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Peter Lake
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An explanation

Post by Peter Lake »

This post was posted tonight and i did consider reporting it. I don't want to go down that route as for some time the garden has been a serene place to come despite a few spats, so i'll address it myself now it's been out there for all to see.

Posted by Spot

"Good lord it's Peter Lake. Wonders will never cease. This is the same Peter Lake who introduced himself to a forum with [text removed by moderator]? I'd forgotten you were still a member here. I'm sure you weren't last time I looked."

I do not recall ever introducing myself as [text removed by moderator] as Spot has stated here. That is lies. I joined this forum to defend my wife when a libelous link was attached to a thread discussing my wife with a libelous title. In fairness, that was not the fault of Spot as he wasn't to know that at the time the newspaper at fault was finding it easier to pay my wife out of court for libel.

My wife is a criminal indeed. We had pleaded with police for two years to address vandalism to our war memorial and not just us but many residents. Nothing but platitudes followed and the R.B.L. were also furious their complaints had been ignored along with residents. One day in broad daylight we caught them red handed. What began with my wife attempting to talk to the original two youths, things quickly turned nasty when around 25 of their mates piled in. Forget the little school boys who appeared in court with fresh haircuts and school uniform because if you had been there on the day, i am certain most of you would have soiled your underwear and fled. We were threatened, jostled and threats were made to kill our dog. The ringleader squared up to me so my wife picked up his bike and threw it across the road.

She was arrested for common assault for grabbing his collar and criminal damage along with a section 5. In the police station, she could have opted for an easier route and accepted the offered police caution.

In short, when going to a four day trial, the countries most famous lawyer defended her and hundreds of people turned out for her. The lawyer who went on to become a good friend and continue's to support her. The R.B.L. gave her a guard of honour every day of her trial. Every elected councillor and even an M.P turned out at court to support her. Magazine's wrote articles on her and she was contacted after to speak on B.B.C radio with the likes of Chris Grayling who defended her. She's been on breakfast tv and to date B.B.C. radio eleven times. After the trial, one newspaper spoke to residents and they printed an article where residents stated they had been too afraid to go out at night by the memorial because of these youths and that had now stopped.

Following the trial she worked closely with local police and her work with them brought about the shortening of response time by the police in lower graded crime in the area such as vandalism. She's often still consulted and contacted by people suffering from this crime. She spends hours every week helping people in our community and at present is helping a woman get her children back out of care. All done unpaid and unrecognised.

My wife can be one the most difficult and belligerent people you could meet and she can be over opinionated. Yet if any of you couldn't make your rent, she'd be the first to offer. There was a time on this forum where a member couldn't afford christmas gifts for his child and it was my wife who bought toys and posted them to him so he had something to give her from him.

She is surrounded in life by hundreds of people who support her every step of the way in everything she does because of who she is. To attempt to discredit her here with this post is laughable because i am damn proud to have her as my wife. If you believe we in any way feel any shame that she was convicted and is now a criminal, then dream on. In many ways, it opened the many doors to her now.

You may not like her and i don't expect you to but to attempt to bring her shame here is futile because we've heard it all before. In no way has she suffered any set backs due to being a criminal, only to open doors so sneer all you want Spot. She is my wife and i am proud of her. She buckles for nobody. As her husband, i have every right to defend this post. How about you refrain from posts like this Spot? It achieves nothing and certainly does not have the effect on her you strive for.

We both have every right to post on this forum and this nastiness was totally uncalled for. The forum has been a peaceful and enjoyable place to come despite FourPart and my wife having tantrums at each other yet even there they can respect each other in other threads.

I'm writing this to save anyone else the bother of attempting to shame my wife as a criminal because it is water off the proverbial ducks back and futile. You are mistaking her for someone who gives a toss but you are insulting myself and my wife to score points and we are not going down this road with you again.

Please leave us to continue posting with our friends here without posts like these which i am in no doubt was an attempt to shame my wife with new members. I'm sure the forum is big enough for all of us without the need for this.

Thank you.
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Post by G#Gill »

Well said Peter. A lot of thought and time went into that post and I hope that further attempts at provocation from somebody who is supposed to set an example, are considered inappropriate, Mr. Spot.

