Well, Well, Well...

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Oscar Namechange
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bruv;1293146 wrote: Please don't rail at me Issie, I understand everything you are saying.

I would have the BNP on Question Time every week. I would not ban them or stifle their message, because anybody with an ounce of nous can see their agenda, and I believe most Brits are not inclined that way.

I also believe most people are racially biased, while claiming to be non racist.

I find most opponents of the BNP to be the most critical. The more they shout that we are Nazi, Fascist, Racists the more racists they're jokes are In the local boozer. Then they are likely to go home and push their woman around and frighten their children. Some who take the platform to rail against the BNP such as Pete Doherty, that fine upstanding British Citizen and supporter of the UAF, are convicted drug addicts. Some can not hold their alcohol, some strangle their cat rather than get It neutered down the vets. Some have kids out Indulging In Anti-social-behaviour all night wasting our Police resourses. I could go on. but I suggest some of the most fierce opponents of the BNP have a good look at their own life-style.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Bruv »

oscar;1293155 wrote: I find most opponents of the BNP to be the most critical...........I suggest some of the most fierce opponents of the BNP have a good look at their own life-style.

I find most opponents of the BNP to be the most critical ??????

That's why they are opponents, opponents can criticise, that's their job.

Even Hitler was good for somethings, you don't have to buy the whole package.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bruv;1293161 wrote:

I find most opponents of the BNP to be the most critical ??????

That's why they are opponents, opponents can criticise, that's their job.

Even Hitler was good for somethings, you don't have to buy the whole package.
Yes, I mean.. You certainly can not fault the Nazi Parties Ironing skills.

I love the one's who precede any Anti-BNP rant with 'I personally don't mind what colour or race people are'. They are usually the one's who are racist but haven't the balls. They are so worried that if they were to say 'Well, actually, mass Immigration Is a little concerning' they would be deemed rascist. That Is down to Years of conditioning by Governments that we must not 'dare' critisize their open house policy.

Another moment that gave me great mirth of late was Question Time and The Tory Representitive, Baroness Warsi, the Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion and Social Action told Mr Griffin that there was no such thing as a 'Bogus' Asylum seeker'. If anyone was In the wrong job then It has to be her. If she wants to know what a Bogus Asylum Seeker Is, I suggest she takes a trip to Calais where thousands of Migrants are camped out trying to get Into Britiain but only after passing through many other safe Countries to get to us.

More mirth on the QT with Mr Griffin was when Jack Straw refered to a Black Lady In the audience as ' Afro- Caribbean'. She then had to correct him and Imform him was actually 'African Caribbean.' What hope has any-one got with those un-deucated Morons In power?
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

Bruv said:

Please don't rail at me Issie, I understand everything you are saying.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. :yh_love

I believe most people have been prepared to welcome immigrants into this small Island of ours, but I now think that the deliberate open-door policy has left a lot of the indigenous population worse off....I truly believe that this has made some people racist, who were never racist before, I think the whole multicultural experiment is a failure.

When the government have done this to obtain votes to keep them in power, it makes my blood boil. :mad:

Britain has an indigenous population, and before anyone says "there is no such thing", the Equalities Commission quango have finally admitted it on paper in their reply to the changes made in the BNP constitution....this is a real break through and I don't suppose it even made the news, did it.?

So, in the hope of further expenses being paid out by the BNP and by prolonging this case which is bleeding the party of both finances and stopping membership, the Labour backed quango racket are nit picking the part of the new constitution which refers to the BNP being “pledged to the continued creation, fostering, maintenance and existence of the unity and integrity of the Indigenous British people and of the governments of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Eire” and the part which states that the party is also pledged to “stemming and reversing the immigration and migration into our British Homeland”.

This now takes us to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, because this government whilst signing up to the charter, have broken those rights.......now it is on paper and has been acknowledged by the words “indigenous British ethnic or racial origin.”

So, I'm sorry, but you cannot outlaw a political party who say they are representing the indigenous population......it's total madness to try and argue against this. (I don't mean you personally Bruv)

Yes, the BNP should have been treat like all the other political parties and people should be left to decide themselves, that is true democracy and I think that is what angers me the most, and when people scream racist and nazi at anyone who says they agree with the BNP policies.....….the more I learn about this, the more my X will go next to the BNP candidate….does that make me a racist?

