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Game of Thrones

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 5:53 pm
by Ahso!
I never bothered to watch this until this year, so I more or less binge-watched. I found the show to be quite entertaining and fun. There's lots of symbolism in this show and that sort of thing always intrigues me. 'Oh, but you're a literalist', you say? Not quite! Only in word meaning, which I think is the best way to interpret most dialogue.

Symbolism serves a dual purpose, that being: 1)what the storytellers intend and 2)how the audience applies their own interpretation of it, and whether or not the two jive. The last part isn't really all that important. How the audience applies their interpretation, as unconscious as it may be, is paramount and what peaks interest by it.

There's no question in my mind that this show is centered around a mythical story highlighting female strength and courage and wisdom and mysticism. Many shows today are. I am the father of four females and so this interests me. My daughters are about as smart and wise as anyone I've ever known. I'd have no problem at all leaving my fate in their hands.

There are many easily decipherable symbols in GoT such as Dragons, which symbolize great power and strength. These are ancient or historical cultural symbols that have acknowledged universal meaning. However, there are lots of other symbols and representations of contemporary significance there.

Does anyone care to share what they see in GoT?

I see, for example, that The Army of the Dead represents religion and Christianity in particular. Agree or disagree?

Game of Thrones

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 6:20 pm
by LarsMac
Ahso!;1513795 wrote: I never bothered to watch this until this year, so I more or less binge-watched. I found the show to be quite entertaining and fun. There's lots of symbolism in this show and that sort of thing always intrigues me. 'Oh, but you're a literalist', you say? Not quite! Only in word meaning, which I think is the best way to interpret most dialogue.

Symbolism serves a dual purpose, that being: 1)what the storytellers intend and 2)how the audience applies their own interpretation of it, and whether or not the two jive. The last part isn't really all that important. How the audience applies their interpretation, as unconscious as it may be, is paramount and what peaks interest by it.

There's no question in my mind that this show is centered around a mythical story highlighting female strength and courage and wisdom and mysticism. Many shows today are. I am the father of four females and so this interests me. My daughters are about as smart and wise as anyone I've ever known. I'd have no problem at all leaving my fate in their hands.

There are many easily decipherable symbols in GoT such as Dragons, which symbolize great power and strength. These are ancient or historical cultural symbols that have acknowledged universal meaning. However, there are lots of other symbols and representations of contemporary significance there.

Does anyone care to share what they see in GoT?

I see, for example, that The Army of the Dead represents religion and Christianity in particular. Agree or disagree?

I just thought that they were Republicans.

Though, being revived to mindlessly follow the supreme leader while you whole being slowly falls apart? Well you may have something there.

I read the book, and it was a good fun read. I had actually expected GRRM to finish the books, so I didn't watch the series for a couple of years, wanting to see how the books turned out.

After I realized what he had done, I gave in and started watching the series.

Some really bizarre plot twists, and some great acting kept me watching. Good escapists stuff.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 6:32 pm
by Ahso!
Don't forget the dying an then becoming born-again with an empty shell aspect of it.

All battles, of course, are representative of inner struggles concerning ethics and morality that go along with the hero's journey. which all the main characters are on.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:56 pm
by FourPart
I've never watched it, nor do I have any inclination to do so. I don't even know what it's supposed to be about. The only TV programmes I watch are those, usually on iPlayer, such as PMQs (always good for a laugh), Question Time, Have I Got News For You & occasionally Mock The Week. I used to like QI, but much as I like Sandy Tocsvig, it's not the same with her presenting it. The show was always Stephen Fry's. The only use I have for my TV is as a Computer Monitor, connected to my PC via HDMI.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 8:16 am
by gmc
Watched the first series because it was on sky one I refuse to subscribe to sky atlantic so haven't seen any more. I've always thought real history was more unbelieveable than anything made up and fantasy has never appealed to me although david gemmell was a better proponent of that mix of real history combined with fantastical elements.

Someone gave me a box set of the first six series so I might indulge in a binge watch I suspect Imight be missng something.