If Mr. Spot only came out of cold storage just so he could attempt to belittle, insult or bully certain members in Forum Garden, then I will suggest Mr. Spot instantly retrace his steps back to cold storage. I think you will find that most of the members do not appreciate your blatant attempts at mocking sarcasm ........................................................................................Mr. Spot.
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Peter Lake
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Post by Peter Lake »

eta Just for the record, my wife was instructed by her lawyer to plead not guilty to all charges despite her admitting what she did in interview under caution due to him finding numerous breaches of police procedure, a few he deemed extremely questionable. Had she entered a guilty plea, these could not have been discussed in length in court. She was found not guilty of one charge because in court it was clear it was ridiculous. In the judges summing up he went on for some time and all of it could not be reported in the press. He told her that having seen the damage to memorial she was rightly upset given her families contributions in the wars but he had to find her guilty because she had admitted what she'd done from day one. He said he understood that she had lost it. So she lost it. Who wouldn't after consoling elderly members of the R.B.L in tears at the sight of damage and residents for two years? Her lawyer was not there to get her off but to present a case that had the police not have been negligent then this situation would never have arisen. In court her lawyer on day one argued to the judge that she should not be in the dock and the judge agreed she could sit alongside him in court for the four days. This was the judge who was known as prison Parsons for his severity. Also in his summing up, the judge outright, flatly refused claims of compensation from the youth and his words were no, not one penny. The day after the trail ended we went to the court to pay the £400 court costs awarded against her as most cases see yet the judge gave her no sentence, no fine, nothing. When we got to the court we were told there had already been thirteen anonymous payments on her behalf and she owed nothing. The excess was given to the R.B.L. She also gave payments for subsequent interviews to the R.B.L. Every year she's asked to lay a wreath at the memorial by the R.B.L. in honour of what she did. My wife is indeed a criminal but shame, never.
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Post by tude dog »

I have had similar problems. Thinking back, should have reported, instead just posted complaint online.

We have rules here for everybody.
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Peter Lake
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Post by Peter Lake »

G#Gill;1472314 wrote: Well said Peter. A lot of thought and time went into that post and I hope that further attempts at provocation from somebody who is supposed to set an example, are considered inappropriate, Mr. Spot.

If Mr. Spot only came out of cold storage just so he could attempt to belittle, insult or bully certain members in Forum Garden, then I will suggest Mr. Spot instantly retrace his steps back to cold storage. I think you will find that most of the members do not appreciate your blatant attempts at mocking sarcasm ........................................................................................Mr. Spot.

Thank you Gilly. What can i say ? I love and adore my wife, my little rottweiler. I am immensely proud of her and i have a right to defend her. She does my head in most days but there's not another like her.

I didn't post the thread to start an argument but i do hope it at least stops any further digs that could turn nasty because neither Oscar nor i want that.
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Post by Lady J »

G#Gill;1472314 wrote: Well said Peter. A lot of thought and time went into that post and I hope that further attempts at provocation from somebody who is supposed to set an example, are considered inappropriate, Mr. Spot.

If Mr. Spot only came out of cold storage just so he could attempt to belittle, insult or bully certain members in Forum Garden, then I will suggest Mr. Spot instantly retrace his steps back to cold storage. I think you will find that most of the members do not appreciate your blatant attempts at mocking sarcasm ........................................................................................Mr. Spot.

I agree Gill...I know of a number of members who join and don't post or left after posting cuz they don't want to deal with the arrogant attitude johnny spotty (Spot) and I know this cuz I am in touch with them thru personal emails. Trying to kill FG are you Spot? Doing a good job! :guitarist
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Peter Lake
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Post by Peter Lake »

tude dog;1472316 wrote: I have had similar problems. Thinking back, should have reported, instead just posted complaint online.

We have rules here for everybody.

I didn't want to go down that route as i believe there was a time where the moderators were forever addressing reported posts but that hasn't been the case for a very long time here. The offensive post made to me is out there now for all to see so surely i have a right to reply? I didn't in the thread because i didn't want to ruin someone else's thread. I don't want an argument and why i thought it best to make a statement in a separate thread. The post just including the word criminal i believed was designed to let members know Oscar has a criminal conviction but with no explanation as to why.
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Post by G#Gill »

We'll get his brother to ban him, if he oversteps the mark many more times, LJ, (Gill rolls her eyes, silently hoping that there won't be a need to push for a ban of Mr. Spot but not holding her breath ! ).
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Peter Lake
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Post by Peter Lake »

G#Gill;1472320 wrote: We'll get his brother to ban him, if he oversteps the mark many more times, LJ, (Gill rolls her eyes, silently hoping that there won't be a need to push for a ban of Mr. Spot but not holding her breath ! ).

