The last three weeks.

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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

So...a few weeks ago I decided that before the "empty nest" syndrome gets to me and lack of employment, I may as well give myself a break. I packed the car and took off to the promise of work up in northern NSW. Every now and again I think it has to be done. Just take off with no explanation, rhyme or real reason. I met a woman on the net who needed opals graded and her house fixed up. She was willing to pay me so I thought why not. I could take the coast road up and come back down the guts through the outback of central NSW.

the next posts are of my journeys through the east coast and central and northern NSW.

I'm either insane or just bloody pig headed determined to live life. I'm not quite sure which one yet.
Patsy Warnick
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The last three weeks.

Post by Patsy Warnick »

Be Safe

Look forward to your journey updates.

Your young and have this opportunity - I say have fun - it's a adventure.

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The last three weeks.

Post by Bruv »

fuzzywuzzy;1425431 wrote:

I'm either insane or just bloody pig headed determined to live life. I'm not quite sure which one yet.

Well..............I think WE all know what it is.

Best of luck, go girl go.
I thought I knew more than this until I opened my mouth
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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I've already been and come back. that's why I called the thread the last three weeks rather than three weeks in the future lol lol lol
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The last three weeks.

Post by Bruv »

fuzzywuzzy;1425443 wrote: I've already been and come back. that's why I called the thread the last three weeks rather than three weeks in the future lol lol lol
Must be the language difference.
I thought I knew more than this until I opened my mouth
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The last three weeks.

Post by Accountable »

fuzzywuzzy;1425431 wrote: the next posts are of my journeys through the east coast and central and northern NSW.Can't wait.

fuzzywuzzy;1425431 wrote: I'm either insane or just bloody pig headed determined to live life. I'm not quite sure which one yet.It's good to have a dollop of both, I think.
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tude dog
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The last three weeks.

Post by tude dog »

To bad if you don't have any to share. Important thing is you had a good time.
What happened to Kamala Harris' campaign?
She had the black vote all locked up.
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The last three weeks.

Post by along-for-the-ride »


Be safe.

Keep a journal.

Take photos if you can.

Stay in touch.

Smile and enjoy!
Life is a Highway. Let's share the Commute.
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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Okay on the 3rd of April I decided to pack the car and take off for a promise of a few dollars and some adventure. everyone encouraged me until I actually phoned them and said I was on my way ..... no one thought I would actually do it . HA ...even the movie about murders on the outback roads was suggested in one conversation. PIFFLE!!! If we all believed what is said and done in movies none of us would leave our homes to go to the supermarket. lol

So here's the story of my three weeks on the road . I'll eventually try to figure out the pic situation. there aren't many and I don't know how to load vids anymore.

So I took off out the gate and breathed a sigh of ..........apprehension. I'll just check the mail box before I leave .

YAY!!!! Galballys' cd's are here!!! music for the journey (along with about 100 other cd's I had packed)

I left Darriman and headed for the big wide open roads of Aus.

Now, I had to go up the princes fwy and hwy to over the border onto Pacific hwy an up the coast to Port Macquarie. (advice: If you are just going from a to b and you are not stopping anywhere in particular ...........DON"T DO IT. it is so arduous it's not funny. Too many mountains ...way too many mountains.) Anyway drove from Sale over the border into NSW (advice for travellers NSW has many more rest stops than's almost like we don't want you to stop here lol lol lol .) I stopped many times one of the first times was in Murimbula eden and Bega. What absolutely pretty places, why are there so many people here?......then to my horror I realise "**** it's school holidays!!! "We're all gunna die, it's killing on the roads time of year" Since the boys have been gone I'd forgotten about when school breaks were scheduled.........well that rules out caravan parks .......bugger. Okay time to live a bit roughly. I drove all day until the road started to become a bit lost....or my brain was becoming a bit lost....I admonished myself because I knew better from my transport courses and liscences that I should've pulled over ten km's ago. Oh well, I'm pulled over now ..looks safe...Vans, buses, semis', yep time to sleep. (If you have to sleep in your car make sure you are prepared....for instance make sure the drivers seat is comfortable otherwise you ain't getting any sleep ) I was just short of Batemans Bay and very tired. Woke at 4:30 the next morning and I was off again . I have to navigate Sydney...GOD HELP ME I was trying to avoid Sydney altogether . Now at this point of the game I have no map ...Port Macquarie is north that's all you really need to know. Okay basically follow the hwy until you come out the other side of Sydney.........okay so how the **** did I end up at Sydney airport???????? Okay navigate out of airport and zag instead of zigging this time pulled over into a taxi company ..YAY!!! hang on ..why am I asking taxi drivers? They normally don't know where they are going. Great I'm going to be lost in Sydney for eternity ...some how I ended up near Randwick. that's a good thing I'm familiar with that name. Pull up at a set of traffic lights ..wind down the window and ask a guy standing on the corner "Excuse mate where's the Bridge?" all I know is, if I cross the bridge or go under the tunnel that will take me to Newcastle anyway the guy says keep following this road down and you can't miss it ...**** I'm good I have a bloodhound nose for directions I sort of knew i was heading in the right direction. and turns out I was ...yay me!!

