How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by TruthBringer »

Inverted Body Scanner Image Shows Naked Body In Full Living Color

The full body scanners that President Obama authorized to be rolled out in airports across the country at a cost of over $1 billion dollars not only produce detailed pictures of your genitals, but once inverted some of those images also display your naked body in full living color.

And you don’t need to be a graphics wizard using a $600 software suite like Photoshop to pull off the trick – inverting a photo is a simple process that takes one click and is an option available even in the most basic image editing software.

We were sent examples of the process by readers and then tested it for ourselves to confirm that simply inverting some of the pictures produced by the body scanners creates a near-perfect replica of a naked body in full color.

SOURCE OF IMAGE - Pregnancy intimate piercings genitals - What can the naked scanner really see - News -

It is important to stress that this is a low resolution image. Airport screeners will have access to huge high definition images that, once inverted, will allow them to see every minute detail of your body.

The inversion trick doesn’t work for all the sample images produced by body scanners, but with or without its application, every image will still show details of your sexual organs. Even without being inverted, the images already break child porn laws in the UK. New scanners break child porn laws | Politics | The Guardian

Reassurances that airport screeners won’t be abe to save the images will provide little comfort to parents who know that the crystal clear image of their naked son or daughter being ogled by a TSA thug can merely be snapped with a handheld camera for their enjoyment later.

Apologists for the scanners have routinely described the images they produce as “ghostly” or “skeletal” in an effort to downplay the intrusion of privacy they really represent.

As we reported yesterday, claims that the body scanners did not provide details of genitals were disproven after a London Guardian journalist who was present at a trial for the machines earlier this week reported that the devices produce an image which make “genitals eerily visible.” - More passengers agree to full-body scan in UK airport trial | UK news |

German Security advisor Hans-Detlef Dau, a representative for a company that sells the scanners, admits that the machines, “show intimate piercings, catheters and the form of breasts and penises”. Pregnancy intimate piercings genitals - What can the naked scanner really see - News -

Indeed, as was admitted when the scanners were first being rolled out over a year ago, they don’t function properly if areas of the body are blurred out. A report from October 2008, when the naked body scanners were first being introduced at Melbourne Airport in Australia, detailed how the X-ray backscatter devices don’t work properly unless the genitals of people going through them are visible.

“It will show the private parts of people, but what we’ve decided is that we’re not going to blur those out, because it severely limits the detection capabilities,” said Office of Transport Security manager Cheryl Johnson.

“It is possible to see genitals and breasts while they’re going through the machine,” she admitted.

TV news reports have been deliberately misleading viewers by blurring out faces and genitals of people in images produced by the scanners. When it comes to the real thing, your sexual organs and those of your children will be on full display to officials sat alone in back rooms, and with a simple inversion trick, your daughter’s naked body in full living high definition color will be there to be enjoyed by screeners.

Inverted Body Scanner Image Shows Naked Body In Full Living Color
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by TruthBringer »

With the resistance to naked body scanners in airports building, the corporate media is now claiming that technology which allows fat TSA thugs sitting in back rooms to ogle your naked daughter actually “enhances privacy”.

In our Orwellian brave new world where down is the new up, University of Ottawa professor Mark Salter gushes over the virtual strip searches with a gusto that makes you wonder whether he’s on the same payroll as people like Michael Chertoff, who have been aggressively promoting the scanners they are invested in as a solution to the underwear bomber threat, no matter that such scanners would not even have stopped Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from boarding Flight 253. - Group slams Chertoff on scanner promotion - The Boston Globe - Body scanner wouldn't have foiled syringe bomber, says MP who worked on new machines | Mail Online

In his Globe and Mail article, Salter doesn’t try to deny that the scanner produces a crisp image of your naked body, indeed, he ends his piece by asking, “Will Canadians be willing to fly naked?” - That naked image at airport security actually enhances your privacy - The Globe and Mail

“Let me be controversial by saying the millimetre-wave scanner actually enhances privacy,” Salter ludicrously claims, arguing that everything is kosher because the government has promised to keep the strip search anonymous and not store the details in a database – and you can really trust them – after all, governments never keep illegal databases of our information do they? They haven’t been caught doing exactly that on almost every front since 9/11. - - NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls

Salter isn’t really concerned about how a man with no passport who was on a terror watchlist and who was aided by a sharp-dressed man after his own father had warned U.S. intelligence that he was a threat was allowed to board a plane. No, that pales into insignificance, what’s really important is that brow-beaten Americans and Canadians, who are already treated like criminals and ordered around like prisoners by airport gestapo, are forced to undergo yet more humiliation by being routinely strip-searched, just as the Nazis did to the populations that they conquered during world war two.

