Will President Trump run for a second term?

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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

spot;1519560 wrote: Are you prejudiced against all fat old degenerates, or just this one?

More to the point, as far as I am concerned draft dodgers are not qualified to be Commander in Chief. Trump's announcement to run was laced with bigotry against Hispanics. I could go on about his racist attitudes, which I find intolerable.

I could go on about what I find offensive, but that would take up the rest of this thread.

My dad, like Trump, is from New York knows the proper word. I think he would have just called Trump uncouth.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by Clodhopper »

I keep changing my mind on this - I suppose in the end it comes down to predicting his ego and who knows where that will have taken him and the US in a couple of years?

A lot depends of Mueller and how Trumpists react to whatever he turns up. Also, if Trump says Fake News will that really make about 1/3 of the population disregard it?
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by spot »

I think the undesirability of Mike Pence ought to be a clinching argument.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

This Trump scam is nothing new, seems it hasn't the pizzaz of the other investigations.

It is the phony charity him and his family runs are even more corrupt than even I thought. That behind taking credit for taking money from donors an giving it to WORTHY :wah: CAUSES.

New York files suit against President Trump, alleging his charity engaged in ‘illegal conduct’

The New York attorney general filed suit against President Trump and his three eldest children Thursday, alleging “persistently illegal conduct” at the president’s personal charity, saying Trump repeatedly misused the nonprofit organization — to pay off his businesses’ creditors, to decorate one of his golf clubs and to stage a multimillion-dollar giveaway at his 2016 campaign events.

In the suit, filed Thursday morning, Attorney General Barbara Underwood asked a state judge to dissolve the Donald J. Trump Foundation. She asked that its remaining $1 million in assets be distributed to other charities and that Trump be forced to pay at least $2.8 million in restitution and penalties.

Nothing new about this criminal activity.

Donald Trump used money donated for charity to buy himself a Tim Tebow-signed football helmet

But Trump didn't actually pay with his own money.

Instead, the Susan G. Komen organization — the breast-cancer nonprofit that hosted the party — got a $12,000 payment from another nonprofit , the Donald J. Trump Foundation.

Trump himself sent no money. (In fact, a Komen spokeswoman said, Trump has never given a personal gift of cash to the Komen organization.) He paid the bill with money from a charity he founded in 1987, but which is largely stocked with other people's money. Trump is the foundation's president. But, at the time of the auction, Trump had given none of his own money to the foundation for three years running.

What really amazes me that a guy who claims to be a billionaire would engange in what could be called petty theft.

A judge has finalized a $25 million settlement for students who claim they were defrauded by Trump University

Former students who claim they were defrauded are now eligible for a refund of up to 90% of the money they spent on courses.

In November 2016, just days after the election, Trump agreed to settle three lawsuits filed against his real estate school that argued the program featured false advertisements and empty promises.

Despite its name, Trump University, which ceased operations in 2010, was not a licensed university.

Trump repeatedly denied the fraud claims and said that he could have won at trial, but he said that as President he did not have time because he wanted to focus on the country.

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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by Bruv »

Is this the beginning of the end ?

Or will he bluff it out, blaming it on 'fake news' ?
I thought I knew more than this until I opened my mouth
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

Bruv;1519595 wrote: Is this the beginning of the end ?

Or will he bluff it out, blaming it on 'fake news' ?

His corrupt organization is too well document. I look forward to him tweeting more lies.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

What happened to Kamala Harris' campaign?
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

One of us is in the wrong country and I think it's the draft dodger.

Trump praises Kim’s authoritarian rule, says ‘I want my people to do the same’

President Trump on Friday complimented Kim Jong Un’s authoritarian rule in North Korea, observing with apparent envy that when the 35-year-old dictator speaks, “his people sit up at attention.”

“He’s the head of a country, and I mean he’s the strong head,” Trump told Fox News Channel. “Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by Clodhopper »

tude dog;1519599 wrote: One of us is in the wrong country and I think it's the draft dodger.