I don't want Spot banned nor any member banned. If i had made a reported post, there was a possibility he'd get an infraction so soon after returning as Spot and i didn't want that either. Despite accusations in the past, i do try to avoid unpleasantness but the post is out there for all to see. Oscar is a criminal. I am not a vindictive person and actually , neither is Oscar and probably why she didn't report the post either. I just hope my statement clears the air and this stops now.
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Post by gmc »

Just ignore him, he's trying to get a reaction and he's succeeded.
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Post by Betty Boop »

Reported posts is a far better way to get this thread looked at by Bryn, a thread in that area automatically prompts an email to mods. This way if Bryn pops in and out again he may well miss it. :-3 Although, I'm not entirely sure if you do want Bryn to see it or not actually, so just ignore me :)
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Oscar Namechange
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

Betty Boop;1472332 wrote: Reported posts is a far better way to get this thread looked at by Bryn, a thread in that area automatically prompts an email to mods. This way if Bryn pops in and out again he may well miss it. :-3 Although, I'm not entirely sure if you do want Bryn to see it or not actually, so just ignore me :)

I'm not getting Involved but as Peter Is not here, I will just say, that he read somewhere that Bryn Is In Scotland and he felt this was the best way to deal with It as he didn't know when Bryn would be back. I do agree with him that Spot's post was out there for all to see along with him neatly Including that Peter had been banned from here before. Neat trick, double whammy. Job done. I'm not that bothered to take It further. Peter's made his point and I'm leaving It at that. I also do not ever recall Peter Introducing himself as the criminal's husband as stated. It doesn't really matter. I just don't care enough. It's all In the past.
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Oscar Namechange
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1472331 wrote: Just ignore him, he's trying to get a reaction and he's succeeded. We will. Thanks. You're a good mate despite being an SNP supporter.
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Post by spot »

Peter Lake;1472312 wrote: I do not recall ever introducing myself as [text removed by moderator] as Spot has stated here. That is lies.

I shall only make the one post in this thread, and only because I have been called a liar. I take exception to being called a liar. It is a major insult.

All anyone needs do to verify what I wrote is to google the phrase [text removed by moderator], which is exactly as I quoted it originally. It concludes an introductory post on a forum.

Checking before starting this disgraceful piece of self-exposure would have been sensible, in my opinion.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
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Oscar Namechange
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1472366 wrote: I shall only make the one post in this thread, and only because I have been called a liar. I take exception to being called a liar. It is a major insult.

All anyone needs do to verify what I wrote is to google the phrase "[text removed by moderator]", which is exactly as I quoted it originally. It concludes an introductory post on a forum.

Checking before starting this disgraceful piece of self-exposure would have been sensible, in my opinion. I just googled the phrase [text removed by moderator]. and this Is what come up on google.

Just a little bit nuts. › ... › Relaxing in the Garden › General Chit Chat

1 day ago - 9 posts - ‎4 authors

This is the same Peter Lake who introduced himself to a forum with [text removed by moderator]? I'd forgotten you were still a member ...

An explanation › ... › Relaxing in the Garden › General Chit Chat

1 day ago - 9 posts - ‎4 authors

This is the same Peter Lake who introduced himself to a forum with [text removed by moderator]? I'd forgotten you were still a member ...

Ballads and Broadsides in Britain, 1500-1800

Patricia Fumerton, ‎Anita Guerrini, ‎Kris McAbee - 2010 - ‎History

33 Peter Lake argues that we must read pamphlets and ballads about husband murder in the context of representations of other crimes and sins. If we do, he ...

Death in the Family - Crime Library

Stories about Notorious Murders: Death in the Family

Her powerful attorney husband knew how to strip her of dignity and sanity in their ..... When the truck of wealthy Lake Tahoe couple Peter and Rinette Bergna ...

Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England

The first two that come up are your statement In the nuts thread and then Peter's thread here. Underneath that Is Ballads and Broadsides in Britain, 1500-1800.

I'll try again.... Nope, nothing showing that.
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Post by spot »

Oscar Namechange;1472368 wrote: I'll try again.... Nope, nothing showing that.
Your inability to use the Internet is scarcely my affair. Correctly googling the phrase leads to [link removed by moderator]. I refer you to #21.

