The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by gmc »

No I'm not pope bashing but I don't see why anyone should be above the law.

How very broad-minded this country is, when we consider that the British taxpayer will shortly be shelling out millions of pounds to protect a former member of the Hitler Youth who believes Anglicans will burn in Hell when the Pope visits this country next week – just after we commemorate the beginning of the Nazi Blitz on this country! Tolerant or WHAT? (pinched from another article.Julie Burchill: Do visits from ex-Hitler Youth members make me uneasy? Is the Pope Catholic? - Julie Burchill, Columnists - The Independent)

The Pope: Witness for the prosecution - Faith, Opinion - The Independent

Every person is entitled to claim the right to religion, and to manifest it in community with others by "teaching, practice, worship and observance". The corollary of this right – expressed in these words in the Universal Declaration and every convention on human rights – is that churches must be free to propound the tenets of their respective faiths but always (and this is a condition explicitly imposed by all such conventions) subject to laws necessary in a democracy to protect public interests and the rights and freedoms of others.

The evidence establishes that, at the direction of the Vatican, wrongdoers were dealt with in a manner that protected them from exposure, silenced their victims, aided and abetted some to move on to commit further offences, and withheld evidence of their serious crimes from law enforcement authorities. In effect, the church has in many countries been running a parallel system of criminal justice, unbeknownst to and deliberately hidden from the public, police and parliaments, in which the guilty went unpunished and the lips of their victims were sealed – by forced oaths and confidential legal settlements.

The "traffic" of paedophile priests to and from the US, especially to Ireland, Mexico and Rome, is well authenticated, and there is emerging evidence of transferring them to parishes in Africa and Latin America where they have come under little or no scrutiny. No explanation has been forthcoming for why this was tolerated at the highest levels of the church, especially during the Papacy of John Paul II and the prefecture of Cardinal Ratzinger at the CDF.

There was negligence, certainly, in turning a blind eye to the mounting crisis, and naïve prejudice in seeking to blame it on "gay culture" or malicious journalists. But something else seems to have been at work in 2001, when Pope John Paul II and his top cardinals agreed to congratulate a French bishop for hiding a paedophile priest from the police and then reassigning him to offend again, and again in 2004 when Pope John Paul brought to Rome and personally blessed a notorious sex offender who had founded a misogynistic religious order.

These and other incidents demonstrate a certain arrogance in the exercise of the power of the statehood that has been vouchsafed to the Holy See – a power to live above the law and to flaunt the impunity that is associated with sovereignty. Whether one religious order alone is entitled to that power is a question that requires close examination.

The first queen elizabeth must be birling in her grave - How times change The pope she knew would have burned her as a heretic. I'm not a royalist either but I think she should wear what she likes and tell him to bugger off if he doesn't like it.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by Rapunzel »

Ah, but times change and people move on. As do their moral values.

And surely being the Pope it is all about forgiveness.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Pope Bashing gmc??? Has a saucy under-tone there.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by gmc »

Rapunzel;1332175 wrote: Ah, but times change and people move on. As do their moral values.

And surely being the Pope it is all about forgiveness.

I'm the wrong one to ask as I'm not a catholic. It does seem to me that his moral value are in another age. I don't think a celibate priest should be giving lectures on family planning and telling us that tolerance and understanding are what is breaking the moral fabric of society while covering up the abuse of children puts him on the moral high ground but I would never accept that someone who claims to speak for god is worth listening to in the first place.

I agree with julie burchill, we are showing an incredible degree of tolerance in allowing him to visit. He is a bigot in the fullest sense of the word and only tolerates other religions and christian sects because he has to.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

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There's an astonishing article on the BBC News site today...The German-born cardinal was quoted as saying to the country's Focus magazine that "when you land at Heathrow you think at times you have landed in a Third World country". He also was reported to have criticised British Airways, saying that when you wear a cross on the airline "you are discriminated against".

Vatican sources said Cardinal Kasper - who stepped down in July as the head of the department that deals with other Christian denominations - was suffering from gout and had been advised by his doctors not to travel to the UK.