Personally, I couldn’t care less because I know that I’m not, and I couldn’t give a flying fig what others think.

I don’t blame the immigrants, if I were in their shoes I would do the same, but when people see them getting houses and benefits that others are denied, I think most people are pi$$ed off with the system and when they are helpless against the system, they turn their frustration towards the immigrants.

I don't see anything wrong in protecting British culture and I think opinions about immigration can depend on Location, Location, Location.

That's what I think....who knows.?
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Issie;1293165 wrote:

I don't see anything wrong in protecting British culture and I think opinions about immigration can depend on Location, Location, Location.

That's what I think....who knows.?
This has just hit the newspapers. There has to be some-thing very wrong when Labours own Ministers admit their children are suffering due to migrants flooding the Country.

Immigration minister Phil Woolas admits his children have suffered because of migration | Mail Online
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Bruv »

Issie;1293165 wrote: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. :yh_love

I believe most people have been prepared to welcome immigrants into this small Island of ours, but I now think that the deliberate open-door policy has left a lot of the indigenous population worse off....I truly believe that this has made some people racist, who were never racist before, I think the whole multicultural experiment is a failure.

When the government have done this to obtain votes to keep them in power, it makes my blood boil. :mad:

I don't see anything wrong in protecting British culture and I think opinions about immigration can depend on Location, Location, Location.

That's what I think....who knows.?

I didn't take it personally Issie, I think many Brits are angry, frustrated and at a loss.

I don't think you can change fundamental beliefs such as racism, by a few foreigners moving in next door, and I don't believe most Brits are 'knowingly' racist. And I don't believe you can be racist towards fellow Aryans such as Poles etc..

What I think has gotten up the general populaces nose is the numbers involved nothing more than that........and of course the Islam connection
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bruv;1293206 wrote: I didn't take it personally Issie, I think many Brits are angry, frustrated and at a loss.

I don't think you can change fundamental beliefs such as racism, by a few foreigners moving in next door, and I don't believe most Brits are 'knowingly' racist. And I don't believe you can be racist towards fellow Aryans such as Poles etc..

What I think has gotten up the general populaces nose is the numbers involved nothing more than that........and of course the Islam connection
Something I see regually is people jumping to the Immigration Issue Immediately when you mention the BNP. However, new members and votors are doing exactly what I did. After all the media smear tactics, looking on the BNP web site to learn more. Then people realise that the BNP Is not just about Immigration, It Is also about the withdrawal from the EU, Foriegn affairs, education, health, Policing, Agriculture etc etc. That's when people start taking a real Interest In the BNP, when they see sensible Policies and no nonsence talk.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by gmc »

posted by issie

[QUOTE]Britain has an indigenous population, and before anyone says "there is no such thing", the Equalities Commission quango have finally admitted it on paper in their reply to the changes made in the BNP constitution....this is a real break through and I don't suppose it even made the news, did it.?

So, in the hope of further expenses being paid out by the BNP and by prolonging this case which is bleeding the party of both finances and stopping membership, the Labour backed quango racket are nit picking the part of the new constitution which refers to the BNP being “pledged to the continued creation, fostering, maintenance and existence of the unity and integrity of the Indigenous British people and of the governments of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Eire” and the part which states that the party is also pledged to “stemming and reversing the immigration and migration into our British Homeland”.

What utter bollocks

Of all the peoples on these islands the ones with the best claim to be indigenous are the celts as represented by the three nations of scotland, wales and ireland. All the rest the Angles Saxons, vikings normans etc etc are all later immigrants or invaders. We're a mongrel nation whether you like it or not. Arguably that mixing is what has given us our distinct character not some fairy tale image of a britain that never was.

I see the BNP intend to overrule the expressed wish of the indigenous people for a modicum of greater control over their own affairs from a westminster government that thinks the UK ends somewhere at watford with the rest of the country being "the north". where there is no street lighting, cobbled streets and the south east of england support in order to strengthen the union. What if scotland votes for independence will they ignore the wishes of that indigenous people with their separate legal and education system or will it be ignored for the sake of a greater unity?