Now for the next SAGA okay come out of the tunnel. (missed the turnoff for Bridge..) going along .....lah dee lah dee dah.... Newcastle sign.......what the hell is it doing over there ???? Why am I heading for Manly.... okay no worries just do a UTURN....Ummmm nope .

Now this is what i was on about just earlier when I said how many rest stops there are in NSW and Vic has hardly any. Victoria is signed to the hoot..signs in your face everywhere ...Victoria wants you to get where you're going then get the hell out of our state again cannot get lost in Melbourne. Sydney on the other hand NO SIGNS AT ALL!!! Or if they are there they are straight above your exit and you see them after you've passed the exit. It's kind of like those movies where you can enter a town but you can never ever get out again . And this again brings me back to Manly. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE you have to drive all the way down to the almost the shoreline before you can do a UTURN. And to make sure of this they even put a fence down the middle of the road and 'no uturn signs' at every traffic light. All was good until I started looking around at the women. I panicked, I saw ....wait for it!!! ..stepford wives. It's true some places are just like the movies!!!

Okay be calm megsy!! you'll be outta here in just a jiffy Newcastle sign YAY!!! and we're home free!! PHEW that was close.
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The last three weeks.

Post by Bruv »

You gotta lotta cojones fer a sheila (with rising inflection)
I thought I knew more than this until I opened my mouth
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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Oh that bit's nothin ..I have more ......"I see, weird people" lol lol lol you all always have to remember, an adventure comes with 'adventures' :) will continue this later
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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

So anyway the rest of the trip was pretty uneventful. I pulled over at a rest stop to make myself some french toast and have a coffee just short of Taree. Yes that's right, I always go prepared. Portable stove and fry pan and kettle ...truckie pulls up . He's sitting there obviously on a scheduled stop. After a few minutes he descends from his truck and swaddles over. "Hmmm you selling that stuff?" I laughed and asked if he'd like to share a bit of it. Huge grin on his face. He asked if I was travelling alone while he scoffed down his toast.

..Now, that was the first time I was asked that question on this trip, I was to be asked that question many many more times and got used to seeing the surprise on peoples faces. I asked him the question. "Would you ask that if I was driving one of those?" "nah mate", another big grin as I handed him his coffee. "So then, from one truck driver to another enjoy your coffee". We talked a bit further about the road works (they were never ending and I believe added at least two hours two the trip so far )and the conditions of the road and he went on his way. But, first he took down my rego and told me he'd keep an eye out for me........that was nice of him. :)

Won't bore you with Newcastle's a big city/town. Drove onto Kempsey and contacted Lesley....(apt name for what I'll tell you soon) "I'll be out at Willawarrin soon."

"yep no worries call me when you get to the mountain. I'll guide you in"

"guide me in?"

" it's steep"

" bloody hell"

So I get to the base of the mountain at Mungay creek.

She meets me there and I have to follow her up a cliff!!!!!!....I'm sure she said mountain. I don't have a 4x4 (clock up number one)

Get to the house that I've already seen a pic of ....bloody good pic (clock up number two)

I really need a shower ..oh there's no shower or toilet. .......okay ..righto.