BBC News - Pope adviser calls the UK a "Third World country"

Cardinal Kasper is welcome to stay out of the UK for the next several lifetimes, if you ask me. Stupid prat.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by gmc »

POPE'S UK VISIT: Benedict XVI lands to face storm after top German aide's attack on Britain | Mail Online

Pope likens the rise of atheism in Britain to the Nazis as he admits his 'shock and sadness' over abuse scandal

The Pope wasted no time in warning about the rise of secularism in society, in what is likely to be an ongoing theme of his trip - but it was his reference to Nazism that raised eyebrows.

As the Queen looked on, he said: 'Even in our own lifetime, we can recall how Britain and her leaders stood against a Nazi tyranny that wished to eradicate God from society and denied our common humanity to many, especially the Jews, who were thought unfit to live.

'I also recall the regime’s attitude to Christian pastors and religious who spoke the truth in love, opposed the Nazis and paid for that opposition with their lives.

'As we reflect on the sobering lessons of the atheist extremism of the twentieth century, let us never forget how the exclusion of God, religion and virtue from public life leads ultimately to a truncated vision of man and of society and thus to a “reductive vision of the person and his destiny".

What a load of rubbish, hitler was not an atheist, ww2 was not a war about religion. It is inconceivable that the holocaust would have taken place without two thousand years of propaganda from the christian church. I like to think I am tolerant but really I think we should throw this idiot out of the country. He was there, I dare say he knows perfectly well the support the catholic church gave to hitler, talk about selective memory.

It's not that people are becoming atheists it's that they no longer wish to listen to homophobic, misogynistic bigots who cover up the abuse of children lecturing about the decline of moral standards. In a secular society all faiths and creeds are tolerated in a society where religion is at the heart that is no the case - just look at the middle east, israel, pakistan, saudi arabia. In turkey religionists are trying to overturn the freedom of secularism and bring back religious rule. In america religionists want to overturn the constitution and it's freedoms to put god at the centre of things. All over the world religion is at the heart of every conflict.

On the 5th of November in the UK we burn effigies of a catholic terrorist to remind up what was fought for and so nearly lost. I'm not religious but I begin to understand what made my ancestors go to war against the one true faith.

It's interesting we don't see the gales that destroyed the armada as being an act of god although it must have been, if that's what you believe.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

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gmc;1333274 wrote: It's interesting we don't see the gales that destroyed the armada as being an act of god although it must have been, if that's what you believe.We believe it to the extent that we issued a commemorative medal with the words "God Blew And They Were Scattered" round the edge, if I remember right.

If you read the weasel-pope's words exactly, they're each true. It's the conjunction of the final-quoted paragraph with the foregoing that misleads. Of course the Catholic church in Germany compromised with the Nazi government and quite likely with the party itself beforehand. Of course Nazis who were Catholics were just as well behaved as any British Catholics who were, say, responsibly for implementing the policies of Bomber Command, and just as absolvable after confession. Demonising Nazis is cheap and quite frankly an abuse of Catholic Dogma.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by gmc »

If you read Main Kampf (OK I can't claim to have read it from cover to cover, but it's on line if you want to check) it is clear he thought he was doing the work of the almighty in exterminating the jew. Arguably he was insane but an awful lot of people agreed with him about the jews. There's a few in the middle east that would like to stuff them all in ovens even now. Are they insane or just deeply religious? Judaism, christianity and islam all teach that non believers are less than those who believe as they do. That is an incontrovertible fact.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by spot »

gmc;1333279 wrote: There's a few in the middle east that would like to stuff them all in ovens even now. Are they insane or just deeply religious?I doubt whether they exist. I think if you write something so inflammatory you have to name them, not just cast aspersions.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by gmc »

spot;1333281 wrote: I doubt whether they exist. I think if you write something so inflammatory you have to name them, not just cast aspersions.