Salter is also unperturbed by the fact that the body scanners fire ionizing radiation at the body which penetrates a few centimeters into the flesh and unzips DNA, increasing the risk of cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. - Full-Body Scanners Increase Cancer Risk

He is similarly unflustered at the fact that the body scanners violate laws against child pornography because they produce indecent images of children, meaning airports will become the primary peddlers of child porn. - Airports Set To Become Primary Peddlers Of Child Porn

Salter couldn’t care less that top civil liberties groups in Canada have publicly attacked the scanners as a violation of human dignity. - Scanner 'violates human dignity,' say civil rights groups

Salter thinks that thugs in uniforms who have made getting into America a worse experience than entering East Berlin sitting alone in back rooms enjoying naked images of your children is a good thing, because apparently being alone in a private room while staring at people’s genitals all day is sure to encourage nothing but the utmost professionalism, I’m sure. - Harassed War Reporter: We Must Stand Up To TSA Thugs

Since Salter’s enthusiasm to see the invasion of the body scanners become a reality is so effusively boundless, he’ll doubtless also welcome the next wave of tyranny being prepared for travelers – mandatory taser bracelets that allow officials to electric shock passengers on a whim, passive brain scanners that pick up brain waves in order to sense the behavior of travelers, as well as surveillance cameras on every seat providing a big brother babysitter for every potentially disobedient slave. - Torture Bracelet To Control Dissenting Americans?

Torture Bracelet To Control Dissenting Americans?

In-flight surveillance could foil terrorists in the sky

People like Salter and others in the establishment press who are pushing naked body scanners certainly know which side their bread is buttered on. Since the corporate media is owned by the very military-industrial complex making a windfall from the orders for thousands of scanners now being made, as well as the shot in the arm for the fraudulent war on terror helpfully provided by the underwear bomber, it’s unsurprising that we’re seeing such ceaseless propaganda in favor of the scanners. - t r u t h o u t | Inside the Military-Industrial-Media Complex: Impacts on Movement for Social Justice

But an outraged hardcore of Americans, Canadians and people from around the world are standing up and saying enough is enough – with boycotts, lawsuits and mass protests in the pipeline as part of a growing resistance against the latest manifestation of the prison planet being constructed around free humanity. - YouTube - Alex Jones Has 3 New Protest Video Contests for 2010
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by TruthBringer »

Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners

The clamor to ramp up airport security with invasive naked body imaging scanners has nothing to do with ensuring the safety of travelers. Rather it is part of an ongoing incremental push to break the will of the people and encourage mass subservience and meek obedience.

Perhaps the most alarming aspect of the body scanner push is that people are willingly accepting it. As Bloomberg news reports today “Passenger acceptance of airport body scanners has increased following the failed terrorist attack,” with 92% of passengers at Manchester airport in northern England now agreeing to pass through the machines in a voluntary trial, compared with 75 percent before the incident.

The same report indicates that Around 90% of Muslims and Orthodox Jews were opting to use the scanners even prior to the Detroit incident rather than risking physical contact via pat downs and strip searches.

Travelers in Canada have indicated acceptance of the scanners, saying that they would “do anything for safety” and describing them as “a necessary evil”. - Scanners a necessary evil, say travellers -

Meanwhile, nearly two-thirds of Germans favour airports using full-body scanners, despite claims that they are an invasion of personal privacy, a new poll has shown. - Solid majority of Germans favour body scanners, poll shows : Travel General

The will of the people is being systematically eroded and incrementally broken down. Airports are serving as reservations where the fundamental right to privacy must be left at the door.

Travelers have been acclimatized over time to know they must remove their shoes, take off their belts, untuck shirts, discard water, baby milk, shampoo and toothpaste. During the flight hands must be visible on laps, and even bathroom visits can now become national incidents as we have recently seen. - Bathroom Visits Now Considered Potential Terrorism

A culture of extreme fear has been engendered where the only way to stay safe is to cozy up to big brother, a psychological response akin to that of Stockholm syndrome. '

This is where the technological control grid plays such a key role. Imagine if TSA agents were made to take women and children and physically strip search them while they held their hands aloft, the public would balk at such an abuse. However, with the body scanning machines there is a divide that clouds the process in futuristic technology.

