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Amber Sun
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Post by Amber Sun »

Themis;1130211 wrote: These objects are not shuttle debris they are clear behind the tether that is 100 nauticle miles away....

No, I agree it's not shuttle debris. Other than the satellite if you watch the objects closely you will see that many of them are moving like comets/asteroids. They are probably moving toward a what is called space debris which consists of an asteroid belt. However it is difficult to say which way they are facing because all we really see is the tether.
Amber Sun
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Post by Amber Sun »

Themis;1130748 wrote: Watch this amber they discuss the objects....

Hi hun. Well it's not space debris unless the astronaut filming it is tilted sideways because the objects should be going across the path in an orbit instead of up and down. However satellites move like that and some are a lot closer to the earth than others. I had this program once and I think you might like it, it is freeware.

http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Hom ... anet.shtml

You can click on any satellite and see where it is at any given moment and also watch some of them move across the sky.
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Post by Amber Sun »

Themis;1130752 wrote:

I've looked into that whole business about the 'rods' and being honest I don't believe they exist. For one thing they are not that long according to the documentary that I watched on TV. Secondly they appeared to live down in deep caves but only one camera ever caught them in one cave. This was about 5-6 years ago. Now we are told that they are up in the sky. If they were here dashing around on our planet as we are told they are, we would see them on the sides of buildings, sitting on parked cars etc, just like any other living flying entity.

In the other video no the astronauts didn't see anything strange. Although the words in the music insinuated/implied if you will, that there was a space craft there. Be very careful of words hun.

As far as 'UFOs' appearing and disappearing, I've looked into this also and the deeper I looked what I found were holograms. They click on, they click off, they can move at the speed of light or they can stop in one spot. depending on who is playing with them.
Amber Sun
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Post by Amber Sun »

Themis;1130828 wrote: Astronaut Gordon Cooper

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell

Astronauts and UFOs

Well hun, this is all 'after the fact'. What we have to remember is that these guys are in the payroll of NASA (pensions etc), and they will say what they are told to say. Had they really seen anything suspicious and didn't want to 'alarm the public' as stated, they would simply have asked for a 'secure line' or given a code specifying such. They would not have kept it quiet while up there. Would you? The object that they show as 'following them' looks too much like the piece that they jettison of the front part.
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Post by Bryn Mawr »

Themis;1131351 wrote: WHAT PROBLEM? no problems here.. everything is OK... please explain......

There certainly appeared to be :-

I wish you and spot would just stop looking for flaws

Both Spot and Galbally deal in facts, if you are ignoring facts in favour of imagination, therein lies the problem.
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Oscar Namechange
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

No-one has ever PROVED ufo's DO NOT exist.

Until they do, I'm open minded.
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Amber Sun
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Post by Amber Sun »

Themis;1131364 wrote: I think " holograms" is a very important point.. yes I agree.. I will look into holograms.. I have some information on this very clever technology that's being created today, I'm sure the gentleman from England who cracked Americas defence system found information regarding Holographic technology called "Project Bluebeam"

look at kate :)

That was very well done hun, who is Kate, your wife? What program did she use Blender or one of the bigger ones?

I'll check into that Project Bluebeam. You know Themis I've learned to be very cautious as to what I will accept and what I won't. I want to tell you a little story that happened to me.

Back in about 94-95 my daughter phoned me and told me to turn on the tv because there was a woman on there living in Toronto claiming she had been contacted by 'extraterrestrials'. Ok, I did and got the name and address of this woman because I had heard about this from numerous other sources and wanted to investigate deeper. I did call her and she answered my reply. She told me of another woman that she new well living in Vancouver. Ok, I called this lady also and managed to acquire an 'underground' sort of book on 'contactees'. Ok, at this point I gathered all the material I could find about 'aliens' and proceeded to study this phenomenon. Of course submersing myself into this investigation brought other people into my life. In fact I met a whole heck of a lot of other people. However, as is my way of doing this, when I investigate something I tend to look at all angles and ask questions that aren't necessarily pertinent to the material being studied. It turned out that I was very happy that I had dug so deep. Here is what I found Themis'

The woman in Toronto is Jewish, her ET contacted friend in Vancouver is Jewish, one of the ladies (I don't want to mention names) here in Wpg (abbreviation for Winnipeg) who had her life destroyed by 'Ets) is a Russian Jew, another lady here in Wpg with the same happenings is American Native, another here in Wpg said she is Russian and another here in Wpg claimed to be Russian. Other people that entered my life at the time were trying to become a part of Canadian Security. There also occurred a plethora of alien contactee books on the store shelves at the same time. The odd thing about some of these books, especially those written for the 'aliens' who called themselves The Inter Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command were written by heavily Christianized women, one even being a former minister of the church.