Trump praises Kim’s authoritarian rule, says ‘I want my people to do the same’

President Trump on Friday complimented Kim Jong Un’s authoritarian rule in North Korea, observing with apparent envy that when the 35-year-old dictator speaks, “his people sit up at attention.”

“He’s the head of a country, and I mean he’s the strong head,” Trump told Fox News Channel. “Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”

I noticed that one and a couple of eyebrows shot round my head. Do you think that someone could tell him we ALL pay attention when he speaks. Just not in the way he thinks we do.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

Clodhopper;1519587 wrote: I keep changing my mind on this - I suppose in the end it comes down to predicting his ego and who knows where that will have taken him and the US in a couple of years?

A lot depends of Mueller and how Trumpists react to whatever he turns up. Also, if Trump says Fake News will that really make about 1/3 of the population disregard it?

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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by gmc »

tude dog;1519599 wrote: One of us is in the wrong country and I think it's the draft dodger.

Trump praises Kim’s authoritarian rule, says ‘I want my people to do the same’

President Trump on Friday complimented Kim Jong Un’s authoritarian rule in North Korea, observing with apparent envy that when the 35-year-old dictator speaks, “his people sit up at attention.”

“He’s the head of a country, and I mean he’s the strong head,” Trump told Fox News Channel. “Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”

Saw an item about muellers war record in vietnam. Can't remember where or I would post a link but I dare say there are loads anyway. You can argue the rights and wrongs about vitnam but it says a lot imo if he felt a moral obligation to go to vietnam and not use privilege to avoid it. Those who wave the flag of patriotism in politics are often the last who would actually go to war themselves.

In a country like america how does trump get away with draft dodging insulting john mccain for being captured after being shot down. I'd have thought his core vote would have found that appalling - shows what I know.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by Clodhopper »

He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.

If you elect a corrupt real estate mogul as President, when he refer to "my" people it sounds like the US people are now the possession of Donald Trump, like Trump Tower, and regarded the same way: the American people are totally owned by him. A personal possession. Not even slaves.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

gmc;1519618 wrote: Saw an item about muellers war record in vietnam. Can't remember where or I would post a link but I dare say there are loads anyway.


Mueller and Trump: Born to wealth, raised to lead. Then, sharply different choices.

is a long article comparing Trump and Mueller and Trump, but it seems to be complete.

gmc;1519618 wrote: You can argue the rights and wrongs about vitnam but it says a lot imo if he felt a moral obligation to go to vietnam and not use privilege to avoid it.

That was a little confusing, but I think I got your drift.

gmc;1519618 wrote: Those who wave the flag of patriotism in politics are often the last who would actually go to war themselves.


gmc;1519618 wrote: In a country like america how does trump get away with draft dodging insulting john mccain for being captured after being shot down. I'd have thought his core vote would have found that appalling - shows what I know.

I don't get it either. But considering I am a flag waving American who enlisted during the war. I also had motives like the GI Bill of Rights which would help me get some college education.

My best friends avoided the draft by going to college, but I would never call any of them draft dodgers. They just went on with their lives and never showed disrespect to me or our military.

Bill Clinton also dodged the draft but that never really bothered me like when Trump disrespected the service of John McCain.

If out of conscience one avoids the draft, I can respect that.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by gmc »

That was a little confusing, but I think I got your drift

It was a bit, (note to self don't post when tired.) My understanding was he volunteered out of a sense of obligation rather than wait to be drafted to my mind that suggests a strength of character to be resoected whether you think the vietnam war was right or not. Post 911 a lot of your military that signed up seem to have felt the same sense of obligation although I don't pretend to actually know what I am talking about.

If out of conscience one avoids the draft, I can respect that.

I don't think you could ascribe that motive to trump and I bet you somewhere he is on record disparaging those who did dodge out of conscience, went to canada or whatever.

Nothing trump does seems to dent his core support
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by AnneBoleyn »

tude: "Bill Clinton also dodged the draft...."

NO, he did not. Although he did write of his intention to do so in reality his number did not come up and he was never in actual danger of being drafted so his intentions were never put to the test.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

AnneBoleyn;1519631 wrote: tude: "Bill Clinton also dodged the draft...."