George nmartin is one od tose wroters whose style I can't take to- read one of the first books and also one of his detective novels but I just don;tm like his writing style, couldn't explain why just can't thole it.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 2:48 pm
by minks
I have watched it all and loved it.

I don't often take much away from programs, just watch for the escape.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:24 pm
by Ahso!
These are stories that are reflective of our culture and attitudes (and technology). That's what makes them interesting for me.

Any guesses who ultimately ends up sitting on the Throne? I know who I think it should be.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 6:32 pm
by LarsMac
Ahso!;1513970 wrote: These are stories that are reflective of our culture and attitudes (and technology). That's what makes them interesting for me.

Any guesses who ultimately ends up sitting on the Throne? I know who I think it should be.

It will be interesting to find out.

I think Sansa will be the one to take out Cersei and end up with the throne.

Littlefinger knew her potential, but underestimated her. More people will make that mistake.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 2:43 pm
by minks
Good points Lars.

Would be sweet to see anyone take out that B Cersei. Even her dwarf brother lol.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 2:48 am
by ray529
I love the show, and although I've never liked any fantasy movie/tv show, GoT devoured me completely. There is nothing worse than having to wait for another year for another dose to satisfy your addiction...

Game of Thrones

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:30 am
by Baylee

it's really strange, I'm a huge fantasy and sci fi fan but I actually never watched got. can I still get on or is it already way too much to catch up. I have to feeling I would have to watch for years! :D

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 1:56 pm
by G#Gill
I never watched this show. Maybe if it comes round again, I might.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:57 pm
by tabby
I loved this program and I'm sorry it ended even though I know it had to end sometime. We didn't begin watching it until about 2 years ago when I finally decided to give it a go and purchased Season 1 on DVD. We were hooked! That purchase was rapidly followed by all remaining seasons which at the time only went up to Season 7. After finishing all seven seasons, we started watching it again in phases and I think I'm enjoying it even more the second time around.

I haven't seen Season 8 although I know how it ends but I'm saving the actual viewing until we finish the previous seasons again.

Many of the characters sought redemption in one way or another. It was a good ending for some. Others not so much.

My favorite characters were Jorah Mormont, The Hound & Bronn. All for different reasons.

Ramsey Bolton actually made me lose sleep.

The show is one of the finest productions I've ever seen on television and the casting was perfect. Great acting on all parts!

Game of Thrones

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 5:21 pm
by Bryn Mawr
tabby;1528922 wrote: I loved this program and I'm sorry it ended even though I know it had to end sometime. We didn't begin watching it until about 2 years ago when I finally decided to give it a go and purchased Season 1 on DVD. We were hooked! That purchase was rapidly followed by all remaining seasons which at the time only went up to Season 7. After finishing all seven seasons, we started watching it again in phases and I think I'm enjoying it even more the second time around.

I haven't seen Season 8 although I know how it ends but I'm saving the actual viewing until we finish the previous seasons again.

Many of the characters sought redemption in one way or another. It was a good ending for some. Others not so much.

My favorite characters were Jorah Mormont, The Hound & Bronn. All for different reasons.

Ramsey Bolton actually made me lose sleep.

The show is one of the finest productions I've ever seen on television and the casting was perfect. Great acting on all parts!

I haven’t watched the programs but I have read all of the books through to season seven.

I understand that the book and the programs diverge but will rejoin in series eight.

Excellent, when I’ve read the last book I’ll watch the dvds, I can’t wait :-)

Game of Thrones

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 10:28 pm
by Ahso!
I rarely watch anything a second time, but GoT will undoubtedly be one of the exceptions. I'm just not sure when.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 10:45 pm
by LarsMac
I read the books, and then held off on watching the series, waiting for Mr Martin to finish the books.

When it became clear that he was not going to finish, at least in my lifetime, I gave in and started watching the series. It had its moments.

Though, the final season, it seemed that the production started getting sloppy, as they were just trying to wrap it up before all the actors aged out.

All in all, it was a good entertainment piece. I think that I want to watch it again, or maybe just a few episodes that I missed along the way.

