Lighter Moments Facts

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Lighter Moments Facts

Post by polycarp »

Hello everyone,

Below are some facts (which I gathered from various sources) that are as educating as they are entertaining.

1. During an average lifetime, a person breathes 500 million times and the heart beats about 3000 million times.

2. An average person eats 50 tonnes of food and drinks 42,000 litres of liquid in a lifetime.

3. A baby has 305 bones when it is born while a grown-up person has only about 206 bones.

4. A human body contains enough fat to make seven bars of soap and enough iron to make a 2.5 centimetre nail.

5. About 9 metres of intestines are rolled up inside every person.

6. An adult’s body contains 3.5-6 litres of blood.

7. The human heart pumps 5 ½ litres of blood every minute around 96,000 kilometres of arteries, veins and capillaries.

8. One human brain contains more connections than the entire communications network on earth.

9. An average-sized adult has almost two square metres of skin, which wears away and is replaced about every six days.

10. When you walk you use more than 200 different muscles.

11. About 1% of the fuel we put in cars actually makes them move, the rest is just wasted.

12. Only 3% of the electricity used lights bulbs, the rest is wasted as heat.

13. Children laugh an average of 400 times a day. Adults need at least 50 laughs a day to stay healthy. How are you doing?

14. There are more television sets in the United Kingdom than there are children.

15. While scientists are of the opinion that the world is billions of years old, it has been calculated by the ingenious Dr Lightfoot, vicar of the university church Cambridge, that the world was created at exactly 9.00 am on 23 October 4004 BC.

16. The scientist Frederick Sanger discovered the structure of the sequence of amino acids in insulin. When he announced that he wanted to find out the structure of a protein, his professor told him he was mad. He later became the first British scientist to receive the Nobel Prize twice.

17. Communication is an imprecise art.

Dr John R. Noe reported that the 500 commonly used words in the English Language have more than 14,000 meanings-an average of 28 per word. When you add the more than 700,000 types of non verbal messages we send along with these words, it is not hard to see how complex it is to send a simple message than can easily be understood by a variety of people.
A formula for tact: "Be brief politely, be aggressive smilingly, be emphatic pleasantly, be positive diplomatically, be right graciously".
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