Going Crazy!

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Betty Boop
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Going Crazy!

Post by Betty Boop »

Good for you!!

I wuoldn't have her back either!!!

If she was that concerned about where her child was playing she would have checked you out first, any responsible Mother would not just abandon her child with someone she doesn't know, I guess her regular childminder told her to **** off too!!

Poor child, only three and just left with strangers!!

I don't mean any dis-respect to you here, it's just un-beleivable that she would contemplate leaving her child with someone she doesn't know!!:-5
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Going Crazy!

Post by chrisb84uk »

Wow what cheek!!! I must say Susie I commend u on keeping as cool as u did whilst this was going on. If that had been me I would of blown a serious gasket. You had every right to give it to her. You kindly give up your time and effort to babysit a kid, who not only is rude herself, but has a nasty nasty mother as well.

That really shows how ungreatfull some people can be when kind people, (such as yourself,) go out of there way to help others, and all they get for it are horrible comments such as the ones that you recieved. You certainly shouldn't have been treated that way, and all I can say is a big well done for sticking up for the morals that you have for yourself and your family!! :-6
lady cop
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Going Crazy!

Post by lady cop »

want me to kick her arse Susie Q? :D :yh_femfig :yh_beatup
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Going Crazy!

Post by actionfigurestepho »

I can't believe you didn't freak out on this lady! You have EXCELLENT self control. I can't believe she wouldn't let her daughter drink non-Dannon water. What a yuppie snob. Can I ask how old this woman was? Were you babysitting for free just as a favor? I hope your friend yells at her for you.
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Going Crazy!

Post by actionfigurestepho »

What kind of mother doesn't expect three year olds to be messy when they play? She's going to be in for a rude shock as her child grows and she tries to find friends for herself and her child.
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