, as I don't know if I'm going to be working next week or not.

Of course, now that I've got a job, the certification isn't strictly necessary, but having completed all that hard work studying for it, I reckon I might as well see it through to the end & go for it.


Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:38 am
by High Threshold
FourPart;1464946 wrote: I've just completed my Mock Exam in Sage Accounts, ..... Of course, now that I've got a job, the certification isn't strictly necessary, but having completed all that hard work studying for it, I reckon I might as well see it through to the end & go for it.

It won't do you any harm for certain. And when they're all sitting round the table reminiscing about the good old days of reading for exams, you won't suddenly need to pretend to have a pressing engagement elsewhere or claim, “Oj, those days are now a blur in my memory!”


Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:11 pm
by Chloe_88
I hope your exam went well!

Good on you for getting that job! well done and congrats! :-6


Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:56 pm
by AnneBoleyn
Chloe! Always feel good when you are around!


Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:27 pm
by FourPart
Hi Chloe. Thanks.

I won't know how it went for a while yet, but I'm not feeling too confident. As the final minutes were ticking away I started to panic & my mind kept going blank on obvious things. I made the same stupid mistake by posting multiple invoices - although I 'think' I managed to correct that.

The problem is with this sort of exam is that it's not like a standard written test where you can skip something you're not sure of & then come back to it later. With this one everything is a consequence of what went before it. For instance, the very first task was to set up a new (fictional) business, along with nominal codes, new ledgers, stock, capital, customers, suppliers, purchase & selling prices, VAT codes, etc. Then each subsequent task involved using & amending these entries, so if, for instance, I had got stuck on the very first task, that would have been it.

One thing in my favour, though (I think) was that I managed to print the final Audit Trail spot on the moment that my time was up - although, on hte down side, that didn't allow me any time to go back & double check my figures - and I'm pretty sure I forgot to enter a few Nominal Codes somewhere along the line, which would mean that some things got posted to the wrong ledgers.

Still, even if (when) I fail, I can always do a resit & if I fail that, at least I'll get a certificate to confirm I successfully completed the course.