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Oscar Namechange
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Best Man

Post by Oscar Namechange »

What a peculiar turn of events ?

There's an old saying that all the time you have a dog, you will always have friends.

So a few weeks ago one of our puppies was lucky enough to go off to his new life with the McFadden family where I kid you not, that puppy Is now sporting a gold collar.

Sometimes you meet new people and you just hit It off with them and that's what happened here and we have spent time with them since. They had already Invited us to their wedding In October which we accepted because we will go anywhere for free food even the Tory Christmas Party.

Last night mt husband got a call to ask him If he'd be Best Man. Because quote ' you are such a gentleman and have become such a good friend to us.'

He's accepted but doesn't know what to do really tbh and Is worried slightly because there will be some big celebs at the wedding.

Have you ever been a best man ? How did It go ? What were your duties ?
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Post by LarsMac »

Main task of the Best Man is to make sure the groom gets to the church on time, and that the paperwork and ring are where they should be.

He also is responsible for the toast at the reception.

Not to spoil the moment, but I'd be a tad curious of someone I have known for only a few months asking me to take on that role.
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Oscar Namechange
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

LarsMac;1433223 wrote: Main task of the Best Man is to make sure the groom gets to the church on time, and that the paperwork and ring are where they should be.

He also is responsible for the toast at the reception.

Not to spoil the moment, but I'd be a tad curious of someone I have known for only a few months asking me to take on that role. I questioned that also tbh but I think It's the case that he's mid twenties and his pals are all very young. He did say he wanted someone mature enough to handle the arrangements. He doesn't have a Father and he looks up to my husband because Peter has advised him on matters since we met.

I think It's rather nice If he does see my husband as a surrogate Father.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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Post by Chloe_88 »

I must say i'm not to familiar with weddings.. but i guess what LarsMac said, pretty much sums it up :)

Maybe a bit curious i guess as well.. although when i was a kid, i bumped into a girl outside when i was little, we were friends within 5 minutes.. got invited to dinner / sleepovers straight away.. we are now still best friends over 16 years later.

What i'm saying is: why should it be a strange fenomenon if adults are good friends straight away, but expected when it's about kids.

Only thing is, it's quite a big deal being asked to do this.. But hey.. be honored. I don't think he would ask just anybody to be his best man !
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Post by AnneBoleyn »

"What i'm saying is: why should it be a strange fenomenon if adults are good friends straight away, but expected when it's about kids."

Wow, Chloe, what a fascinatingly true thing to say! Maybe because adults are so jaded? So suspicious - warranted or not?

and Oscar, I think it's lovely this young man values your valuable Peter so much! Wise beyond his years!
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Post by Chloe_88 »

AnneBoleyn;1433279 wrote: Wow, Chloe, what a fascinatingly true thing to say! Maybe because adults are so jaded? So suspicious - warranted or not?

I think so.. adults always try to find a reason why, suspicious, and slightly biased because of life experiences.

I know so because I am one of those people. It works for me sometimes, but not always.
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Oscar Namechange
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

AnneBoleyn;1433279 wrote:

and Oscar, I think it's lovely this young man values your valuable Peter so much! Wise beyond his years!

Sometimes anyone can be surrounded by people yet feel the loneliest person In the room.

It Is lovely and like I said before, some people you meet, you just hit It off and those two just clicked.

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At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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Post by AnneBoleyn »

My avatar Is the Infamous husband having a cigg under a tree.

Like I didn't know!!
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Best Man

Post by Chloe_88 »

oscar;1433284 wrote: It Is lovely and like I said before, some people you meet, you just hit It off and those two just clicked.

Lovely :) I think, don't read in to it to much :) I hope Peter enjoys himself as the "best man" at the wedding.
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Post by Snooz »

Isn't he responsible for the strippers and blow at the bachelor party too?
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Post by AnneBoleyn »

SnoozeAgain;1433297 wrote: Isn't he responsible for the strippers and blow at the bachelor party too?

I would definitely hire you as my party planner. My event coordinator.
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Post by LarsMac »

SnoozeAgain;1433297 wrote: Isn't he responsible for the strippers and blow at the bachelor party too?

OH! Dang! Yeah, I forgot to mention that.
The home of the soul is the Open Road.
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Oscar Namechange
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Best Man

Post by Oscar Namechange »

SnoozeAgain;1433297 wrote: Isn't he responsible for the strippers and blow at the bachelor party too?


At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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