This all struck me as very strange Themis. Why would extraterrestrials from somewhere in outer space only want to contact Jews, Russians and American Natives, and destroy their lives in the process? Now bear in mind that these people live in only the upper quarter of North America, it may or may not be the same elsewhere. I tried to find the ethnic backgrounds of other writers but this is not something that they feel is pertinent so don't write it into their books, and my telephone bill will only handle so much. Emailing them to ask such a question, if they even answered me, I would probably just be told that it is none of my business. I bought books for a bit but then started getting them through the library to continue researching on my own. There was not one case of 'alien contact' that I couldn't blow holes through. So whoever is behind all of this is using a cover of ETs and religions, both ancient and new. So now Themis, who would you guess is behind it all?

Now, as I stated somewhere at the beginning of this thread, yes, I do believe that there is life in space besides ourselves. I believe that many are probably far more advanced than we are, mainly because although we have some technology we are still quite barbaric and have the tendency to misuse our technologies, and there are quite probably planets out there who haven't even evolved as far as we have. But I don't believe that if they did decide for one reason or another to come here that they would particularly try to contact Jews, Russians and American Indians. I also don't believe that they would set out to deliberately destroy the lives of those people that they selected. And I have not met one person yet whose life has not been destroyed by this so called ET contact.

The problem is hun, that we have had certain rituals and religious belief systems on this planet as long ago, that I have traced anyway, as 17,000 years into the past. The ass holes that are using these symbols and rituals now as a cover for their nefarious acts of destruction of lives are confusing and messing up a lot of ancient knowledge. I truly hope that if there are any ETs that come here or plan to that they find these individuals and kick their asses clear to the other side of sun.:-6
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Post by Odie »

the truth is out there............
Life is just to short for drama.
Amber Sun
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Post by Amber Sun »

Themis;1131817 wrote:

Texas hunter named Ricky Sorrells spots a Mile Long UFO. He is a local metal technician/welder by trade and describes the metallurgy and fight characteristics of the massive alien craft spotted by many over Stephenville Texas.

Military Radar Data from the Jan. 2008 sighting of a mile long UFO over Stephenville Texas is reviewed by the experts on Larry King Live.

Hi Themis. Hun are you watching these videos before you post them? I'm just asking because some don't make much sense. Take the case of Ricky Sorrel (the first video here. At the beginning he says the ufo was 'barn gray, a shiny gray', At the end of the video the other guy says it was 'flat black' and that others reported seeing it. Ricky says that it was so big that it overlapped the canopy of the trees so that he couldn't see the edges but that it was 300 ft long. Now Themis, if you look at the wooded area he is describing it is very thick with trees and the canopy is wide. Since it didn't lift straight up where he might have 'guessed' at the size but it took off at a 45 degree angle ( skimming along the canopy of trees as it lifted) then any estimate to size is exactly that, a guess. I'm inclined to believe the man seen something, but what is another story. We also have to wonder why if the man was afraid of the military then why he isn't now?
Amber Sun
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Post by Amber Sun »

Recent work at Edinburgh University tried to quantify how many intelligent civilisations might be out there. The research suggested there could be thousands of them.

Good post Themis. The chances that there wouldn't be any intelligent life anywhere in this universe is next to impossible. We know it has to be out there somewhere because it sure isn't here.

I think what we have to do first though is define what we think 'intelligent' is. Many will say humanity is intelligent. I have to differ on this. I can't think of one animal that destroys it's own habitat and poisons the other members of it's species by contaminating the food, water, and air.

So what is 'intelligent life'?
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Post by Clodhopper »

Someone (it might have been on this site) once mentioned to me that although the chances of there being or having been intelligent life out there are very very high, space is very big and time is very long.

It is entirely possible that civilisations have come and gone and the light/radio waves/whatever from them has not yet reached us, or that they are simply so far away they and we will only ever know of eachother as statistical possibilites.
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Amber Sun
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We are not alone

Post by Amber Sun »

Themis;1142109 wrote:

Real nice video Themis. I had to replay the bit about knowing where 'we came from'. I sure can't find any problems with this video. Most astronomers are all saying essentially the same thing.

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Post by Clodhopper »

I think what we have to do first though is define what we think 'intelligent' is. Many will say humanity is intelligent. I have to differ on this. I can't think of one animal that destroys it's own habitat and poisons the other members of it's species by contaminating the food, water, and air.

Tool using? Conceptual thought? Arguable some animals other than us are capable of one or other of these (eg Chimps using sticks and Timber wolves hunting) but the one human activity I can think of that makes us unique is the creation of Art.

:-1 Most species destroy their own habitat - when their population explodes through eg lack of predators. Then you get disease and starvation, a population crash, and the cycle starts again. I'd certainly argue that the human population has been and still is exploding.
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