Illuminati theater in Italy: Silvio Berlusconi sentenced to 4 years in jail milestone

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Illuminati theater in Italy: Silvio Berlusconi sentenced to 4 years in jail milestone

Post by TruthIsNeverTooHorrible »

Illuminati theater in Italy: Silvio Berlusconi sentenced to 4 years in jail milestone

Using the safety valve psy-op technique, illuminati release Ocotber 26 a milestone joke: "Berlusconi sentenced to jail" act. (1)

Good old Silvio Berlusconi is once again used to be the star of an illuminati joke used as milestone: "first time illuminati jail a former illuminati prime minister or president".

The most famous one involves three milestones in one act: photographed as "first illuminati prime minister stripped with erected penis + during sex orgy + with minors". (2)

If you are not a beast and you do not yet know the basics then get it, so that you will never ever click anymore "news" about "Illuminati sentence illuminati member to jail" or "privacy of illuminati member violated". (3)


The "Berlusconi sentenced to 4 years in jail" milestone joke is staged:

- days after another milestone joke, "coincidentally" released also in Italy and "coincidentally" also of the "illuminati jailing" type: "scientists jailed for something they are not able to do": "six years in jail for not predicting earthquake". (4)

- days before "Obama sentenced". But Berlusconi does not steal that milestone from fake suicide "Obomber".

Reminder: "Obama" milestone will be "first illuminati former president or prime minister sentenced to DEATH" (by SCOTUS) (5). Donald Trump began the official act October 24th 2012. (6)

And what do Berlusconi and "Obama", from fake jailings and fake privacy violations to fake death sentences, have to do with and Prince William and JFK Jr, two of the last people in Illuminatziland who refused the Mark of the Beast? (7)


(1) Silvio Berlusconi sentenced to 4 years in jail for tax fraud, 2012, October 26:

Italy's Berlusconi sentenced to jail for tax fraud | Reuters

(2) Silvio Berlusconi's penis erection photo - real story exposed worldwide first by Matt Marriott, 2009 June:

Porn, Prostitutes, Pedophiles - Illuminati agenda: Silvio Berlusconi's penis erection photo exposed - maximally reduced to the names of a "premier" and a "president"

(3) Illuminati in Jail - Typology - 3 basic types: Yulia Timoschenko, Pussy Riot, Madoff ... madof.html

(4) Earthquake Scientists Jailed Over 'Inexact' Statements Preceding 2009 L'Aquila Quake (VIDEO), October 22, 2012:

Earthquake Scientists Jailed Over 'Inexact' Statements Preceding 2009 L'Aquila Quake (VIDEO)

(5) OCTOBER 2008 SURPRISE ** minor and ** MAJOR ** change in 2012 illuminati script, 13th October 2012.

Hillary Clinton proclaimed 44th president and successor of GW Bush, as explained 2007 by Last Prophet.

"Obama" stripped as president instead of impeached as senator.

Supervised ethnic civil war with actor "Obama" sentenced to "death" by Supreme Court calling the black to "resist", as explained 2009 by Last Prophet. ... cript.html

(6) Donald Trump's role in the "Obama stripped and sentenced to death by SCOTUS" started 24 October 2012, Script was revealed May 2009 by Last Prophet:

Donald Trump's role in the "Obama stripped and sentenced to death by SCOTUS" script - Christian Forums

(7) Black sheep William and JFK Jr refused the mark of the Beast as explained by Last Prophet 2001. Prince Harry and Caroline Kennedy accepted it.

The first page worldwide to expose the FULL STORY of "Kate topless photos", by Matt Marriott ... lliam.html
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Illuminati theater in Italy: Silvio Berlusconi sentenced to 4 years in jail milestone

Post by Bruv »

Parli inglese ?
I thought I knew more than this until I opened my mouth
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