I was speaking metaphorically not literally. Are you telling me you cannot think of anyone who would like to see the destruction of israel and the jews?
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

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gmc;1333289 wrote: I was speaking metaphorically not literally. Are you telling me you cannot think of anyone who would like to see the destruction of israel and the jews?"the destruction of israel" is completely ambiguous, it can be taken to mean the extermination of the inhabitants or the adoption of a new state constitution eliminating the current discrimination against non-Jews. The land remains whatever the constitutional arrangement and for all I care the state can keep the name Israel too, what it can't do is continue as an apartheid regime. South Africa wasn't destroyed, but its racist constitution and legal code was. The same destruction is overdue in Israel.

As for eradicating the Jews, no, I can't think of anyone off-hand who's expressed such a desire since 1945. Can you?
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by gmc »

Watch Video The Axis Of Evil Seeks Israels Destruction In Israel News at blinkx

YouTube - Six Day War - Call For Destruction of Israel

YouTube - Yom Kippur War 1973-

Iran: Israel will be destroyed within 15 years | Al Bawaba

You are a pedant and you are correct in that I am lax with my use of language. No one has called for the extermination of the jews since 1945. On the other hand syria and egypt weren't playing games were they? Ff they'd won israel would have ceased to exist.

If they have the technology how likely would a religious fanatic be to use it? You cannot reason with the the religious all you can do is hope they live and let live. looking at the pope today you begin to understand the kind of mentality that led to the religious wars in europe. Religious freedom now means you can be a bigot and get away with it.

feeling controversial?

YouTube - Israel and the Holy Qur'an
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by Clodhopper »

I reckon the Pope and his buddies are offending most ordinary Brits very successfully, through their dodgy reasoning (as demonstrated by gmc) and racist comments (third world country), homophobia, stance against contraception and total failure to understand the damage the child abuse has done. I've stopped being peeved; I've got to the point where I just laugh at the hypocrite.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Clodhopper;1333305 wrote: I reckon the Pope and his buddies are offending most ordinary Brits very successfully, through their dodgy reasoning (as demonstrated by gmc) and racist comments (third world country), homophobia, stance against contraception and total failure to understand the damage the child abuse has done. I've stopped being peeved; I've got to the point where I just laugh at the hypocrite. The child abuse allegations happened years ago long before he became Pope. It is like saying a Police Officer Is responsible for another corrupt Officer 20 years ago.

As for the comment about us being a third world country... I am suspicious... I got a letter from the BNP only last week and the head-line was ' We are a third world country'... hmmmm
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by gmc »

Clodhopper;1333305 wrote: I reckon the Pope and his buddies are offending most ordinary Brits very successfully, through their dodgy reasoning (as demonstrated by gmc) and racist comments (third world country), homophobia, stance against contraception and total failure to understand the damage the child abuse has done. I've stopped being peeved; I've got to the point where I just laugh at the hypocrite.

Because the pope is saying it there will be those who believe it to be true. You get the same kind of nonsense about hitler and ww2 being a war of religion on christian fundamentalist websites. It stands up to about thirty seconds of investigation. Worryingly is this nonsense going to be taught in catholic schools? As if it wasn't bad enough that we've got a PM that thinks america entered the war in 1940, that was a real insult to the british people. Don't know about you but I knew plenty of people who went to war and so far as they were concerned fighting against atheism didn;t come in to it. Just seen the chief rabbi condemning the information age and the lack of values and also calling for religion to be at the heart of society again. What they are all really saying is that they are worried people just don't fall for it any more. They're all ganging up against the evils of secular society

Schools must be 'safe' for children, says Pope ... 81867.html

He'll be keeping the priests away then.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1333428 wrote: Because the pope is saying it there will be those who believe it to be true. You get the same kind of nonsense about hitler and ww2 being a war of religion on christian fundamentalist websites. It stands up to about thirty seconds of investigation. Worryingly is this nonsense going to be taught in catholic schools? As if it wasn't bad enough that we've got a PM that thinks america entered the war in 1940, that was a real insult to the british people. Don't know about you but I knew plenty of people who went to war and so far as they were concerned fighting against atheism didn;t come in to it. Just seen the chief rabbi condemning the information age and the lack of values and also calling for religion to be at the heart of society again. What they are all really saying is that they are worried people just don't fall for it any more. They're all ganging up against the evils of secular society

