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The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:44 am
by Mickiel
Many people just cannot understand the existence of evil and where it comes from. Religion certainly does not understand it , they think It came into being by a fallen angel named Lucifer , which is absurd. But that's they only way they understand it. No , the devil, who is not Lucifer, was created by God to be evil from his conception. In Isaiah 54:16 this is made clear. Also in Job 26:13 it says God's hand formed the crooked serpent,, which is an obvious reference to Satan the devil. The question really is why God created the devil which I will cover later.

It is vital to understand that God created evil or you will totally misunderstand his intentions for humanity. In Isaiah 45:7, God. Speaking, " I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create evil; I the Lord do all these things." I mean can it be made any clearer, it was God who created evil. In Jeremiah 11:11 it shows God " Bringing evil upon humans". In Jeremiah 18:8 God is repenting of evil he thought to do to people. The Bible is not shy of showing this fact , it's just that people cannot believe it.

So let's take a closer look at it.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 1:32 pm
by Mickiel
Nothing the devil does is on his own , he is under God's power and authority. Evil cannot do anything outside of God's plans. Nothing can take God by surprise or sneak up on him. The. Devil cannot ruin God's will nor go against it. Evil is not an intruder in God's plan of life, it's a necessary ingredient of it. God wanted a nemesis to oppose his way. He wanted there to be a prime example of what happens when something is in opposition to him.

He needed evil to exist because it never has before. God already knew about evil and he wanted humanity to know.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 2:33 pm
by Mickiel
Again now notice further. Biblical evidence concerning God doing evil to a human in Job 42: 11, " And they comforted him over all the evil that the Lord had brought upon him." Here again we see God doing evil, using it on humans. He does not commit evil himself but will use it on others. Because he both created it and controls it, and we are most fortunate that he does, because if the devil was the one ultimately controlling it we all would be doomed.

Now notice Lamations 3:32 , again describing God, "But though he cause grief yet he will have compassion with his mercy." He causes grief.And look at verse 38, "Out of the mouth of the most high proceeded both good and evil." Again God dealing with evil and many believers are absolutely blind to these scriptures. So they misunderstand God.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 1:53 am
by Mickiel
So God wanted an adversary in his creative plans for mankind, he wanted a push and pull experience for us all to experience. In Isaiah 54:16 " Behold I have created the Smith that blows coals in the fire, that brings forth an instrument for his work, and I have created the waster to destroy." Again this is the creation of evil , the king of it so to speak. The representative of it. Satan devil. Serpent. The father of lies. But it is God that creates him. It is God that manipulates this stunning power. It did not develop itself.

Notice Genesis 2:9 God plants ( or established ) a tree of good and evil on the earth. This was right after the creation of man. It means it was God that planted evil on earth. This is something that Christianity refuses to accept or believe. Religion cannot see this. So they misunderstand the whole correct view and purpose of the Bible. They cannot explain why evil exist. So they distort God's plan of salvation for all by their foolish teaching of lucifer falling from being a good angel that then becomes evil, and they created their ignorant doctrine of eternal he'll punishing. Their Lucifer character supposedly then seduces most of mankind and places them in the he'll 🔥 fire.

God will do no such thing. Our futures is already secure. Evil is in God's hand to control.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 3:22 am
by gmc
So you believe god created evil? Why do you want to worship such a malicious being? Or do you mean god is evil in which case my question would be the same.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 3:55 am
by Mickiel
gmc;1527141 wrote: So you believe god created evil? Why do you want to worship such a malicious being? Or do you mean god is evil in which case my question would be the same.

I do believe that God created evil , but that he himself is not evil. And I do not view him as being malicious , I understand how he uses evil for the ultimate good of humanity. I can see his reasoning and I agree with it. We could not understand good unless we experience evil as well, it completes conscious understanding. We can compare the two.

It's similar to knowing life better if we know about death. We can compare the two experiences. I would not worship a malicious being. God is love and I accept that all he does is based on love. He is teaching the human awareness.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 6:24 pm
by Mickiel
People misunderstand God because they do not know him, so they speculate on him, insult him, misjudge him, abuse his reputation, chastise him, lie on him and hate him: and absolutely none of that changes his love for them. One reason that I misunderstand God is because " I know him not", Job 36:26.