What about eire-an independent nation since 1922? The inhabitants of eire are in for a shock because I bet they are unaware that the BNP intend and restore colonial rule and return them to the union of great britain and ireland. I can't see them agreeing to give up their independence without a fight so imagine I imagine t some point the BNP will have to declare war on the indigenous people of that island to bring them back to the fold.

Being charitable I assume the average BNP member is pig ignorant and doesn't realise that eire has been independent since 1922. They probably also don't understand that wales and scotland and ireland are distinct national identities within the UK with distinct cultures and attitudes.

posted by oscar

Something I see regually is people jumping to the Immigration Issue Immediately when you mention the BNP. However, new members and votors are doing exactly what I did. After all the media smear tactics, looking on the BNP web site to learn more. Then people realise that the BNP Is not just about Immigration, It Is also about the withdrawal from the EU, Foriegn affairs, education, health, Policing, Agriculture etc etc. That's when people start taking a real Interest In the BNP, when they see sensible Policies and no nonsence talk.

So as well as being racist they are backward looking at a past that exists only in their imagination and they favour a mercantilist approach to economic policy approach that will be the ruin of us. Forget the racist charge their economic and constitutional policies such big time and would be a disaster for the UK.

If you don't understand the big word look them up-while you're at it look up capitalism as well and you might begin to understand what is wrong with both the BNP and UKIP. If either of them get anywhere near the reins of power and have any say on economic policy we are in deep ****.

If you don't know what mercantilism is look it up, while you're at it read up about capitalism and you might begin to understand what is wrong with your economic policies and why they would be disaster for the UK.

But you won't will you because that would mean you might have to think about it and it's so much easier to just try and browbeat those who disagree with you and delude yourself that actually have a case to make. You don't have any constructive policies just a series of inane statements you repeat over and over again.

I object to the BNP just as i would object to a muslim party calling for sharia law or a Christian party calling for the restoration of christian values in society and for much the same reasons. Racist, backward sad little pillocks that want to rule the world.

You don't want political debate and open discussion because you can't defend your policies you just want your own way. Anyway I'm done with this-to paraphrase woody allen

I think you should defend to the death their right to march, and then go down and meet them with baseball bats."
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Oscar Namechange
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1293427 wrote:

What utter bollocks

So If you suceed In an Independent Scotland, you are going to kiss the arsse of Brussels are you?

In place of the EU, the BNP Intend to aim towards greater National self-sufficiency, and to work to restore Britain’s family and trading ties with Australia, Canada and New Zealand, and to trade with the rest of the world as it suits us. Following the withdrawal from the EU, the BNP will use the £43 million per day net contribution Britain at present makes to the European Union to fund many far more useful projects at home.

It Includes stopping the Influx of cheap live-stock from EU Countries and letting British farmers trade with who and what they like. UK Supermarket Giants will be out-lawed from Impossing Exclusitivity contracts on our Farmers leaving them to trade freely.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Bruv »

"Just like that"
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bruv;1293471 wrote: "Just like that"
Boom Boom
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

gmc said:

Of all the peoples on these islands the ones with the best claim to be indigenous are the celts as represented by the three nations of scotland, wales and ireland. All the rest the Angles Saxons, vikings normans etc etc are all later immigrants or invaders..
We’re all descendants of the Basques and all the rest who came afterwards including the Celts, left bugger all in the gene pool. (Percentage wise)

So in your fairytale dream you think that the invaders from the Basque region who were the first to venture into Britain before the land mass broke away from what we now call mainland Europe, you think they by-passed England and went straight to Scotland, Wales and Ireland.? Overall, three quarters of our modern gene pool (two thirds in England) derives from the Basque invaders.

The Stone Age people had the greatest impact on our culture, they first arrived here in 7000BC, with the Celts arriving in 300BC.

Have you ever read the book by Professor Stephen Oppenheimer? Have you seen the latest DNA tests.? Now you can argue with me until kingdom come, but you can’t argue with modern science and DNA results.

Have you ever compared the unique Basque language with the Gaelic and Welsh language?

Here’s a little section for you to ponder over and shatter your dream.

Myths of British ancestry Prospect Magazine

I’m sure a pig ignorant follower of Salmond knows where the Basque country is situated and can see the same pretty colours.

