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Indiana's SB-101 - Religious Freedom Bill

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:58 pm
by Ahso!
Indiana House OKs controversial religious freedom bill

What do you think of this bill? It's now passed the state legislature and the governor says he plans on signing it. The motivation for this bill was due to the recent controversies regarding providing service and goods to gay couples. What is says as I understand it is that individuals and businesses may deny goods and services to anyone based on religious objections.

Senate Bill 101 would prevent state and local governments from "substantially burdening" a person's exercise of religion unless the government can prove it has a compelling interest and is doing so in the least restrictive means.

Supporters say the measure would protect people and business owners with strong religious beliefs from government intrusion.

"It's important that we allow our citizens to hold religious beliefs, maybe even those we might be appalled by, and to be able to express those," said Rep. Tom Washburne, R-Inglefield.

Indiana's SB-101 - Religious Freedom Bill

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:55 pm
by LarsMac
I believe that I will have to re-plan my route from Colorado to New England so as not to have to stop in Indiana. I have been stopping for the night in Terre Haute, and gassing up there.

May have to stop in Dayton, of Effingham.

Bummer. That could affect the whole trip schedule.

Indiana's SB-101 - Religious Freedom Bill

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:27 pm
by FourPart
I find the whole idea disgraceful & a step back into the Middle Ages. Furthermore, this looks like an extremely prejudicial law biased in favour of Christianity & thus nothing to do with freedom at all. If it were to cover all faiths it would give all Religions Carte Blanche to discriminate against the others "On Religious Grounds", as it states that an anaesthetist (or anaesthesiologist, to use the American word) didn't want to anaesthetise a patient for an abortion. This much is just to do with different denominations within the SAME religion, and with the U.S. being a country where anyone can become a licenced minister of a Church simply by registering their own Religion, it is paving the way for disaster. All anyone would nee to do to usurp the law is to law down their own rules & include them in the tenet of their Religion & there you have. Exemption from the law "On Religious Grounds". And this is just the denominational side of Christianity. What about once it gets extended to the more radical factions of Islam or Judaism (for true equality must be observed). Each one of them sees the other as being sinful & heretically blasphemous.

It's just a wedge in the door. Something that will lead to additional decisions to take it 'that little bit further' based on individual cases, and thus setting precedents for more & more loopholes.

How much further does it have to go before America starts invading other countries rather than just for their oil (oops, I mean 'Dictatorship Terrorist Policies', of course), and simply putting it down to a Holy Crusade againt the infidels?

And then there is the Ku Klux Klan, who have their very well known discriminatory rules "On Religious Grounds".

It's the start of a slippery slope.

Indiana's SB-101 - Religious Freedom Bill

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:22 am
by flopstock
It's not the start of a slippery slope, IMO.

If corporations can do it, why can't state government? ... .html?_r=0

Indiana's SB-101 - Religious Freedom Bill

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:48 am
by Bruv
LarsMac;1476692 wrote: I believe that I will have to re-plan my route from Colorado to New England so as not to have to stop in Indiana. I have been stopping for the night in Terre Haute, and gassing up there.

May have to stop in Dayton, of Effingham.

Bummer. That could affect the whole trip schedule.

What ? a protest or because your 'wife' is of the same gender ?

Indiana's SB-101 - Religious Freedom Bill

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:44 pm
by LarsMac
Bruv;1476734 wrote: What ? a protest or because your 'wife' is of the same gender ?

My first reaction to that was, "Same gender as what?"

But mostly out of protest. I think that this kind of mindset is disturbed. I will feel that I am supporting this madness if spend money in the state and have to pay the sales taxes on that money.

I do have some confidence that such a law will be shot down by the US court system, at some point, but I could be wrong.

Indiana's SB-101 - Religious Freedom Bill

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:06 am
by flopstock
Hopefully all these businesses will move to Illinois. More likely, if business withholds campaign contributions from these politicians we may quickly see a 'coming to jesus' moment in

Businesses: Indiana's gay discrimination is bad for all of us - Mar. 27, 2015

Indiana's SB-101 - Religious Freedom Bill

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:29 am
by FourPart
It looks like the start of Sharia Law in USA. Banning Gays.

Indiana's SB-101 - Religious Freedom Bill

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:27 am
by flopstock
FourPart;1476791 wrote: It looks like the start of Sharia Law in USA. Banning Gays.

I think perhaps it will end up being Indiana that is banned.