It's the same thing with evil, we don't know enough about it.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 12:44 am
by Mickiel
Then again the devil did not do something that God had not planned for him to do. He wanted Jesus to go against this devil when he was sent to earth. The battle of the ages and another reason evil exist. This takes place on Matt. 4:1-11. When humanity was conceived God wanted us to confront evil during our existence. Kind of like lifting weights , you need a force to weigh against your muscles for them to improve.

Understand that evil was created and it is a force to be reckoned with. This is where sin was developed and how it was developed. And it's trouble to explain this. God wanted us to first be down , so he can pull us up. This is what Romans 11:32 means, " For God has concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy on them all." There it is right there , it's the reason we exist. And it's the reason evil exist, and it's the reason why people do not believe in God. Unbelief is something God did and it is not the fault of humans and it's why God does not hold it against us. God would not place us into this bath water only to judge us for getting wet. That makes no sense and it's why we are not being judged. God does not hold sin against us and we were not created to be destroyed.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 8:26 am
by Mickiel
The trouble with evil is that it seems to contradict with God and people naturally think God has nothing to do with it, which is far from the truth. They can't believe that God created it, and I understand that. The Devil is not an invader to our reality, he is a component of it. A necessary part of it.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:56 pm
by Mickiel
Evil is just troublesome on every end , we cannot escape it. It's there and it's strong. Stronger than I. Evil is not hidden, it's just right there with us all. And it can be frightening as it moves and groves through this world.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 2:55 am
by Mickiel
It's difficult to explain evil because it's a spirit not a person. Thus it invades the consciousness and effects the the way a person acts. They can be obsessed and then they start doing things that cause chaos. It's a very real challenge to humanity that God wanted to exist. It's nothing we can do about it. We are charged to live with it.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:01 am
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1527239 wrote: It's difficult to explain evil because it's a spirit not a person. Thus it invades the consciousness and effects the the way a person acts. They can be obsessed and then they start doing things that cause chaos. It's a very real challenge to humanity that God wanted to exist. It's nothing we can do about it. We are charged to live with it.

The obsessed person does not know they are obsessed, I just finished speaking with one. Evil flows freely within them, masked and growing. The human consciousness is easily invaded, but expertly invaded. Yes evil is an expert.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 8:34 pm
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1527253 wrote: The obsessed person does not know they are obsessed, I just finished speaking with one. Evil flows freely within them, masked and growing. The human consciousness is easily invaded, but expertly invaded. Yes evil is an expert.

Evil is far stronger than any human. It was designed to confront us. And nag us each day.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 10:12 am
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1527271 wrote: Evil is far stronger than any human. It was designed to confront us. And nag us each day.

Yet the nagging is designed to make us fight evil and grow from the e experience. Like developing muscles using weight , we need an opposing force.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:38 am
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1527291 wrote: Yet the nagging is designed to make us fight evil and grow from the e experience. Like developing muscles using weight , we need an opposing force.

And that opposition is evil, it was designed to disrupt. Evil is a spirit , created by a spirit being. And that's what's hard to believe that there is a spirit world. Beings that exist which we know little of.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 7:54 am
by Mickiel
God did something astounding in Romans 11:32"For God has shut them all in unbelief, so that he will have mercy on them all.". A stunning truth, it is God who placed people into the condition of unbelief. This is why people do not believe in him and it's why God is not holding it against them, he will later have mercy on them all. And this is just how it is. Wisdom is knowing how it is.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 4:45 pm
by Mickiel
Just how are you going to explain evil and square it with the Bible? Oh it can be done.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 4:51 pm
by LarsMac
Evil is relative

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:24 pm
by Mickiel
LarsMac;1527496 wrote: Evil is relative

I think it's relative to itself.

The trouble with explaining evil existing along with God.

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 9:47 am
by Mickiel
What makes evil-evil?
