Joe Biden for Pres?

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Joe Biden for Pres?

Post by Accountable »

This guy says he wants to be US President. I saw him frothing at the mouth about stupidity surrounding 9/11, and he claims to have ideas about handling Iraq. Now he says he wants to be president but needs to do more checking to see if he might be viable.

Anybody have personal knowledge of his policies? He's a Democrat, but how far left is he?
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Joe Biden for Pres?

Post by BTS »

JAB wrote: The only thing I remember about Biden is that a number of years ago he was accused of and admitted to plagierism in a speech or writing that he did. I believe he was exploring a run at the Presidency back then but his little secret got out and kind of derailed his potential candidacy. Apparently he thinks it's safe to try again.

After this was revealed it then came out that he had gotten a F for plagierism at Law School.......... That is what finally tripped his bid.
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Joe Biden for Pres?

Post by Clint »

He has a commanding demeanor. At first you think he is going to be credible then after he talks for a while you know he wouldn’t cross the party line for a life ring. I’ve seen him be down right vicious during hearings if he doesn’t hear what he likes. I’m sure he has Ideas just like every other Monday Morning Quarterback.

Let him run and I don’t care if he wins. If they have won a national election or a governorship they are already sold out and nobody knows who they really are anyway. I don't think they even know.
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Adam Zapple
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Joe Biden for Pres?

Post by Adam Zapple »

He's definitely not moderate. And he has an ego that would make Bill O'Reilly jealous. One of the biggest blowhards in Congress. I can feel the gust of hot air already.
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Joe Biden for Pres?

Post by MicahLorain »

Biden comes from a state far too small to win a presidency. Though I think he's a much better candidate than Kerry. I suspect if '08 went to the Dems conservatives would rather see Biden in the White House than Hillary.
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Joe Biden for Pres?

Post by Adam Zapple »

I don't know. I would hate to see either of them in the White House, but you are correct...Biden would make a far better candidate than Kerry. If a Dem were to win, I could handle Bill Richardson.
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Joe Biden for Pres?

Post by MicahLorain »

I'd like to see Barbara Boxer take it. Though I am not a democrat, her victory would sicken and enrage those I despise the most! A taste of what anyone left of Himmler has been feeling since the Supremes selected Bush as the Prez.:yh_wait
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Joe Biden for Pres?

Post by Accountable »

Bump for Spot. :D

I just remembered this thread exists.
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Joe Biden for Pres?

Post by spot »

Neat. I do like it when there's a trail of thought like this to refer back to.

I brought him up having seen him speaking to Peter Jennings on ABC on September 11, 2001. There are a few things I deliberately never watched - the Challenger explosion's one, and the plane hijack crashes is another. Last weekend I decided it was finally time for me to play the ABC realtime record from the day. Far and away the most coherent part was around 1.40pm EST when Biden was interviewed and said:

"Terrorism wins when in fact they alter our civil liberties or shut down our institutions. We have to demonstrate neither of those things have happened ... I would say we've come face to face with the new reality, a reality that we knew existed, and we knew was possible, a reality that has happened in varying degrees in other countries, but if in fact in order to respond to that reality we have to alter our civil liberties, change the way we function, then we have truly lost the war. The way to conduct the war is to show our institutions are functioning, that your civil liberties, your civil rights, your ability to be free and walk and move around in fact are not fundamentally altered. Anybody who is willing to strap dynamite to their body or have a suicide kamikazi mission you'll never fundamentally be able to stop, it doesn't matter what you do. There are a lot of things we can do, though, to diminish significantly the possibility of this happening again without changing our character as a nation."

That seems to have been a point of view that didn't survive many hours.
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