Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by gmc »

Anti-Brexit marchers REFUSE to call off London demo | Daily Mail Online

Came across this mob slightly more sane approach. Too bas alastair campbell is involved in it.

Anti-Brexit protesters march on parliament to demand their voice is heard - Top Stories - The New European

This wasn't a terrorist attack it was a sad loner attracted to extremist poliotics just like the guy that killed jo cox. I

I would love to hear what you think of this. ... _1_4851882
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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by magentaflame »

What i thought from the beginning. Its not what i would call a terrorist attack. ..... but people may differ.

People seem to want answers, why is it that "disgruntled" isnt an answer?
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by Bruv »

It seems he was born in Kent of a single mother and had a disturbed upbringing, moving around the south east. He was a coloured kid in a white school and felt the difference. The local news here (don't know if it was shown elsewhere) had interviews with school pals and associates. He had a short fuse and a violent streak, slashing someones face with a knife, another time leaping a bar to glass someone, outwardly a nice guy, but damaged who happened to convert to Islam, probably in prison.

Can't blame Islam for this week's events.
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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by gmc »

I see the ight wing press and nutters are using it to call for the police to be armed and to have the right to snoop on everybody's private messaging and stop you tube allowing extremist videos. Does this mean UKIP and the tory right will be banned I wonder after all it was them that radicailsed jo cox's killer and who have made xenophobia fashionable.
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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by Clodhopper »

Read the New European regularly. Good articles, joined up thinking. Must get round to subscribing.

I hope that the far right and UKIP are held responsible for brexit. If it is a raging success then they get the credit. If, as I believe, it is a complete shambles and a total disaster for this country, leading to widespread poverty extending well into the middle classes, no opportunities for anyone who can't afford private education and a shorter, less healthy lifespan following the inevitable cuts to the NHS which are already happening under this far right brexit government, owing to having Hunt in charge who is slime capable of nothing but ambition, and the break up of the UK. Well done brexiters. Any other way you want to trash the future of your children and grandchildren?

And if we weren't busy trashing the country through brexit there might have been the time and spare thinking capacity to deal with the NHS' issues. As it is, it's all swamped by brexit. Along with climate change which hasn't gone away just because the far right and trump think it's a liberal fantasy.

If you are a brexiter and think trumpists are unbelievably stupid for believing in Trump you should look at yourself again. Trumpists are just American brexiters. Same groups (KKK/Combat 18 and the extreme far right plus dupes), same blind faith, same stupidity.
The crowd: "Yes! We are all individuals!"

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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by Bruv »

I saw this on Twitter, I hope it is wrong.

Early warning signs of fascism.

Powerful and continuing nationalism.

Disdain for human rights.

Identification of enemies as a unifying cause.

Supremacy of the military.

Rampant sexism.

Controlled media.

Obsession with national security.

Religion and Government intertwined.

Corporate power protected.

Labour power suppressed.

Disdain for intellectuals and the arts.

Obsession with crime and punishment.

Rampant cronyism and corruption.

Fraudulent elections.
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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by Clodhopper »

I think the only one that doesn't apply to the brexit movement is Religion and Gov't intertwined.
The crowd: "Yes! We are all individuals!"

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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by gmc »

Clodhopper;1507948 wrote: Read the New European regularly. Good articles, joined up thinking. Must get round to subscribing.

I hope that the far right and UKIP are held responsible for brexit. If it is a raging success then they get the credit. If, as I believe, it is a complete shambles and a total disaster for this country, leading to widespread poverty extending well into the middle classes, no opportunities for anyone who can't afford private education and a shorter, less healthy lifespan following the inevitable cuts to the NHS which are already happening under this far right brexit government, owing to having Hunt in charge who is slime capable of nothing but ambition, and the break up of the UK. Well done brexiters. Any other way you want to trash the future of your children and grandchildren?

And if we weren't busy trashing the country through brexit there might have been the time and spare thinking capacity to deal with the NHS' issues. As it is, it's all swamped by brexit. Along with climate change which hasn't gone away just because the far right and trump think it's a liberal fantasy.

If you are a brexiter and think trumpists are unbelievably stupid for believing in Trump you should look at yourself again. Trumpists are just American brexiters. Same groups (KKK/Combat 18 and the extreme far right plus dupes), same blind faith, same stupidity.

Alastair campbell is cropping up. He has a toxic legacy but on this he is a good advocate. Fed up being told we just have to accept this in a democracy you have the right to change your mind. I think a lot of poiple who didn't bother voting the last time would turn out in droves another time.

posted by clodhopper

think the only one that doesn't apply to the brexit movement is Religion and Gov't intertwined.

What you havn't sen the calls for a return to christian values?

Britain must defend its Christian values against terrorism, David Cameron says | The Independent

Not to mention the growth in faith based schools. Now we see calls for the teaching of critical think so people aren't taken in by false facts so easily. I can just see that going down well in a religious school where they are being taught not to question belief..
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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by Clodhopper »

What you havn't sen the calls for a return to christian values?