Note that in many of the images from the body scanners used by the media, people are shown to be concealing a gun or a knife, with their hands held in the air above their heads. This puts out the subconscious notion that everyone passing through the machines is guilty and has been caught by the authorities engaging in a law breaking act.

We are also being incrementally taught that what goes on in the airports will be transferred to the streets, schools, shopping malls, rail stations and bus terminals.

The very body scanners we see being implemented within airports now have already been extensively trialed in railway stations in major cities. - New Body Screeners in use in London: We are living in a dystopian nightmare

The same technology is being considered by governments for general use in cameras on the street. Once accepted as part of everyday life in airports, it becomes much easier to sell for use in all public places. - Big Brother: Watching, Listening, Shouting And Firing X-Rays

X-ray specs were once considered a pervert’s fantasy science fiction invention, now they have become a reality.

With such technology at their disposal the already active TSA viper teams will no doubt patrol mass transit facilities with much more vigor. - VIPER Teams Patrol Mass Transit Facilities, Look For Susupicious Individuals

The scanners are similar to C-Scans and carry health risks. They fire ionizing radiation at those inside which penetrates a few centimeters into the flesh and reflects off the skin to form a naked body image.

Research shows that even very low doses of X-ray can delay or prevent cellular repair of damaged DNA, yet pregnant women and children will be subjected to the process if new guidelines including scanners are adopted. - Full-Body Scanners Increase Cancer Risk

The machines also break child pornography laws in the UK that bar the production of indecent images of children. - Airports Set To Become Primary Peddlers Of Child Porn

No matter that the Amsterdam airport where the so called underwear bomber boarded already had the scanners installed, the solution is more scanners!

No matter that designers of the technology have admitted that the machine would not have detected explosive materials hidden within clothing, the solution is more scanners! - Body scanner wouldn't have foiled syringe bomber, says MP who worked on new machines | Mail Online

All these issues have led even mainstream sources to question the validity of the freedom crushing initiatives being rolled out en mass. - All these issues have led even mainstream sources to question the validity of the freedom crushing initiatives being rolled out en mass.

Meanwhile we continue to be bombarded with fearmongering rhetoric that unless we give up all our liberties and submit to gross invasions of privacy, airliners will start to fall from the sky. - ... eneral.htm

Those pushing the technology are, as always, set to make huge profits. Leading defense contractors in conjunction those who have made their names from the terror business, such as former Homeland Security head Michael Chertoff are lining their pockets with taxpayer money literally stemming from the so called “economic stimulus”. - ... 0110L3.htm

If the public willingly accepts naked imaging x-ray machines in the name of security, what comes next?

The former EU justice Commissioner says that scanning inside people’s bodies is an acceptable proposal. Microsoft has suggested slapping monitoring bracelets on all it’s employees. The TSA is considering taser bracelets that can deliver electric shocks to anyone who steps out of line inside an airport or on a plane. - ... Bodies.htm - Torture Bracelet To Control Dissenting Americans?

Passport control officers at airports are to be phased out as new biometric face scanning cameras are set to replace them under UK border control measures that came into force last year. A global biometric facial scan database is the end goal of security authorities the world over. - Face Scanning Cameras To Replace Passport Control Officers - Interpol Details Plans For Global Biometric Facial Scan Database

Other proposals include placing the cameras in every seat on aircraft and installing software to try and automatically detect terrorists or other dangers caused by passengers. - In-flight surveillance could foil terrorists in the sky

Passive brain scanners that pick up brain waves in order to sense the behaviour of travelers have already been trialed in airports. The technology known as “MALINTENT” has been developed by the Department of Homeland Security under a project lovingly called “Project Hostile Intent”. The following image is a DHS Impression of the mindreader technology in action. - New airport screening 'could read minds' - Telegraph - Project Hostile Intent plans 'non-invasive' DHS brainscan ? The Register

The development of all of this nightmare technology only emphasizes the need for immediate outright rejection of the mass implementation of body screeners. If we continue to allow such gross attacks on our liberties to succeed the onslaught will never end. - Alex Jones Calls For Mass Resistance To Implementation Of Body Scanners

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv 1/3: Alex Calls For Mass Resistance To Airport Body Scanners

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv 2/3: Alex Calls For Mass Resistance To Airport Body Scanners

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv 3/3: Alex Calls For Mass Resistance To Airport Body Scanners
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by TruthBringer »

Scrat;1285065 wrote: If people don't want to be scanned, don't fly.

