Da Beasty

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Da Beasty

Post by FourPart »

I've just been to pick Da Beasty up after having an Electrics Overhaul.

A few weeks ago it sailed through it's M.o.T., with a couple of advisory notes (the rear tyre showing very minor signs of perishing & the full beam dashboard indicator display not working). However, although it may have been up to Government standards it wasn't up to MY standards. There's been problems with the indicators for quite a while, plus problems with the headlights - mainly down to dodgy contacts.

I've been able to keep it patched myself by scratching as much rust off the contacts as possible & spraying them with contact cleaner, but I'm no mechanic, and patching is all it ever was. It didn't help matters that the other day I found the poor thing on its side, having been blown over by the strong winds we get here, with a totally flat battery (batteries don't like being on their sides), so it was just as well it had already been booked in for a general service.

In the main, it's all fixed now, apart from the Full Beam Dashboard Indicator (the little blue light) still not working, which apparently is something to do with printed circuit board in the dashboard itself which, to replace it would put it beyond economical repair. After all, a Doggy Year is about 7 Human Years. A Beasty year is about 10 Human Years, making Da Beasty an old gent of about 110.

All in all, it was a bit more than I had been expecting, at £57.60, but well within acceptable budget, as I had planned for a range of £40 - £80. A big chunk out of the pocket, but an essential one.

Much as I regret to say it, though, I think Da Beasty is approaching its day & is probably time I started looking for a new one.
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