You have, in fact, seen it before, since you yourself also post at #22.

"I also do not ever recall Peter Introducing himself as [text removed by moderator] as stated" merely indicates the condition of your memory. It does not confirm that I lied.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

There Is every possibility he did Spot. I myself don't recall It and he doesn't. I am happy to offer any apology should I be proven wrong as I am sure Peter would.

It's sidetracking because that's not the Issue here. The Issue Peter has Is writing a post letting new members know that Oscar Is a criminal with no explanation as to why.
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Post by spot »

Oscar Namechange;1472370 wrote: It's sidetracking because that's not the Issue here. The Issue Peter has Is writing a post letting new members know that Oscar Is a criminal with no explanation as to why.
Oh oscar... nobody on this site has ever been allowed to forget why, you keep referring to the event with monotonous regularity. Time after time after time. Just search your posts for the word "Court", that ought to do it.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1472369 wrote: Your inability to use the Internet is scarcely my affair. Correctly googling the phrase leads to [link removed by moderator]. I refer you to #21.

You have, in fact, seen it before, since you yourself also post at #22.
Ahhhh now we're getting somewhere.

You may be unaware of this Spot but after my trial, I googled my name to read latest tabloid reports and found I was the subject of 71 sites and forums. Do you have any Idea of what that Is like ? An arrest and trial along with a 4 month IPCC Inquiry Into the way the case was handled Is actually traumatic enough. Then you find 71 sites with people who never set foot Inside the court or heard any evidence writing as self Imposed experts on your life. Our children found that garbage. Most of the sites were extremely complimentary and supportive but unfortunately some got hold of the libelous report In the local rag as you did. I am certain that If you were In my position reading that garbage, you would not want that left on the Internet without putting It right. At the time, there were many sites that Peter went on to set the record straight. However, I did not and some he posted on, I never even saw.

What I find odd, Is for someone who claims I am a blight on this forum, why would you be looking through those sites from six years ago ? Why even post what Peter said on a forum 6 years ago just to let members know I have a criminal record and he'd been banned here before?

I can understand him writing that at the time. Unless you have ever been In that position, you can not comprehend how tiresome It is setting the record straight over and over to people who didn't have a clue to what happened on the day.

However, I am sure Peter will offer a sincere apology.

But thanks Spot... now you have posted a link to my arrest and trial when we were actually beginning to forget and move on. I wonder how many nut jobs this will bring to my door as the libelous article did. I'd like It removed please.
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Post by LarsMac »

molehill = mountain.

y'all need to lighten up.
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Oscar Namechange
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

LarsMac;1472374 wrote: molehill = mountain.

y'all need to lighten up.

Totally agree. Common sense prevails.
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Post by spot »

Oscar Namechange;1472373 wrote: However, I am sure Peter will offer a sincere apology.Pigs might fly. He may or may not offer an apology but it most certainly won't be sincere.

But thanks Spot... now you have posted a link to my arrest and trial when we were actually beginning to forget and move on. I wonder how many nut jobs this will bring to my door as the libelous article did. I'd like It removed please.

All references and links to the google phrase have been removed from ForumGarden. I would point out that the external article I linked to is still out there though. Good luck with getting that deleted, you did after all join in at the time.

You can only begin to forget and move on if you stop droning on about it. If you just stop talking about it on ForumGarden it would be a start.

As for "Why even post what Peter said on a forum 6 years ago", it was a futile attempt to get the bugger off my back, I'm tired of being humped online by your husband.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1472378 wrote: Pigs might fly. He may or may not offer an apology but it most certainly won't be sincere.

You have never met Peter. You go by the written word on the few posts he's made and we all know the written word from anyone can be misInterpreted. Please do not attempt to say you know him well enough to know whether he's sincere or not. Just another attempt to Insult him and dismiss an apology should he give one on his return In order to gain the upper hand.

I'm leaving this and I am sure he'll post when he gets home.
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Post by AnneBoleyn »

LarsMac;1472374 wrote: molehill = mountain.

y'all need to lighten up.

I was going to say: "Much Ado..........". Now I don't have to. Thanks Lars.
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Post by flopstock »

LarsMac;1472374 wrote: molehill = mountain.

y'all need to lighten up.

This site is long overdue for a 'like' button on posts..:guitarist
I expressly forbid the use of any of my posts anywhere outside of FG (with the exception of the incredibly witty 'get a room already' )posted recently.