The British National Party — Blog — Four Flags: The Indigenous People of Britain (DNA, History and the Right to Existence of the Native Inhabitants of the British Isles)

What if scotland votes for independence will they ignore the wishes of that indigenous people with their separate legal and education system or will it be ignored for the sake of a greater unity?
Scotland and independence,? don’t make me laugh because you wouldn’t last 5 months, but actually I’d like you to become independent and then we can rebuild Hadrian’s wall, kick all the Mac Broons over the wall and have an English Parliament without a jock in sight, along with the immigrants, and when they tell you that you can’t celebrate Burn’s night, Hogmanay or the Edinburgh tattoo because it offends them, and when your haggis has to be halal …oh yes I’ll just love it.

With Scotland having the largest fat @rsed layabouts all having to go get a job, when BP (which stands for British Petroleum and not Scottish Petroleum) stops the 12 billion they spend each year on deep sea oil exploration, and best of all when we save ourselves at least £22 billion a year that the English pay to daydreamers like you, and YES let’s see how happy that makes us.

What now would be the economic powerhouse of an independent Scotland? The whisky manufacturers? The porridge industry? The Loch Ness Monster.?

The financial embarrassments of the Royal Bank of Scotland and HBOS are trifles compared with the chronic financial embarrassment of Scotland itself.

Oh and before I leave you to your daydreaming……the BNP policies in no particular order that I like….

1. Stop immigration of the dreg ends of the third world countries and throw out all the illegals.

2. Bring our troops home and stop another person dying in an illegal war that we will never win.

3. Either get out of the EU or at least regain some power back to chose our own destiny.

You see something wrong in making the United Kingdom a united country where every citizen will be proud to be called British, instead of pandering to the naive clap trap that Salmond spews out?….you sound like a racist jock and you critize the BNP while following the doomed dream….you’re a joke.

I've had enough with this.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Bruv »

Issie oh Issie............how far back do you want to go ?

All this about the rights of indigenous people to existence and freedom from colonisation, domination and dispossession of their lands and culture........it doesn't sit well with our glorious history......does it ?

It could be argued that the British colonialisation of Africa was us returning to the place of our origin, modern science has it that ALL mankind started in Africa..........but how far back do you want to go ?

There is a natural justice (in my mind) that over rides all this.

Recent history has given us the dispossession of Europeans in Africa from lands they 'obtained' and that they claim to have rights over.

They have farmed the land for generations.........

Are these people indigenous by virtue of having had generations live and die on that land ?

It all tends to get a little murky, their ancestors apparently stole the land.

I would suggest they should have some rights over the land..............but the indigenous inhabitants have other views................so where do you draw the line ?
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1293427 wrote:

So as well as being racist they are backward looking at a past that exists only in their imagination and they favour a mercantilist approach to economic policy approach that will be the ruin of us. Forget the racist charge their economic and constitutional policies such big time and would be a disaster for the UK.

Their economic and Constitutional policies would be a disaster for the UK would they?

You've changed your tune. Your one heck of a hypocrite also and have just contradicted yourself from another thread where you blamed the Thatcher Government for destroying all Industry In the UK.

If we have no Industry as you said In panto's thread, how on earth can the BNP and UKIP Policy to withdraw from the EU and use the 43 million we give them daily to Invest back Into British Industry be so damaging? Your talking Bollocks again arn't you?

Seems to me that you want It all ways... an Independent Scotland and for one, Scotlands going to pay the EU the 43 million a day off the back of the SNP and no help from Westminster? You'll be a bankrupt Principality within weeks and crawling down to us for a loan. For two, what have you got to export and compete In the EU Market?

Tell me... you think that It's fair that our Farmers can only get £2 for a calf at market because cheaper EU Imports have flooded our Supermarket Giants who then strangle them with exclusitivity contracts?

This Government has destroyed our agricultural and Farming Industry. The BNP will Invest the main of that 43 million a day to re-build our Farming Industry.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bruv;1293515 wrote: Issie oh Issie............how far back do you want to go ?

All this about the rights of indigenous people to existence and freedom from colonisation, domination and dispossession of their lands and culture........it doesn't sit well with our glorious history......does it ?

It could be argued that the British colonialisation of Africa was us returning to the place of our origin, modern science has it that ALL mankind started in Africa..........but how far back do you want to go ?

There is a natural justice (in my mind) that over rides all this.