NO, he did not. Although he did write of his intention to do so in reality his number did not come up and he was never in actual danger of being drafted so his intentions were never put to the test.

That boy is five years older than I am, like my cousin who was drafted before the phony birth date thing came up.

Dodging the Draft

Presidential candidate Bill Clinton's integrity and patriotism came under considerable fire in 1992. Clinton had apparently agreed to join the R.O.T.C. as a way of avoiding being drafted into service during the Vietnam War and later reneged on that promise when his draft-lottery number ensured that he would not be selected.

That means for five years he dodged the draft.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by Clodhopper »

Sounds as if you aren't so far apart on that one: Bill C appears from what have been said to have intended to dodge the draft if necessary, out of conscience, which is a position tude has no problem with. The exact definition of dodge seems a bit secondary at that point.

I was reminded of a story of US conscientious objector courage from an earlier war:

When things were going very badly everywhere in WW2 and the Japanese had walloped the British in Burma and driven them back on the longest retreat in British military history to India, about the only good news was a series of not very significant raids behind enemy lines by British and Gurkha raiding groups nicknamed Chindits. Because it was the only success we had at the time the leader of the Chindits was taken along to the Quebec Conference where Roosevelt was horrified to hear the wounded had to be left behind with a grenade because the terrain was so rough they simply couldn't be carried over the long distances involved.

The result was US air transport and medical support for the British/Indian Army in Burma, including a lot of American Quaker stretcher bearers who were quickly very highly regarded for their courage under fire. I particularly recall an account from a junior British officer, winged early in an attack making his way back to the Aid post, seeing the American Quakers in their jeeps just behind the attack line, calmly reading their bibles and waiting for the calls.

The US air component was commanded iirc by Hap Arnold and was used (in small part) by the genuinely brilliant Bill Slim to create what looks very like a WW2 MASH: Light aircraft bringing out 2 stretchers at a time using small local clearings or roads as runways, direct to hospitals and surgery, and death rates hugely reduced. The main part of the air transport, together with the already existing British component, played a big role in winning the campaign especially at the battles of Imphal and Meiktila.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

What happened to Kamala Harris' campaign?
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by gmc »

You might need to be scots to appreciate the humour in this but donald trump is coming to the Uk at the height of the orange order marching season. It's got us laughing anyway.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by LarsMac »

tude dog;1519634 wrote: That boy is five years older than I am, like my cousin who was drafted before the phony birth date thing came up.

That means for five years he dodged the draft.

I remember the night they announced the lottery numbers. I heard my birthdate had a really high number, 326, I think. I would have been much happier if we had not been in the middle of cleaning the barracks for an inspection by the division commander the next day.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by Clodhopper »

gmc;1519686 wrote: You might need to be scots to appreciate the humour in this but donald trump is coming to the Uk at the height of the orange order marching season. It's got us laughing anyway.

He's going to be met by hordes of cheering freshly oranged up brexiters looking like a collection of evil Oompa-Loompas, welcoming their hero.

St Donald and St Vladimir - the patron saints of brexit. The epitome of what brexiters aspire to be, our future mapped out in their plans for adoring, worshipping brexiters to cheer about.

Brexiters - the worst curse this country has faced since the nazis.

I think I know why there is so little shift from brexiters even though it's increasingly obvious brexit is a total disaster.


They don't like how things are developing so they are sticking their fingers in their ears and ignoring the whole thing. Apart from the extreme far right and left who like how things are going.

Never forget that brexiters are responsible for brexit and its consequences. Never let THEM forget it. If we get the food and medical shortages the government predicts and you can't help everyone then help Remainers, but let brexiters eat the words they used to promise how easy it would be and how rich we would all be after the simplest deals in the history of the world. Lying bastards. (You might feed their kids, but brexiters should be able to live on brexit promises. If they can't - no loss.)