Folks who'd like to copy my intellectual work should expect to pay me for it.:-6

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Post by AnneBoleyn »

From OP: "My wife can be one the most difficult and belligerent people you could meet and she can be over opinionated. Yet if any of you couldn't make your rent, she'd be the first to offer. There was a time on this forum where a member couldn't afford christmas gifts for his child and it was my wife who bought toys and posted them to him so he had something to give her from him."

I agree with this statement. Over the years I have found oscar to be extraordinarily generous. Though we seem to differ muchly politically (and how do I know, I have my own American muck-up to deal with) I find oscar very sympathetic when it comes to individuals.
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To be fair, I like spot very much. No dog here, not my fight.
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Oscar Namechange
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

AnneBoleyn;1472390 wrote: From OP: "My wife can be one the most difficult and belligerent people you could meet and she can be over opinionated. Yet if any of you couldn't make your rent, she'd be the first to offer. There was a time on this forum where a member couldn't afford christmas gifts for his child and it was my wife who bought toys and posted them to him so he had something to give her from him."

I agree with this statement. Over the years I have found oscar to be extraordinarily generous. Though we seem to differ muchly politically (and how do I know, I have my own American muck-up to deal with) I find oscar very sympathetic when it comes to individuals.

Actually Peter got that wrong. It wasn't Christmas. It was his daughters birthday and he was broke. I didn't wrap the toys myself. I sent them unwrapped so he could wrap them for her. I also sent him a Tesco food voucher so he could give her a birthday tea and a cake. Oh and an ounce of tobacco... just saying... since then we have become very close friends. See ? I can be nice !!
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Post by AnneBoleyn »

"See ? I can be nice !!"

I need no convincing on that dear girl.
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Peter Lake
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Post by Peter Lake »

Upon returning and reading through the Leon Brittan thread along with this, i do believe something vital has been established here today. I asked Spot whether he'd like me to go back many years and find his posts about Obama. I see that Oscar has indeed found the seven year old post she recalled and linked it to the thread. This is evidence that all of us, however clever we think we are, get it wrong at times and are all capable of forgetfulness.

Likewise, i could not recall writing [text removed by moderator] seven years ago. I registered with quite a few following the trial and many Oscar didn't see so it is quite feasible it was something she never saw so didn't recall seeing.

Had the post informing all members that Oscar was a criminal and i had been banned from the forum before, not been made, we wouldn't be here now. It was a cheap shot designed to discredit both of us.

I did state your quote was lies Spot just as you have called myself and Oscar liars in the past. I'll give you something, your posts are very well thought out without stating the obvious as what you have done here now is label me a liar long before i've offered you an apology under the guise of not believing the sincerity behind it should i offer you one. The same as you have implied in the Brittan thread as to why we registered with a forum that you were not posting on. Subterfuge on your part or over reading between the lines on my part.?

Anyway, to the point, i did accuse you of lying as i could not recall writing those words so i am wrong. For that i do offer you an unreserved apology. Whether you feel it is sincere it is up to you. You'll find in the past that if either Oscar and i are wrong, we are man enough to admit it and offer an apology. What i won't do now is enter into some lengthy debate with you as to whether i am sincere or not. One can only assume that even seeing my post on a different forum six years ago and one of many, many sites i posted on to correct libel about my wife, that you read every site on her trial or just got lucky. Either way, i find that rather unnerving.

You have a sincere apology and i believe the wife has shown you in the Brittan thread that she's had opportunities to be malicious toward you and hasn't. Perhaps now we can just get back to posting. Done and dusted.
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Peter Lake
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Post by Peter Lake »

This is likely to be my last post. I don't usually do paranoia but my wife and myself have remained civil all day yet apparently we can't seem to move on. So before the plug is pulled no doubt, i'd just like to say this. Thank you to every single one of you who has messaged each of us today with support. You seeing what we see is conformation we're not losing the plot. I appreciate everyone of you who messaged here and elsewhere. For me tonight, the saddest part was reading all the posts on the old thread Oscar posted. The fun, the laughs, the insults yet with no malice or reported posts along with seeing all the people that have left, yet thanks to facebook, we can still laugh with. Those were the days before light moderation that we have now apparently. It's sad to see how everyone laughed here with each other. I can't believe how rude Oscar was to gmc and Galbally. Yet they remain friends with no malice. What a funny old world eh?
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