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Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:25 am
by spot
Glasnevin Necrology Wall in Dublin 'discontinued' after vandalism

[...]The Necrology Wall remembers all the people killed in conflicts in Ireland between 1916 and 1923, including British soldiers and IRA members.

Dublin Cemeteries Trust said it took the decision to discontinue it "with great regret".

It said that it was the third act of vandalism of a "severe nature" on the wall.

"It is the firm view of Dublin Cemeteries Trust that if the wall were to be repaired for a third time it would be vandalised again," it said.

I see no reason at all why the memorial should be discontinued - the mistake is in making the thing out of marble in one location. Put it on the Internet where it will be permanent, with links from each name expanding on the backstory.