Beware, Scam Security

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Beware, Scam Security

Post by Snowfire »

For those of you that use Mozilla Firefox, there seems to be a fake scam on the loose.

My browser showed this message...

Mozilla Security has found critical process activity on your system and will perform a fast scan of system files

I have adequate security installed on my computer so I was obviously suspicious. My SpywareDoctor with anti virus would have picked any dangerous threats in its regular scans. I quite obviously refused to download the software offered in a pop-up box and Googled Mozilla Security Scan.

Just to add...the web address that started the scan did not show up in a google search, which was odd

I'm sure there are those casual computer users that might be taken in by this as it looks genuine, so please be aware and install your own adequate software and regard any sudden security scare by a third party with suspicion.
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Beware, Scam Security

Post by along-for-the-ride »

I use IE and get similar "warnings". I too have adequate protection.

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Beware, Scam Security

Post by Ahso! »

Perhaps these problems will one day abate as Windows continues to lose market share of home computing. It's now been 6+ years since I've had to deal with this stuff. But oh how I remember!
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Beware, Scam Security

Post by srappme »

i am getting these too on a windows and a non-windows computer and cannot find a security program that picks up on either. i don't think getting rid of my computers as "Ahso!" has done and suggested, just an assumption considering my mac and linux box and any you google about get just as many attacks and virii/viruese as a windows boxs if not more so that's the only logical theory i get from what "Ahso!" says with the 6+ years not dealing with this stuff, just because firefox got attacked with malware or a virus once in the past 5yrs, lmao. there is an obvious reason desktop OSs are Microsoft Windows (92.78% market share), Mac OS X (5.12%), Linux (0.95%),Solaris and FreeBSD, lol... anyway, the easiest way to stop it from annoying you is clear all your browsers cache including IE if you have it, close all your browsers and clear any remaining cache and temp files on the puter, restart your browser. hope that helps your situation.
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Beware, Scam Security

Post by gmc »

Anyone come across a piece of malware called sansasecurity? I can't find out what it is, the IP provider is aware of it bit can't advise any more than that. Seems to be one of these keystroke tracking things and keeps popping up trying tio send out my IP address - usually when i go anywhere near a vbankiong site.
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Beware, Scam Security

Post by spot »

Rogue AV pimps finally show love for alternative browsers is about these hijack attempts being tailored over the last couple of months to mimic all browsers on all operating systems. I'm at a loss to see why any of those browsers should be blamed for the fact that they're being mimicked. My email address has been used as the source of spam emails for nearly as long as spam emails have existed and it's none of my doing. The browsers are innocent bystanders, just as I am. The only way anyone becomes vulnerable to their payload, for this type of attack, is by accepting their offer.

gmc, you've mentioned this sansa thing before. Why do you think it's malware? How do you know it pops up trying to send your IP address? If you can see it and you can take a screenshot of it or describe it, for instance, your problem might make more sense. I know quite a bit about keyloggers but I don't understand how you'd be aware of one if it was on your machine, or why you'd think a piece of software was keylogging.
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