Good analogy? Bad analogy?

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Good analogy? Bad analogy?

Post by gmc »

Religiously inspired racist warfare aimed at the total destruction of a people.

Warsaw ghetto 1940-43

Gaza present day

or is that a bit over the top?
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Good analogy? Bad analogy?

Post by Scrat »

I wouldn't say it's over the top, its a different set up? The Israeli politicians need an enemy as do the Zionist terrorists/fanatics,the powers that be are more interested in perpetuating the situation than ending it. I believe the same goes for the Palestinians.

I heard some elections were coming up.
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Good analogy? Bad analogy?

Post by AnneBoleyn »

It's over the top. Genocide is not an Israeli policy. The nazi's were in a class by themselves, & most comparisons cheapen the meaning of the original crime.

eta: in my neighborhood arabs, jews (Americans & European, etc), asians, people from all over the world! co-exist, cooperate & live in peace with each other. It can be done.
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Good analogy? Bad analogy?

Post by Snooz »

We need to stop relying on drones.
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Good analogy? Bad analogy?

Post by gmc »

AnneBoleyn;1410750 wrote: It's over the top. Genocide is not an Israeli policy. The nazi's were in a class by themselves, & most comparisons cheapen the meaning of the original crime.

eta: in my neighborhood arabs, jews (Americans & European, etc), asians, people from all over the world! co-exist, cooperate & live in peace with each other. It can be done.

Most people can live together quite amicably it takes something like religion to force people apart. Often by demanding separation for their children from the baleful influence of children from other cultures and religion in order to preserve their faith etc etc. The logic always eludes me - of ones faith is so strong then why fear the influence of others. Personally I would make everybody go to the same schools and keep religion off the curriculum - except comparative religion maybe.

I think it's a truism that children learn hatred from adults. It's nutters on both sides that want war most people on both sides could get along.

The nazis didn't start out with genocide in mind and they won support by targeting people "everybody" agreed needed to be sorted, the liberals and the communists were first because they had to get rid of them to get power then they went after the jews. Hitler thought he was doing god's work, modern jews (just some of them ) think god gave them the holy land so anything they need to do to get it all is justified. If I looked I could probably find some extremist somewhere who has said just that. I could probably find right wing Christians somewhere who say similar things, all tied in with the second coming The israelis want room to live the fact someone is already living there doesn't seem to matter.

I always remember, after all the propaganda about how god made mankind and loved all equally it got to the bit where he showed moses the promised land flowing with milk and honey and all the people already living there and was basically saying go take it and I will back you up. A compassionate god and the one taking sides and advocating genocidal warfare never made much sense to me and still doesn't. I've been non religious since I was a kid. The israelis have nuclear weapons if they could use them without it affecting them as well I'm not so sure some amongst the leadership couldn't find justification for doing so. The whole situation is insane I can't see it being resolved without all out warfare and some on both sides want just that.
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Good analogy? Bad analogy?

Post by Scrat »

Well here is Robert Fisks take on it. I think he's pretty accurate. It is election season in Israel too.

What was it all for? The murder of Palestinians and Israelis is just a prelude to the next Gaza war - Comment - Voices - The Independent

It's over the top. Genocide is not an Israeli policy.

Of course not, if the Israeli government got rid of the boogie men who would they have to point a finger at and scare the population with? In truth, peace is not an objective for either parties politicians.
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