I still say that Little Finger got off too easy. Maybe the same with Cersei.

I must have missed something with the Ice King fellow. I never really got the point of him and his cronies.

And Cersei must have figured out right off the bat that those critters would never make it down to King's Landing. Winter never seemed to go that far south.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 10:31 am
by tabby
I have a friend who tried reading the first book of the series several years ago and she said she had a hard time keeping all of the myriad of character names straight. Eventually she gave up and didn't finish it. I don't know if that is a typical response or not but I decided about a year ago to purchase the first book but I just haven't gotten around to it yet!

I agree about Little Finger but I hated to see him die because he was such a great villain in a cold, calculating and clever way. Ethics was definitely not his middle name! I felt the same way about Tywin Lannister.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 11:23 am
by tabby
Here's a funny Youtube clip with the beautiful Carice Van Houton as Melisandre:

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 11:26 am
by LarsMac
Oh. yes. the first book was quite the chore. Trying to keep up with the growing list of characters, and who was doing what, and to whom it was being done. Argh!

I would still love to see George actually complete the book series, though, as I dearly love books for telling a good story.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2019 12:31 pm
by Ahso!
I started watching this again. I guess I'd forgotten how much nudity and sex is depicted. Geeze! That dude King Joffrey is a real ass.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 4:06 pm
by tabby
Tonight's viewing pleasure is The Battle of the Bastards. Very satisfying towards the end!

Game of Thrones

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:20 am
by Ahso!
What message or theme do you take away from GoT? To me, it's all about self-interest.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 10:23 am
by LarsMac
The thing that fascinated me is How society could all but stagnate for so long These people had some pretty interesting technology, and yet, they never advanced from the same technological or philosophical level for several thousand years. How is that even possible?

I also spent a bit of time pondering what kind of planetary configuration could cause such erratic seasonal variations as described.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 10:47 am
by Ahso!
The show is fantasy, isn't it?

Game of Thrones

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 11:03 am
by LarsMac
Ahso!;1529264 wrote: The show is fantasy, isn't it?

Well, sure.

Still the science nerd in me is intrigued.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 4:41 pm
by tabby
Ahso!;1529258 wrote: What message or theme do you take away from GoT? To me, it's all about self-interest.

Hmmmm ... well, I found a consistent theme of redemption among many of the major and minor characters. That's what stands out to me the most. Also a theme of loyalty. Or non-loyalty as was the case sometimes.

Self interest is there, yes but in all fairness everyone in life has to look out for themselves. Unbridled ambition certainly was present though.

Don't be complacent.

Expect the unexpected.

Never socialize with anyone who has a flayed man as their family sigil.

Chills, thrills, clever dialog, and a marvelous cast!

Game of Thrones

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 8:13 pm
by Ahso!
What do you make of Tyrion's plea to Jon Snow in season 8 while in prison? Is it a genuine concern for people and their future or is it to save himself from execution?

Game of Thrones

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 8:48 pm
by LarsMac
You're both right, you know.

Self interest, like Littlefinger, and Cersei.

Loyalty and redemption.

Rob stark learned the hard way about loyalty.

Bron was loyal to a fault, to Tyrion, and probably not just for the gold.

And look at Lord Mormont for the ultimate example of sheer loyalty and redemption.

Or Theron Greyjoy. Self interest, then loyalty, and finally, redemption.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:50 pm
by Ahso!
I don't disagree with anything either of you posted. My perspective is that the values listed are all driven by self-interest or self-preservation. I think self-interest is the first default concern of any member of any species save that of a responsible mature parent for their young. A value Cersei craves but can't seem to fully grasp. And one that Tyrion exploits and appeals to numerous times throughout. Cercie's reactions to him are not out of a mother's love as much as they are out of her sadness for her inability to be genuine about motherhood. That's my take anyway.

