Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer?

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Gnostic Christian Bishop
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Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer?

Post by Gnostic Christian Bishop »

Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer?

These scholars and experts are at the forefront of this research. Apologies but you will have to listen to at least one of these clips to get what this O.P. is all about.

Some tips for how to talk to your teen about watching porn. HINT: It's not to tell them to stop.

Philip Zimbardo: The demise of guys? | TED Talk |

Is it possible that in sexual matters, the right wing conservatives might be ahead of the left wing in their thinking?

If not, then what should the left do to help us save our children from the indoctrination via internet porn into unhealthy and unwanted sexual habits? Or have them not be able to perform without porn?

I consider myself left wing but I think we may be going a tad far and should move to the right on this issue due to things like you saw in the clips above as well as what is shown in this clip below.

At one time, parents would have closed any shop that gave access to the young to porn. Yet today, parents do not seem to care and as more and more young children get cell phones, parental prohibition will be impossible.

Have parents forgotten how to parent and are men and women willing to allow the status quo to ruin the sexuality of the next generation?

"Censorship reflects society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime." - Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart

To date, I have lived by the above quote. I do not lack confidence in our adult population but see this issue as more of a medical one and I am willing to censure for our children's sake.

Some Eastern countries have used censorship to gain control of what their children can access. Should the West do the same?

Are our children worth it?


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