The Health Secretary telling businesses it is "inappropriate" to say what they will do in the event of a hard brexit - they will leave but they are not supposed to say so. "Inappropriate"? Could it be because it exposes brexit lies for what they are? Could it be because the ONLY appropriate thing to discuss in terms of brexit is the unity of the Tory Party?

The reality:

The term "Project Fear" has been used by some pro-Brexit campaigners to denote alleged scaremongering by those in favour of remaining in the EU.

"Airbus have been one of the first companies to stick their head above the parapet and explain how distressing and how worrying the government's current direction of travel is," Labour's shadow business secretary Rebecca Long-Bailey told BBC Radio 5's Pienaar's Politics.

She said she had been told in private meetings with UK business leaders that if the government went into a "no deal" Brexit scenario "it would finish them and they would have to close their sites".

(my bold type. Quotation from the BBC)

The belief that the EU pays any attention to our no deal threat is so stupid you have to be a brexiter to take it seriously. The only way to deal with that sort of stupidity in negotiations is to call the bluff. If we walk away we cripple our economy and starve ourselves. Brexiters don't care as long as they can blame someone else.

The ONLY thing that is starting to reconcile me to brexit is the thought of the ****s responsible suffering the consequences along with the 50 million people who didn't vote for Putin's plan.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by spot »

Today's something of a decision day as far as President Trump's choice to run for a second term is concerned. The mid-term election fully resets the House and a third of the Senate. If both retain their Republican majorities the President is so going to gloat.

He's certainly put a lot of effort into the run-up. I think he stands a better than even chance of retaining the present majority across Congress. By this time tomorrow we'll know.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

Today's something of a decision day as far as President Trump's choice to run for a second term is concerned. The mid-term election fully resets the House and a third of the Senate. If both retain their Republican majorities the President is so going to gloat.

He's certainly put a lot of effort into the run-up.

He is an actor who lives for the applause and adulation of his sycophants.

spot;1521192 wrote: I think he stands a better than even chance of retaining the present majority across Congress. By this time tomorrow we'll know.

I am not making any bets. Today I voted for more Demoncrats than I have in the past 20 or more years. Not that it is anything more than symbolic on my part.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Sounds like it's going his way so far
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by spot »

There are now an increased number of Republican Senators retaining their Senate majority. The House now has a Democrat majority for the first time in eight years.

President Obama had a House minority for his final six years, President Trump seems to have the same position today.

President Trump now has the ideal excuse in 2020 - his policies have been blocked by the Democrat majority in the House. He'll ask for a second term and a Republican majority across Congress.

So, who's going to run for President in 2024?
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by AnneBoleyn »

tude dog;1521197 wrote: He is an actor who lives for the applause and adulation of his sycophants.

I am not making any bets. Today I voted for more Demoncrats than I have in the past 20 or more years. Not that it is anything more than symbolic on my part.

Keep up the good work!
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by spot »

Here we are - commentary from the BBC:Even handing over power to Democrats in the House may have a bit of a silver lining for the president.

Now he will have someone to blame if the economy takes a turn for the worse (and, given business cycle realities, it might). He's got a ready-made explanation for why he can't get anything done in the next two years - and a pitch for what needs to change in the next election.

Day in and day out, he'll have a set of clear political opponents to contrast himself with.


Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by yaaarrrgg »

The only thing that saved the GOP in the Senate was that very few Republican senators were actually up for reelection in 2018. They did pretty bad considering they had a 2 to 1 advantage. Of course this probably means they will have a lot of losses in 2020 when the advantage is reversed.

As for the house helping Trump make excuses, he never had any issue with throwing his own party under the bus. Trump doesn't need excuses though. He just makes up stories about everything being a success. And then he personally mocks people who question the success.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by Ahso! »

He's a gem to watch. I couldn't stop laughing out loud listening to his news conference earlier.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by spot »

On a day practically designed for burying bad news, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has just "resigned". The President will be going to bed with a glow tonight.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by spot »

I'll offer a remotely unlikely possibility, that the House leaders and the White House decide to cooperate for the next two years, each pushing a portion of their agendas. We get the wall and isolationism and we get the safety nets reinstated too. Given that President Trump can be anything on the day, that he has no principles whatever, it's a possible way forward. The only price to pay is that it would guarantee his re-election.