This is getting blown way out of proportion.

I'm not going to fly my friend. And if you'd of told me even on the day of 9-11 that the government was going to install a machine that could see through clothes and view people's naked bodies I would have told you the same thing, that I think that the idea is crazy. And should not be implemented. Regardless of what happened on 9-11.

Giving up our right to privacy with our bodies is not the answer to solving terrorism. It's not even a step in the right direction. There are many other methods that could be implemented, this one in my opinion is so far the worst of those options to be applied.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by Ahso! »

TruthBringer;1285937 wrote: I'm not going to fly my friend. And if you'd of told me even on the day of 9-11 that the government was going to install a machine that could see through clothes and view people's naked bodies I would have told you the same thing, that I think that the idea is crazy. And should not be implemented. Regardless of what happened on 9-11.

Giving up our right to privacy with our bodies is not the answer to solving terrorism. It's not even a step in the right direction. There are many other methods that could be implemented, this one in my opinion is so far the worst of those options to be applied.What other options do you suggest? Please don't copy and paste some long diatribe of gook, short and sweet like you did with Scrat, please.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by LarsMac »

I went through the scanner in Tulsa the other day.

No biggie.

Though, I thought I heard some snickering back in the corner room where the TSA guys hung out.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by nvalleyvee »

They get confused by my breast reconstruction. I always have a scan. Maybe the body scan gives them a good laugh........look how off her breasts are - one hangs lower.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by Ahso! »

LarsMac;1285953 wrote: I went through the scanner in Tulsa the other day.

No biggie.

Though, I thought I heard some snickering back in the corner room where the TSA guys hung out.I think thats TB's real problem. For a guy who is upset about his girlfriend and scanners, he sure is showing an awful lot of pictures of other scanned females....No males.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by YZGI »

Ahso!;1286011 wrote: I think thats TB's real problem. For a guy who is upset about his girlfriend and scanners, he sure is showing an awful lot of pictures of other scanned females....No males.
I'll assume you're not asking for male pics.:D
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by Ahso! »

YZGI;1286084 wrote: I'll assume you're not asking for male pics.:DI dare him. :wah:
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


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Be the wave that I am and then

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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by TruthBringer »

Ahso!;1285941 wrote: What other options do you suggest? Please don't copy and paste some long diatribe of gook, short and sweet like you did with Scrat, please.

I don't know exactly. I could list some though and put some thought into it if I thought it would make a difference. But I do know that even if I presented them here, the people running the airports would not listen.

What I do know is that there is never one single option available for doing anything. Someone would have to be a fool if they thought that naked body scanners were the way to stop terrorism, let alone the only way.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by Ahso! »

TruthBringer;1286246 wrote: I don't know exactly. I could list some though and put some thought into it if I thought it would make a difference. But I do know that even if I presented them here, the people running the airports would not listen.

What I do know is that there is never one single option available for doing anything. Someone would have to be a fool if they thought that naked body scanners were the way to stop terrorism, let alone the only way.None of those reasons prevent you from posting your other stuff. Whats different with this?
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by buttercup »

Would not bother me but i'd feel pretty sorry for the person who had to sit for 8 hours a day looking at all the bodies passing through.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by cars »

buttercup;1286256 wrote: Would not bother me but i'd feel pretty sorry for the person who had to sit for 8 hours a day looking at all the bodies passing through.
I tend to agree bc, after the first few days, I'm sure the person(s) will be feeling like, "oh not another one"! :wah:
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by K.Snyder »

Yes, yes, let's **** and moan about sex that is more natural than "you" eating double cheeseburgers!
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by K.Snyder »

buttercup;1286256 wrote: Would not bother me but i'd feel pretty sorry for the person who had to sit for 8 hours a day looking at all the bodies passing through.