For me, the most revealing scenes are when Arya walks through the city bleeding after being stabbed and no one cares to the point of not even noticing. Everyone is completely focused and involved in whatever comforts their lifestyle affords them. Yet, when Cersei does her repentance walk, everyone in the city cares. Two different cities, I know. The first looks to be a busy marketplace where respectable-looking people appear to be lost in consumerism and the second are less fortunate people seeking recognition or value, angry at someone who's achieved it.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 10:49 pm
by LarsMac
Ahso!;1529288 wrote: I don't disagree with anything either of you posted. My perspective is that the values listed are all driven by self-interest or self-preservation. I think self-interest is the first default concern of any member of any species save that of a responsible mature parent for their young. A value Cersei craves but can't seem to fully grasp. And one that Tyrion exploits and appeals to numerous times throughout. Cercie's reactions to him are not out of a mother's love as much as they are out of her sadness for her inability to be genuine about motherhood. That's my take anyway.

For me, the most revealing scenes are when Arya walks through the city bleeding after being stabbed and no one cares to the point of not even noticing. Everyone is completely focused and involved in whatever comforts their lifestyle affords them. Yet, when Cersei does her repentance walk, everyone in the city cares. Two different cities, I know. The first looks to be a busy marketplace where respectable-looking people appear to be lost in consumerism and the second are less fortunate people seeking recognition or value, angry at someone who's achieved it.

That's some interesting points

You know the Cersei is Tyrion's sister, right?

It seems that from your PoV, I guess, Self interest is the only true motivating factor that drives human activity.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 11:43 pm
by Ahso!
LarsMac;1529289 wrote: You know the Cersei is Tyrion's sister, right?[Yes, and why she can't dispose of him as easily as she would like to. A family member is constantly standing in her way. This is why, in my view, she beheads Missandei, to spite Tyrion for once again throwing her lack of true motherhood in her face. Tyrion's recklessness is to blame for that one. Cersei gambles that Daenerys understands this and punishes him for it, but Daenerys' self-interest is to be Queen and that stands in her way to empathize with Cersei. Poor decisions all around. LarsMac;1529289 wrote: It seems that from your PoV, I guess, Self interest is the only true motivating factor that drives human activity.Correct. Since species survival is the main goal of any member, the only control we have is that of ourselves, so personal survival becomes paramount. However, don't take that to mean it is the only concern at all times with all members. We are, after all, variants of the species subject to selection processes.

The personal irony for me is that I'm more socialist than capitalist.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 11:11 am
by tabby
Ahso!;1529283 wrote: What do you make of Tyrion's plea to Jon Snow in season 8 while in prison? Is it a genuine concern for people and their future or is it to save himself from execution?

I haven't watched Season 8 yet. I don't have cable tv so I've had to watch these on DVD and Season 8 was just released in December.

I'm re-watching the series and I'm just finishing up Season 6.

I'll come back to your question later after I'm finished!

Game of Thrones

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 11:26 am
by LarsMac
Ahso!;1529283 wrote: What do you make of Tyrion's plea to Jon Snow in season 8 while in prison? Is it a genuine concern for people and their future or is it to save himself from execution?

Tyrion was, at the beginning, the very essence of your argument of Self interest being the principal driver of human activity.

But I believe that by the time he gets to that point, he had long ago outgrown that aspect of himself. He became far more concerned with the future of humanity than his own well being.

It is interesting when one's self-interest becomes aligned with the needs of humanity in general.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 1:46 pm
by Ahso!
tabby;1529296 wrote: I haven't watched Season 8 yet. I don't have cable tv so I've had to watch these on DVD and Season 8 was just released in December.

I'm re-watching the series and I'm just finishing up Season 6.

I'll come back to your question later after I'm finished!Oops! Sorry about the spoilers.

If you have any sort of decent internet connection you might be able to go to HBO's website and get a free trial.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 2:10 pm
by Ahso!
LarsMac;1529298 wrote: Tyrion was, at the beginning, the very essence of your argument of Self interest being the principal driver of human activity.