Seems I have to go to another persons house for that who I'll meet tomoz.

So I have a loft to sleep in whilst I'm there working................uummm no i don't. I have a loft to sleep in once I've water proofed it and gotten all the **** out of it ......................OH this is getting good!!!! but I'm too tired and just want to sleep

okay so no interior walls? okay i'll fix that . I put my swag on the floor and proceed to bed done ..........Why can I feel a breeze? OMG!!! there is also no exterior wall at the back of the "house". Apparently another job. Oh dear god!!!

and to top the night off SHE DEVIL wants to chat until two in the morning. (please kill me now)

Next day . Coffee? yep no worries I'll look around the place. I size up what has to be done. Something was bothering me about how clean the stove was compared to the rest of the disgrace SHE DEVIL called a's so clean. This was to become clear later.

Then I hear it .... 'Are you gunna effing feed these effing chooks or do they have to starve to death? Have you fed the effing dog?" ........Ahhh that must be the neighbour and co owner of the property . 'SHE DEVIL' number two.

Then she makes her way up the stairs and I greet her by sticking my hand out and saying g'day. She';s taken aback a bit but shakes my hand anyway.

"So your the new worker?"

"looks like it" I grin, what does she mean by 'new'?

So anyway have a bit of a chat, and I seem to the only one wanting to do anyhting . SHE DEVIL NUMBER ONE hasn't got off her bed since she got us both a coffee. I'ts now ten in hte morning and I want to get to work .."oh don't worry about it today you'll be tired" .........Did I mention I get payed by the hour? all day SHE DEVIL sat on her bed and I had to listen to all her whoes . Granted she had a couple of decent woes that I understood completely. Then she went on about her new love....the woman she's fallen for .then she wants to describe what she wants to do with her ...Ummm? Did I mention I'm not a lesbian? and I really don't want to know anything about it? Oh dear god, it went on and on . Horribly the next day was the same, and i'm beginning to get a bit toey. This is ridiculas!!!

more tomorrow

Yes it gets worse.
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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

this mountain top is actually a very tiny community of people who live here in the summer time and all go off together to live as a tiny community on the opal fields in the winter time.

I meet all and sundry within the next few days because they have all heard the sawing and hammering from the house . I've made friends with 'SHE DEVIL number two' and it turns out she's not a She DEVIL at all but a rather long suffering 'carer' of the woman I'm now employed by. Turns out everyone from this little community has been all used up by this woman and now don't lift a finger for her . I wondered why she asked if I could cook. Turned out she bought all this food ......not for her to cook mind , but for me to cook . Oh yes I was supposed to be a right little slave. In the end, when she realised I don't do 'slave' she went off into the sunset to look for her new love . Thank god for that. And that's where the clean stove comes into it. She doesn't cook . AT ALL . She waits around for other's to bring her food. and that's where I come into it ...I knew **** about all of this and hence 'employed' to do everything that others will not do anymore. AND they can't stand her . She htinks she's adored and they can't wait to see the back of her .

So in essence I made some really lovely friends ..and they were really good people. You know? the good people of the earth that would bend over backwards to help you and they did. The last day I was on this mountain SHE DEVIL brought her new friend back . Within, I reckon, 30 minutes one was already half naked and sitting on her bed. WOAH!!! Ummm ..... This has just got really weird......Did I mention the house had no interior walls? I've downed tools and decided to take a bit of a walk. First I go next door and once she see's me she asks "you look like you've seen a ghost" .I said " if a white fifty year old lesbian arse is like seeing a ghost? then yes I have"

"oh god she's doing it again, I'll call such n such ."

within the next few minutes I'm packing up all my tools and being transferred half way down the mountain to Brad and pams beautiful hand built home....(If anyone ever again in this world EVER puts down kooris again I'll personally knock their lights out ) These people told me to pack up, and get down to their house as soon as possible. So I pack up all my tools (I must have had an inkling before they arrived because my swag was already in the car. ) SHE DEVIL asks me what I'm doing and I just repond (without making eye contact) "oh I always pack my tools up a the end of the day, I'll head down the mountain so you two can have some time together" . I was very very polite. At this point she begins to look worried.