You'd be surprised!
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by cars »

No words needed!!! :D:p:wah:

Attached files
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by Jazzy »

cars;1293252 wrote: No words needed!!! :D:p:wah:

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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by Bevdee »

I wonder if they are using safe levels of radiation? Even if - this would mean you can't fly anywhere if you are pregnant, think you might be, or are trying. Will the airlines be able to provide a radiation dose report? Imaging centers can. Will they have technologists and physicists that meet current imaging standards to run safety and calibration tests on the equipment? How often? Or will the security guard they hire at entry level at minimum wage be allowed to administer radiation to the general public?

I wonder if the same federal guidelines will apply to home security measures as do diagnostic imaging? With all the current controversy over radiation, and the overuse of it as a diagnostic tool, I am surprised that the govt would waive those concerns.

I mean, if you have a gun up your butt, or a grenade in your fancy, the metal detector should go off.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by K.Snyder »

Bevdee;1293263 wrote: I wonder if they are using safe levels of radiation?...

"safe" in this context can only possibly be applied to situations in which the end result justifies and obvious unhealthy means.

Call it a forced unintentional tort if it'd make "you" feel better! :yh_wink
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by K.Snyder »

Bevdee;1293263 wrote: I mean, if you have a gun up your butt, or a grenade in your fancy, the metal detector should go off.

You feel this situation is emphasizing primarily on one of the top countries in the World, militarily speaking, wetting themselves over a few box cutters and a loaded weapon(which I'd be pleased if anyone can show me the last time anyone successfully carried one on board of even one of the top six commercial passenger airlines)?

The "war on terrorism" is a tool to gain the sentiment of those entirely unmoved at the notion they might spit a blood vessel over the fact the U.S hasn't successfully put a dint in the "war on drugs" largely to do with the very same damn fact we're in Iraq and Afghanistan and if I didn't have such a BRILLIANT sense of humor I'd laugh at the very ignorance of it all.

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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by TruthBringer »

I would like to apolagize whole heartedly to the Lady who I said should have her kids taken away for willingly putting her kids through naked body scanners if she had to. That comment should have never been put into that post. I do believe that it is very wrong to subject children to such circumstances, but I also feel that the comment I made was not for me to decide. And that I was wrong for ever posting it. If I caused any adverse harm in the process, I am truly sorry.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by cars »

It was bound to happen. In the newspaper today, it said that they are installing Body Scanners at our Airport here in FL!! So on our next trip back North we most likely will be "scanned"!!! Lucky us!!! :wah:

(Note to self: Make sure to wear clean undies!!:p)
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by cars »

Well, it happened Wednesday at KC MO Airport!!! We had to go through a Body Scanner at the security check! Had to stand sideways in the scanner, while holding hands forming a pyrimid overhead, and remain still for 7 seconds!!!

(Glad I had on clean undies! :wah:)
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by spot »

Things turned out different to what was being promised in the UK. They're not optional, for example, you can't opt out, there's no age exception and health concerns are no excuse for asking to be frisked instead. Everything I wrote in this thread so far was inaccurate. Anyone refusing to go into an x-ray scanner in the UK is barred from boarding their flight. I'm not a happy bunny.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by ZAP »

cars;1306828 wrote: Well, it happened Wednesday at KC MO Airport!!! We had to go through a Body Scanner at the security check! Had to stand sideways in the scanner, while holding hands forming a pyrimid overhead, and remain still for 7 seconds!!!

(Glad I had on clean undies! :wah:)

Oh, goody! Leave it to K.C., always first to join in on the fun of harrasment. :wah: They scanned my 90 year old mother & examined every one of her suitcases when I moved her from KC to Nevada. (I was born & raised in Kansas so I have a right to criticize them. :-6)

But seriously, they can do everything they want if it'll make flying safer.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by LarsMac »

Tulsa has had them for months. I have been through several time.

I am not glowing, yet.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by cars »

LarsMac;1306910 wrote: Tulsa has had them for months. I have been through several time.

I am not glowing, yet.
Are you sure, I thought I saw an unusual glow in the sky! :p :wah: :D
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by cars »

Zapata;1306904 wrote: Oh, goody! Leave it to K.C., always first to join in on the fun of harrasment. :wah: They scanned my 90 year old mother & examined every one of her suitcases when I moved her from KC to Nevada. (I was born & raised in Kansas so I have a right to criticize them. :-6)

But seriously, they can do everything they want if it'll make flying safer.