What underlies all of this is that he has the economy racing. I doubt anyone can suggest it would be doing that without his impetus.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by Ahso! »

spot;1521213 wrote: I'll offer a remotely unlikely possibility, that the House leaders and the White House decide to cooperate for the next two years, each pushing a portion of their agendas. We get the wall and isolationism and we get the safety nets reinstated too. Given that President Trump can be anything on the day, that he has no principles whatever, it's a possible way forward. The only price to pay is that it would guarantee his re-election.

What underlies all of this is that he has the economy racing. I doubt anyone can suggest it would be doing that without his impetus.I agree, almost wholly improbable, but an idea of an approach that most probably would not even think of.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by yaaarrrgg »

Since Trump already promised that Mexico would pay for the wall, I'm cool with ever they want to do. I'm just not sure what Congress has to do with any of this. :-)

Trump's best shot is to say he already built the wall .... but it's so super high-tech, it's completely invisible. Otherwise, some cost estimates are as high as $2 trillion dollars, based on his original specs.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by Ahso! »

yaaarrrgg;1521218 wrote: Since Trump already promised that Mexico would pay for the wall, I'm cool with ever they want to do. I'm just not sure what Congress has to do with any of this. :-)

Trump's best shot is to say he already built the wall .... but it's so super high-tech, it's completely invisible. Otherwise, some cost estimates are as high as $2 trillion dollars, based on his original specs.

I can see him doing something like that. With the way he closes his eyes and slowly turns his head when he's spouting his lies and waving away anyone who would challenge him.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


I have only one thing to do and that's

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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by Ahso! »

Spot, fix the site, please. This is becoming insanely difficult to navigate around.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


I have only one thing to do and that's

Be the wave that I am and then

Sink back into the ocean

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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

Ahso!;1521209 wrote: He's a gem to watch. I couldn't stop laughing out loud listening to his news conference earlier.

I was in my car when I heard it. It was great. That CNN guy was a piece of work. I get home to see what and watch him fight the lady for the mike.

Actually made the Don look good.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by gmc »

tude dog;1521229 wrote: I was in my car when I heard it. It was great. That CNN guy was a piece of work. I get home to see what and watch him fight the lady for the mike.

Actually made the Don look good.

You must have watched the doctored version of the event put out by the white house. You have a president that doesn't want to be held to account for all his lies and collusion with Russia. who would silence a free press and has no respect for your political system and will destroy it to protect himself. Now he's appointed an attorney general that will do his bidding and who is himself under investigation. It's like something out of a very bad political thriller.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by yaaarrrgg »

The new AG looks like he could be cast as one of the goons in a mafia movie. Where his only line is "daaaa...okay boss!"
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by Ahso! »

yaaarrrgg;1521238 wrote: The new AG looks like he could be cast as one of the goons in a mafia movie. Where his only line is "daaaa...okay boss!"

I thought he looked more like someone out of Inglorious Bastards.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

gmc;1521237 wrote: You must have watched the doctored version of the event put out by the white house. You have a president that doesn't want to be held to account for all his lies and collusion with Russia. who would silence a free press and has no respect for your political system and will destroy it to protect himself. Now he's appointed an attorney general that will do his bidding and who is himself under investigation. It's like something out of a very bad political thriller.

Lest you never read my comments about the Don let me inform you I am no fan of his.

Often reporters ask a stupid question, but that is my opinion when that happens. No foul.

That CNN guy was looking for an argument and the Don would not bite. CNN guy was a total rude douche bag.

President Trump - Jim Acosta press conference

And Walter Croncrite original douche bag.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by yaaarrrgg »

Ahso!;1521239 wrote: I thought he looked more like someone out of Inglorious Bastards.

Haha yes he fits that movie as well. He's got that "dead in the eyes" look.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by yaaarrrgg »

tude dog;1521240 wrote:

That CNN guy was looking for an argument and the Don would not bite. CNN guy was a total rude douche bag.