So I get to the other house. Pams got a huge grin on her face, and pats me on the back and gives me a hug. "you had a lucky escape", then she starts pissing herself laughing. I said I've brought beer. she can't stop laughing now . Through almost her tears she says, "you didn't think we would let anyhting happen to you did you? Just because you're a lesbian doesn't mean you have to put up with that ****".

WOAH !!!!!! HOLD UP!!!! I said "I'm a what?"


"I'm not a Lesbian" Pam looks stunned at this moment then folds over laughing again. She calls her brother over "megans' not gay!!!" Suddenly he gets a big grin on his face and shakes his head. Pam says "you're in Brudda"

later on that evening after many beers to calm my nerves and lots of dope on their part I found out what the joke was all about . They somehow knew something wasn't right. Turns out. They all thought I was her new lesbian lover but when SHE DEVIL went on about another woman they worked it out and that's why they would come up to help . When they'd seen the work I'd already done they were going to give me some work as well .....but get this.....SHE DEVIL told them I was a lesbian and i didn't work for men. I had five people all sitting around a fire pissing themselves laughing over this new hting that had come to their mountain under false pretences. Pam, again through her laughter said "Don't worry love we get it She tried it on me too" At that I began to laugh "you're kidding?"

Nope, everyone want's a bit of chocolate eh? Aint' that right brudda?" Her brother looked rather embarrassed at that point. I wasn't going to ask.

So I stayed the night in their beautiful bush home and left the next day. And trust me this house was a little oasis in the middle of a rainforest was sooo beautiful. Made entirely by hand of rocks and logs collected from their area . My description of it would not do it justice. Brad even heated the big boiler so I could have a hot shower before I left. yeah I saw him watching me. :)

Next- On the road again
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Lady J
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The last three weeks.

Post by Lady J »

fuzzy ... luved reading bout it...but do you have any images?

A picture is worth a thousand words!
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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

yeah I do but I Have to figure out how to upload them from my PC again ....hell of a lot of rigmarole, last time I gave up. and it's mostly vids too which I can't upload.
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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

My pics are on FB if you're interested
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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

So I say goodbye to Alec just up the road the next morning, and toot as I go pass Brad and pams. Fritz and his Mrs are already at the opal fields and left days earlier. So I'm on the road again. I go back to Kempsey and onto the main Hwy to Port Macquarie and turn off for Walchope. Couldn't go via Armidale because the road had had landslides and floods had washed the road away.

So I've gone through Walchope and heading to Walcha.........(they have thing with "w" up there. lol)

Okay this mountain range is getting quite steep...rainforests and gums but steep, very very pretty. Night falls. okay that didn't sound good, neither did that.........**** I've picked up a stick. Bugger!!! ..nope that sounds even worse now.

AHHHH SHI"T!!!! Pull over but not too far across cause I'll go over the side.

Now aint that just murphys law eh? if you're going to break down be it on the top of a mountain in the middle of the blue mountains in the middle of nowhere!!!! would think? Nope, that's the perfect place to break down. Only local traffic...what do locals do? bend over themselves to help a damsel in distress. I even set a clock to it . BINGO 15 mins!!! Two guys in a 4x4 pull up .actually they passed me first then doubled back . One gets out and asks if I'm okay . "Ummmm no not really, I don't think she's going anywhere".

"Lets have a look"

"I did that already. I was hoping it was a flat tyre but I've checked them, it's something else"

"Lets see if you've got an animal stuck then ". Yeah that's plausible, wouldn't be the first time I've had a bird or rabbit stuck under the car. Big mistake when running over a snake (eastern browns are renound for it...they wrap themselves around your undercarriage and bite you when you exit the vehicle........always check the revision)

Well this bloke checks the tyres .nothing , the engine , nothing ..."go foward for me, you need to get off the road more anyway"......I do as I'm told .