Recent history has given us the dispossession of Europeans in Africa from lands they 'obtained' and that they claim to have rights over.

They have farmed the land for generations.........

Are these people indigenous by virtue of having had generations live and die on that land ?

It all tends to get a little murky, their ancestors apparently stole the land.

I would suggest they should have some rights over the land..............but the indigenous inhabitants have other views................so where do you draw the line ? We draw the line at 'The Here and Now'. We draw the line at what Is damaging our country today. Multi-Cultural Social engineering Is a failure on behalf of the Labour party designed to merely keep votes.

Although the enquirey did find the Governments findings of Immigration VS GDP deeply flawed for failing to take Into account dependents and future generations, It is simple. Every Immigrant In this country will get old. They will then need pensions or Guarunteed Pension Credit. While the tax payer Is subsiding that lot, mass Un-controlled Immigartion continue's. The money will run out one day very soon... Simples.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Clodhopper »

To deal with the here and now you need an understanding of the past. If you do not have an understanding of the past you repeat its mistakes. The past of this country has been multicultural since its inception and even before. The name "Anglo-Saxon" should be a clue. Or did you think the "Anglo-" bit meant "English"?

You should also add Jutes, Dubliners, Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, Normans, French, Dutch, Romano-British, Yemenis, Chinese, Scots, Irish and Welsh before we even get halfway through the last century. Amongst others.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Clodhopper;1293636 wrote: To deal with the here and now you need an understanding of the past. If you do not have an understanding of the past you repeat its mistakes. The past of this country has been multicultural since its inception and even before. The name "Anglo-Saxon" should be a clue. Or did you think the "Anglo-" bit meant "English"?

You should also add Jutes, Dubliners, Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, Normans, French, Dutch, Romano-British, Yemenis, Chinese, Scots, Irish and Welsh before we even get halfway through the last century. Amongst others. This may come as a massive shock to you Clodhopper so It's best to be seated with a cup of sweet tea.

I not only went to school, I went to university. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

Originally Posted by Clodhopper

To deal with the here and now you need an understanding of the past. If you do not have an understanding of the past you repeat its mistakes. The past of this country has been multicultural since its inception and even before. The name "Anglo-Saxon" should be a clue. Or did you think the "Anglo-" bit meant "English"?

You should also add Jutes, Dubliners, Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, Normans, French, Dutch, Romano-British, Yemenis, Chinese, Scots, Irish and Welsh before we even get halfway through the last century. Amongst others.

The overwhelmingly most common haplogroup among British and Irish people is H1. It is most common in Basques and then Irish/Brits, indicating a close genetic match.

The Skeleton from Gough's cave over 10,000 years old, is of this group. Another skeleton known as the Cheddar Man was type ‘U’, a much rarer type and oldest of all, but still found in approx 10% in Britain/Ireland, and this indicates that these haplogroups were in the British Isles at a very remote era, long before the known 'invasions'.

By the time the later migrations arrived there was a substantial amount of people already here, in fact the only 2 large permanent migrations after that time were Saxons and Vikings, there was no 'Celtic' mass migration.

Saxons/Germanic peoples can be H's too, but usually they have a different sub-clade to the Basque H1. And you wouldn't really expect to find 'Roman' DNA as the Romans came from all over, not Italy.

In spite of all the later contributions that you quote Clodhopper, the genetic makeup of the British Isles remains overwhelmingly what it was in the Neolithic: a mixture of the first Mesolithic inhabitants with Neolithic settlers who came from IBERIA.

So, stop trying to use the feeble excuse of history to condone mass immigration which is economic suicide for this small Island, and don’t you dare try and wipe away the overwhelming genetic make-up of the people of this Island and our ancestory, and the systematic erosion of my culture which is presently taking place.

If you are so interested in history, then go ask somebody why we can have a government that encourages and funds a “Black History Month”, but we can’t have a “White History Month” :mad:

And while you’re at it, go ask about why we have no recognition or why our school children are taught about black slavery, but nothing for the million + of white people who were taken as slaves by the Berber pirates during the raids off the Cornish coastline and Europe, and sold as ‘white gold’.