Schools must be 'safe' for children, says Pope - Home News, UK - The Independent

He'll be keeping the priests away then.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

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I heard a vile phrase on this morning's news - "Catholic schoolchildren". In what sense can a schoolchild be described as Catholic? We have a well-developed concept of informed consent in this country. Have these schoolchildren consented to be Catholic from an informed position? Are they capable of doing such a thing? Until a child's capable of giving informed consent to religious instruction they shouldn't have any evangelist allowed within hailing distance of them, Catholic or otherwise.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by gmc »

oscar;1333441 wrote: Did you see the foiled assassins In this mornings news?

They were wrapped in foil?:yh_rotfl Maybe they were followers of the great baco in the sky.
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by Bez »

gmc;1332166 wrote: No I'm not pope bashing but I don't see why anyone should be above the law.

How very broad-minded this country is, when we consider that the British taxpayer will shortly be shelling out millions of pounds to protect a former member of the Hitler Youth who believes Anglicans will burn in Hell when the Pope visits this country next week – just after we commemorate the beginning of the Nazi Blitz on this country! Tolerant or WHAT? (pinched from another article.Julie Burchill: Do visits from ex-Hitler Youth members make me uneasy? Is the Pope Catholic? - Julie Burchill, Columnists - The Independent)

The Pope: Witness for the prosecution - Faith, Opinion - The Independent


Yes we are a tolerant society.....thank goodness !!!

The Pope was indeed conscripted into the Hitler Youth aged was compulsary. He did not attend meetings and his Father was against Nazism. One of the Popes cousins was who had Down Syndrome was taken away and killed by the Nazis at Aktion T4 camp.

The subject of Child Abuse is horrific and I personally believe that cover-ups are un-acceptable and that this issue should be be resolved. I also personally believe that Women should take an equal place in all religions and that banning the use of condoms is ridiculous.

I can see the difficulty in bringing religion into our modern is hard to relate to ideas that are thousands of years old.

Most religious leaders follow the guidelines of their 'scriptures', 'writings' etc. They can either be progressive and open to change, stick strickly to the original stuctures or find something in between....... not easy.

I am currently pracising Buddhism (SGI) ....this is not easy either....

I am not a fan of Julie Burchill I must say...too abrasive for my liking
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by Snowfire »

spot;1333452 wrote: I heard a vile phrase on this morning's news - "Catholic schoolchildren". In what sense can a schoolchild be described as Catholic? We have a well-developed concept of informed consent in this country. Have these schoolchildren consented to be Catholic from an informed position? Are they capable of doing such a thing? Until a child's capable of giving informed consent to religious instruction they shouldn't have any evangelist allowed within hailing distance of them, Catholic or otherwise.

I agree entirely. I had no idea religion was hereditory, that somehow Christian/Muslim characteristics were innate
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The Pope: Witness for the prosecution

Post by theia »

Bez;1333474 wrote: Yes we are a tolerant society.....thank goodness !!!

The Pope was indeed conscripted into the Hitler Youth aged was compulsary. He did not attend meetings and his Father was against Nazism. One of the Popes cousins was who had Down Syndrome was taken away and killed by the Nazis at Aktion T4 camp.

The subject of Child Abuse is horrific and I personally believe that cover-ups are un-acceptable and that this issue should be be resolved. I also personally believe that Women should take an equal place in all religions and that banning the use of condoms is ridiculous.

I can see the difficulty in bringing religion into our modern is hard to relate to ideas that are thousands of years old.

Most religious leaders follow the guidelines of their 'scriptures', 'writings' etc. They can either be progressive and open to change, stick strickly to the original stuctures or find something in between....... not easy.

I am currently pracising Buddhism (SGI) ....this is not easy either....

I am not a fan of Julie Burchill I must say...too abrasive for my liking

Very good post, Bez
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