"AHHH **** you've done a CV joint." The 'You beaut' torch comes out after that, and the second guy gets out of the car after hearing the noise. "that's not good" I turned in his direction .." Ya think?" I'm shown the damage. The rubber is twisted around hte CV it's in most common mans terms...'****ED!!!

Okay so after the tow truck is ordered ..(BTW this had to be done by others passing by because there is no mobile coverage up there.... and also had to be done in the next town 70 km's away.) oh joy!!!

So these guys are hanging around and introducing themselves and we're having a chat and all that ..about an hour goes by. During that hour quite a few people are pulling up and asking if I'm okay..ignoring the men with me. HHHHMMMMMMM !!! see what happens when people from the city come out to the 'woods'? They all believe the movies they see. Everyone gets murdered in their beds. .......Okay so why do they go to the country for holidays then????? Huh ? tell me that!!!

I could see the distress on these guys faces everytime this happened. i honestly felt sorry for these honest chivarous men, who not only saw my problem but waited (when they had somewhere to be) with me to make sure I was okay. I love those guys!!! But in the end I told them that I was okay, and all was good, and thank you, and they should probs get on their way.

You see the panic of others actually left ME vulnerable...I had my protection. Why should they leave?

Anyway on my own, on a mountain and it's cold ... Gotta make lemonade out of lemons dontcha? So whilst the hazard lights are blinking I layed back on the bonnet and windscreen and thought I'd look at the stars..they were so beautiful !!! tops of trees and stars, dence clouds of stars. hmmm I like that. four hours later ......tow truck arrives.

funny bloody bloke . "you okay?'

"Course I am"

" normally women are crying"

Okay probs not the best thing to say to your tow truck driver.."I have a shovel in the boot I could make you cry"

He laughed. he told me he stopped people on the way up to ask if they had passed me just to be sure I was where I was supposed to be . Everyone had seen me and taken note lol lol lol lol

but but but I have to tell you of one of the people who stopped for me (and there were plenty....(see? what did I say about timing it?) She was adorable and a credit to her family .... she was in her early twenties I reckon, big 4x4 ..yep local. She took down my details and said she was doing a uturn back to her mums to check if the tow truck was really on it's way. "Either way you'll be here for awhile...I have some choccys and a bottle of wine in the car if you'd like" bloody sweet!!! when someone pulls over and offers a stranded motorist choccys and wine really have to love Australia ..seriously!!!

anyway getting back to the tow.
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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Okay so the car is put onto the truck .

And the towy wanted to take me back to Port Macquarie but I was adamant that that was too far back the other way and only just wanted to be dropped at Walchope. He was cool with that .

So we talked and talked and weirdly (he was in the fire services too ) we spoke about all the motor accidents we'd been to you do when you first meet someone lol lol lol. I think in a way we were trying to out do each other with who could come up with the most gruesome. lol

So anyway we get to Walchope and he rings the only pub in town with rooms and drops me off there and takes my car to the NRMA depot. He didn't need to do that ...was nice of him. By this time it was almost one in the morning and I was soooo tired. I go into the pub and spoke the the 'main dude' and he gives me keys and I go upstairs and all's good ...problem....... it's saturday night in the pub and they seem to believe in loud music. Okay that puts me in a foul mood and i end up going down stairs again to face 'the music'. What the heck, I'll have a couple of beers and wind down from the saga of it all.

I sat at the back of the pub and i don't know if it was tiredness or just plain 'pissedoffness' but I sat there watchhing hte lives of these sorry people all trying to be young again ...I understood the young ones but not hte people my age trying to act like them. I watched two women trying to crack onto the same bloke ..why were they trying so hard? he's revolting..maybe it's hard to get a root in this town . (over the next few days I found out it wasn't ...but I digress)

okay so it's Sunday nothing is going to happen today so i may as well look around town ........well that didn't take very long lol lol lol

Monday morning I end up at the NRMA I get the car moved to the mechanics down the road. The car is at the mechanics and is ready by lunch time ......WTF? Really? that quick?