Last year, I too saw "them" pull an elderly frail lady over after she went through the X-ray machine, & thouroughly rescan her with a hand scanner. She could hardly hold her arms out straight for long. I thought "they" were crazy, until I gave it some more thought, considering "their" perspective. Terrorists come in all shapes, sizes, forms, & even ages. If unscanned because she was elderly & frail, & if in fact she was a terrorist, she could have been hiding a weapon of some kind for her burly counterpart who went through the X-ray macnine without incident. :thinking: So . . . . .
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

cars;1306958 wrote: AMEN!

Last year, I too saw "them" pull an elderly frail lady over after she went through the X-ray machine, & thouroughly rescan her with a hand scanner. She could hardly hold her arms out straight for long. I thought "they" were crazy, until I gave it some more thought, considering "their" perspective. Terrorists come in all shapes, sizes, forms, & even ages. If unscanned because she was elderly & frail, & if in fact she was a terrorist, she could have been hiding a weapon of some kind for her burly counterpart who went through the X-ray macnine without incident. :thinking: So . . . . .

Why rely on an accomplice - is that overweight old bat really a skinny old bat with a jacket full of semtex? After all, she's less to loose than a young'un.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by Bevdee »

Zapata;1306904 wrote: Oh, goody! Leave it to K.C., always first to join in on the fun of harrasment. :wah: They scanned my 90 year old mother & examined every one of her suitcases when I moved her from KC to Nevada. (I was born & raised in Kansas so I have a right to criticize them. :-6)

But seriously, they can do everything they want if it'll make flying safer.

Ask them for a dose report.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by AussiePam »

Bryn Mawr;1306993 wrote: Why rely on an accomplice - is that overweight old bat really a skinny old bat with a jacket full of semtex? After all, she's less to loose than a young'un.

More to lose in one way. What the heck would she do with 70 nubile wenches when she is precipitated in tiny bits and bites through the pearly gates?
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by ZAP »

Bevdee;1306996 wrote: Ask them for a dose report.

???:confused: What is that?
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by albertpollard »

Wow! I didn't know this was here earlier or I would have commented. To clear up a few myths:

1. TSA was looking at some type of whole body scanner for some time. The incident with the 'underwear bomber' cause congress to cut loose some funding to purchase them. (It typically takes 2-5 years for an emergent technology to be tested prior to it bing accepted).

2. Sorry to say but TruthBringer does have some interesting points when he speaks of the loss of freedoms- My first question was Why are they blaming TSA when it was from overseas? Though the upper echelons were involved it had NOTHING TO DO WITH TSA SCREENING PROCESSES!

3. Where I differ with TruthBringer is on one hand he says show me ONE fair and balanced news source and on the other he say he gets his information from InfoWars??? Once you decide that one source holds the truth YOU are enslaved!!!

4. It is good for a society to have those who would raise the alarm and fan the flames of conspiracy. We can at least view the issue, discuss it, and decide if it is as bad as it seems.

5. The images are not a pornographic as many claim.

6. PAM!!! Where have you been 'Strip Searched?' What is your definition? Can I watch next time? (just kidding). It never ceases to amaze me when someone gets hand wanded and their bag is screened and they claim they were strip searched!
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by albertpollard »

Please understand I was not asking out of simple curiosity. I am one of the not a terrorist...I am a TSA officer. People don't often understand the difference between TSA, and Customs. We are two seperate entities though both are part of homeland security.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Let me know if you need patted down...I'll even wear my uniform. :sneaky:
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by ZAP »

albertpollard;1307043 wrote: Please understand I was not asking out of simple curiosity. I am one of the not a terrorist...I am a TSA officer. People don't often understand the difference between TSA, and Customs. We are two seperate entities though both are part of homeland security.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Let me know if you need patted down...I'll even wear my uniform. :sneaky:

Oh, I can't wait for Pam's answer to that! :wah:
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by AussiePam »

albertpollard;1307043 wrote: Please understand I was not asking out of simple curiosity. I am one of the not a terrorist...I am a TSA officer. People don't often understand the difference between TSA, and Customs. We are two seperate entities though both are part of homeland security.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Let me know if you need patted down...I'll even wear my uniform. :sneaky:

OOPS. I think I'll delete my post. I do need to go to the United States from time to time, even if just for skiing when you have winter and we don't, and I'm sure you all do your duty, impeccably, with good humour, style, thoroughness and um.. look great too.. er.. yep...
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by AussiePam »

Kathy removed her post too. Hope it was nothing I said. Oh well. It's my daughter's birthday, so I better make tracks.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by albertpollard »

AussiePam;1307053 wrote: OOPS. I think I'll delete my post. I do need to go to the United States from time to time, even if just for skiing when you have winter and we don't, and I'm sure you all do your duty, impeccably, with good humour, style, thoroughness and um.. look great too.. er.. yep...