Learning about the past will not change what is happening today in the UK and it is no excuse for the ethnic cleansing taking place in towns up and down the country, and if you want to touch the subject of colonisation, then go ask the Dutch, Spanish, Portugese and the French etc…..Go ask if their citizens are made to feel guilty about something that happened centuries ago, and finally, you really should go and research how the word 'Anglo' came about.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by gmc »

Issie;1293474 wrote: We’re all descendants of the Basques and all the rest who came afterwards including the Celts, left bugger all in the gene pool. (Percentage wise)

So in your fairytale dream you think that the invaders from the Basque region who were the first to venture into Britain before the land mass broke away from what we now call mainland Europe, you think they by-passed England and went straight to Scotland, Wales and Ireland.? Overall, three quarters of our modern gene pool (two thirds in England) derives from the Basque invaders.

The Stone Age people had the greatest impact on our culture, they first arrived here in 7000BC, with the Celts arriving in 300BC.

Have you ever read the book by Professor Stephen Oppenheimer? Have you seen the latest DNA tests.? Now you can argue with me until kingdom come, but you can’t argue with modern science and DNA results.

Have you ever compared the unique Basque language with the Gaelic and Welsh language?

Here’s a little section for you to ponder over and shatter your dream.

Myths of British ancestry Prospect Magazine

I’m sure a pig ignorant follower of Salmond knows where the Basque country is situated and can see the same pretty colours.

The British National Party — Blog — Four Flags: The Indigenous People of Britain (DNA, History and the Right to Existence of the Native Inhabitants of the British Isles)

Scotland and independence,? don’t make me laugh because you wouldn’t last 5 months, but actually I’d like you to become independent and then we can rebuild Hadrian’s wall, kick all the Mac Broons over the wall and have an English Parliament without a jock in sight, along with the immigrants, and when they tell you that you can’t celebrate Burn’s night, Hogmanay or the Edinburgh tattoo because it offends them, and when your haggis has to be halal …oh yes I’ll just love it.

With Scotland having the largest fat @rsed layabouts all having to go get a job, when BP (which stands for British Petroleum and not Scottish Petroleum) stops the 12 billion they spend each year on deep sea oil exploration, and best of all when we save ourselves at least £22 billion a year that the English pay to daydreamers like you, and YES let’s see how happy that makes us.

What now would be the economic powerhouse of an independent Scotland? The whisky manufacturers? The porridge industry? The Loch Ness Monster.?

The financial embarrassments of the Royal Bank of Scotland and HBOS are trifles compared with the chronic financial embarrassment of Scotland itself.

Oh and before I leave you to your daydreaming……the BNP policies in no particular order that I like….

1. Stop immigration of the dreg ends of the third world countries and throw out all the illegals.

2. Bring our troops home and stop another person dying in an illegal war that we will never win.

3. Either get out of the EU or at least regain some power back to chose our own destiny.

You see something wrong in making the United Kingdom a united country where every citizen will be proud to be called British, instead of pandering to the naive clap trap that Salmond spews out?….you sound like a racist jock and you critize the BNP while following the doomed dream….you’re a joke.

I've had enough with this.

As a matter of fact I have read the latest DNA studies but I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you. As the saying goes, never argue with an idiot as they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience and you have a big advantage on me there.

Besides it is clearly pointless because had you any knowledge of modern science and DNA results and a basic knowledge of the history of europe you would not come out with such claptrap. As usual with the BNP all you can do is resort to insults and inane babblings.

posted by oscar

This may come as a massive shock to you Clodhopper so It's best to be seated with a cup of sweet tea.

I not only went to school, I went to university.

Judging from your posts I can only conclude you have a degree in knitting or something. (In case you still can't tell that is sarcasm. )
Posts: 127
Joined: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:42 am

Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

gmc....You're such a charming fellow.

Besides it is clearly pointless because had you any knowledge of modern science and DNA results and a basic knowledge of the history of europe you would not come out with such claptrap.
To use your favourite terminology......Utter bolloxs.

As usual with the BNP all you can do is resort to insults.
Oh, so you think it's ok to tell people they are talking bolloxs, call them half-wits, pig ignorant, idiots and whatever else you can find derogatory.?

Don't be a bloody hypocrite all your sad life please.

I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you
That's about the most sensible thing you've said and I totally agree with you because I really do have better things to do with my life.

Maybe you should have listened to Abraham Lincoln


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt.:yh_rotfl
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