I'm buying that woman a bunch of flowers!!!! " replaced the driveshaft as well love, you don't want old parts connected to new ones and it's cheaper" .WOW!!! I love this woman!!! She said she'd never recieved flowers before for a job ..well there's always a first time . She dosen't know how much I wanted to get on the road again ...Okay so I spend another night a the pub because it's too late in the day to start out again.

Before bed I thought I may as well go to the bar and have a beer. three blokes are sitting there ......the obligatory conversation begins. where ya from? why you here? where you going? Then I turn it around and ask them questions . one of them is a radio DJ.....I stop talking ........really? "yep, why? have you heard about me ? .........Brain is racing . "hold that thought!!!!" I've never moved of a barstool so quickly in my life ...I got out of the pub and ran to the car ..grabbed Galballys cd and raced back in again. Out of breath, I asked if he wouldn't mind listening to this and gave him the CD. Recieved a text message on the wednesday. "played 'Joyride' tuesday morning and introduced all the guys in the band ..good feed back ..going to mp3 format to be distributed to others"............YES!!!!! I love it when a plan comes together!!!

So anyway after meeting lots more people in this town I moved on . Walcha, know? they may be able to sing in that town but they can't drive for nuts!!! Three times I swerved out of the way of other peoples bullshit . I'm like ...get me out of here!!!

Gunnaden, Narribri. oh and btw if you're ever headed out that way Burren Junction has a petrol station but doen'st have any petrol ..i kid you not ...they can't afford it. Well we're getting into the outback now aren't we? Finally Walgett!!!
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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I have to mention something that happend before Walgett. I was driving through an area that to me looked like a stop off/loading/unloading for coal and grain ...Huge siloes and lots of coal rail trucks along the tracks ...then out of the corner of my eye I see an oasis ....A PUB and I need a coke really really quickly. (only cafiene I'll be getting for awhile) So anyway, I pull in and sit a the bar and the Bar woman is ignoring me at first ........I can understand because she was ingrossed in conversations with five rather black stained men in flouroes sitting a the bar. "yeah love"

"just a coke please"

"Hmmm you're not from around here"

"nope" took my coke and went to sit outside"

A Ute pulls up, 'Something Something Excavators' written on the side. Hmmmm maybe this bloke will know where there is work? it turns out the other men were from construction sites from the mining industry building new camps for miners for more mining. Afte a short conversation where I displayed my interest a short sort of interview I guess...the bloke(turned out to be hte manage of said company offers me a job and he's happy to train me........if i'm coming back that way ....which I wasn't...which I'm now crying in my coke and kicking myself. I simply didn't have the funds to just up and leave home at that moment. Oh well he'll remember me . :)

I'd also like to comment that at this point I havent seen one animal ...nothing, nada, I'm heading across two states and not one ...not even road kill. Until of course I get half way to Lightning Ridge.

"What the bloody hell is a herd of cattle doing on the road without signs or a farmer nearby ?" they are strewn entirely up the highway, and not a fence to be seen anywhere along the sides of the road.

"Oh **** he doesn't look happy to see my car" he's a Brahma cross and a big barstard...slowly Megsy slowly does it.

I finally get to my destination LIGHTNING RIDGE yay ...Okay, not so yay. next group of animals...bloody sheep!!! and it's on dusk and I can hardly see them (almost roast lamb for dinner)

I was told by others when they discovered i was coming out this way that there are rules in this town . One, don't ask questions....just don't do it. Two, be very polite and don't act like a tourist. Three, dont' ask any questions. Four, go to the club have a beer and they will size you up and if they like you they'll look after you .

So it's now dark, i'm sitting outside where the bowls green is . I'm looked at, and looked at again .

A man from another table loudly asks if I'm a 'blow-in'. I respond with a huge smile, and a 'yes'. Two of them move over to my table. For a town that doesn't like questions they sure did ask me a lot of them. The obligatory questions, questions about rainfall down south, questions about why, when, how, what, and whoever......all tumble out of this group sitting near the bowls green. Within half an hour I had my new nickname 'The mexican' . Because apparently they don't get too many Mexicans up there anymore. I feigned ignorance and asked what a mexican was "anyone south of hte border that's what we call them"

I responded with "Really? we call you guys the 'rednecks' . The word was repeated and laughter followed. I was then introduced to 'the ridge' and all that it had to offer. They were suddenly sounding like real estate agents. lol lol lol I admitted it all sounded very interesting but I had to find a caravan park to bed down for the night .

