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the paedophile hunter channel 4 the AA grumpy column

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 3:10 pm
by AA grumpy
hello its only your silly old sausage the grumps back and posting

i,ve got a bit of time on my hands as lady grumpys got to have a hip operation so i thought after giving the column a bit of a rest i,d start on the column again did you miss me??

anyway did anyone catch the paedophile hunter on channel 4 last night

i think it was one of the most shocking documenteries i,ve seen on tv lately

where stimson hunter lured paedophiles to his house under false pretences

and interviewed them regarding their motives i was horrified and disgusted at the images they sent and especially the one expecting to meet an 11 year old autistic girl for sex and had brought wine and fags with him.

what i couldnt believe is the letter hunter got from warwickshire police telling him how they dont condone his actions and doesnt have the requisit training and parameters nor should he be putting them on facebook

because it ruins their reputation and they may be married and all that tosh

and everyone will see them for what they are and could cause evidence gained to be inadmissable what further evidence do you need where a 40 something man is sending pictures of his bits to what he thinks is a child

and arranging to meet that child which is classed as grooming

it smacks of the police sidestepping the issue as they dont like the idea of vigilanties doing their job because it makes the police look incompetent

but the law seems to be as bent as a nine bob note anyway as the law states a paedophile can move on to your street but the law is not allowed to inform you of the fact that you have a pervert living next door to you

although they must stay away from schools..parks and playgrounds etc

your child could still be at risk.

but without defending the paedophiles actions at what point does vigilantism become extreme as the home of the pervert could become a target for such as fire bombing and innocent people could be killed or maimed one pervert even committed suicide by putting a rope around this neck and crashing his car does that make stimson hunter an accessory to suicide or even murder or could it even be entrapment and should he wait for a conviction before posting the perverts picture on facebook or twitter.

the final word... what shocked me the most was they sentences the courts handed down mostly suspended sentences only 1 out of the 10 was jailed for a mere 3 years although one of them paid the ultimate price the others will have to live with the shame of being exposed as paedophiles

and one of them completely escaped prosecution after greater manchester police and the CPS had a cosy chat and decided not to prosecute at all

are there secret P.I.E supporters in the GMP and CPS ?

although he has been exposed so justice will find him eventually although we possibly wont get to hear of it as there will be a media blackout on the story as we cant have the vigilanties doing the police,s job can we ?


the paedophile hunter channel 4 the AA grumpy column

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 3:42 pm
by Oscar Namechange
No I didn't see It.

Up until 6 years ago, I was never even aware of a certain policy for want of a better word, In the police... It was explained to me by my defence lawyer who was In fact, the chief police prosecuter for Greater Manchester Police for nearly 20 years before he changed sides.

It was all to do with police In my arrest breaching Sub Judice law to go to the media and tell them that the youth vandalising my war memorial was In fact, a victim of ' mistaken Identity'. During my arrest and Initial Interview under caution, the arresting officer kept Insisting I had a case of mistaken Identity. I Implied she was talking out of her arsse. So, the other officer with her said " OK describe K*** and describe J*****. When I had finished, his exact words to me were " Fair enough, you have correctly distinguished between the two ".... Yet, only hours later, they spoke to media waiting outside the court and gave a statement of ' Mistaken Identity... one of the reasons we went to a full trial.

During my trial, a year later, 4 of the yobs mates and chief witness's admitted under oath and cross examination that he was In deed vandalising the war memorial when I caught them red handed. The judge In his full summing up stated ' From everything I have seen and heard In the past four days, I am In no doubt that the youth you accused was vandalising the war memorial'.

Following the verdict, a police officer was heard to say ' well what do you know, they did It after all'

Yet that night, a senior police officer went on ITV West and stated following my trial, It was a case of mistaken Identity.

The following day, the Bristol Evening Post printed the same following reports from the police.

I threatened to sue and they offered me a settlement out of court and printed a retraction stating I was not convicted of Mistaken Identity..

My Lawyer reliably Informed me this Is what the Police do all the time even when they know damn well the vigilante has got the right person... to stop people taking the law Into their own hands.

the paedophile hunter channel 4 the AA grumpy column

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 9:27 pm
by Lady J
Hi AA Grump!

I am very busy with fund-raising and now Barkoween Costume Contest for my dog park. I do peek in from time to time...and saw you posted.

didn't even read your post...but I have been wondering where you have been!

I will be back after I am done with all my extra curriculum activities. I just finished a huge fund-raising event....but just wanted to say it is good to see you. :)

Lady J

the paedophile hunter channel 4 the AA grumpy column

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 11:51 pm
by FourPart
Lady J;1465534 wrote: Hi AA Grump!

I am very busy with fund-raising and now Barkoween Costume Contest for my dog park. I do peek in from time to time...and saw you posted.

didn't even read your post...but I have been wondering where you have been!

I will be back after I am done with all my extra curriculum activities. I just finished a huge fund-raising event....but just wanted to say it is good to see you. :)

Lady J
You might be interested in this one for Fund Raising:

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If you don't want to set up an account for your own cause, it would be nice if you could register our choir's account, so that we get the benefit:

New Music Makers

the paedophile hunter channel 4 the AA grumpy column

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:40 am
by Oscar Namechange
Fourpart... I'm not being funny, but Andy Is a valued member and he doesn't get to post much.

When he does... please respect the topic.

the paedophile hunter channel 4 the AA grumpy column

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:01 am
by Bruv
Oscar Namechange;1465552 wrote: Fourpart... I'm not being funny, but Andy Is a valued member and he doesn't get to post much.

When he does... please respect the topic.

Strange ?

What about the post he is responding to ?

the paedophile hunter channel 4 the AA grumpy column

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:16 am
by Oscar Namechange
Bruv;1465554 wrote: Strange ?

What about the post he is responding to ? And In comes Bruv taking It further off topic.

the paedophile hunter channel 4 the AA grumpy column

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:44 am
by AA grumpy
hey no probs its nice to be back i missed you all too

thanks osc old bean but im not too worried about comments

after all i,ve ruffled a few feathers on here in my time and had a few infractions for naughtyness..p.s

good luck lady j

love from the grumps lady grumpy and the editor who,s passed out on the sofa with my best scotch again

AAG xxx

the paedophile hunter channel 4 the AA grumpy column

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:21 pm
by Bruv
Oscar Namechange;1465556 wrote: And In comes Bruv taking It further off topic.

Out of 8 posts mine is no further Off topic than 7 of the others.........9 now.

the paedophile hunter channel 4 the AA grumpy column

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:07 pm
by FourPart
Sorry if I offended anyone. Nothing personal was intended anywhere.

the paedophile hunter channel 4 the AA grumpy column

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:19 pm
by theia
FourPart;1465591 wrote: Sorry if I offended anyone. Nothing personal was intended anywhere.

I truly cannot see where you offended anyone in this thread :confused:

the paedophile hunter channel 4 the AA grumpy column

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 4:17 pm
by Oscar Namechange
You haven't offended me or anyone. It's just that Andy doesn't get to post much and I hoped we could stick to the topic. I've seen his threads trashed before. I was just thinking of him.