Well, 4 out of 5 ain't bad...:p
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by LarsMac »

albertpollard;1307018 wrote: Wow! I didn't know this was here earlier or I would have commented. To clear up a few myths:

1. TSA was looking at some type of whole body scanner for some time. The incident with the 'underwear bomber' cause congress to cut loose some funding to purchase them. (It typically takes 2-5 years for an emergent technology to be tested prior to it bing accepted)...

I seem to recall seeing them setting these up in Tulsa before the "underpants bomber" (a side note. This kid is REALLY gonna have some self-image problems, getting tagged with a moniker like that) or very soon after. I understand the technology had already been chosen and tested, and it was just the UB caused brought the attention to the project to get it funded and accelerated.

Anyway, I have been in favor of the things all along.

Have also been through the "sniffer machines" as well.

Perhaps they should combine the two. Get scanned and sniffed at the same time.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by TruthBringer »

LarsMac;1307115 wrote:

Anyway, I have been in favor of the things all along.

Sure ya have. But I am in favor of it being used only on you. Everytime you enter the airport. And no one else. Because you love them so much, I believe it should only be applied to you, for the rest of your life.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by TruthBringer »

And then if I am lucky enough to get them to make an electric bracelet that they can slap onto Lars Mac's wrists, then I will vote for them too. But again, only for Lars Mac. Not for anyone else.

Of course I am betting all my money that Lars Mac will approve of the bracelets as much as he approves of the body scanners. So it should be a win win situation for both of us.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by Nomad »

TruthBringer;1307335 wrote: Sure ya have. But I am in favor of it being used only on you. Everytime you enter the airport. And no one else. Because you love them so much, I believe it should only be applied to you, for the rest of your life.

WHOA ! Easy cowboy. Lets give this pony a rest and a long cool drink of water before she over heats.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by TruthBringer »

Nomad;1307338 wrote: WHOA ! Easy cowboy. Lets give this pony a rest and a long cool drink of water before she over heats.

Come on Nomad. Give the guy a break. He is in favor of these things. Let's give him what he wants.

I have a whole list of things for him and only him that are related to the body scanner theme that he might also be in favor of:

1. Steel Shackles (harder to break)

2. One of those masks from the movie Silence of the Lambs, the one that Hannibal Lecter was wearing.

3. The electric bracelet as I mentioned before.

4. One of those tags that can be pierced through his earlobe like they do with animals and livestock and such.

And I'm working on a few more...
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by LarsMac »

TruthBringer;1307337 wrote: And then if I am lucky enough to get them to make an electric bracelet that they can slap onto Lars Mac's wrists, then I will vote for them too. But again, only for Lars Mac. Not for anyone else.

Of course I am betting all my money that Lars Mac will approve of the bracelets as much as he approves of the body scanners. So it should be a win win situation for both of us.

TruthBringer;1307335 wrote: Sure ya have. But I am in favor of it being used only on you. Everytime you enter the airport. And no one else. Because you love them so much, I believe it should only be applied to you, for the rest of your life.

TruthBringer;1307340 wrote: Come on Nomad. Give the guy a break. He is in favor of these things. Let's give him what he wants.

I have a whole list of things for him and only him that are related to the body scanner theme that he might also be in favor of:

1. Steel Shackles (harder to break)

2. One of those masks from the movie Silence of the Lambs, the one that Hannibal Lecter was wearing.

3. The electric bracelet as I mentioned before.

4. One of those tags that can be pierced through his earlobe like they do with animals and livestock and such.

And I'm working on a few more...

Overreacting again, there, Bubba.

All I said was that I like the scanners, and anyone who wants to get on a plane with me should have to go through the thing, as well.