President Trump - Jim Acosta press conference

And Walter Croncrite original douche bag.

I just watched the video but thought Trump was the jerk here.

The answer to Jim's question is...no this isn't actually an invasion, and Trump rarely says anything that's factually accurate. I'm not sure why reporters even bother asking him questions.

Trump again calls the press the enemy of the people. If questioned about this, he lies and say he has never said this.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by gmc »

tude dog;1521240 wrote: Lest you never read my comments about the Don let me inform you I am no fan of his.

Often reporters ask a stupid question, but that is my opinion when that happens. No foul.

That CNN guy was looking for an argument and the Don would not bite. CNN guy was a total rude douche bag.

President Trump - Jim Acosta press conference

And Walter Croncrite original douche bag.

I know you are not. Any offence given was unintentional it was just a general comment trump just doesn't seem to get that the job of a journalist is to ask embarrassing questions and challenge lies. Quite frankly the way he is behaving at the memorial service is not doing america a great deal of credit not going to a wreath-laying ceremony for american soldiers because it was raining does smack of a lack of respect for the fallen.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by AnneBoleyn »

gmc;1521243 wrote: I know you are not. Any offence given was unintentional it was just a general comment trump just doesn't seem to get that the job of a journalist is to ask embarrassing questions and challenge lies. Quite frankly the way he is behaving at the memorial service is not doing america a great deal of credit not going to a wreath-laying ceremony for american soldiers because it was raining does smack of a lack of respect for the fallen.

If Trump went out in the rain, his make-up and hair dye would run. If there was a wind, then all would see that he is partially very bald. Also, at his age, he was exhausted from the trip and time change and couldn't physically attend. Although this is only my opinion, I believe it is a valid one that you should consider. Of course, it renders him more pathetic than ever, a hard goal to reach.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by AnneBoleyn »

Acosta was set up. Trump could have ignored him and not called on him. Trump did, because it was pre-planned, like Everything He Does.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

yaaarrrgg;1521242 wrote: I just watched the video but thought Trump was the jerk here.

The answer to Jim's question is...no this isn't actually an invasion, and Trump rarely says anything that's factually accurate. I'm not sure why reporters even bother asking him questions.

Trump again calls the press the enemy of the people. If questioned about this, he lies and say he has never said this.

Why should he say that about the invasion?
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by tude dog »

gmc;1521243 wrote: I know you are not. Any offence given was unintentional it was just a general comment trump just doesn't seem to get that the job of a journalist is to ask embarrassing questions and challenge lies.

No offense taken. Mr. Acosta asked a question and got an answer. Rather than asking for a clarification or some other question he challenged the answer, wanting a debate. That is not the place for a debate with a room full of reporters waiting for a chance to ask the President a question. With his refusal to relinquish the microphone, he displayed an unacceptable arrogance worthy of his being 86'd.

gmc;1521243 wrote: Quite frankly the way he is behaving at the memorial service is not doing america a great deal of credit not going to a wreath-laying ceremony for american soldiers because it was raining does smack of a lack of respect for the fallen.
What happened to Kamala Harris' campaign?
She had the black vote all locked up.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by yaaarrrgg »

Trump thinks that reporters are supposed to just accept a BS answer and move on. Acosta refused to cede the mic and Trump refused to answer the actual question.

Of course since Trump lied to avoid the draft, he could be forgiven for not knowing what an actual invasion is. It's certainly not a bunch of poor people wandering around asking for asylum or work visas.

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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by gmc »

tude dog;1521252 wrote: No offense taken. Mr. Acosta asked a question and got an answer. Rather than asking for a clarification or some other question he challenged the answer, wanting a debate. That is not the place for a debate with a room full of reporters waiting for a chance to ask the President a question. With his refusal to relinquish the microphone, he displayed an unacceptable arrogance worthy of his being 86'd.

That's the function of a good journalist, not just to accept the answer but to challenge it if necessary.
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Will President Trump run for a second term?

Post by AnneBoleyn »

1st Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or OF THE PRESS; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
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