But I believe that by the time he gets to that point, he had long ago outgrown that aspect of himself. He became far more concerned with the future of humanity than his own well being.I disagree because he's still hung up on being the family outcast, he says he sees himself living to 80, and, in his last-ditch effort plea with Jon Snow, he resorts to the personal interests of his two sisters. Snow needs to kill Daenerys, and that's what Tyrion is after. Lastly, Tyrion is an alcoholic

Other characters complain about Tyrion's constant talking himself in and out of trouble. He wears on other people, and Daenerys makes the statement that he commits too many mistakes as her advisor. LarsMac;1529298 wrote: It is interesting when one's self-interest becomes aligned with the needs of humanity in general.That's the trick.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 10:13 am
by tabby
Ahso!;1529303 wrote: Oops! Sorry about the spoilers.

If you have any sort of decent internet connection you might be able to go to HBO's website and get a free trial.

It's okay, I know how the story ends! I just can't offer an opinion on that scene yet.

I found Tyrion to be incredibly likable and i hope nothing I see in Season 8 changes my opinion on that but I'll let you know!

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 11:19 am
by Ahso!
tabby;1529362 wrote: It's okay, I know how the story ends! I just can't offer an opinion on that scene yet.

I found Tyrion to be incredibly likable and I hope nothing I see in Season 8 changes my opinion on that but I'll let you know!He is very likable through the end, but that doesn't mean likable people don't have self-interest. In fact, making oneself likable is a self-interest.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 11:54 am
by LarsMac
Ahso!;1529303 wrote: Oops! Sorry about the spoilers.

If you have any sort of decent internet connection you might be able to go to HBO's website and get a free trial.

I have HBO through Amazon Prime. Got it back when Westworld came out. Then went back and watched all the GoT. episodes.

I don't think that we have posted anything, yet that really will spoil Season 8 for Tabby.

Now that all the seasonal stuff is over, I may have time to go back and watch the season that I missed - Once I figure out which that was.

In what season was the historical info about the Ice King and his cronies explained?

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 12:02 pm
by LarsMac
Ahso!;1529366 wrote: He is very likable through the end, but that doesn't mean likable people don't have self-interest. In fact, making oneself likable is a self-interest.

Tyrion never really seemed to care whether anyone liked him. But, like Vayris, his primary "self-interest" evolved to being the good of the realm.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 1:59 pm
by Ahso!
LarsMac;1529367 wrote: I have HBO through Amazon Prime. Got it back when Westworld came out. Then went back and watched all the GoT. episodes.

I don't think that we have posted anything, yet that really will spoil Season 8 for Tabby.

Now that all the seasonal stuff is over, I may have time to go back and watch the season that I missed - Once I figure out which that was.

In what season was the historical info about the Ice King and his cronies explained?6 or 7. Whichever one of those you didn't watch.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 2:30 pm
by Ahso!
LarsMac;1529369 wrote: Tyrion never really seemed to care whether anyone liked him. But, like Vayris, his primary "self-interest" evolved to being the good of the realm.“I try to know as many people as I can. You never know which one you’ll need.” Tyrion Lannister

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 4:23 pm
by tabby
This musical tribute to Tyrion is catchy and hard to get out of my head after I've heard it. The lyrics contain lines that fall in with Ahso's impression:

I’m no man of honor

Myself is my true king

But somewhere deep within me

The bells of conscience ring.

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 4:26 pm
by tabby
Ahso!;1529376 wrote: 6 or 7. Whichever one of those you didn't watch.

I just finished Season 6 and there was no explanation about the history of the Ice King. Maybe it's in Season 7!

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 4:50 pm
by LarsMac
tabby;1529390 wrote: I just finished Season 6 and there was no explanation about the history of the Ice King. Maybe it's in Season 7!

Season 6, Ep 5, shows Bran watching those strange people putting a piece of "Dragon Glass" (Onyx) in the guy's heart, and the girl says that they needed protection from "humans"

So It's back through the previous episodes to get where those people came from.

I think season 6 was going on while my wife was going through heart surgery, and and all of that "adventure."

Game of Thrones

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 5:53 pm
by Ahso!
Self-interest is not a negative to me. Self-interest is exactly what our genes are geared to do for survival purposes. The value judgments we apply to those various interests are our personal and social constructs. Morality itself could be an adaptation.