You can have all that hardware you dreamed up.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by Bevdee »

A dose report is a report of radiation dose. All medical radiation workers wear a film badge, to be measured every 3 months. That report includes the quarter, and cumulative - shallow (from scatter) and deep penetration. Even though I take xrays and CTs from behind a lead wall or window, I get some radiation, because of scatter. Because scatter radiation is not a short sine wave, it doesn't always make it to or penetrate the target. It doesn't leave the body, it bounces around inside it. The only imaging in which this is acceptable is mammography. Scatter is why we have lead walls in the rooms, wear lead aprons when we're near the source. It's why there's extra filtration in the xray tube housing, which must be inspected yearly by State physicists. To protect the patients, workers... and the image from degradation.. When learning to administer ionizing radiation, students learn steps to take to avoid creating scatter, and offsetting it when it's unavoidable. I'm concerned about the airline workers, who probably will not get the information about protection that we did in the medical field.

The fluoroscope creates Compton scatter, which is potentially more harmful to the people in the room than the person being fluoroscoped. They used to use those in shoe shops, to measure feet, and arches, remember? Now that's outlawed. Anyone heard the recent hubbub over the total dose index of CT lately? It's been in the news. Patients are now asking for their dose reports.

This is a nutshell version of scatter and backscatter. There is a ghost image provided. This happened to me. I left a cassette in the room, shot a chest xray, and got ghost images of the wheelchair.

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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by ZAP »

Bevdee;1307805 wrote: A dose report is a report of radiation dose. All medical radiation workers wear a film badge, to be measured every 3 months. That report includes the quarter, and cumulative - shallow (from scatter) and deep penetration. Even though I take xrays and CTs from behind a lead wall or window, I get some radiation, because of scatter. Because scatter radiation is not a short sine wave, it doesn't always make it to or penetrate the target. It doesn't leave the body, it bounces around inside it. The only imaging in which this is acceptable is mammography. Scatter is why we have lead walls in the rooms, wear lead aprons when we're near the source. It's why there's extra filtration in the xray tube housing, which must be inspected yearly by State physicists. To protect the patients, workers... and the image from degradation.. When learning to administer ionizing radiation, students learn steps to take to avoid creating scatter, and offsetting it when it's unavoidable. I'm concerned about the airline workers, who probably will not get the information about protection that we did in the medical field.

The fluoroscope creates Compton scatter, which is potentially more harmful to the people in the room than the person being fluoroscoped. They used to use those in shoe shops, to measure feet, and arches, remember? Now that's outlawed. Anyone heard the recent hubbub over the total dose index of CT lately? It's been in the news. Patients are now asking for their dose reports.

This is a nutshell version of scatter and backscatter. There is a ghost image provided. This happened to me. I left a cassette in the room, shot a chest xray, and got ghost images of the wheelchair.

Scatter & Radiation Control

Great post! I want to read this thoroughly.
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by Bevdee »

I hope that pregnant women will not fly. I hope children don't fly. Radiation works on rapidly growing cells - it destroys them. Like rapidly growing cells of embryos and those of children. There is the gray, formerly known as radiation absorbed dose. That's for each exposure. I wonder what measures are being taken to monitor those who fly frequently, or the airline workers, whose rad or gray will build over time. I wonder if the equipment will be inspected regularly, as is required in hospitals and clinics.... or if the government feels they are above those FDA guidelines. Radiation is considered a hazmat.

We have frequent physicist checks for leaks in the tube housings, because if there is a leak, everyone can get radiated - kids, pregnant women, the workers who are exposed to scatter constantly.

It's now advised that people with colon cancer NOT get Barium Enemas, or CT Abdomen/Pelvis studies, because of the amount of radiation they receive from the exam.

Those who fly frequently and get radiation from high altitudes will now recieve extra from the new "security".
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How Do You Feel About Body Scanners In Airports?

Post by LarsMac »

Having gone through these new scanners a few times, now, I thought to revisit this thread.

Flying out of Palm Beach airport last week, there was a guy in front of me who said he was not going through that machine.

So he gets the pat down. I dropped my bags on the scanner, went through the machine, and gathered my stuff, and walked over to a bench to sit down and put my shoes on (I still use tie-up shoes) and got a call, so I sat there talking on my cell for a while, helping a co-worker fix a customer problem. I disconnected, and gathered my stuff, and headed to my gate, and met the guy coming out of the security area after the pat-down. (they must have found something they didn't like on him, because he was re-dressing as he rushed to his gate.

Moral of the story, if you don't like the scanner, you might want to plan extra time to get through security.

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