"nah don't be silly such'n'such can help you out there, he's got a spare bed. It's too late to do much else." Bloody hell !!! Alec was right, they do look after you here. So I was graciously offered a bed for the night at a camp . Just after it was settled a huge man came out of the gaming room (I assumed he was the gaming boss or something) I was introduced to him and shook his hand . He smiled at me and went back inside again......okay that shouldn't make me feel weird but it did. But I was to discover later who he was and why he was checking me out.

I have this philosophy in life . If you don't look at another human being, or talk to another human being then you seperate yourself from the human race and therefore become an observer of it. I prefer to be a participant. And that's why I talk to people waiting at train stations and bus stops . I've met so many interesting and some important people over my life time because of a need to participate.

i'm good with that. :)

Tomorrow, Lorne Station and my time in town.
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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

honestly putting pics here is like pulling teeth my PC is just not fast enough to load to FG.

but anyway this is a flower from a cactus I found one morning. I wouldn't touch it because I thought all that furry stuff would implant itself into my skin and I'd be forever trying to pull out the tiny spines.

turned out it's just a fury flower and sooo soft ...rather beautiful.
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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

on the mountain proper. lol

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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

The winding mountain top road I broke down on .
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Yes the question was asked "who the hell smiles when jackhammering?"

Down the mine at LR

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tude dog
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Post by tude dog »

:-1uh, these pictures arn't coming out, at least for me.
What happened to Kamala Harris' campaign?
She had the black vote all locked up.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

ummm try my albums ..not sure what would be happening there I've given up trying to understand this bloody thing.

I've never been so pleased to get away from these mountains.

Cotton country

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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

the suburbs of LR....No I'm not joking ... e-129.html
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

and that my deary doos is black opal .

to think I had lovely long clean finger nails the day I arrived there.

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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

And this is me back home feeling all confident and self satisfied with myself writing about my experiences lol lol

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tude dog
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Post by tude dog »

What happened to Kamala Harris' campaign?
She had the black vote all locked up.
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The last three weeks.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

what are you using to bring up the pics?
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tude dog
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Post by tude dog »

fuzzywuzzy;1426009 wrote: what are you using to bring up the pics?

post number 27

Re: The last three weeks.

the suburbs of LR....No I'm not joking ... e-129.html

"It requires strength of character to act upon one's ideas; it requires no less strength of chara

from there everything is open

sorry my slide show isn't automatic, post #30 ... 8323062402
What happened to Kamala Harris' campaign?
She had the black vote all locked up.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

your slide show? The link doesn't come up to that picasa album thingy.
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tude dog
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Post by tude dog »

Try these.

Dunno what I'm doing wrong. ... 4563233602

tude_dog's Library | Photobucket
What happened to Kamala Harris' campaign?
She had the black vote all locked up.
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Post by magentaflame »

I needed to read that again. I've been so bloody boring the last couple of years. Maybe that's why I'm sick all the time. I'm not doing my "freedom thing"
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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Post by magentaflame »

It's good to read back on the things you've done gives you a sort of gauge as to where you're at now.

I really need to get my arse into gear and begin living again.

I'm sooo over the waiting around game, being told certain things will happen to to find out it's all a bull**** artists fantacy. I honestly think that's why I've become ill over the last few years.

I've decided I liked myself better a few years ago.
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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Post by Bryn Mawr »

I've no idea how I missed that the first time round - fantastic
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Post by minks »

lol Mag, yes it is good to reflect on the past, but also it's good to see how far we have come into where we are now.

Age also contributes to illness sadly. As we age our bodies break down it seems.

I am doing ok, my husband is a plethora of problems that all have just surfaced over the last 2 years. Poor guy, never had a care in the world prior to this.

But anyways I wander... Yes Mag, get busy and do what you love lol.
�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�

― Mae West
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