I was reconsidering that for a different reason: It seems to me brexit belief is very religious-like in one way. Most of what it seems many believe is faith unsupported by acceptable evidence and there are a lots of myths - even falsehoods - but they don't interfere with the central belief (that the EU is evil).

(Cameron is just repeating an old Tory mantra. I don't really connect that one with brexit)
The crowd: "Yes! We are all individuals!"

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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by Clodhopper »

Since this IS a thread about life in London going on as normal, I'd just like to add my sense of pride in my city: It seems more than just propaganda that ordinary people immediately pitched in to help in the Westminster Bridge incident. Added to that a friend of mine happened to be in our local area recently when an old lady tripped on the pavement and fell, smacking her nose. Blood everywhere and she herself dazed. Every person who came past stopped to check and offer help.

I mention it because London and Londoners are often characterised as cold, unfeeling and unfriendly. I think it's not really true overall (though of course in a city of 8 million there will be some).
The crowd: "Yes! We are all individuals!"

Lone voice: "I'm not."
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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Clodhopper;1507981 wrote: Since this IS a thread about life in London going on as normal, I'd just like to add my sense of pride in my city: It seems more than just propaganda that ordinary people immediately pitched in to help in the Westminster Bridge incident. Added to that a friend of mine happened to be in our local area recently when an old lady tripped on the pavement and fell, smacking her nose. Blood everywhere and she herself dazed. Every person who came past stopped to check and offer help.

I mention it because London and Londoners are often characterised as cold, unfeeling and unfriendly. I think it's not really true overall (though of course in a city of 8 million there will be some).

and they're very different on their home patch than they are during the work run which is where most people see them.
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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by gmc »

Clodhopper;1507981 wrote: Since this IS a thread about life in London going on as normal, I'd just like to add my sense of pride in my city: It seems more than just propaganda that ordinary people immediately pitched in to help in the Westminster Bridge incident. Added to that a friend of mine happened to be in our local area recently when an old lady tripped on the pavement and fell, smacking her nose. Blood everywhere and she herself dazed. Every person who came past stopped to check and offer help.

I mention it because London and Londoners are often characterised as cold, unfeeling and unfriendly. I think it's not really true overall (though of course in a city of 8 million there will be some).

Genuine londoners aren't but there is a segment of the population down there that are cold unfeeling and friendly. Used to be a standing joke that you could tell tourists from the "south" of england if you said hello they would completely ignore you. Can't quite tell you where in england maybe essex round romford and places. Always wary of making sweeping genralisations though.
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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by Clodhopper »

Bryn Mawr;1508001 wrote: and they're very different on their home patch than they are during the work run which is where most people see them.

True. In many respects the whole of the City area can be seen as one big office and everything moves quicker here except the traffic ;)

Genuine londoners aren't but there is a segment of the population down there that are cold unfeeling and friendly. Used to be a standing joke that you could tell tourists from the "south" of england if you said hello they would completely ignore you. Can't quite tell you where in england maybe essex round romford and places. Always wary of making sweeping genralisations though.

I've wondered about that and my current theory is that it's not just one area, a lot of us are a bit that way and it's because we are somewhat desensitised. London is crowded. Always has been. As soon as you go anywhere you have people constantly inside your personal space and your defence against it is a sort of mental bubble of privacy which becomes so much a habit you don't even notice it's there. The result is you might not notice someone saying hello because you tune out so many hellos on a daily basis since they aren't aimed at you...

Then again you get tossers everywhere and in the nature of things people remember tossers much longer than they remember the friendly ones.
The crowd: "Yes! We are all individuals!"

Lone voice: "I'm not."
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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by Bruv »

Two observations.

I commuted from the suburbs into the West End and later the City for many years.

You must never attempt eye contact, the only time people would touch was at peak times when, like cattle you had to jam yourself into already full carriages, and even then only a brief glance is acceptable, even looking out the window is dangerous............because people think you are watching their reflection.

Large cities are the loneliest of places.

While walking in Scotland,up the hill behind my host's house, I lent on a fence to take a rest and look at the view.

A man started walking across the field toward me, I went into London mode, wondering what he wanted, what had I done wrong, should I be there ?

He greeted me warmly, asked if I was local, where I was staying,where I came from, and was I enjoying Scotland ? He knew my host and we spoke pleasantly for ten or more minutes. He left me hoping I enjoyed my stay.
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Life in london goes on as normal and the daily mail stamps it's foot in anger

Post by FourPart »

The fact is that not only with London, but with Britain as a whole, throughout our history, terrorism & Bully-Boy tactics have always proved to have the exact opposite effect than those intended. It unites us against the opposing force. It makes us stubborn & all the more determined not to give in to what they want. If, on the other hand, they act all nicey-nicey, we can't seem to give them what they want quick enough.
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